PDF Introduction to Computation and Problem Solving Class 32: The ...

Introduction to Computation and Problem Solving

Class 32: The Java Collections Framework

Prof. Steven R. Lerman and

Dr. V. Judson Harward


? To introduce you to the data structure classes that come with the JDK;

? To talk about how you design a library of related classes

? To review which data structures are the best tools for a variety of algorithmic tasks




In the original version of the Java Development Kit, JDK 1.0, developers were provided very few data structures. These were: ? Vector ? Stack: which extended Vector ? Hashtable: very similar to our implementation of HashMap ? Dictionary: an abstract class that defined the interface and some functionality for classes that map keys to values. Dictionary served as the base class for Hashtable. ? Enumeration: was a simple version of our Iterator that allowed you to iterate over instances of Hashtable and Vector.


The Java Collections Framework

? The Java designers realized that this set of data structures was inadequate.

? They prototyped a new set of data structures as a separate toolkit late in JDK 1.1, and then made it a formal part of the JDK in version 1.2.

? This later, fuller, better designed set of classes is called the Java Collections Framework.

? There is a good tutorial on its use at s/index.html.



Collections Interfaces, 1




Map SortedMap



Iterator ListIterator

Collections Interfaces, 2

? Collection: is the most basic interface; it has the functionality of an unordered list, aka a multiset, a set that doesn't not check for duplicates.

? Set: adds set semantics; that is, it won't allow duplicate members.

? List: adds list semantics; that is, a sense of order and position

? SortedSet: adds order to set semantics; our binary search tree that just consisted of keys without values could be implemented as a SortedSet



Collections Interfaces, 3

? Map: the basic interface for data structures that map keys to values; it uses an inner class called an Entry

? SortedMap: a map of ordered keys with values; our binary search tree is a good example

? Iterator: our Iterator except that it is fail fast; it throws a ConcurrentModificationException if you use an instance after the underlying Collection has been modified.

? ListIterator: a bidirectional iterator.


Collection Implementations

? The Java designers worked out the architecture of interfaces independently of any data structures. In a second stage they created a number of concrete implementations of the interfaces based on slightly more sophisticated versions of the data structures that we have been studying:

? Resizable Array: similar to the technique used for our Stack implementation.

? Linked List: uses a doubly, not singly, linked list. ? Hash Table: very similar to our implementation except that it

will grow the number of slots once the load factor passes a value that can be set in the constructor. ? Balanced Tree: similar to our binary search tree implementation but based on the more sophisticated RedBlack tree that rebalances the tree after some operations.



Collection Implementations, 2




Sorted Set


Sorted Map


Hash Table



Resizable Array ArrayList

Balanced Tree

Linked List LinkedList




Collection Implementations, 3

? Notice the gaps. There is no list based on a hash table. Why? What about a set implementation based on a linked list?

? The goal of the Java designers was to create a small set of implementations to get users started, not an exhaustive set.

? They expect that developers will extend the set of collection classes just as they expect that developers will add more stream classes.

? The most important part of the collection design was the architecture of interfaces. That's why they called it a framework.




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