Coleridge Taylor MontessoriSchool Counseling ProgramStrategic PlanColeridge Taylor Montessori Counseling Strategic PlanTable of ContentsExecutive SummarySection I FoundationExecutive Summary…………………………………………………………………………….………..3Definition of School Counseling…………………………………………………………………….3Belief/Philosophy………………………………………………………………………………………….4School Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………….……4School Counseling Program Goals SMART Approach………………………………….4-6Section II Management SystemSchool Counseling Advisory Council………………………………………………………………6School Counseling Advisory Council By Laws………………………………………………6-7Enrollment Summary………………………….…………………………………………………………8School Counseling Master Agreement…………………………………………………………9-10Calendar 2018-2019…………………………………………………………………………………….11-13Section III Delivery of ServiceSchool Counseling Program Delivery of Service……………………………………………..14Delivery of Service Academic…………………………………………………………………………15Delivery of Service Personal/Social………………………………………………………………..16Delivery of Service Career…………………………………………………………………….……….17Section V Community ResourcesClothing……………………………………………………………………………………………………….18Tutoring……………………………………………………………………………………………………….19Local Ministries…………………………………………………………………………………………….20Legal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21Identification………………………………………………………………………………………………..22Healthcare……………………………………………………………………………………………………23Food……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..24Meals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………25Special Needs………………………………………………………………………………………………..26Employment…………………………………………………………………………………………………27Mental Health……………………………………………………………………………………………….28Appendix Accountability SystemResults of 2017 Parent, Teacher and Student needs assessments…….not numberedExecutive SummaryThe Comprehensive School Counseling Strategic Plan is a description of the design, implementation and evaluation of the school counseling program at Coleridge Taylor Montessori School. More specifically, the sections of the Strategic Plan include:FoundationManagementDelivery SystemCommunity ResourcesAccountability SystemThe Comprehensive School Counseling Strategic Plan highlights a variety of direct and indirect services and programs that are integral to a successful counseling program, thus insuring that all students are provided the competencies to achieve and succeed in school and life. The plan outlines the roles, responsibilities and resources required for a counseling program. The program priorities are aligned with the goals of the school improvement plan.The plan was constructed from the American School Counseling Association (ASCA): Framework for School Counseling Program. A Comprehensive School Counseling Strategic Plan built on the ASCA model and coupled with the ethical standards the association promotes will provide the most successful programming a guidance counselor can offer.School counseling must adapt to the ever changing societal demands of students, parents and staff. The program must support student academics, personal/social learning and career development. The program will be continually reviewed and refined through ongoing evaluation and needs assessments. The following are the components of the Comprehensive School Counseling Strategic Plan:FoundationManagement SystemDelivery SystemAccountability SystemThese will all be addressed thoroughly throughout the plan. Thus providing staff, parents, students and the community with a better understanding of the scope and impact that the school counseling program will have on the primary goal of supporting the success of every student. Defining School CounselingSchool Counseling services offered as part of a comprehensive and developmental program address development of academic/education, career, personal/social skills and competencies based on data found in the Coleridge Taylor Montessori (CTM) report card and recommendations in the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. The program encompasses all students, as well as school personnel, families, and the community at large. Program services are aligned with the overall educational mission of CTM and include a combination of indirect and direct counseling initiatives to include individual and group counseling, consultation and student development lessons. The counselor will develop a program plan based on the assessment of school improvement and needs-based data; then coordinate, deliver, evaluate and revise the program on a regular basis. The program is then shared with all stakeholders in the school and community. CTM counseling program is built on the American School Counselor Association framework for school counseling programsCTM Counseling PhilosophyAll students have the ability