
The City SchoolPrep Girls North NazimabadICTech Grade 8Question Bank ScratchWhat is Scratch? Write the advantages of Scratch?Briefly explain the projects we can create through Scratch?How is it important to learn game programming? Why should we use Scratch compared to other programming software? What skills does Scratch teach? In what manner programming done by computer scientists to make various software and programming done by kids on Scratch is similar?Name and explain major components of Scratch interface screen. Name and explain the types of blocks used for iteration or looping.How we can give conditions to invent a problem/situation in Scratch?What menu will be used to set and change colour effects, graphic effects and size of sprite?What does it mean by scripting a sequence in Scratch? What is the purpose of Sensing menu in block palette of Scratch?Why do we use operator blocks?Write the names of four directions along their rotation degrees.How the positions of different sprites on stage are represented?How do we direct our sprites to act according to our commands?Write the name of menus where the following command blocks are found. What is the difference between the following blocks?Forms in HTMLImportant Tags and Attributes<Form> </Form> tag is used to create a Form in HTML documentAttributes of FORM tag areAction: Destination address, where the information will be sent. E.g. action=”mailto:abc@”Method: How the information will be sent. Values are Get and PostName: Any name assigned to this formControls in <FORM>Interactive interface elements which require user to type or select the information in a form are called controls. E.g radio button, checkbox, textbox, password box, list etc<INPUT> tag is used to accept information from the user. <INPUT> is an empty tag.Input Type Attribute: The Values of Type attribute can beInput Type=“Text” is used to create a Text Box. E.g. Enter User Name or Login information.Attributes are Name, Maxlength, Size, Align, ValueInput Type=“Password” is used to create a textbox for password. It shows the written characters as bullets or special charactersAttributes are Name, Maxlength, SizeInput Type=“Checkbox” is used to create checkbox in a form.Attributes are Name, Value, Checked(to keep any selected value by default)Input Type=“Radio” is used to create Radio button in a form.Attributes are Name, Value, CheckedInput Type=“Button” is used to create a Command button. E.g Start buttonAttributes are Name, ValueInput Type=“Submit” is used to create a Submit button to send the information to destination specified in action attribute of FORM tagAttributes are Name, ValueInput Type=“Reset” is used to create a Reset button. It Bring the form on its original state before anything was typed.Attributes are Name, ValueInput Type=“File” is used to create a File upload option. A browse button will appear automatically to browse and upload any file from your computer.Attributes is NameInput Type=“Image” is used to create a Submit button in form as an image. Here the picture will work as a Submit button.Attributes are Src, Align, Width, Height, Alt<TEXTAREA> </TEXTAREA> tag is used when you want your user to enter multiple lines of data in a text box.Attributes for TEXTAREA tag areName, Cols, Rows, Readonly<SELECT> Tag and <OPTION> Tag<SELECT> Tag is used when you want to create a Drop-down List Box or scrolling list in your Form. Attributes are Name, Size, Multiple (to allow user to select multiple values by pressing Ctrl key)<OPTION> tag is used inside SELECT tag to write each item of that drop-down list. These are container elements and have start and end tag.Attributes are Value, Selected (to keep any selected value by default)Drop down list code written with the size attribute becomes a scroll list<! ……….. > is a comment tag in HTMLPoints to RememberHTML: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language is a simple scripting language mainly used for developing web pages. The browsers’ task is to read those markup tags and display them as a Webpage.HTML TagsHTML codes, also called Markup tags and are simple easy to remember keywords and always written inside angle brackets. There are two types of tags.Container Tags have a start and end tag. E.g. <form> …. </form>Empty Tags have opening tag only. E.g. <BR>, <LI>, <HR>, <IMG>, <INPUT>HTML Tag AttributesThe additional information of a tag is called attribute. They are always written inside the Opening tag. Attributes are written as Attribute name=“attribute value”Structure of an HTML documentRoot Element: <HTML></HTML>Head Element: <Title> Enter your Text </Title> Body Element: <Body>____</Body>. Body Attributes are bgcolor, background, topmargin, leftmargin, rightmargin, bottommargin. Colours of hyperlink can also be controlled by link, vlink and alink.Heading Tag: <H1>Enter your Text </H1> To give heading in a webpage. