1 .I can run on

a )IIS b)apache c) both d)none.

2. A new series of APIs, controls, and providers in 2.0 enable you to control an application’s user membership and role management using --------------- method.

A) Membership.UserValidate ()

B) Membership.Validate ()

c)Membership.User ()

D) Membership.ValidateUser ()

3. Where do you enable tracing for an individual Web Form?

In the @ Tracing directive in the HTML code

In the web.config file trace element

In the @ Page directive in the HTML code

In code by setting Trace. On = True

4. Which of the following is not a template for the Repeater control?

Top of Form

A) FooterTemplate

B) SeparatorTemplate

c) EditItemTemplate

D) HeaderTemplate

5. I can prevent a button from validating the form it’s in by ______ property to false

a) Enabled

B) Validation Group

c) Visible

d) Causes Validation

6. What attribute do you set in custom Errors tag of web.config file for default error page?

Top of Form

default Redirect

Default Message


Default Error

6. A HTML control can be converted to server control

Top of Form



7. To insert a break point in the code ____________ key is used

A) F11 b) F9 c) F10 d) F12

9. You have added a list-bound control to your form and have properly filled its Dataset and set the Data Source property. The control is not displaying on your Web form. What is the most likely cause?

a) There is no data in the Dataset.

b) The SQL Server database is not available.

c) You have not issued the Bind Data method.

d) The control’s Enabled property is set to False.

10. Where do you specify the template information for list controls?

Top of Form

[pic]In the HTML code for the aspx file

In the machine.config file

In the code-behind page for the Web form

In the web.config file

11. Which of the following Web application files should not be included on a production server?

\ Top of Form

a)aspx files b)None c)web.config d)vb files

12.The ----------------- directive associates a class name to an page in order to get at strongly typed references or members contained within the specified master page

Top of Form

[pic]a)@MasterPage b) none c)@MasterType d)@Master

13. The DropDownList, ListBox, CheckBoxList, and RadioButtonList server controls give you the capability to visually add items to the collection displayed in the control. Using ___________ method

Top of Form

a)(ControlName).Items.Add.Value() b)None

C) (ControlName).Items.Add () d) (ControlName).Add.Items ()

14.If you want to use cache output for part of page, what must you do?

If you want to use cache output for part of page, what must you do? If you want to use cache output for part of page, what must you do? Top of Form

a)You cannot cache a part of a page.

b) Enclose the HTML code for the part of the page that you want to cache in cache tags.

c) Create a user control that contains the part of the page you want to cache.

d)Isolate the code into a subroutine.

15.You have made some changes in web.config file at production server. If you want your application to use the new settings of web.config then you need to perform the following task.......

a) Run in debug mode b) Rebuild c) Compile d) None

Top of Form

16.What are the two required attributes of the OutputCache directive? A. Timeout B. Duration C. Location D. VaryByParam.

a) B, D b) A,C c) D,A d) A,B

aTop of Form

17.Can session variables be accessed in .aspx source as we access it in .aspx codebehind?

A) Yes

b) No


d)Not possible in .net2.0

18.What are the units for the Duration attribute for the @OutputCache directive?




d) Seconds

19.State which of the following is/are true a) I need to install IIS on the system to run .net Application b) I need to install IIS on the system to deploy my Application

A)b b) None c)both d)a

20.State which of the following is/are true. a)DataGrid is new control in .Net .b)GridView is new control in .Net 2.0

A) B b) none c) both d) a

21.Which of the following is not a list-bound control?

A) DropDownList b) RadioButton c) DataGrid d) CheckBoxList

22.I can use web.config file to configure

a) Individual file b) Subdirectories c) Both d) None

Top of Form

23.Can I dynamically set the Image URL for Image Control?

a) Yes b) No

24.---------- enables you to submit a form (say, Page1.aspx) and have this form and all the control values post themselves to another page (Page2.aspx).

a)PostBack b) Cross-Page C)Posting Call Back d)sNone

25. using-------- class, you can get server-side access to the meta, p, span ,.. Tags

a) HtmlContainerControlrol b) HtmlGenericControl c) both d) None

26. If you set a breakpoint in your Web application and run the Web application,but execution does not stop at the breakpoint even though you are sure that the line was executed, what is the most likely problem? [pic]

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

a) You have the compile option set to compile a release version of the application. You are running the beta version of .

b)You have programmatically turned debugging off in the code.

c)The line could not have executed,otherwise the execution would have stopped

27. The ---------- directive declares that another page or user control should be compiled along with the active page or control.

a) @Reference b) @OutputCache c) @Page d) None

28. The___________ server control is new to 2.0. It enables you to turn an image into a navigation menu

a)Hyperlink b)Image Map c)Map d)Image

29. How do you display trace information that has not been displayed on the Web page?

a)Top of Form

You display it using Internet Explorer and the //localhost/WebAppName/trace.axd URL.

b) You run the viewtrace.exe program.

c)You view the trace.log file using notepad.exe.

d)You run the trace.exe program.

30------------ Control section includes all the controls that deal with the retrieval and display of data that comes from a data store of some kind.

A) Data b)Webparts c)Login d)Validation


1. Top of Form

The ---------- directive declares that another page or user control should be compiled along with the active page or control.

1.The --------directive declares that another page or user control should be complied along with the active page control..

@Reference None @Page @OutputCache


2.__________________________Allows for comparisons between the user’s input and another item using a comparison operator (equals, greater than, less than, and so on)

RangeValidator None RegularExpressionValidator RequiredFieldValidator

3.Which of the following Web application files should not be included on a production server?

.aspx files None web.config .vb files

4.___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field.

___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. ___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. ___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. ___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. ___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. ___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. ___________________Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. Top of Form

RangeValidator None

RegularExpressionValidator RequiredFieldValidator

5.using-------- class, you can get server-side access to the meta, p, span ,.. Tags

HtmlContainerControlrol None both HtmlGenericControl

6. I can prevent a button from validating the form it’s in by _______________ property to false

Top of Form

Enabled ValidationGroup Visible CausesValidation

7.To insert a break point in the code ____________ key is used.

Top of Form


F11 F9 F10 F12

8.Instead of message I can use image as error notification for validation controls.

Top of Form

False . True

9.___________________________Checks the user’s input based upon a lower-and upperlevel range of numbers or characters

Top of Form

[pic]RangeValidator None RegularExpressionValidator RequiredFieldValidator

10.________________ Validator has predefined validation for date.

Top of Form

[pic]RangeValidator None RegularExpressionValidator RequiredFieldValidator

11.____________________________Displaysall the error messages from the validators in one specific spot on the page.

RangeValidator None RegularExpressionValidator RequiredFieldValidator


12.---------- enables you to submit a form (say, Page1.aspx) and have this form and all the control values post themselves to another page (Page2.aspx)


Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Post Back None . Cross-page posting Call Back

13.If you want to use cache output for part of page, what must you do?

Top of Form


You cannot cache a part of a page. Enclose the HTML

code for the part of the page that you want to cache in cache tags.

Create a user control that contains the part of the page that you want to cache.

Isolate the code into a subroutine.

14._____________________________Provides specialized access to site map data for a Website that is stored by the site map provider

XmlDataSource Control None

ObjectDataSource Control SqlDataSource Control


15.Can I write server side code for master pages

Top of Form

[pic] No . Yes

16._________________________Provides specialized data access to XML documents, either physically or in-memory


Bottom of Form

Top of Form

XmlDataSource Control None ObjectDataSource Control SqlDataSource Control

17.You have developed a timesheet entry application that will be used by all employees in your company. You have used to develop this application and have deployed it on the company’s Web server. What should all the employees of the company install on their computers before accessing the timesheet entry application?

Top of Form


.NET Framework SDK Web Browser Visual Studio .NET .NET Framework Redistributable

18.When you create applications that use a common header, footer, or navigation section on pretty much every page of the application, __________________are a great solution.

Top of Form

master Pages none Genric Classes Thems

19.I can set the titles of a page dynamically

Top of Form

false . . True

20.The Page directive includes an _________ attribute that can be used to remove theming from your pages

Top of Form


Theming None EnableTheming master

Top of Form

[pic]21.State which of the following is/are truea)DataGrid is new control in .Net 2.0b)GridView is new control in .Net 2.0.

b none both a

22.What attribute do you set in customErrors tag of web.config file for default error page?

Top of Form

[pic]defaultRedirect defaultMessage defaultExceptionPage defaultError

23.___________________ is the new feature of 2.0

Top of Form

System.Collection.Genric Name space None Both Partial classes

24.------------ Control section includes all the controls that deal with the retrieval and display of data that comes from a data store of some kind

. [pic]Top of Form

[pic]Data Webparts Login Validation

25.Your web application requires users to be authenticated before they can view information. Each user has an account on your Windows servers. Which form of authentication should you use for best performance? [pic]

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

[pic]Windows authentication Passport authentication Forms-based authentication Default authentication

26.SqlConnection class is present under the ___________ NameSpace

Top of Form

[pic]System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.Xml System.Xml System.Data


27. What are the two required attributes of the OutputCache directive? A. Timeout B. Duration C. Location D. VaryByParam [pic]

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

[pic]B,D A,C D,A A,B

28. To programmatically assign the theme to the page, you must set the Theme of the Page property in or before the __________ event for any static controls that are on the page

Top of Form

Page_Render Page_PreInit Page_Load Page_PreRender

29.A HTML control can be converted to server control.