to learn and be a productive contributor to society through a comprehensive school counseling program that will; advocate for all students celebrate student diversity meet students on their own developmental level based on evaluation and assessment, collaborate with staffparents and the community to meet the cognitive and non-cognitive barriers of the student adhere to both national and state ethical standards. CTM Mission StatementOur goal is to make all of our students reach their potential and be successful by: Providing them with as many global experiences as possible.Relating learning activities to real-life situations.Having small-group, multi-age classrooms.Using a variety of teaching strategies.CTM School Counseling Program Goals SMART ApproachThe school counseling goals are clearly promote achievement, career development and personal and social development for all students to the highest extent. School Counseling Program Goals using the SMART Approach clearly outlines how goals will be met based on school data with an emphasis on closing the achievement gap. Goals were selected based on results of school report card, KPREP results, and monthly and yearly attendance reports. Additionally, strategies were put in place as a result of feedback from parent and staff needs assessment reports. (2017-2018 needs assessments)CTM School Counseling Program Goals using the SMART ApproachGoalSpecific IssueMeasurableAttainableResult OrientedTime BoundDomainsAchievementAchievement AIncrease proficient/distinguished reading & reading by 5%Reading 33.9%Math 26.7Source: School report card 2017Students are performing below district and state levelsKPREP ResultsRPA/MPA/STARMAPSchool Report CardA gradual incline of 5% each year Data shows gradual and steady increase over time is more likely to illustrate ongoing success38.9% of all students will test at proficient and distinguished in readingOngoing till June 2019AcademicCareerOutcomesJanuary 2019MAP Reading gains2018—36%2019-47%MAP MathGains2018—39%2019-47%AttendanceAttendance BReduce students with 10 or more unexcused absences by 10%77 students Source: JCPS Data Book 2017Students with multiple unexcused absences perform below peers and are unable and cannot access additional serviceYearly/Monthly Attendance ReportsStudents with multiple unexcused absences will improve overall attendance record by 10%8 students with reduce the number of chronic absencesOngoing till June 2019AcademicPersonal/SocialOutcomesJanuary 2019Chronic AbsenceComparison2018-13.52019-14.2BehaviorBehavior AReduce the number of suspensions by 10%82 studentsSource: JCPS Data Book 2017Student that are suspended miss essential instructional timeBIL’sWeekly/Monthly Suspension ReportsSchool suspensions will be reduced by 10% in an effort to reduce continued suspensions9 fewer students will be suspendedOngoing till June 2019AcademicPersonal/SocialOutcomesJanuary 2019Referrals comparison2018-2092019-859Suspension Comparison2018-282019-29CTM Counseling Advisory Council MembershipNameConstituent GroupJustin DelorenzoStaffSharon CookStaffAneisa WisemanParentMegan DavisParentHannah WymanCommunity MemberAmericorp MemberKim DwyerCommunity MemberSchool Social WorkerTBDStudentTBDStudentCTM School Counseling Advisory Council By LawsArticle 1--PurposeSection1to provide suggestion and planning for the counseling programs and servicesSection 2to work with staff and community agencies to improve:-services to the school, parents and students- the knowledge of referral sources-service utilization Section 3to serve as liaison between the school and thecommunity improving 2-way communicationSection 4to provide a broad base of support for the counseling programsand servicesSection 5to suggest service priorities for the counseling programs based upon school/community needsArticle 2--MembershipSection 1The Advisory Council shall be composed of a maximum of 9 persons, representing four constituent groups . . . parents, community agencies, school staff, and students. Consideration should be given in selecting membership that reflects the cultural and gender diversity as well as socio-economic status of the school(s) being served. Section 2Membership of the Council shall be 1/3 staff, 1/3 community,and 1/3 parents with no less than 2 student representatives.Section 4Ex-officio members shall include the School Counselor and PrincipalSection 5The parent, staff, student and community participants will servefor two year terms with the opportunity of being reappointed.Article 3--VotingSection 1A consensus of the council members present shall be requiredto decide on issues presented to the council.Section 2A quorum and consensus shall consist of the majority of those present.Article 4--MeetingsSection 1The counseling