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 are different sizes and levels of heading. H1 is biggest and H6 is smallestParagraph Tag: <p>Enter your Text</p>Line Break Tag: <BR> to give a line break. It is an empty tag.Font tag: <Font> </Font>Attributes of Font tag are Face, size and Color<B> Enter your Text</B>: To Bold the text<I> Enter your Text </I>: To italicize the text<U> Enter your Text </U>: To underline the textImage Tag: <img><img src=“file name” height=“________” length=“________” alt=“alternate text” border=“thickness of border”>Q. Answer the following QuestionExplain Form. By which Tag you would create Forms in HTML?Name and explain the attributes of the FORM tag.Explain Controls and Give some example of Controls in HTML forms.What is an <INPUT> tag? Write some attributes which are used under INPUT type for Text Box.Write HTML codes to create two Text Boxes for Login Name and Password of maximum 15 characters along with a Submit button with the name Login. What is the purpose of <TEXTAREA> tag in HTML coding and how would you create one in a form.Define <SELECT> tag and <OPTION> tag. Why they are used and what is the difference between them?How would you create a Reset button with displaying value “Clear Everything”?Write HTML tags along with attributes to create a File upload option in HTML form.Make a text area asking users to write something about themselves in a job application form.Create a scroll list of name of months in a year. Keep March as selected by default. The size of list should be 4. Assemble the given tags in correct order according to the structure of an HTML document.</P>, <FORM>, <BODY>,<TITLE>, <P>, </HTML>, </FORM>, <HTML>, </TITLE>, </BODY>.Write the differences betweenText Area and Text BoxScrolling list box and Drop-down List BoxCheckbox and Radio buttonSubmit Button and Reset ButtonFill in the blanksHTML file is saved with an extension of _________ or _________User interacts with forms through named ______________The two types of lists that can be created from <Select> tag are ____________ and ____________The characters can be made to appear hidden on a Webpage by using ____________ Write the HTML attributes for the following tags1<INPUT type= “Text”>Name, size, align, maxlength, value2<INPUT type=“Password”>Name, size, align, maxlength3<INPUT type=“checkbox”>Name, value, checked4<INPUT type=“submit”>Name, value5<INPUT type=“reset”>Name, value6<INPUT type=“file”>Name7<INPUT type=“image”>Src, alt, height, width, align, border8<INPUT type=“button”>Name, value9<TEXTAREA>Name, cols, rows, readonly10<Option>Value, selected11<Select>Name, Size, Multiple12<Form>Name, action, methodQ. 16 Create a survey form and ask user his first and last name, password, age, gender, favourite food and favourite restaurant. Give options for selection. Also give some space for any other comment user wants to make related to this survey.JavaScript in HTMLQ. 1 Fill in the Blanks‘55.98.2’ will be displayed by parseInt() as ______________ and by parsefloat() as ________________’19.2years’ in parsefloat() will be written as ________________ and in parseInt() as ______________In JavaScript, ___________________ is used for displaying text on the browser window.Confirm box includes _____________ and ______________ buttons.Alert window can only be closed by _____________ button.In JavaScript, _________________ is used instead of <BR> tag.In window methods, _________________ window always stays on top.In JavaScript, ‘<=’ means __________________ and it as a __________________ operator.! means ____________ in JavaScript.|| represents _________________ in JavaScript.Joining or adding two or more set of characters in JavaScript is called _____________________ and it is done by _________ operatorVariables cannot be made of more than ___________ characters.Names assigned to a memory location for storing data are called ____________The section between opening <SCRIPT> tag and closing </SCRIPT> tag is called ___________________To take an input from a user or ask any question, ______________ method of JavaScript is used.In JavaScript, the single line comments are represented by _______ and multiple lines comments are represented by ________JavaScript is a _________________ language.JavaScript files are saved with a _____________ file extension. In window.confirm() method the values are returned true if _________ is pressed and are returned false if ____________ is pressed.HTML is not case sensitive as compared to ________________ Q. 2 Answer the following questions.What is JavaScript and how is it better than HTML?Explain the importance of JavaScript.How JavaScript statements are written inside HTML document internally and externally?Explain Object Model in JavaScript.Explain Method and Object with the help of examples.What is document.write() method and why do we use it?How do we write HTML codes in JavaScript?Elaborate some rules for writing a program using JavaScript.Explain comment and write various ways for writing comments in JavaScript.Why do we write comments in JavaScript?Explain Variables and elaborate rules for making and writing a variable.How do we declare a variable and then use it in a JavaScript program?Name and explain types of operators available in JavaScript with examples.Explain String.Why do we use Window method in JavaScript?Differentate between arithmetic and comparison operators. Explain the use of following window methodswindow.alert() window.confirm() window.prompt() Differentiate between parseInt() and parsefloat() method.Q.3 Write JavaScript Statements to perform the following tasks.Ask users their name and date of birth and display them on a webpage in blue colour with font