False .. True

30.What are the units for the Duration attribute for the @OutputCache directive?

Top of Form

[pic]Millisecond Hours Minutes Seconds


31.I can run on [pic]

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

[pic]Apache None Both IIS

32.In your application, you are opening a file. You want to close the file regardless of an exception in the program. Which of the following code blocks can help you achieve this?

Top of Form

[pic]catch foreach finally try

33.Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control.

Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control. Top of Form

[pic]Formview None. Both a & b Grid view

34.Which of the following is not a template for the Repeater control?

FooterTemplate SeparatorTemplate EditItemTemplate HeaderTemplate

35.With the release of 2.0, master pages are possible because the .NET Framework 2.0 now supports _____ Classes

Top of Form

Virtual Generic Partial Abstract

36.Which of the following is not a list-bound control?

Top of Form

[pic]Dropdown List Radio Button Data Grid Checkbox List

37.Can session variables be accessed in .aspx source as we access it in .aspx codebehind?

Top of Form

[pic]No None Not possible in .net2.0 Yes


39.The ----------------- directive associates a class name to an page in order to get at strongly typed references or members contained within the specified master page

Top of Form

@MasterPage None @MasterType @Master

Top of Form

40.You have made some changes in web.config file at production server. If you want your application to use the new settings of web.config then you need to perform the following task.......

Rebuild none Run in debug mode Compile

41.If you set a breakpoint in your Web application and run the Web application,but execution does not stop at the breakpoint even though you are sure that the line was executed, what is the most likely problem?


Bottom of Form

Top of Form

You have the compile option set to compile a release version of the application.

You are running the beta version of .

You have programmatically turned debugging off in the code.

The line could not have executed,otherwise the execution would have stopped

42.The___________ server control is new to 2.0. It enables you to turn an image into a navigation menu.

Top of Form

HyperLink ImageMap Map Image

43.With the addition of _____________ in 2.0, it has become quite easy to apply a consistent look and feel across your entire application

StyleSheets None MasterPages themes and skins

44.Where do you enable tracing for an individual Web Form?

In the @ Tracing directive in the HTML code In the web.config file trace element In the @ Page directive in the HTML code In code by setting Trace.On = True

Top of Form

[pic]45.State which of the following is/are true a) I need to install IIS on the system to run .net Application b) I need to install IIS on the system to deploy my Application

b none both a

46.Can I dynamically set the Image URL for Image Control?

Top of Form

No . Yes

47.You have added a list-bound control to your form and have properly filled its DataSet and set the DataSource property. The control is not displaying on your Web form. What is the most likely cause?

Top of Form

There is no data in the DataSet.

The SQL Server database is not available.

You have not issued the BindData method.

The control’s Enabled property is set to False.


48.How do you display trace information that has not been displayed on the Web page?

You display it using Internet Explorer and//localhost/WebAppName/trace.axd URL.

You run the viewtrace.exe program

You view the trace.log file using notepad.exe.

You run the trace.exe program.

49.To access the index of data in a grid view we need ……………. Property

PageIndex GridIndex RowIndex SelectedIndex

50.We can force the end user to select one of the provided values in the drop-down list before he/she is able to post the form by setting _______________________ property/ies of RequiredFieldValidator control.

Top of Form

InitialValue None Both ControlToValidate

Top of Form

51.We cannot implement nested master pages

false True

Top of Form

[pic][pic][pic]52.State which of the following is/are true a)DataGrid control is present in .Net 2.0 b)GridView control is present in .Net 2.0

b none both a

53.If you have multiple buttons on an page, and you don’t want each and every button to initiate the form validation, you can set the ____________________ property to False for all the buttons you want to ignore the validation process.

Validation None ControlToValidate CauseValidation

54.__________________ Provides specialized data access to other classes that return data

XmlDataSource Control None ObjectDataSource Control SqlDataSource Control

55.Each theme folder can include the following:

Top of Form

CSS files All of the above Images A single skin file

56.Where do you specify the template information for list controls?

In the HTML code for the aspx file In the machine.config file

In the code-behind page for the Web form In the web.config file

57.The DropDownList, ListBox, CheckBoxList, and RadioButtonList server controls give you the capability to visually Add items to the collection displayed in the control. Using ___________ method





58. You are designing a Web site that allows users to file their taxes online. Users log on to the Web site using their tax identification number and a personal identification number. You want to ensure that users do not include spaces with the tax identification number. You want to achieve this by writing the minimum amount of code. Which of the following validation controls would you choose?

RangeValidator CustomValidator

RegularExpressionValidator RequiredFieldValidator

59.I can use web.config file to configure

Top of Form

Individual file None Both Subdirectories


60. If you want to turn off theming for multiple controls within a page, consider using the Panel control to encapsulate a collection of controls and then set the ____________ attribute of the Panel control to False

VarByParam StyleSheet master EnableTheming


1. What is .Net?

A: .Net is a Platform neutral framework; it acts as a layer between operating system and programming language. It supports many programming languages. It supports common set of class libraries.

2. What is .Net Framework?

A: A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .net technologies, such as desktop applications and web services.

3. What is CLR?

A: Common Language Runtime, a runtime environment that manages the execution of .net program code and provides services such as memory and exception management, debugging and profiling, and security. The CLR is a major component of the .NET framework. It is a layer above operating system. .Net applications communicate with OS through CLR.

4. What is CTS and its functions?

A: The common type system defines how types are declared, used, and managed in the runtime, and is also an important part of the runtime's support for cross-language integration.

CTS Functions:

i).Establishes a framework that helps enables cross-language integration, type safety, and high performance code

ii) Provides an object-oriented model that supports the c complete implementation of many programming languages.

iii) Defines rules that languages must follow, which helps ensure that objects written in different languages can interact with each other.

5. What is CLS?

A: The Common Language Specification (CLS) aids the development of mixed language programming. It defines a subset of Common Type System which all class library providers and language designers targeting CLR must adhere to.

6. What is JIT?

A: The JIT or Just in Time Compiler is the part of the runtime execution environment, which is used to convert the intermediate language into native executable code.

7. What is MSIL?

A: The source code in .net is compiled to an intermediate language (IL) is called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL).

8. What is Garbage Collector?

A: Garbage Collector manages the allocation and release of memory for an application which is running in a managed environment (like the Common Language Runtime); it attempts to reclaim the memory used by the objects that will never be accessed again by the application. GC.Collect (); to call Garbage Collector explicitly.

9. What is ?

A: is a language neutral, interoperable, server side technology that allows creation, execution and deployment of scalable web applications and web services.

10. What is an Assembly?

A: An assembly is a partially compiled code library for use in deployment, versioning and security.

11. What are the types of Assemblies?

A: i). Single file Assembly

Whenever a single .net application is used as the source for the .net

assembly then it is said to be single file assembly.

a) Private Assembly

b) Shared Assembly

c) Global Assembly Cache

d) Satellite Resource Assembly

e) Globalization and Localization

ii) Multi file Assembly

When ever an assembly is defined based on multiple assembly definition then it is called multifile assembly.

12. What is serialization?

A: Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. Deserialization is the opposite process of creating an object from a stream of bytes. Serialization/Deserialization is mostly used to transport objects (e.g. during remoting), or to persist objects (e.g. to a file or database).

13. What is Code Access Security (CAS)?

A: CAS is the part of the .NET security model that determines whether or not a piece of code is allowed to run, and what resources it can use when it is running. For example, it is CAS that will prevent a .NET web applet from formatting your hard disk.

14. What is View State and use?

A: The Viewstate is a powerful feature that maintains the state of pages between post backs.

Ex: When a form is submitted in classic ASP, all form values are cleared. Suppose you have submitted a form with a lot of information and the server comes back with an error. You will have to go back to the form and correct the information. You click the back button, and what happens.......all form values are cleared, and you will have to start all over again! The site did not maintain your Viewstate. This problem can overcome with the help of Viewstate.

15. What are Validation Controls?

A: A set of server controls included with that test user input in HTML and Web server controls for programmer-defined requirements.

16. What is Caching? Types of caching?

A: Caching is a technique widely used in computing to increase performance by keeping frequently accessed or expensive data in memory. In context of web application, caching is used to retain the pages or data across HTTP requests and reuse them without the expense of recreating them.

Types of caching:

i) Output caching.

ii) Fragment Caching.

iii) Data Caching.

17. What is Authentication?

A: Authentication is the process of validating a user based on the credentials (username and password) of the user.

Types of Authentication:

i) Windows-based authentication

ii) Form based authentication

iii) Passport authentication

18. What is Authorization?

A: Authorization determines whether an identity should be granted access to a specific resource (user).

19. What is Web Garden?

A: A Web garden contains multiple worker processes.

Each CPU in the SMP server handles a separate worker process.

20. What is Web farm?

A: A Web farm contains multiple worker processes.

Each server in the group of servers handles a separate worker process.

21. What is web.config file? And what can be stored in it?

A: An Asp .net application has one web.config file which keeps the configurations required for the corresponding application. Web.config file is written in XML with specific tags having specific meanings.