advisory council meetings are open to allSection 2The council shall meet at least 1 time yearlySection 3Special meetings of the Council may be called by the counselor with at least 48 hours’ notice.Section 4An agenda will be presented at the beginning of each meeting.Article 5--AddendumsSection 1 These by-laws may be amended by the passage of a motion approving the change, informing all council members that the change will be voted on at the next meeting.Section 2A vote of the council members present may approve the proposed change in the by-laws.Section 3In case of a change, the new by-laws shall be typed and distributedto all council members at the next meeting.CTM Student Enrollment Summary Report (2018)WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmericanIndian/AlaskaNativeNativeHawaiian orotherPacificIslanderTwo orMore RacesUnknownTotalTotal: 77/67/144215/215/4302/11/131/5/61/0/10/1/112/9/210/0/0308/308/616Grade 0011/10/2136/23/590/3/30/4/41/0/10/0/00/1/10/0/048/41/89Grade 0117/10/2735/38/730/0/00/0/00/0/00/0/02/2/40/0/054/50/104Grade 0216/10/2633/35/680/2/21/0/10/0/00/0/02/2/40/0/052/49/101Grade 036/4/1035/40/751/0/10/0/00/0/00/0/01/2/30/0/043/46/89Grade 045/16/2130/29/590/2/20/0/00/0/00/1/13/2/50/0/038/50/88Grade 0511/8/1927/32/591/2/30/0/00/0/00/0/02/0/20/0/041/42/83Grade 970/0/01/0/10/0/00/0/00/0/00/0/00/0/00/0/01/0/1Grade 983/4/74/6/100/1/10/0/00/0/00/0/01/0/10/0/08/11/19Grade 998/5/1314/12/260/1/10/1/10/0/00/0/01/0/10/0/023/19/42CTM Elementary School Counseling Master AgreementSchool: Coleridge Taylor MontessoriDate:Counselor: Kim GriderSignature:Student Access: All students at CTM through multiple referral levels.Domain Areas: CTM Counselor will be responsible for addressing all three of the domain areas: academic, career and personal/social. The needs assessment reflected a greater need for personal/social and academic areas.Programmatic Delivery: the School Counselor will spend:10% of time in classrooms20% of time in individual planning30% of the time in responsive services40% of time with system supportOrganization: The key to an effective program management system is organization. To insure the participation of all students in a comprehensive school counseling program, it is important to establish calendars that list the delivery of activities. Calendars should be set by the amount of time school counselors allocate to different formats.The school counselor documents activities using the tool/system of the counselors choosing. Documentation serves to annotate activities and is a guide for planning and program evaluation. Student needs require that the school counselor focus on program delivery and direct counseling services with non-counseling activities reassigned whenever possible. A calendar is published to keep students, parents, teachers and administrators informed. This communication also assists in planning and ensuring active participation in the program.Quarterly Reports: The School Counselor will provide quarterly reports that identify the number of student receiving services. These services are categorized as individual counseling, group counseling, classroom guidance, parent contacts, and other counseling activities. Quarterly reports provide school counselors with data critical to the evaluation of services and programs that have been provided and an opportunity to review student needs.Annual Program Summary Reports: School Counselors submit one program summary reflecting counselor activities, responsibilities, non-counseling activities and responsibilities, program information, and lesson plans.Professional Development: The school counselor will participate in district mandated meetings, annual state conference and classes and workshops that are required by state and district policy.Professional Collaboration: The school counselor will support administrative team meetings, Multi Tiered Systems of Support meetings and grade level team meetings upon requestAdvisory Council: The school counselor will put in place a school advisory council made up of an equal number of parents, community members and staff. Two students will be selected as active members. This will insure that all stakeholders are involved in the planning, program review and oversight of activities.Guidance Counselor will be available to all students, parents and staff between the following hours: 8:00 am. And 4:30 p.m.