Personal Computing Services Core Software Standards - 2010 ...

542480552705Report 43Personal Computing Services Core Software Standards – 2013 (CY08)Desktop FrameworkDated: December 5, 2012Prepared for:County of San DiegobyHPRevision HistoryRevisionRelease DatePurposeAuthorG12/05/2012Initial release of document. CY’08 standards update.Jermichael WebsterF04/25/2012Removed Red linesDebbie McPheeF12/8/2011Initial release of document. CY07 standards updateJermichael WebsterE-13/29/2011Separate Core software from other standard software productsStacie MacfadyenE12/02/2010CY06 standards update, add mobile device tableJermichael WebsterD-61/07/2010Modified IE8 Upgrade Start date to Q1 2010, ending Q3 2010; Modified Microsoft Office Upgrade Start date to Q1 2010, ending Q4 2010Jermichael WebsterD-51/06/2010Minor edits throughoutJermichael WebsterD-41/05/2010Modified Windows 7 Upgrade Start Date to TBD; Modified Windows Media Player 12.x Upgrade Start Date to TBD; Modified Attachmate 9.1 Upgrade Start Date to Q2 2010 ending Q4 2010; Modified Symantec Antivirus Upgrade Start Date to Q1 2010 ending Q4 2010; Modified IE 8.0 Upgrade Start Date to Q2 2010 ending Q4 2010; Modified Microsoft Office 2007 Upgrade Start Date to Q3 2010 ending Q2 2011; Modified WinZip 14 Upgrade Start Date to Q2 2010 ending Q3 2010; Modified Adobe Reader Upgrade Start Date to Q1 2010 ending Q4 2010; Modified Adobe FlashPlayer Start Date to N/A with footnote indicating no change to software version; Modified Java 6 Update 16 with footnote indicating that it does not work with KronosJermichael WebsterD-31/05/2010Updated and ResubmittedJermichael WebsterD-201/04/2010Corrected report number (Changed from 44 to 43); Changed Report Name to “Personal Computing Standards Services Core Software Standards – 2010 (CY05); Modified Personal Computing Operating System Recommendation to include Windows 7 with contingencies; Modified Windows Media Player Recommendation to include version 12.x with contingencies; Modified the Attachmate Standard Recommendation to reflect version 9.1with a remediation contingency; Modified OneNote recommendation to reflect OneNote 2007 Pro, changed delivery date to TBD with contingencyJermichael WebsterD-112/02/2009Initial DraftJermichael WebsterRev C5/28/2009“NOD 2009-05-22 Change to Toughbook Hardware Standard” Approved by EAJermichael WebsterRev B1/8/2009Updated to reflect results of meeting with CTOM. WiesenbergRev A12/5/2008Updated software tables to match contractual list per review comments.Yolanda Williams11/11/2008Initial release of recommended software standards for the 2009 year (CY04) Yolanda WilliamsTable of Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \t "1.1 Heading,2,1.1.1 Heading,3" 1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc342051693 \h 52Scope PAGEREF _Toc342051694 \h 53Software Standards Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc342051695 \h 6List of Tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: Schedule 4.3 SOW Deliverables Addressed PAGEREF _Toc342051700 \h 5Table 2: County of San Diego Core Desktop Applications PAGEREF _Toc342051701 \h 6Table 3: County of San Diego Additional Operating System & Components PAGEREF _Toc342051702 \h 7 PurposeThis document is the collection of the 2013 (CY08) Software Standards recommendations for Personal Computing software which are part of the Desktop Services Schedule 4.3 Statement of Work (SOW).Each set of recommendations provides the list of software recommended to replace existing standards for the desktop framework service area assets. The recommendations address the current installed core software and the recommended upgrades for the upcoming year. ScopeThe table below REF _Ref141519659 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 1 lists and describes the Schedule 4.3 SOW deliverables fulfilled by this document.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Schedule 4.3 SOW Deliverables AddressedMaster CoSD #SOW SectionSOW Item DescriptionCategory Section Addressing SOW ItemReport 434.4.4.3Recommend and submit software standards for Personal Computing assetsPersonal Computing Services2.1Software Standards RecommendationsThe table below lists and describes the Core Desktop Application Standards.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: County of San Diego Core Desktop ApplicationsApplication NameCurrent VersionLatest VersionRecommended VersionUpgrade Start DateEstimated Completion DateWindowsWindows 7 SP1 64 BitWindows 8Windows 7 SP1 64 BitQ1 2011Q3 2013Microsoft Windows Media Player11x12.x12.xQ1 2011 Q3 2013Attachmate Extra9.29.29.2DeployedCompletedSymantec Anti Virus11.0 Release Update 6 MP112.x12.xQ1 2013Q3 2013Internet Explorer8.x9.x9.xQ4 2012 Q3 2013Microsoft Office Office 2007 Pro SP2MS Office 2010 Pro SP1 (x86)MS Office 2010 Pro SP1 (x86)Q3 2012Q3 2013WinZip14.5x17.x17.xTBDTBDAdobe Reader9.x10.x10.xQ4 2012 Q2 2013Adobe FlashPlayer10.x11.x11.xDeployedCompletedRoxio CD Creator10.x201210.xDeployedCompletedThe table below lists and describes the Core Desktop Application Standards.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3: County of San Diego Additional Operating System & ComponentsOS / App NameCurrent VersionLatest VersionRecommended VersionUpgrade Start DateEstimated Completion DateDirectX9.0C and 2011Q3 2013Java Runtime Environment1.4.2, 1.5.09, & Java 1.6 Update 29Java 1.7 Update 9Java 1.7 Update 9TBDTBDInstallShield Isscript7,8,9,10.5, 11.5, 12.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.01818DeployedCompletedMicrosoft .NET1.1, 2.0 SP1, 3.5 SP1, TBDWDAC WDAC 6.0WDAC 6.0WDAC 6.0Q1 2011 Q3 2013Microsoft OneNote MS OneNote 2007OneNote 2010 Pro SP1 x86OneNote 2010 Pro SP1 x86Q3 2012Q3 2013Oracle Client11 G R2 x8611 G R2 x8611 G R2 x86DeployedCompletedRoxio UDF Reader7.1.0.957.1.0.957.1.0.95Deployed CompletedLive Meeting8.0.6362.x8.0.6362.x8.0.6362.xPublishedCompletedSilver Light4.x5.x5.xQ1 2013Q2 2013The table below lists and describes additional application standards for mobile PCs.OS / App NameCurrent VersionLatest VersionRecommended VersionUpgrade Start DateEstimated Completion DateMobility VPNNetMotion 9.23NetMotion 9.25NetMotion 9.23DeployedCompletedVPN ClientSSL VPN Juniper Networks 7.2R5SSL VPN Juniper Networks 7.3R2SSL VPN Juniper Networks 7.2R5Q4 2012DeployedEncryption ClientGuardianEdge Full Disk Encryption 9.5.3 sp2Symantec Endpoint Encryption 8.xSymantec Endpoint Encryption 8.xTBD 2013TBD 2013 ................

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