1. Database connections

2. Session State

3. Error Handling

4. Security

22. What is Machine.config file?

A: As web.config file is used to configure one asp .net web application, same way Machine.config file is used to configure the application according to a particular machine.

23. What is State Management? Types of state management?

A: It is the process of maintaining the state of the control or a variable after page posts back from server between pages.

Mainly there are two different ways to manage web page’s state: Client-side and Server-side.

1. Client-side state management:

A. Cookies.

A cookie is a small amount of data stored either in a text file on the client's file system or in-memory in the client browser session. Cookies are mainly used for tracking data settings.

B. Hidden Field

A hidden field does not render visibly in the browser, but you can set its properties just as you can with a standard control. When a page is submitted to the server, the content of a hidden field is sent in the HTTP Form collection along with the values of other controls. A hidden field acts as a repository for any page-specific information that you would like to store directly in the page.

C. View State

The Viewstate is a powerful feature that maintains the state of pages between post backs.

D. Query Strings

Query strings provide a simple but limited way of maintaining some state information. You can easily pass information from one page to another, But most browsers and client devices impose a 255-character limit on the length of the URL.

2. Server-side state management:

Information will be stored on the server, it has higher security but it can use more web server resources.

A. Application object

The Application object provides a mechanism for storing data that is accessible to all code running within the Web application, the ideal data to insert into application state variables is data that is shared by multiple sessions and does not change often.

B. Session object

Session object can be used for storing session-specific information that needs to be maintained between server round trips and between requests for pages

C. Database

Database enables you to store large amount of information pertaining to state in your Web application. Sometimes users continually query the database by using the unique ID, you can save it in the database for use across multiple request for the pages in your site.

24. What is managed code and managed data?

Managed code is code that is written to target the services of the Common Language Runtime. In order to target these services, the code must provide a minimum level of information (metadata) to the runtime. All C#, Visual , and code is managed by default. Visual C++ code is not managed by default, but the compiler can produce managed code by specifying a command-line switch (/CLR).

Closely related to managed code is managed data—data that is allocated and de-allocated by the Common Language Runtime's garbage collector. C#, Visual Basic, and data is managed by default. C# data can, however, be marked as unmanaged through the use of special keywords. Visual C++ data is unmanaged by default (even when using the /CLR switch), but when using Managed Extensions for C++, a class can be marked as managed by using the __gc keyword. As the name suggests, this means that the memory for instances of the class is managed by the garbage collector. In addition, the class becomes a full participating member of the .NET Framework community, with the benefits and restrictions that brings. An example of a benefit is proper interoperability with classes written in other languages (for example, a managed C++ class can inherit from a Visual Basic class). An example of a restriction is that a managed class can only inherit from one base class.

25. What are the different types of objects available in ?


i. SqlConnection Object.

ii. SqlCommand Object.

iii. Sql DataReader Object

iv. Dataset Object.

v. SqlDataadapter Object

26. What are features of 2.0?

A: Master Pages, Themes, and Web Parts

Standard controls for navigation

Standard controls for security

Roles, personalization, and internationalization services

Improved and simplified data access controls

Full support for XML standards like, XHTML, XML, and WSDL

Improved compilation and deployment (installation)

Improved site management

New and improved development tools

27. What are different types of controls available in ?


i. Standard Controls

ii. Data Controls

iii. validation Controls

iv. Login Controls

v. Navigation Control

28. What is connected Architecture?


Whenever the application interacts with data base using connection oriented model then it is mandatory the connectivity between the application and data base has to be maintain

through out the application.

29. What is Disconnected Architecture?

A: whenever disconnected model is used to interact with the database then the connectivity between the application and data base need not to be maintain while performing navigation are manipulation on the data.

30. What is ?

A: stands for ActiveX Data Objects for .NET. That can be used by programmers to access data and data services. It is a part of the base class library that is included with the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Data source:- data source property will maintain address of the memory location where the record are available.

Data bind:- this method will read the records from the memory location and arranges in the form of table format.

Stored sub program:- it can be defined as unit of compile  code maintained by data base server  with particular name .

Data set:- data set can be defined as in-memory data base for the client application. This will support complete disconnected architecture with xml data representation.

Data adapter:- data adapter is collection of command objects. This will act as a mediator between dataset and data base server. This will perform 2 things.

1. It will read the data from data base and arrange with in the database.

2. The manipulations of the dataset will be updated to database server.

Data serialization:-  it is the process of maintaining object state in the form of a stream. The stream can be binary standard that is platform dependent or xml base i.e.; platform independent.

Early binding:- early binding nothing but declaring the object of specific type but with this kind of object it's can't be used to hold any other type of the object/class.(OR)

Properties and method can be identified by compile time.

Ex:- dim rs as record set.

Late binding:- late binding declaring the object of generic type and that object be used to hold the instance of the any object/class.(OR) Properties and methods can be identified by runtime.

Ex:- dim obj as class name

       Set obj =new class name.

Cookie:- used for storing small amount of data on client browser.

Serialization:- it is a process of converting an object in to a stream of bytes.  Dot net has 2 serializations namely     1. XML  serializer    2.SOAP

Component object model:- it is a specification to achieve language interop.

Thread: part of the process.

Multi threading:- it is used to execute multiple task at the same time .

Note:- by default all the .net applications are single threaded apartment application.

Methods of thread of class:-

Start:- it is used to start the processing of the thread.

Abort:-  it is used to kill the processing of the thread.

Suspend:- it is used to pause the processing of the thread.

Resume:- it is used to continue the processing of the thread.

Sleep:- it is static method which  is used to halt the processing of the thread for the specified   mille seconds.

Thread joining:- it is used to halt the processing of all the other threads while executing the thread which has been joined.

Difference between PostBack and IsPostback?

Postback is the event which sends the form data to the server. The server processes the data & sends it back to the browser. The IsPostback property is used to detect whether the page is postback or just loaded first time.

Caching:- caching is the concept of storing frequently used data into temporary memory for faster access.

1. Output caching:- entire page caching.

2. Fragment caching:- when the caching is applied to the portions of the state management.

Cookies:- a cookie can be defined as small amount of memory used by the web server in the client system. cookie:- when the cookie is maintained by the browser process then it is call as in-memory cookie. This will be temporary cookie. 

2. persistent cookie:- when the cookie is maintained on the hard disk memory then it is called persistent cookie

Method overriding:- whenever the methods which belongs to the base class has be redefined at the derived class then it is called method overriding.

Method overloading:- it is the process of redefining the same method 'n' number of times provide in different types of parameters. Which will always represent different  type of outcome while execution.

Shadowing:- it is used to shadow the definitions provided at the derived class such that the definitions specified at the base class will be projected.

What Methods are fired during the page load?

Init()- when page is instantiated.

Load()-when the page is loaded into server memory.

Prerender()- The brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML.

Unload()- When the page finishes loading.

What is Global assembly cache?

Each computer where the CLR is installed has a machine-wide code cache called the global assembly cache. It refers assemblies specifically designated to be shared by several applications on the computer.

What is Get and Post methods?

Get Method: It creates a query string and appends it to the script URL on the server that handles the request.

Post Method: It creates a name/value pairs that are passed in the body of the HTTP request manage.

What is the garbage collection?

It is responsible for cleaning up the unused objects in the runtime environment. It is done implicitly? Yes, system.gc.collect.

What is abstract class?

An abstract class is a class that is declared abstract—it may or may not include abstract methods. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.

What is abstract method?

An abstract method is a method that is declared without an implementation (without braces, and followed by a semicolon), like this:

abstract void moveTo(double deltaX, double deltaY);

If a class includes abstract methods, the class itself must be declared abstract, as in:

public abstract class GraphicObject {

// declare fields

// declare non-abstract methods

abstract void draw();


What is Interface?

An interface is a reference type, similar to a class, that can contain only constants, method signatures, and nested types. There are no method bodies. Interfaces cannot be instantiated—they can only be implemented by classes or extended by other interfaces.

What is manifest?

It is the metadata that describes the assemblies.

What is metadata?

Metadata is machine-readable information about a resource, or ""data about data."" Such information might include details on content, format, size, or other characteristics of a data source. In .NET, metadata includes type definitions, version information, external assembly references, and other standardized information.

Difference between Abstract and interface.

In a interface class, all methods are abstract without implementation where as in an abstract class some methods we can define concrete. In interface, no accessibility modifiers are allowed. An abstract class may have accessibility modifiers.

What is a Two-Tier Architecture?

Two-tier architecture is where a client talks directly to a server, with no intervening server. It is typically used in small environments(less than 50 users).

What is a Three-Tier Architecture?

The third tier (middle tier server) is between the user interface (client) and the data management (server) components. This middle tier provides process management where business logic and rules are executed and can accommodate hundreds of users (as compared to only 100 users with the two tier architecture) by providing functions such as queuing, application execution, and database staging. The three tier architecture is used when an effective distributed client/server design is needed that provides (when compared to the two tier) increased performance, flexibility, maintainability, reusability, and scalability, while hiding the complexity of distributed processing from the user.

This Keyword : 1:- object of current class. 2:- call constructor from another constructor.

Web services: These are web applications that provide services to other applications over the internet.

Garbage collector:- clr also contains GC which runs in a low priority thread and checks for un-referenced dynamically allocated memory.