______________________________________________________________Counselor Signature Date______________________________________________________________Principal Signature DateCTMSchool Guidance Counseling Yearly Calendar2018-2019AugustSeptemberOctober-Assist with Class Lists-Assist with Transportation-Schedule ARC mtgs with new Consulting Teacher-Assist with Orientation-Inventory supplies and materials-Distribute Needs Assessment on a two year cycle (assessment done in 2017)-Collaborate on Attendance Planning-Attend PD for counselor compliance-Meeting/collaborating with teachers, parents and students-Open House-Monitoring requests of new students-Send all unrequested records to pupil personnel -Distribute working folders to teachers-Order AP testing materials/solicit recommendations-Develop new ELL list-Organize AP test materials-Notify parents and gain consent for AP testing at 4th & 5th grade levels-Administer Advance Program Screener Grades 3-5-Plan & Implement Red Ribbon Week Drug Awareness-Develop Parent/Teacher Conference Supporting Documents-Circulate Middle School open house list-Selecting with an meeting with one classroom of students for metacognition and assessment analysis counselingGuidanceGuidanceThe Skin I’m InGuidancePoisons/Drug AwarenessSchool ActivitiesJCPS Kickoff 8/1Restorative Practice Training 8/6 & 7ARC Training 8/8, 9, 10Orientation 8/11/181st Day 8/15Pre K first day support 8/20School ActivitiesCounselor Meeting 9/13Map Training 9/20Open House 9/20Ongoing Peer Mediation Training SupportSchool ActivitiesPD Day 10/5 & 10/8Conference Day 10/9504 Training 10/17Counselor Meeting 10/25Trick or Treat 10/26Showcase of Schools 10/27U of L Med Student 10/22-11/2Ongoing Peer Mediation Training SupportCTMSchool Guidance Counseling Yearly Calendar2018-2019NovemberDecemberJanuary-Middle School Choice and Transition-Prepare for ECE December 1 Count-AP Workflow(annual reviews and reevaluation in compliance, IEP’s)--KCA Conference-December 1 Count-Support in Holiday Assistance Program-Assess for ELLs(ESL/LEP) PREP work-Middle School Applications/Recommendation letters-AP testing workflow/Teacher workflow-Middle School Application Due 1/11-Process AP Teacher Evaluations/Parent Consent/Decline Paperwork-P5-names and paperwork review-Pairing for Alternative K-PREP accommodators and students-2nd round of meeting with one classroom of students for metacognition and assessment analysis counseling-NAEP TestingGuidanceMindfulnessUnable to completeGuidanceAnxietyUnable to completeGuidanceDiversityUnable to completeSchool ActivitiesPD Day 11/5Election Day 11/6KCA Conference 11/12-14PTA Family Night 11/15Thanksgiving 11/21-23Ongoing Peer Mediation Training SupportSchool ActivitiesChristmas Break 12/24 to 1/6School ActivitiesChristmas Break 1/1-6Counselor Meeting 1/10MLK Day 1/21U of L Medical Student 1/27-2/8CTMSchool Guidance Counseling Yearly Calendar2018-2019FebruaryMarchApril-Notify parents of AP screening results-Collect Permissions for and appeal forms for AP-send paperwork to AP office-Continue P5 Monitoring-Identifying Talent Pool and submitting -Retention Information and discuss student needs with teachers-Collaborate with Intermediate for Career Fair-KPREP Teacher Folders-Coordinate Final procedures in preparing students for K-PREP-2nd round of meeting with one classroom of students for metacognition and assessment analysis counselingGuidanceBullying PreventionGuidanceCareer & College FairGuidanceCitizenshipSchool ActivitiesU of L Medical Student 2/1-82 U of L Medical Student 2/25-3/8School ActivitiesCounselor Meeting 3/52 U of L Medical Student 3/1-3/8School ActivitiesSpring Break 3/28 to 4/5U of L Medical Student 4/8-4/19Counselor Meeting 4/11MayJuneJuly-K-PREP coordinationfor ECE/accommodators-K-PREP Materials prepared for ECE rosters -Loss student list review for 5th grade records exchange-Develop Records transfer to Middle School rosters-Review permanent records for completion and accuracy-Develop and distribute closing school procedure packets for staff-Inventory and secure guidance materialsIf not completed in May-Secure/lock records-Middle School records exchange-Assist with Promotion Activities-Plan for upcoming school year- Review Student/Teacher Feedback on Activities-Professional Development if neededGuidanceKPREP Prep/Testing TipsGuidanceGuidancePlan for 2019-2020School ActivitiesTalent Show 5/23Closing Ceremonies 5/30School ActivitiesSchool ActivitiesCTMComprehensive School Counseling Program Delivery of ServicesAcademic/Personal & Social/Career & College ReadinessGuidance CurriculumProvides developmental, comprehensive guidance programming through presenting content in a systemic way to all studentsResponsive ServicesAddresses students, parents and staffs immediate concernsIndividual Student Plans and assists students and parents in development of academic and career plansSystem SupportPlanning and facilitating support programming for students parents and staff.PurposeTo promote student awareness, skill development, and application of skills needed in everyday lifeTo reinforce components of Practical Living and Career Studies curriculumPurposeTo provide