size 5. Accept the radius from user and calculate diameter, area and circumference of circle. Show the results in Alert Box.Ask user their marks of English, Urdu, Maths and Science and show their average in parseFloat.Flash-Tweening and PublishingGlossaryStage is the place where movie is created with graphics or textWork Area is the grey area outside stage where non-graphical items of animation are kept. E.g. Sound.Property Inspector is an area which displays properties of selected objectsMovie is animated flash document.Scene is a clip of movie contains animated flash documentsLayers are like transparent sheets contain various objects that we put on top of each otherFrame is content of movie at a particular moment of time.Keyframe is the copy of previous frame.Timeline is the area where we work on frames and layers. It sets the sequence of movieAnimation is rapid display of sequence of images.Q. 1 Fill in the BlanksTweening comes from the words ______________Motion tween automatically changes the timeline to ______________ colour.Green coloured timeline represents _______________ kind of tweening.The keyboard key to convert an object into symbol is ______To create a keyframe, ____________ keyboard key is pressed. Play option is found in _______________ menu.You need to covert an object into symbol in ______________ kind of tweeningClip of a movie is called _____________By default, Flash file is saved with ____________ extension.The extension of shockwave file is ______________Flash file with extension of .txt represents ______________Flash file in _____________ format can only be tested and viewed but cannot be editedHTML tag to insert your movie or sound file in your webpage is _________________The number of times a video or sound file will run on webpage is specified by ______________ attribute of <EMBED> tag.Objects that are created and stored to the Flash library are called ______________Creating effects of converting an object into another is called _______Motion tween and Shape tween options are present in the drop-down list of tween found in _______________By default, first layer in Flash is named as _____________ and first scene is named is ________________Keyboard shortcut to test the movie is _______________Preparing a Flash file to be uploaded on internet is called _____________Q. 2 Answer the following questions.Explain Tweening and its types.Write the steps to show a moving car through motion tween. How do we convert an object to symbol.Write steps to apply shape tween on lotus bud converting into flower.Explain the file formats in which we can save our Flash movie.Write steps to publish your movie in required file formats.Explain scene and how can we create a new scene.What is the difference between saving and publishing Flash movie?Write the tag along with attributes to publish Flash movie ‘Car.swf’ on a webpage having a window of width 500 and height 350.MiscellaneousChoose the correct answerIn Macromedia Flash, movement of an object or symbol from one place to another is called _______________TweeningMotion TweeningShape TweeningKey FrameScratch software increases students’ interest in _______________ComputerInternetProgrammingSocial NetworkingTo include JavaScript in HTML document _______________ tag is used. <BODY><SCRIPT><EMBED><HTML>The tag which is used to accept information from the user is called _______________TEXTAREAINPUTSELECTSUBMITSrc, align, alt, border, width and height are the attributes of INPUT type _______________filebuttonimagecheckboxFor Examiner’sUse onlyHTML stands for _______________Hypertool Markup language Hypertext Markup language Hypertext Making language Hypertext Markup level When you want the user to enter multiple lines of data in a text box, you use _______________ tag<INPUT type=“text”>INPUTOPTIONTEXTAREABy default, a movie in flash is saved with _______________ file extension.pptx.fla.swf.txtThe objects which are created and stored in library of Macromedia Flash are called ____________________SceneSymbolsFrameOval Tool_______________ is used to declare a variable in JavaScriptdocument.writevar//document.variableQ. 2 State whether True or FalseFor Examiner’sUse only1Scene is a clip of movie2Action attribute of FORM tag specifies how the information will be sent to destination server.3Forms in HTML may contain only one Submit button.4Comments can be added to make the code more readable.5JavaScript is a case sensitive language.6You can nest a FORM tag within another FORM tag.7Motion menu controls all types of movement by Sprite in Scratch8The effect to change an object to another can be created using Shape Tweening.9<HTML> is a tag which is used to place a video or sound file in a web page.10JavaScript and Java language are same.11We convert object into symbol in Shape Tweening12Scratch block palette is organized in six color coded categories13<input type=“button”> is used to create submit button14JavaScript is a markup language.15Interactive elements in a form of HTML are called Controls16An HTML document can have more than one <Script> tag.17!= means ‘not equal’.18Prompt window always stays on top.19In Scratch, 0 degree means ‘Up’.20In Scratch , four rotation styles for Sprite are available. ................

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