Properties:- It’s provide the opportunity to protect a field in a class by reading and writing it through the property.

Struct:- It is collection of similar data types and methods.

Diffrence between class and structure:- can’t inherit one structure to another structure.

Structure can inherit the interfaces, can’t inherit classes.

EX:- int i=220;

Object obj=i;-----Boxing.

Int b=int(obj);---Un Boxing.

Delegate :- A delegate consist of a reference to an object and references to one or more methods with in a object.

A function pointer contains only a reference to a particular function.

Application Variable:- Application variable get initiated when application starts only one time.

Session variable:- session variable get initiated when session starts many times.

Difference between c++ and c# :- c++ oop. C# purely oop.

C++ define a class or not define a class .

C# every thing should be in a class.

Sql Server

I want query,i want display who haveing 10 character name

Select * from employee where len(employee_name)=10

How to create new table using select command?

Select * into newtable name from old table name.

How to find the Nth max salary using sql server.

Select * from employee e where 1=(select count(distinct(e1.salary)) from employee e1 where e1.salary>e.salary)

How to find top 5 salaries in sql server.

Select top 5 salary from employee order by salary asc.

• what is a Constraint

constraint nothing but Rules.

Difference between clustered and non-clustered index

1). Clustered index: Only one clustered index is allowed for a table. The order of values in a table. Order of values in index is also same. When cluster index is created on table data is arranged in ascending order cluster index will occupy 5% of the table.


Create clustered index an (columns)

(Create clustered indew emp_clindex an emp (empno)

2). Non-clustered index:

It is the default index created by the server the physical order of the data in the table is different from the order of the values in index.

Max no of non – clustered indexes allowed for table is 249.

Difference between function and stored procedures?

Function can return only one value. function can take only input parameters only.

Stored procedure can return many values it should take input parameters and return output parameters.


1. Class C is inherited from class A and class B, class D is inherited from class C.

Which of the following is true?

I] class C inherits class A attributes

II] class D inherits class B attributes only

III] class C inherits class B attributes

IV] class D inherits class A attributes only

a) I, II


c) I,III

d) I, IV

2. If a variable is named as iIntrestRate in declaration in the function main, it means

a) variable is of int type and local, stores garbage value when not initialized.

b) Variable is of int type and global, stores zero value when not initialized.

c) Variable is of int type and global, stores garbage value when not initialized.

d) Variable is of int type and local, stores zero value when not initialized.

3. function printf() is ….

a)user defined function

b)library function



4. Which of the following is true?

i) Process of identifying the similarities among different classes and Moving common data and methods to base class is called as Generalization.

ii) Process of creating classes for specific need from a common base class is called as Specialization

a) I

b) II

c) I,II

d) none

5. …….implements run time polymorphism in .

a)method overloading

b)method overriding

c)both a and b


6. Derived classes cannot access private members of base class.


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

7. Specialization is achieved with the help of inheritance.


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

8. Which of the following will slow down the query most?

a) Name=’rama’

b) Name like ’%rama’

c) Name like ’rama%’

d) Name like ’%rama%’






The above code will generate ……

a)List Box

b)Drop Down list

c)Radio button list

d)check box list

10. The disadvantages of using frames is/are

I. The web developer must keep track of more HTML documents

II. It is difficult to print the entire page

a) I

b) II

c) I, II

d) none

11. Which of the following is\are true?

I. Immediate mode can be achieved by keeping the SCRIPT tags in the Head.

II. Deffered mode can be achieved by trapping the onload event.

a) I

b) II

c) I,II

d) none

12. How do we declare an int variable i in javascript?

a) int i;

b) var i;

c) integer i;

d) var int i

13. Method Prompt() contain …….. number of parameters.

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Zero

14. getMonth( ) returns the month as … value

a) int

b) Float

c) Char

d) String

15. If a button is clicked ………. Event handler is invoked

a) Onclick()

b) Onsubmit()

c) OnLoad()

d) IsPostBack()

16. …………… things can be achieved with the help of CLR.

I. Garbage collection

II. Multiple versioning support

III. IIS web server

a) I

b) I,II


d) None

17. I can inherit a class written in C++ into a C# Program file using .net framework 1.1.


b) False

18. while(1){Response.Write(“hello”);} This code displays……..

a) Compile time error

b) Runtime Error

c) Infinitely hello

d) hello for one time

20. Using Visual you can:

i) Create DataBase

ii) Deploy

a) I

b) I,II

c) II

d) None

21. On cascade Delete will cause deletes in referenced table to delete corresponding rows in foreign table.


b) False

22…….. Is/are the for Xml clauses in an Ms-Sql query.

I. Raw

II. Auto

III. Implicit

IV. Del

a) I,II

b) II


d) IV,II

23. A function cannot have …… returned type in sql server.





24. Which of the following is\are true?

I. Triggers can be called directly.

II. Triggers are invoked automatically.

a. I

b. I,II

c. II

d. None

25. Logical tables created in memory that holds a copy of affected data in rows while a trigger is executing is/are

I. Inserted Table

II. Deleted Table

III. Updated Table

IV. Altered Table

a. IV, II

b. II


d. I,II

26. When an insert or delete action is performed against a row that belongs to a range of rows being read by transaction. This kind of data integrity issues is called as………..

a) Nonrepeatable Read

b) Phantom Read

c) Dirty read

d) None

27. Default isolation level in SQL sever is ………

a) Read Uncommitted

b) Repeatable Read

c) Serializable

d) Read Committed

28. ………….. Object cannot contain more than one table.

a. DataTable b. DataRow c.DataColumn d.None

29. ……………. Method is used to store a Xml file in data set.

a. Read() b. Write() c.Get() d.Fill()

30. I can have more than one global.asax files in my web application.

a. True b. False

---------------------Good Questions---------------------------------


1. You have developed a timesheet entry application that will be used by all employees in your company. You have used to develop this application and have deployed it on the company’s Web server. What should all the employees of the company install on their computers before accessing the timesheet entry application?

A. . NET Framework Redistributable

B. .NET Framework SDK

C. Visual Studio .NET

D. Web Browser

2. 2.You have created an Web form using the code-behind technique. The user interface is stored in DisplayCatalog.aspx, and the business logic is stored in DisplayCatalog.aspx.cs. You want to compile the code-behind file before you deploy it on the Web server. Which of the following commands will you use at the command line?

A. csc / t: library DisplayCatalog.aspx.cs

B. csc DisplayCatalog.aspx.cs

C. csc / t: library DisplayCatalog.aspx

D. csc DisplayCatalog.aspx

3. You are designing a Web site that allows users to file their taxes online. Users log on to the Web site using their tax identification number and a personal identification number. You want to ensure that users do not include spaces with the tax identification number. You want to achieve this by writing the minimum amount of code. Which of the following validation controls would you choose?

A. RequiredFieldValidator

B. RangeValidator

C. RegularExpressionValidator

D. CustomValidator

4. You are developing a Web application for an online bank. Your application allows user to access their account information and transaction right from their desktops. When the user logs on to your application, you want to show the user-name and current balance on all the pages of the application until the user logs off. You want your application to be safe from malicious users. Which of the following state management techniques should you use? (Select the best answer.)

A. Cookies

B. View state

C. View state with encryption

D. Session

5. In your application, you are opening a file. You want to close the file regardless of an exception in the program. Which of the following code blocks can help you achieve this?

A. try

B. catch

C. finally


6. You have written a component that will be shared among multiple applications. You want to install the component to the GAC. Which of the following tools will you use to achieve this? (Choose two)

A. sn.exe

B. gacutil.exe

C. ngen.exe

D. installutil.exe

7. Your web application requires users to be authenticated before they can view information. Each user has an account on your Windows servers. Which form of authentication should you use for best performance?

A. Default authentication

B. Windows authentication

C. Forms-based authentication

D. Passport authentication

1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Which of the following is 2.0 Data provider?

a. ODBC b. SQL Client c. Both d. none

2. Data Row class falls under ……… architecture of Data Base

a. Connected b. Disconnected c. Both d. None

3. Transaction class falls under ……… architecture of Data Base

a. Connected b. Disconnected c. Both d. None

4. If I want to create SqlTransaction object, I call BeginTransaction() method

Using ……. Object.

a. SqlConnection b. SqlCommand c. SqlDataReader d. Dataset

5. What happens if another user modifies the contents of a row between the time one user retrieve it and the time one submit the updated?

a. We get two entries in the table b. An unhandled exception occurs

c. First update attempt will fail d. Both the update attempts will fail

6. ………. Access the data in read only and forward only mode

a. SqlDataReader b. SqlDataAdapter c.Both d. none

7. Which of the following are Data Manipulation Language (DML) queries?

a. Insert b. Create Table c. Alter View d. Drop Procedure

8. By default the direction of parameter is set as ………

a. Input/Output b. Output c. Input d. Return Value

9. ………….. Object contains more than one table.

a. DataTable b. DataRow c.DataColumn d.None

10. ………. Displays the number of rows in a given table for disconnected architecture.

a. obj.Tables.Rows.Count b. obj.Tables[0].Rows.Count

c. obj.Tables.Rows[0].Count d. obj[0].Tables.Rows.Count

11. ……………. Method is used to store XML file in data set.