prevention and intervention services in emergency situationsTo reinforce components of Practical Living and Career Studies curriculumPurposeTo support individual student academic and occupation planning Assist student with decision making, goal setting, and preparing for academic transitionTo reinforce components of Practical Living and Career Studies curriculumPurposeTo provide intentional program delivery and supportDisseminate information to parents pertinent to education growth of their studentTo reinforce components of Practical Living and Career Studies curriculumCounselor RoleGuidance curriculum and implementationClassroom or structured groupsEnlist Community members to provide subject specific guidance ConsultationCounselor RoleIndividual counselingSmall group counselingReferralEnlist practicum students from local Universities to supplement servicesConsultationCounselor RoleAssessmentPlanningPlacementConsultationCounselor RoleDevelop and manage programsCoordinationEnlist partnerships that will bolster programming supportConsultationAcademicCounselor’s RoleGuidance CurriculumResponsive ServicesIndividual Student System SupportDevelop lessons that imbed core content from Practical LivingEnlist students to participate in filmed skits/dramas to provide spark interest and motivate studentsIdentify community members in special areas that provide expert instruction (ex. Physicians, mathematicians, nurses, lawyers)Develop, distribute and disaggregate a needs assessment for students, parents and staff geared to provide feedback on programming of instruction and activitiesProvide a comprehensive list of community tutoring programsCollaborate with local organizations and churches to offer free tutoring after/before schoolCollaborate with High School Teaching Magnets to provide school based one on one and small group instructionProvide support MTSS meetings and embedded PD offeringsMonitor student attendance and support school wide attendance policiesMonitor and facilitate IEP meetings that provide accommodations and implementation services if neededMonitor and facilitate 504 plan meetings that provide accommodations and implementation servicesProvide communication with parents regarding IEPS, placements, transitions, testing via personal meetings, phone or in writing.Advertise transitioning to Middle School programmingOrganize and facilitate yearly Advisory Council MeetingsProvide support MTSS--Academics meetings and embedded PD offeringsRecruit community volunteers to provide support student academicsPromote educational programs offered through the community for breaks and summer bridgingProvide a newsletter with details on upcoming events, community events and pertinent school counseling topicsPersonal and SocialCounselor’s RoleGuidance CurriculumResponsive ServicesIndividual Student System SupportDevelop lessons that imbed core content from Practical Living (ex. Diversity, bullying, drug awareness, dealing with anxiety, hygiene/nutrition and testing skills)Identify community members in special areas that provide expert instruction (ex. Fireman, Policeman, Child Psychologists, An adult that has suffered bullying)Develop, distribute and disaggregate a needs assessment for students, parents and staff geared to provide feedback on programming of instruction and activitiesProvide assistance to students in need of a mobile assessmentDevelop and provide a comprehensive list of community based mental health providersEnlist counseling, social work or psychology masters level or above students from local universities Develop and provide a comprehensive list of community based healthcare providers, neighborhood places, ministries, shelters, meals/groceries, child care and hotlinesSupport Peer MediationMaintain certification in Safe Crisis Management Monitor student attendance and support school wide attendance policiesMonitor and facilitate IEP meetings that provide accommodations and implementation servicesMonitor and facilitate 504 plan meetings that provide accommodations and implementation servicesProvide communication with parents regarding IEPS, placements, transitions, testing via personal meetings, phone or in writing.Advertise transitioning to Middle School programmingProvide support MTSS--Behavior meetings and embedded PD offeringsProvide a newsletter with details on upcoming events, community events and pertinent school counseling topicsCareer & CollegeCounselor’s RoleGuidance CurriculumResponsive ServicesIndividual Student System SupportOrganize and facilitate a Career FairHosted by 5th grade for underclassmanFacilitate Career development through online programming with 5th grade studentsSchedule Student College DayEnlist and schedule Community members to speak in classroom on career