4409 Preston Highway Angela Durbin Page

4409 Preston Highway Angela Durbin PageLouisville, KY 40213 Integrated Science TeacherPhone: 502-485-8292 Biology 2 TeacherFax: 502-485-8823 AP Environmental Science Teacher angela.page@jefferson.kyschools.usClass: Integrated ScienceTextbooks: Environmental Science & Physical Science with Earth Science Integrated Science Topics 1. Nature of Science: Scientific Practices, Research, Experimental Design, Scientific & Critical Thinking 2. Biology/Ecology: Ecological Processes, Species Interactions, Energy Flow, Population, Human Impact3. Earth Science: Big Bang Theory, Geological Processes, Weather & Climate4. Physical Science: Motion, Forces, Momentum, Energy, Waves *Due to time constraints, the course content may need to be adjustedGradingIn this class we will be using a balanced approach in evaluating student mastery. Academic grades will reflect what the student knows and is able to do. Academic grades are based on standards and will include at least two components from each of the following categories.CategoryStudent Engagement -20%Student Progress-30%Student Mastery-50%ComponentParticipationHomeworkTestsGroup WorkProblem SolvingProficiency AssessmentsDiscussionClass AssignmentsProjectsJournals/Logs/NotebooksQuizzesPerformance AssessmentsTeacher ObservationAnecdotal RecordsPresentationsStudent ReflectionStudent Self-AssessmentGrading Scale 90- 100 % = A (Above Standards) 80- 89% = B (Meets Standards) 75- 79% = C (Approaching Standards) 70- 74% = D (Below Standards) Below 70% = U (Substantially Below Standards)Make-up and Late WorkExcused Absence: Students will have the number of days they missed, plus one to complete and hand in their work. It is the student’s responsibility to get their missed assignments from the homework calendar on my desk.All assignments are to be turned in on time. I do not take late work. All work not turned in on time will result in a zero.ISAP Policy: If you have ISAP, you are responsible for turning in and getting any work due for the day you miss class. ISAP is not the same as an excused absence. You must make up any quizzes or tests after school on the day they are given.Overall ExpectationsMy expectations for my students are very high. In order to be successful in this class, you will need to read, do applied math problems, study or write on a daily basis even if homework is not assigned. In order to be successful, I suggest the following: prepare for science the same way an athlete prepares for the sporting event. Practice every day –which means do homework and review the class material every day, spending about 15 minutes in review. If you have any questions about the material, write them down and bring them to class the following day. The night before the “big game” (test), students should spend around an hour in preparation. By reviewing every night prior to the test, there should be no ‘cramming’ for the test.Classroom ExpectationsIn order to have a successful year in this course, you will be responsible for the following:1. Conducting yourself in an acceptable manner, so that all students have the opportunity to learn. Politeness goes a long way.2. Being on time to class. This means in your seat and ready to work in proper dress code. Any work missed due to a dress code violation or tardy will not be made up.3. Bringing to class your textbook, agenda, a pen or pencil, and other designated supplies every day.4. Completing all homework and all other assignments and projects on time.5. Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes copying homework. Please be honest.6. No food, gum, or open drinks in the classroom.7. All Male High School rules apply.ConsequencesVerbal warningConstructive AssignmentCall/ letter to parentReferral to officeIf necessary, consequences 2 and 3 can be skipped in order to get the class back on track.General InformationHomework will be assigned nightly and will be due the following day unless otherwise stated.I will use the JCPS Parent Portal for grades. I post grades every 3 week or so. I will require a grade check and a note verifying you know your child’s grade between the third and fourth week in each of the six weeks grading periods.You are also expected to create and maintain a writing to learn (WTL) folder. The contents and requirements for this folder will also be explained the first week of school to the students.You will have either a paper, presentation, or project each grading period that will be worth more than the average assignment. Three Bathroom/Hallway passes will be given each grading period for emergency use. Unused passes can be turned in for bonus points.Contact InfoMy contact information is listed above. I do not have a planning period this year, due to teaching 6 classes. Students: The best time to talk to me if we do not have time in class, would be before or after school. I also have office hours after school on Thursdays each week from 2:30-3:30 for tutoring. Parents: e-mail is the easiest and quickest way that I can communicate with you. However, I do understand that some things need to be discussed over the phone. I do not have a planning this year due to teaching 6 classes. If you want to call me, it will have to be after school. I would be happy to meet with you at any time face to face. ................

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