a. XmlRead() b. XmlWrite() c.GetXml() d.FillXml()

12. ……………. Class is used for handling xml data.

a. SqlXmlDataReader b. XmlDataReader

c. XmlReader d, SqlDataReader

13. ……………. Method is used to store a table in data set.

a. Read() b. Write() c.Get() d.Fill()

14. ReadXml method belongs to the class of ………. Name space.

a. System.Data b. System.Data.SqlClient

b.System.Xml d. System.Data.Xml

15. SqlConnection class is present under the …………. NameSpace

a. System.Data b. System.Data.SqlClient

b.System.Xml d. System.Data.Xml

16. Which of the following is a prototype of WriteXml() method?

a. WriteXml(String) b. WriteXml(String, obj)

c. Both d. None

17. To execute a stored procedure at data access layer we need to set ……….

Property of SqlCommand objects.

a. CommandText mandType

c. CommandStoredProcedure c.StoredProcedureType

18. If we want to add a row to a table in dataset we use the following code.

a. obj.Tables.Rows.Add () b. obj.Tables[0].Rows.Add ()

c. obj.Tables[0].Rows[0].Add () d. obj.Tables.Rows[0].Add ()

19. Object for SqlDatAdapter can be created as follows

SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter(StrSql,StrConn);

a.True b.False

20. Which of the following is the best way to execute “Select count(*) from Table1”

Query at Data Access layer.

a. ExecuteNonQuery b. ExecuteScalar c. Both d. None

21. For carrying out transactions we need Connected Architecture.

a. True b. False

22. Any SqlDataDase file added to our application gets stored in ………. Folder.

a. Asp_Net b.App_Data c.Asp_Data d.Asp_App

23. I can execute my web application even with web.Config file.

a. True b. False

24. If I want to work with only few rows of data, the better way is to work with…….

a. DataTable b. DataRow c.DataColumn d.DataSet

25. Can I give DataSource to a textbox and bind it to data as we do for gridViews.

a. Yes b.No


1. Users are managed inherently by Windows, if ........ is enabled.

a.Windows Authentication b. Form Authentication

c.PassPort Authentication d.none

2. Access Rules functionality in the Web Site Administration Tool is located under the .......... tab.

a. Application b.Security c.Provider d.none

3. Debug Settings functionality in the Web Site Administration Tool is located under the .......... tab.

a. Application b.Security c.Provider d.none

4.By default, ...... file is created when you create a project.

a..css b.web.config c..aspx

5. ……allow you to control the behavior of multiple pages in your application from a single location.

a. Master Pages

6. A style sheet has an extention.

a. css b. ssc

c. scs d. scc.

7. ................ control is used to access the data from data base.

a. Gridview b. Text Box

c. Login d. Label.

8. An assembly containes.

a. Manifest file b. Metadata file

c. Both a & b d. None.

9. Trace file has an extention of ……………. .

a. axd b. asx

c. aspx d. config.

10. ………….. Method is used to check the authorization of a user.

a. IsInRole() b. IsAuthorized ()

c. IsPostBack () d. IsNotInRole ().

11. To access a variable from web.config of appsething we need ……………. Class.

a. ConfigurationManagement b. ConfigManagement

c. WebConfiguration d. Webconfig.

12. To access the index of data in a grid view we need ……………. Property.

a. SelectedIndex b. PageIndex

c. RowIndex d. GridIndex.

13. To access the value of a textbox ………….. Property is used.

a. Text b. Value

c. Both a & b d. None.

14. Insertion of a new row in a data base table facility is available in …………. Data control.

a. Grid view b. Form view

c. Both a & b d. None.

15. To give the relation between Gridview and Formview we write the code in ………… event.

a. SelectedIndexChange b. SelectedIndexChanged

c. SelectedIndexChanging d. SelectedIndex.

16. An event which is triggered when ever a post back occurs is ………….

a. Pageload b. Onload

c. Formload d. Buttonclick.

17. What is an event?

a. Keypressed b. Button click

c. Both a & b d. None.

18. What is delegate?

a. Pointer to Pointer b. Pointer to Function

c. Pointer to Class d. Pointer to Arrays.

19. ……... is a predefined method in collection class to insert an element to the top of the stack.

a. Pop ( ) b. Insert ( )

c. Push ( ) d. Store ( ).

20. ……… is a predefined method in collection class to insert an element in a queue.

a. Push ( ) b. Queue ( )

c. enqueue ( ) d. Insert ( ).

21. If we want the folder not to be accessed by any user except (1),(2) & (3).

(1) Admin (2) Trainer (3) Trainee (4) All users

(where 1, 2 & 3 are roles). Then the access order is….

a. Deny all, allow 1,2,3 b. Allow 1, deny all, allow 2,3

c. Allow 1,2, deny all, allow 3 d. Allow 1,2,3, deny all.

22. To make a sitemap ………… Control is\are used.

a. Menu control b. Tree control

c. Both a & b d. None.

23. If we want to redirect the user from current page to some other page ……. Method is used.

a. Transfer.Server b. Request.Redirect

c. Both a & b d. None.

24. Password Recovery Control has …….. views.

a. 2 b. 3

c. 1 d. 4.

25. ………. Control is used to check, if the textbox is empty.

a. Validation b. Data

c. Navigation d. None.


1.Javascript file has an extension of...





2.To have your page automatically reloaded every X seconds the Tag used is





3.Which of the following displaysthe text in larger and bolder fonts?

1. Heading 4

2. Heading 5

3. Heading 6

4. Heading 6

4.the tag Used to Link Text with other documents is





5.......tag is used to give heading to the table.

1. 2. 3. 4.

6.Javascript was developed in the year.....

1.1996 2.1995 3.1994 4.1997

7.Deferred mode indicates that

1.Script is executed based on some user action.

2.Script is executed automatically When ever the page is loaded.

3.Either 1 or 2


8.isNaN()– Evaluates an argument to determine if given value... Not a Null Not a Number Not a New object

4.None of the above

9..... function is used to parse a String to int.

1.Integer.Parse() 2.Int.Parse() 3.Parse.Int() 4.none

10.Which of the following Dilog Box displays a message and a data entry field

1.alert( ) 2.prompt( ) 3.confirm() 4.msg()

11....Event is used to check an empty Text Box.

1.Onchange 2.Onclick 3.OnFocus 4.onBlur

12.Which of the following is a regular expression to check for an empty text box

1. /$\s*^/

2. /^\s*$/

3. /$\s+^/

4. /^\s+$/

13.... Method is used to validate the value according to regular expression.

1. validate() 2.eval() 3.test() 4.check()

14Common Language Runtime

1. Manages code execution at runtime

2. Manages Threads

3. Both a and b


15.Values passed by references are stored on....

1.Heap 2.Stack 3.Depends on the method 4.stack if memory is not available on heap

16.A single .net dll can contain unlimited number of class

1. true 2.False

17.A single .net console application can contain two main() method in two different files

1. true 2. false

18. Which of the following is true

i)Class does not occupies memory.

ii)Struct does not support inheritance.

1.i 2.ii 3.i and ii 4.none

19.Wrapping up of data and function into a single unit is called as ......

1.Inheritance 2.Abstraction 3.Polymorphism 4.Encapsulation

20.Use of this keyword is

i)To refer to the current object

ii)To explicitly invoke one constructor from the other constructor of the same class.

1.i 2.ii 3.i and ii 4.none

21.Which of the following is not true

i)Constructor can return a value.

ii)non-static Constructor can access Static variables.

1.i 2.ii 3.i and ii 4.none

22. Two methods with same name and parameters but with different return types in the same class, will lead to..

1. Compile time error 2.Runtime Error 3.Method over loading 4. method overriding

23. int i=20; string s=i.Tostring(); These steps of code performs

1.Unboxing 2.boxing 3.Serialization 4.deserialization

24. Method Over loading is not a compile time polymorphism.

1.True 2.False

25.If we want to leave up to the derived class to override a method or not then method in the base class should be declared as

1.Sealed 2.Virtual 3.Abstract 4.Protected

26.CLS is standardized by


27. CTS stands for

mon Transfer Source mon Type System mon Time System mon Type Specification

28.... converts MSIL to native code

1.JIT 2.GC 3.CLS

29. The following statement is not true

I. Run time polymorphism is achieved by method overriding.

ii. dll hell problem is solved by versioning of assembly in .net frame work.

1.i 2.ii 3.i and ii 4.none

30.An Assembly can contain

i.only one metadata file

ii.only one manifest file

iii.Unlimited metadata file

iv. Unlimited manifest file

1.iii and iv 2.i and iv 3.ii and iii 4.iv

31.From you can

1.Test Application 2.Debug Application 3. none 4.Both 1 and2

32. .... is the runtime environment for .net application on Windows 2000 server





33.Which of the following is true when an object is passed as a parameter to a method?

a) Each field is copied to the called object's field

b) Only the base address of the object is passed to the method

c) Each field is passed by value

d) only the object reference is set to that object.