choicesProvide classroom guidance on identifying your character traits and administrate and interest inventoryDevelop, distribute and disaggregate a needs assessment for students, parents and staff geared to provide feedback on programming for instruction Provide a comprehensive list of career resources for parents in need of employment supportMonitor student attendance and support school wide attendance policiesMonitor and facilitate IEP meetings if needed that provide accommodations and implementation servicesMonitor and facilitate 504 plan meetings that provide accommodations and implementation servicesProvide communication with parents regarding IEPS, placements, transitions, testing via personal meetings, phone or in writing.Advertise transitioning to Middle School programmingProvide a newsletter with details on upcoming events, community events and pertinent school counseling topicsClothingBethlehem Baptist Church……………………………………................964-43845708 Preston Highway Louisville, KY 40219(Tues.-Thurs., 11:00 am – 4:00 p.m.)Christ Church Cathedral (referral required)…………………………………………………………..............587-1354421 S. 2nd St. Louisville, KY 40202Emanuel Missions...............................................................................935-159114008 Dixie Hwy. Goodwill………………………………………………..............................585-4945909 E. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40203The Healing Place…………………………………………………...........584-66061020 W. Market Street (Noon – 1, 5:00-6:00 p.m.)Louisville, KY 40202Jefferson St. Baptist Center………………………………......................584-6543733 E. Jefferson (By appointment or 7-8:30 am)Louisville, KY 40203Saint Vincent dePaul…………………..………......................................584-24801015-C S. Preston Street, Louisville, KY 40217Schuhmann Center…………………………………………….................589-6696730 E. Gray Street (Mon. - Fri. 9-11:45 am)Louisville, KY 40202Walnut Street Baptist Church (referrals required)…………....................589-33541111 S. 3rd St., Louisville, KY 40203(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 12:30-3:30, call for an appointment)Wayside Christian Mission…………………..............................................584-3711822 E. Market St., Louisville, KY 40202 JCPS PTA Clothing Assistance Program....................................Call you child’s FRYSC15th and Muhammad Ali Blvd to schedule at appt. Local Community Tutoring ResourcesPlymouth Center1626 W. ChestnutLouisville, KY 40213Contact: 583-7889Cabbage Patch1413 S. 6thLouisville, KY 40208Contact: 774-3176Boy’s 8-13 onlySons of IssacharLyles Mall2600 W. BroadwayLouisville, KY 40211Contact: 776-63695th grade students onlyEducation JusticeContact: 709--8719Local MinistriesAgency: HELP Ministries of Central Louisville, Inc.Address: 219 W. Ormsby Avenue Louisville, KY Phone: 637-6441Client requirements: must be resident of service area (40202, 40203, 40208), must have ID.Agency: Neighborhood Visitor ProgramAddress: 9104 Westport Rd Louisville, KY Phone: 426-2824(serving area codes 40222, 40223, 40241, 40242 and 40243)Agency: East Louisville Community MinistriesAddress: 417 E. Broadway Louisville KY 40202 Phone: 561-0722Client requirements: Must be a resident of Butchertown, Phoenix Hill, Smoketown, Shelby Park Agency: Eastern Area Community MinistriesAddress: 11700 Main Street Middletown KY 40243 Phone: 244-6141Client requirements: Must be a resident of 40018, 40027, 40059, 40222, 40223, 40241, 40242, 40243, 40245, 40299 north of I-64Agency: Fairdale Area Community MinistriesAddress: 10616 W. Manslick Road Fairdale, KY 40118 Phone: 367-9519Client requirements: Resident of 40118, 40219 west of I-65 Agency: Ferncreek/Highview United MinistriesAddress: 6104 Bardstown Road Louisville KY 40291 Phone: 762-0630Client requirements: Must be a resident of 40228, 40291Website: Agency: Highland Community MinistriesAddress: 1140 Cherokee Road Louisville KY 40204 Phone: 451-3695Client requirements: Resident of 40204 east of L&N train tracks, south of Broadway, 40205, 40217 east of Goss Avenue Agency: Ministries United of South Central Louisville Address: 1207 Hart Avenue Louisville KY 40213 Phone: 363-9087Client requirements: Resident of 40213, 40217 west of Goss Avenue, 40219 east of I-65, 40229Agency: St. Matthews Area Ministries Address: 201 Biltmore Road Louisville KY 40207 Phone: 893-5704Client requirements: Resident of 40207Website: Agency: Shively Area MinistriesAddress: 1867 Farnsley Road Louisville KY 40216 Phone: 447-4330Client requirements: Resident of 40216 Agency: Southeast Associated MinistriesAddress: 6500 Six Mile Lane Suite A Louisville KY 40218 Phone: 499-2298Client requirements: Resident of 40218, 40220Website: : South Louisville Community MinistriesAddress: 4803 Southside Drive Louisville KY 40214 Phone: 367-6445Client requirements: Resident of 40209, 40214, 40215, part of 40208 Website: : West Louisville Community MinistriesAddress: 1351 Catalpa Street Louisville KY 40211 Phone: 778-2815Client requirements: Resident of 40203 west of 12th Street, 40210, 40211, 40212Legal HelpCity of Louisville Police Department……………………………………..574-7111Jefferson County Police Department……………………………………574-2121Archives and Records……………………………………..