34. Abstract class is a class

a) whose objects cannot be created

b) Contains at least one abstract method

c)a and b


35. Derived classes can access private members of base class.


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

*36. How do you round the number 76.89 to nearest whole number in javascript

1.Ceil(76.89) 2.math.Ceil(76.89) 3.round(76.89) 4.math.round(76.89)

37.C# allows multiple inheritance


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

38. Can we override a private method of base class in derived class



c)depends on language used.

d)depends on operating system

39. C# allows programming with pointers

a) True

b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

40. Every static variable is public by default.

a) True

b) False

c) May or may not

d) None


1. When we press Alt+F9 in TurboC for myprogram.c, it performs ……

a) Preprocessing and Compiling of the code is done.

b) Compiling and Linking of the code is done.

c) Preprocessing, Compiling, and Linking is done.

d) Preprocessing, Compiling, Linking and Loading is done.

2. In Memory when a function f2 is called from function f1, the f1 variables and

the address of the next statement to be executed are stored in

a) stack

b) heap

c) queue

d) all of the above.

3. How many iterations will be there for the following "while" loop ?

I = 0;

NUM = 10;

while (I < NUM)


I = I + 2;

I = I - 1;


a) 9

b) 10

c) 11

d) 12

4. For the following switch case statement,

switch (I)


case -1:


case 0:



case 1:




Which of the following statement is true?

a) If the value of I is -1, then only n is incremented

b) If the value of I is -1 then n and z are incremented

c) If the value of I is -1 then n,z and p are incremented

d) If the value of I is -3 then n,z and p are incremented

5. Which of the following is true when an array is passed as a parameter to a


a) Each array element is copied to the called function

b) Only the base address of the array is passed to the function

c) Each element is passed by value

d) Each element is passed by reference

6. Class C is inherited from class A and class B,class D is inherited from class C.

Which of the following is true

I] class C inherits class A attributes

II] class C inherits class B attributes

III] class D inherits class B attributes only

IV] class D inherits class A attributes only

a) I, II



d) I, IV

7. Encapsulation is a principle

a) which allows any object to derive and reuse the characteristics of another object.

b) which facilates the object to hide its implementation and expose only the interfaces

c) which allows any object to expose only the objects attributes

d) which makes any object to behave different depending upon the input object or the

calling object.

8. A class that inherits from more than one base class. This is called as

a) multiple inheritance

b) multilevel inheritance

c) either a and b

d) none of the above

9. If a variable is named as giIntrestRate in declaration, it means

a) variable is of int type and local, stores garbage value when not initialized.

b) Variable is of int type and global, stores zero value when not initialized.

c) Variable is of int type and global, stores garbage value when not initialized.

d) Variable is of int type and local, stores zero value when not initialized.

10. function main() is ….

a)user defined function

b)library function



11. If we need to perform a task for 999 times, what could be the best solution

a)for loop

b)while loop

c)do while loop

d)switch case

12. Which of the following is/are infinite loop/loops



c)both a and b


13. Which of the following is the best practice in creating a class?

a) State is private, Behavior is public.

b) State is public, Behavior is private.

c) State is private, Behavior is private.

d) State is public, Behavior is public.

14. Process of identifying the similarities among different classes and Moving common data and methods to base class is called as



c)either a or b

d)neither a nor b

15.Process of creating classes for specific need from a common base class is called as



c)either a or b

d)neither a nor b

16. Abstract class is a class

a) whose objects cannot be created

b) Contains at least one abstract method

c)a and b


17. …….implements run time polymorphism.

a)method overloading

b)method overriding

c)both a and b


18. The derived class must implement all the methods that are not implemented in the base abstract class


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

19. Derived classes cannot access protected members of base class.


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

20. Object oriented programming is

a)top - down approach

b)bottom - up approach

c)both a and b


21. Ambiguty in multiple inheritances in C++ is removed with the help of

a)Virtual Functions

b)Virtual Base class

c) Abstract classes

d) Abstract methods

22. C# allows multilevel inheritance


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

23. A child inherits the characteristics of Father and Mother, is an example for ….

a)Multiple inheritance

b)Multilevel inheritance

c)single inheritance


24. Aggregation is ….. relation ship




d) All the above

25. If a class has more than one method with same name and different signature then it is called as…….

a)method overloading

b)method overriding

c)both a and b


26. If we want the method of base class to be overridden in the derived class in c# then, I should declare the method as…….





27. If we want the method of base class to be not overridden in the derived class in c# then, we should declare the method as…….





28.Refrence of one class can be the object of another class


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

29.Can we override a private method of base class in derived class



c)depends on language used.

d)depends on operating system.

30…… operator is used in C# to dynamically allocate memory.





/***************************SQL and RDBMS*********************/

31. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?





32. With SQL, how do you select a column named "FirstName" from a table named "Persons"?

• EXTRACT FirstName FROM Persons

• SELECT Persons.FirstName

• SELECT FirstName FROM Persons

• none

33. With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"?

• SELECT Persons

• SELECT *.Persons

• SELECT * FROM Persons

• SELECT [all] FROM Persons

34. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" is "Peter"?

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter'

• SELECT [all] FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter'

• SELECT [all] FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'

35. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" starts with an "a"?

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='%a%'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='a'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE '%a'

36. The OR operator displays a record if ANY conditions listed are true. The AND operator displays a record if ALL of the conditions listed are true

• False

• True

37. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "FirstName" is "Peter" and the "LastName" is "Jackson"?

• SELECT FirstName='Peter', LastName='Jackson' FROM Persons

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter' AND LastName='Jackson'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter' AND LastName LIKE 'Jackson'

• none

38. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "LastName" is alphabetically between (and including) "Hansen" and "Pettersen"?

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName>'Hansen' AND LastName'Hansen' AND LastName

B.[pic]< Body >

C.[pic]< Head >


6 . The code will be processed on web server when the runat attribute of the < Script > tag has the following value.





7 . The server control, which provides an alternative way of displaying text on web page, is

A.[pic]< asp:label >

B.[pic]< asp:listitem >

C.[pic]< asp:button >


8 . tag replaces which of the HTML tags

A.[pic]< Option >

B.[pic]< Select >

C.[pic]< List >


9 . The first event to be triggered in an aspx page is





10 . Postback occurs in which of the following forms





11 . What namespace does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?





12 . Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset?

A.[pic]Fill ( )

B.[pic]ExecuteQuery ( )

C.[pic]Read ( )


13 . How many configuration files can an projects have?


B.[pic]More Than One



14 . How do you register a user control?

A.[pic]Add Tag prefix, Tag name

B.[pic]Add Source, Tag prefix

C.[pic]Add Src, Tagprefix, Tagname


15 . Which of the following is true ?

A.[pic]User controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer

B.[pic]Custom controls are displayed correctly in Designer

C.[pic]User and Custom controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer.


16 . Can a dll run as stand alone application ?



C.[pic]Sometimes we can make it by introducing some code


17 . To add a custom control to a Web form we have to register with


B.[pic]Name space of the dll that is referenced


D.[pic]All of the above


18 . Custom Controls are derived from which of the classes





19 . A web application running on multiple servers is called as





20 . What is the transport protocol used to call a webservice?






21 . How Different from ASP?

A.[pic]Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is interpreted seperately

B.[pic]Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled as a DLL, the DLLs can be executed on server

C.[pic]Code is separated from the HTML and interpreted Code is interpreted separately


22 . What's the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()?

A.[pic]Response.Output.Write() allows you to flush output

B.[pic]Response.Output.Write() allows you to buffer output

C.[pic]Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output

D.[pic]Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream output


23 . Why is Global.asax is used ?

A.[pic]Implement application and session level events

B.[pic]Declare Global variables

C.[pic]No use


24 . There can be more than 1 machine.config file in a system?




25 . What is the extension of a web user control file ?


B.[pic]. Ascx



26 . What is the default session time out?

A.[pic]20 Sec

B.[pic]20 Min

C.[pic]1 hr


27 . Which of the following is true ?

A.[pic]IsPostBack is a readonly property of System.Web.UI.Page class

B.[pic]IsPostBack is a method of System.Web.UI.Page class

C.[pic]IsPostBack is a method of System.UI.Web.Page class


28 . It is possible to set Maximum length for a text box through code.




29 . The number of forms that can be added to a aspx page is




D.[pic]More than 3


30 . How do you manage states in application?

A.[pic]Session Objects

B.[pic]Application Objects



E.[pic]All of the above


1 . Can you inherit multiple interfaces in C#?




2 . Interfaces provide implementation of methods.




3 . Structs and classes support inheritance




4 . The following type of class can't be instantiated

A.[pic]none of the above





5 . What is a multicast delegate?

A.[pic]a delegate called multiple times

B.[pic]a delegate having multiple handlers assigned to it

C.[pic]a delegate which has multiple implementations


6 . XML documents for a C# program can be generated using ________________

A.[pic]/doc switch

B.[pic]/xmldoc switch

C.[pic]/gendoc switch


7 . A virtual method can't be over ridden.




8 . Method Overloading and Overriding are the same.




9 . To change the value of a variable while debugging, ________________ window is used.





10 . Some features of C# language are not supported by .NET?




11 . We can call COM objects in C# using :





12 . A delegate in C# is similar to:

A.[pic]a pointer

B.[pic]a function pointer



13 . Events in C# are impltemented using:


B.[pic]Specialized DLLs



14 . Which language is more suitable for writing extermely high performance mission critical applications?

A.[pic]Visual Basic .NET




15 . Can we use pointers in C#?




16 . What is Boxing?

A.[pic]conversion of reference types to value types

B.[pic]conversion of value types to reference types

C.[pic]Encapsulating a base class


17 . What is automatic memory management in .NET known as:

A.[pic]Managed Code

B.[pic]Smart Caching

C.[pic]Garbage Collection


18 . Value Types are stored on the heap.




19 . Reference types are stored in :

A.[pic]the hard-disk

B.[pic]the stack

C.[pic]the Heap


20 . Which of the following best describes Garbage Collector.

A.[pic]Garbage Collector destroys the pointers

B.[pic]Garbage Collector copies the IL code to the heap

C.[pic]Garbage Collector is responsible for automatic memory management


21 . NET offers the follwing security features:

A.[pic]Both the above

B.[pic]Code-based security

C.[pic]Transaction based security

D.[pic]None of the above


22 . Any process can be divided into multiple _________________



C.[pic]Application domains


23 . Applications running in different App Domains can't communicate with each other:




24 . 'Reflection' is used to _______________________

A.[pic]Debug C# programs

B.[pic]Get assembly metadata using code

C.[pic]Compile C# programs


25 . Assemblies are of the following types:





26 . Manifest is an area where:

A.[pic]Assembly metadata is stored

B.[pic]Debug information is a stored

C.[pic]the assembly code is compiled


27 . Assembly version information is stored in ________________

A.[pic]Garbage Collector




28 . How does a running application communicate or share data with other application running in different application domains?

A.[pic]using .NET remoting services.

B.[pic]using attributes

C.[pic]using Exceptions


29 . The following namespace is used for globalization:





30 . Each process in a 32 bit Windows environment has ___________ amount of virtual memory available.


B.[pic]4 MB

C.[pic]4 GB


| |

|  1 of 30   |

|Top of Form |

|1 . A struct is a _____________ |

| |

|A.[pic]a reference type |

| |

|B.[pic]value type |

|[pic] |

|2 . An int in C# is _______________ |

| |

|A.[pic]16 bit unsigned integer |

| |

|B.[pic]32 bit signed integer |

| |

|C.[pic]64 bit integer |

|[pic] |

|3 . A char in C# is ___________ |

| |

|A.[pic]32 bit |

| |

|B.[pic]16 bit |

| |

|C.[pic]8 bit |

|[pic] |

|4 . String is an ____________ |

| |

|A.[pic]reference type |

| |

|B.[pic]object type |

|[pic] |

|5 . Which of the following are predefined reference types in C#? |

| |

|A.[pic]string |

| |

|B.[pic]object |

| |

|C.[pic]int |

|[pic] |

|6 . All types in C# implicitly derive from _____________ |

| |

|A.[pic]System class |

| |

|B.[pic]System.Object class |

| |

|C.[pic]System.CSharp class |

|[pic] |

|7 . What is managed code? |

| |

|A.[pic]Code written in |

| |

|B.[pic]Code which can't be managed by the IL |

| |

|C.[pic]Code managed ouside the IL |

| |

|D.[pic]Code to be compiled by IL |

|[pic] |

|8 . What is similar in concept to IL? |

| |

|A.[pic]Machine Language |

| |

|B.[pic]C++ Libraries |

| |

|C.[pic]Java Byte Code |

|[pic] |

|9 . What is JIT? |

| |

|A.[pic]Just in Time |

| |

|B.[pic]Java Internal Translator |

| |

|C.[pic]Just in Translation |

|[pic] |

|10 . Does C# support multiple inheritance? |

| |

|A.[pic]No |

| |

|B.[pic]Yes |

|[pic] |

|11 . Which of these .NET languages has been specefically designed to be used with .NET? |

| |

|A.[pic]Visual C++ .NET |

| |

|B.[pic]C# |

| |

|C.[pic] |

|[pic] |

|12 . Which of the following are the features of .NET |

| |

|A.[pic]Garbage Collection |

| |

|B.[pic]Language Interoperability |

| |

|C.[pic]Multiple Inheritance |

|[pic] |

|13 . The methods which can be called without instantiating an object first are called ____________ |

| |

|A.[pic]primary |

| |

|B.[pic]dynamic |

| |

|C.[pic]static |

|[pic] |

|14 . All .NET code have to be CLS compliant. |

| |

|A.[pic]True |

| |

|B.[pic]False |

|[pic] |

|15 . Which of the following is an exclusive feature of C#? |

| |

|A.[pic]XML documentation |

| |

|B.[pic]IL |

| |

|C.[pic]Object Oriented |

|[pic] |

|16 . Which of the following is used to denote comments in C#? |

| |

|A.[pic]// |

| |

|B.[pic]/* */ |

| |

|C.[pic]/// |

|[pic] |

|17 . What is an assembly? |

| |

|A.[pic]A collection of C# compilers |

| |

|B.[pic]A logical unit containing complited code |

| |

|C.[pic].NET debugger |

|[pic] |

|18 . An assembly can be stored across multiple files? |

| |

|A.[pic]Yes |

| |

|B.[pic]No |

|[pic] |

|19 . Attributes are ______________ |

| |

|A.[pic]Used to provide extra information for the compiler |

| |

|B.[pic]Return types |

| |

|C.[pic]data types |

|[pic] |

|20 . Is the 'finally' keyword is supported in C#? |

| |

|A.[pic]Yes |

| |

|B.[pic]No |

|[pic] |

|21 . Can you derive your own classes from the base class Library? |

| |

|A.[pic]True |

| |

|B.[pic]False |

|[pic] |

|22 . Which tool is used to browse the classes, structs, interfaces etc. in the BCL? |

| |

|A.[pic]WinCV |

| |

|B.[pic]bcl.exe |

| |

|C.[pic]csc.exe |

|[pic] |

|23 . Which method will you call to start a Thread? |

| |

|A.[pic]Begin() |

| |

|B.[pic]Start() |

| |

|C.[pic]Jump() |

|[pic] |

|24 . System is a ______________ |

| |

|A.[pic]Program |

| |

|B.[pic]Namespace |

| |

|C.[pic]Class |

|[pic] |

|25 . IF a namespace isn't supplied, which namespace does a class belong to? |

| |

|A.[pic]System |

| |

|B.[pic]A nameless global namespace |

| |

|C.[pic]Windows |

|[pic] |

|26 . The base class Arrray belongs to the ______________________ namespace |

| |

|A.[pic]System |

| |

|B.[pic]Arrays |

| |

|C.[pic]GlobalType |

|[pic] |

|27 . Namespaces are used to __________________ |

| |

|A.[pic]Create a unique name for an assembly |

| |

|B.[pic]Avoid name clashes between data types |

| |

|C.[pic]Separate assemblies |

|[pic] |

|28 . There can me more than 1 Main() functions in a C# program |

| |

|A.[pic]No |

| |

|B.[pic]Yes |

|[pic] |

|29 . Which C# collection allows accessing an element using a unique key? |

| |

|A.[pic]Dict |

| |

|B.[pic]KeySort |

| |

|C.[pic]HashTable |

|[pic] |

|30 . Even if an exception hasn't occurred, the 'finally' block will get executed. |

| |

|A.[pic]Yes |

| |

|B.[pic]No |

|Bottom of Form |


1 . What is CTS?

A.[pic]Common Translation system

B.[pic]Csharp Type System

C.[pic]Common Type System

D.[pic]Constants Translation Specification


2 . What is CLS?

A.[pic]Common Language Specification

B.[pic]Common Library System

C.[pic]Csharp Language Specification

D.[pic]Code Location Specification


3 . What is CLR?

A.[pic]Common Library Reorganization

B.[pic]Csharp Language Respecification

C.[pic]Csharp Library Roster

D.[pic]Common Language Runtime


4 . What is IL?

A.[pic]Interchangeable Library

B.[pic]Interoperable Languages

C.[pic]Intermediate Language

D.[pic]Interchangeable languages


5 . Which is the first level of compilation in the .NET languages?



C.[pic]Platform-specific code


6 . IL code compiles to _________________________

A.[pic]Platform-specific Executable code

B.[pic]Byte Code

C.[pic].NET Code


7 . All the .NET languages have the following in common

A.[pic]Base Class Library




8 . Can web pages can be programmed in C#?




9 . From command line, a C# program can be compiled using ___________________





10 . Which of the following can you create using C#?

A.[pic] Web pages

B.[pic]Stand alone GUI (Windows Forms) applications

C.[pic]Class libraries

D.[pic]Command Line applications


11 . The C# code files have __________________ as extension.





12 . Every statement in C# must end with __________





13 . There must be at least one function in a C# program. Which of the following functions is most essential.





14 . To write a line of text to the console window, we make the following call





15 . All the C# programs must have the following statement

A.[pic]include System

B.[pic]using System

C.[pic]using DotNet


16 . Which of the following is a correct call to the Main() function

A.[pic]static Main(void)

B.[pic]static void Main()



17 . To read user input from the console, the following statement is used





18 . A code block in C# is enclosed between _____________

A.[pic]{ }

B.[pic][ ]

C.[pic]< >


19 . We declare an integer variable 'x' in C# as _____________

A.[pic]int x;

B.[pic]integer x;

C.[pic]x integer;


20 . All the variables local to a method in C# must be initialized before they can be used.