……..............595-3042, 595-2391Child Support……………………………………………………………….574-8300Commonwealth’s Attorney…………………………………………..........595-2300 / 2340514 W. Liberty St. Louisville, KY 40202Jefferson County Attorney’s Office……………….………................574-6336 / 574-6360531 Court Place, Suite 1001, Louisville, KY 40202Jefferson Public Defenders Office……………………………..………….574-3800Kentucky ACLU…………………………………………………………......581-1181425 W. Muhammad Ali, Louisville, KY 40202Jefferson County Police Department……………………………..............574-2121Legal Aid Society…………………………………………………………....584-1254Louisville Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service……………………..583-1801Identification Birth certificate…………………………………………………………..574--6596Get application at 400 E. Gray Street, Louisville, KY 40202 Mail to:Kentucky Bureau of Vital Statistics275 East Main Street 1E-AFrankfort, KY 40621*There is a $10 fee for this service.Social Security Administration General Information……………….1-800-772-1213Social Security Card………………………………………………..... 582-6690601 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY (Downtown).………….............. 582-66903133 W Broadway, Louisville, KY (West)….…………………......... 775-570910434 Shelbyville, Louisville, KY (East)……….……………............ 244-059 *Copy of birth certificate or baptismal record requiredDriver’s license…………………………………………………………..595-4405(Several locations, You will need a birth certificate and Social Security card)Jefferson County Clerk’s Office………………………………………..574-5700527 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, KY 40202Immigration Services- etc. Catholic Charities of Louisville, Inc. 2911 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40208 ……………………………..…….(502) 637-9786 County Health Department……………………………….………574-6617400 E. Gray St., Louisville, KY 402027219 Dixie Highway, Louisville, KY 40258……………......................937-7277201 Outerloop, Louisville, KY 40228………………….......................231-1459200 Juneau Drive, Louisville, KY 40243………………......................245-1074Hope Clinic....................................................................................................585-5326914 E. BroadwayTen Broeck Hospital - KMI8521 LaGrange Road, Louisville, ?KY ?40242………………………… 502-426-6380 1405 Browns Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40207………………………. 502-896-0495University of Louisville Emergency Room……………………....................562-3075530 S. Jackson Street, Louisville, KY 40202University Primary Care Clinic…………………………………...................852-0011University Family Medicine Center……………………………...................852-5203530 S. Jackson Street, Louisville, KY 40202The Healing Place (men)………………………………………...................584-66061020 W. Market Street, Louisville, KY (Thursdays, 5:30-6:30)The Healing Place (women)……………………………………..................568-66801607 W. Broadway, Louisville, KYPark Duvalle Community Center...................................................................774-44011817 S 4th StreetPhoenix Health Center……………………………………………..................568-6972712 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40202Planned Parenthood (women)4211 Trio Avenue, Louisville, KY 40219………………………..............................966-55101025 S. 2nd Street, Louisville, KY 40203………………………............................584-2473Specialty Clinic (STD’s)…………………………………………………...................574-6699850 Barret Avenue #301, Louisville, KY 40204Veterans Administration Hospital………………………………………..................895-3401800 Zorn Avenue, Louisville, KY GroceriesDare to Care Food Bank (numerous locations)…………………………....966-3821Helping Through Him (Southeast Christian Church)………………………253-8000920 Blankenbaker Parkway, Louisville, KY 40243Kentucky Harvest………………………………………………………….......894-9999Sister Visitor Center……………………………………………………….......776-01552235 W. Market St., Louisville, KY 40213Food Program……………………………………………………………….....895-30311616 Rowan St. Louisville, KY 40203 (For those 60 and over)Food Stamps (Neighborhood Places)………………………………………588-4190MealsCathedral of the Assumption……………………………………………..582-2971443 S. 5th Street, Open 1-1:30 p.m.Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church………………………………..585-2176318 W. St. Catherine St., Open 12-1 p.m.Franciscan Shelter House…………………………………………………589-0140748 Preston Street, Open 10:30-12:30 p.m.The Healing Place for Men………………………………………………..584-66061020 W. Market Street, Open 11:30-12:45 p.m.The Healing Place for Women…………..……………………………….568-66801607 W. Broadway, Open 11:30 – 12 p.m.Jefferson Street Baptist Community @ Liberty…………………………585-3787800 E. Liberty StreetJefferson Street Baptist Center……………………………………………584-6543733 E. Jefferson StreetLord’s Kitchen…………………………………………………………….....634-16652732 S. 5th Street, Open 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.St. Anthony’s Soup Kitchen…………………………………..…………...584-9075529 E. Liberty, Open 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.St. Augustine Church……………………………………………………...584-46021310 W Broadway, Open 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.St. Vincent de Paul Open Hand Kitchen………………………………...584-24801026 S. Jackson Street, Open M-F 11:15 – 11:45 a.m., Sat/Sun 9-9:30 a.m.Salvation Army…………………………..………………………………....625-1170831 S. Brook Street, Open 5-6 p.m.Wayside Christian Mission………………………………………………...584-3711822 E. Market Street, Open 6:45 – 8:30 p.m.Special Needs ResourcesThe Council—584-1239Over multiple workshops and parent support groups forParents with Special needs childrenFIND of Louisville—587-6500Family Information Network on Disabilities provides supportTo families and individuals with specials needsKY SPIN—937-6894non-profit organization dedicated to promoting programs which will enable persons with disabilities and their families to enhance their quality of life.? Eighty-Five percent of all program income goes to direct services to families. Kentucky Council on Developmental Disabilities (877) 367-5332Seven Counties Developmental Services—589-4313Hart Supported Living Program, Community Waiver, Michelle P Waiver, In Home Support, Family Support Services, Case Management, Crisis Prevention Southeast Christian Church Disabilities Ministry—253-8126Offer Special Olympics, Young Athletes (Special Olympics group for 3-8 yr. olds), Summer Camp, Sunday School forstudents with Special Needs & Friday Night LiveIMPACT— (502)564-4456Coordinates services for student with severe emotional disabilities IMPACT—Plus (502) 564-4826Network of care services for Medicaid/KCHIP eligible children with complex treatment needEmployment Department for Employment Services……..……………...............595-4762600 Cedar Street, Louisville, KY 40203Career ResourcesDowntown ….................................................................................574-4435East……….....................................................................................254-3195West……….....................................................................................448-6681Center for Women and Families………..........................................581-7237226 W. Breckinridge Street, Louisville, KY 40203Goodwill Industries…………………………………...........................585-5221Kentuckiana College Access Center…………………………...........584-0475200 W. Broadway, 7th Floor, Louisville, KY 40202Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehabilitation…(Downtown)....595-4173 (East)………...254-3195(West)………..449-1456Louisville Works……………………………….....................................582-9675803 E. Washington Street, Louisville, KY 40206Nia Center………………………………..............................................574-37002900 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40211Urban League…………………………….............................................561-68301535 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40203Vocational Rehabilitation Services (client with disabilities)….............595-4173410 W. Chestnut, Louisville, KY 40201Mental Health ServicesIf you have private insurance, always check with your provider for services within your network.Bingham Child Guidance Center……………….......................852-6941200 Chestnut StreetFamily & Children First, Inc………………................................893-3900various locations Call Intake to Schedule AppointmentFamily & Children’s ………………............................................583-1741Interlink Counseling (Veterans) …………………………..……..964-71478311 Preston , Louisville, KY 40219Jefferson Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center (JADAC)……………583-3951600 S. Preston Street, Louisville, KY 40202Mental Health Inquest Disability Line……………................595-4053 ext. 4841Phoenix Clinic (Seven Counties)……………………….………..568-6972712 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Open M, W, F, 8-3Seven Counties……………………………………………………589-1100701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. The Brook……………………………………………………………896-04951405 Browns LaneWellstone………………………………………………………….812-284-80002700 Vissing Park Rd. Jeffersonville, IN ................

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