21 . The field variables in a class or a struct in C# are by default given a value of zero




22 . Which of the following is the correct way to instantiate an object in C#:

A.[pic]objThis = new ThisObject();

B.[pic]objThis = System.CreateObject( ThisObject);


23 . A local C# variable declared in the for loop is in scope within __________

A.[pic]The method which includes the for loop

B.[pic]Body of the for loop



24 . bool data type in C# is

A.[pic]a reference type

B.[pic]a value type


25 . A class type in C# is a value type.





1 . What does HTML stand for ?

A.[pic]Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

B.[pic]Home Tool Markup Language

C.[pic]Hyper Text Markup Language

D.[pic]Home Text Markup Language


2 . What is the syntax to write the HTML tags ?






3 . What is the correct HTML tag for inserting an horizontal line ?






4 . How do you define font style of the text ?






5 . Tags and text that do not show directly on the page are placed where ?






6 . What is the file extension used for HTML file ?






7 . The tag makes text... ?






8 . Besides , another way to make text bold is what ?






9 . To seperate single list items use ?

A.[pic] and

B.[pic] and

C.[pic] and

D.[pic] and


10 . To create a bulleted list use ?






11 . To change the size of an image in HTML use what ?


B.[pic]height and width

C.[pic]top and bottom

D.[pic]bigger and smaller


12 . Which tag is used to insert images into your web page ?






13 . What does vlink mean ?

A.[pic]active link


C.[pic]visited link

D.[pic]very good link


14 . Which colors consist of equal amounts of all basic colors ?

A.[pic]purple, green, and red

B.[pic]white, black and gray


D.[pic]black, blue, and gray


15 . To add rows to your tables use which tags?

A.[pic] and

B.[pic] and

C.[pic] and

D.[pic] and


16 . Increasing the cellpadding value will what ?

A.[pic]Increase the distance between cell and content

B.[pic]Increase the softness of your site

C.[pic]Increase the space between cells



17 . You can add names to each frame window using which setting ?






18 . Which is not valid HTML ?






19 . Which attribute specify where to send a form ?






20 . Password fields are similar to what ?

A.[pic]Text fields except text show as asterix

B.[pic]Hidden fields except text show as asterix

C.[pic]Text area except text show as asterix



. Which of the following is NOT done with JavaScript ?

A.[pic]Form Validation

B.[pic]RGB Colors

C.[pic]Browser Detection

D.[pic]RGB Value


2 . It is usually advisable to keep as much JavaScript as possible in which section ?






3 . JavaScript lines end with what ?






4 . Which of the following is NOT a type of popup box ?






5 . The most common way to assign a value to a variable is by using what ?

A.[pic]Equals sign

B.[pic]Name It




6 . a++; is the same as which of the following ?






7 . When comparing variables use which of the following ?






8 . To keep the browser from performing a script as soon as it is loaded you need to write the script as a what ?






9 . Actions that can be detected by javascript are called ?






10 . A variable that your webpage can store on or retrieve from the users computer is known as ?






11 . In JavaScript, capital letters are different from lowercase letters ?

A.[pic]Not on windows platforms



D.[pic]Not on Linux Platform


12 . Which is detected when the mouse moves over a link ?

A.[pic]overMouse event

B.[pic]onMouseOver event

C.[pic]onRollOver event

D.[pic]OnMouseOut event


13 . How do you read the first character in a string ?






14 . Which has no syntax error ?

A.[pic]alert("hello "+3+" times);

B.[pic]alert("hello "+3 times);

C.[pic]alert("hello +3+ times");

D.[pic]alert("hello "+3 +" times);


15 . Which method will open a new window ?






16 . Which method is used to search for a substring ?






17 . Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?






18 . What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write "Hello World"?

A.[pic]Hello World"

B.[pic]document.write("Hello World")

C.[pic]response.write("Hello World")

D.[pic]("Hello World")


19 . Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?

A.[pic]The section

B.[pic]Both the section and the section are correct

C.[pic]The section

D.[pic]The Section


20 . What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called "xxx.js"?





1. When we press Alt+F9 in TurboC for myprogram.c, it performs ……

a) Preprocessing and Compiling of the code is done.

b) Compiling and Linking of the code is done.

c) Preprocessing, Compiling, and Linking is done.

d) Preprocessing, Compiling, Linking and Loading is done.

2. In Memory when a function f2 is called from function f1, the f1 variables and

the address of the next statement to be executed are stored in

a) stack

b) heap

c) queue

d) all of the above.

3. How many iterations will be there for the following "while" loop ?

I = 0;

NUM = 10;

while (I < NUM)


I = I + 2;

I = I - 1;


a) 9

b) 10

c) 11

d) 12

4. For the following switch case statement,

switch (I)


case -1:


case 0:



case 1:




Which of the following statement is true?

a) If the value of I is -1, then only n is incremented

b) If the value of I is -1 then n and z are incremented

c) If the value of I is -1 then n,z and p are incremented

d) If the value of I is -3 then n,z and p are incremented

5. Which of the following is true when an array is passed as a parameter to a


a) Each array element is copied to the called function

b) Only the base address of the array is passed to the function

c) Each element is passed by value

d) Each element is passed by reference

6. Class C is inherited from class A and class B,class D is inherited from class C.

Which of the following is true

I] class C inherits class A attributes

II] class C inherits class B attributes

III] class D inherits class B attributes only

IV] class D inherits class A attributes only

a) I, II



d) I, IV

7. Encapsulation is a principle

a) which allows any object to derive and reuse the characteristics of another object.

b) which facilates the object to hide its implementaion and expose only the interfaces

c) which allows any object to expose only the objects attributes

d) which makes any object to behave differenlt depending upon the input object or the

calling object.

8. A class that inherits from more than one baseclass. This is called as

a) multiple inheritance

b) multilevel inheritance

c) either a and b

d) none of the above

9. If a variable is named as giIntrestRate in declaration, it means

a) variable is of int type and local, stores garbage value when not initialized.

b) Variable is of int type and global, stores zero value when not initialized.

c) Variable is of int type and global, stores garbage value when not initialized.

d) Variable is of int type and local, stores zero value when not initialized.

10. function main() is ….

a)user defined function

b)library function



11. If we need to perform a task for 999 times, what could be the best solution

a)for loop

b)while loop

c)do while loop

d)switch case

12. Which of the following is/are infinite loop/loops



c)both a and b


13. Which of the following is the best practice in creating a class?

a) State is private, Behavior is public.

b) State is public, Behavior is private.

c) State is private, Behavior is private.

d) State is public, Behavior is public.

14. Process of identifying the similarities among different classes and Moving common data and methods to base class is called as



c)either a or b

d)neither a nor b

15.Process of creating classes for specific need from a common base class is called as



c)either a or b

d)neither a nor b

16. Abstract class is a class

a) whose objects cannot be created

b) Contains at least one abstract method

c)a and b


17. …….implements run time polymorphism.

a)method overloading

b)method overriding

c)both a and b


18. The derived class must implement all the methods that are not implemented in the base abstract class


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

19. Derived classes cannot access protected members of base class.


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

20. Object oriented programming is

a)top - down approach

b)bottom - up approach

c)both a and b


21. Ambiguty in multiple inheritances in C++ is removed with the help of

a)Virtual Functions

b)Virtual Base class

c) Abstract classes

d) Abstract methods

22. C# allows multilevel inheritance


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

23. A child inherits the characteristics of Father and Mother, is an example for ….

a)Multiple inheritance

b)Multilevel inheritance

c)single inheritance


24. Aggregation is ….. relation ship




d) All the above

25. If a class has more than one method with same name and different signature then it is called as…….

a)method overloading

b)method overriding

c)both a and b


26. If we want the method of base class to be overridden in the derived class in c# then, I should declare the method as…….





27. If we want the method of base class to be not overridden in the derived class in c# then, we should declare the method as…….





28.Refrence of one class can be the object of another class


b) False

c) May or may not

d) None

29.Can we override a private method of base class in derived class



c)depends on language used.

d)depends on operating system.

30…… operator is used in C# to dynamically allocate memory.





/***************************SQL and RDBMS*********************/

31. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?





32. With SQL, how do you select a column named "FirstName" from a table named "Persons"?

• EXTRACT FirstName FROM Persons

• SELECT Persons.FirstName

• SELECT FirstName FROM Persons

• none

33. With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"?

• SELECT Persons

• SELECT *.Persons

• SELECT * FROM Persons

• SELECT [all] FROM Persons

34. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" is "Peter"?

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter'

• SELECT [all] FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter'

• SELECT [all] FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'

35. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" starts with an "a"?

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='%a%'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='a'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE '%a'

36. The OR operator displays a record if ANY conditions listed are true. The AND operator displays a record if ALL of the conditions listed are true

• False

• True

37. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "FirstName" is "Peter" and the "LastName" is "Jackson"?

• SELECT FirstName='Peter', LastName='Jackson' FROM Persons

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter' AND LastName='Jackson'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter' AND LastName LIKE 'Jackson'

• none

38. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "LastName" is alphabetically between (and including) "Hansen" and "Pettersen"?

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'

• SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName>'Hansen' AND LastName'Hansen' AND LastName ................

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