
| |(International Standard Serial Number)  ISSN 1532-0340 |

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|McAninch Family History Newsletter |

|Volume XX, Number 1, January 31, 2012. |

| |

|A clearing house for McAninch and related surnames [McAninch, McIninch, McNinch (-sh)]. |

|Published Quarterly since 1993. Articles solicited, and Queries accepted. |

| |

| |Table Of Contents | |

|Summary: One Hundred Years Ago: McAninch in the 1910 Census |Page 2012-02 |

| | |

|Indianapolis City Directories (1914-1951) and Miscellaneous Indianapolis Data |Page 2012-04 |

| | |

|John McAninch, born ca.1760, Armstrong County pioneer, western Pennsylvania |Page 2012-06 |


|Chinese New Year: Black Water (Female) Dragon in 2012 |

|In the Chinese lunar calendar, the ‘Year of the Black Water (Female) Dragon’ 4709 will begin on |

|4 February 2012. The sequence of the twelve animals is Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, |

|Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog, and Pig. In the traditional 60-year and 120-year cycles, the |

|animals are combined with Yin-Yang and the Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth): |

|2012ChineseHoroscope.htm |

|In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is a legendary animal, and is a symbol of the emperor in China. |

|Chinese consider that the dragon is ‘coated with mysterious color’ -- unpredictable, untouchable, |

|and, according to legend, people cannot see its head and tail at the same time. |

|Chinese New Year marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, a time for family reunions, |

|honoring ancestors, and thanking the gods for their blessings. “Gung Hay Fat Choy”, the traditional |

|greeting, can be translated as “Best wishes and Congratulations. Have a prosperous and good year.” |

|This McAninch Family History Newsletter is Published by Frank and Jan (Mauk) McAninch |

|17531 Montbury Circle, Huntington Beach, California 92649-4823      Telephone: 714-846-5134 |

|Email: frank[at], FrankMcAninch[at]alumni.uci.edu, mcaninch92649[at] |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / January 2012 / Copyright Frank McAninch / page 2012-01 |

|Permission granted to copy freely for any non-commercial purpose except copyrights owned by others |

|Table of Contents for this Year |First Page of this Issue |Previous Page |Next Page |

|Summary: One Hundred Years Ago: McAninch in the 1910 Census |

|The series of ‘One Hundred Years Ago: McAninch in the 1910 Census’ articles started in 2009, |

|in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the 1910 census. The 1910 census was the 13th census |

|of the Unites States, and included some valuable family information, including |

|1. |name, age, and relationship to the head of household; |

|2. |single, married, widowed, or divorced status, and number of years of present marriage; |

|3. |[for women] mother of how many children, number born, and number now living; |

|4. |birth place of each person and parents (U.S. state or territory, or foreign country); |

|5. |citizenship, year of immigration to the U.S., and whether naturalized or alien; |

|6. |occupation, trade or profession of, or particular kind of work done by this person, |

| |and the general nature of industry, business, or establishment in which this person works. |

|The ‘One Hundred Years Ago: McAninch in the 1910 Census’ series of articles spanned nine |

|Newsletter issues (over 2 years), McAninch extracts from the 1910 census on 105 MFHN pages. |

|340 McAninch families and related households were found in the 1910 Census listings, |

|in 30 states, and the nine-column table on the next page summarizes the 1910 census data: |

| |Nine Columns |Description |

| | | |

|[1] |State |Listings found in 30 states (only 46 states in the U.S. in 1910) |

| | | |

|[2] |Num. List |Number of Households found (families and individuals ) |

| | | |

|[3] |McA. Fam.: |Number of households listed as McAninch families |

| | | |

|[4] |Num. People |Number of people in the McAninch family households |

| | | |

|[5] |Mar. Dau. Fam. |‘Married Daughter Families’ – Number of Households |

| | |listed with other surnames, wife’s maiden name McAninch. |

| | | |

|[6] |Num. People |Number of people in ‘Married Daughter Family’ households |

| | | |

|[7] |Num. Indiv. |McAninch people enumerated as single individuals |

| | |(boarders, servants, widows or widowers living alone, etc.) |

| | | |

|[8] |Total People |Total number of people – sum of (McA. Fam. Num. People) |

| | |            + (Mar. Dau. Fam. Num. People) + (Num. Individuals) |

| | | |

|[9] |MFHN Page |Newsletter page for the start of the state’s 1910 census article |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / Jan. 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-02 |

|Summary: One Hundred Years Ago: McAninch in the 1910 Census (continued): |

|Columns: [1] |[2] |[3] |[4] |[5] |[6] |[7] |[8] |[9] |

| | | | | | | | | |

|State |Num. |McA. |Num. |Mar. |Num. |Num. |Total |MFHN |

| |List. |Fam. |Peo. |Dau. |Peo. |Indiv |Peo. |Page Ref. |

| | | | |Fam. | | | | |

|Arkansas |    6 |    4 |  17 |    1 |    5 |    1 |  23 |p.2010-46 |

|California |  14 |    5 |  14 |    5 |  24 |    4 |  42 |p.2010-14 |

|Colorado |    2 |    2 |    9 |    - |    - |    - |    9 |p.2010-02 |

|Illinois |    4 |    4 |  21 |    - |    - |    - |  21 |p.2009-33 |

|Indiana |  42 |  27 |  98 |  13 |  53 |    2 |153 |p.2010-17 |

|Iowa |  39 |  29 |107 |    6 |  20 |    4 |131 |p.2010-03 |

|Kansas |  16 |  11 |  36 |    4 |  18 |    1 |  55 |p.2010-30 |

|Kentucky |  23 |  19 |  87 |    3 |  14 |    1 |102 |p.2011-02 |

|Massachusetts |    2 |    1 |    4 |    - |    - |    1 |    5 |p.2010-27 |

|Michigan |    4 |    2 |    6 |    2 |  10 |    - |  16 |p.2011-08 |

|Minnesota |    8 |    5 |  25 |    3 |  11 |    - |  36 |p.2011-09 |

|Mississippi |    1 |    1 |    2 |    - |    - |    - |    2 |p.2010-47 |

|Missouri |  34 |  21 |  87 |  12 |  51 |    2 |140 |p.2010-34 |

|Nebraska |    2 |    1 |    4 |    1 |    4 |    - |    8 |p.2010-44 |

|Nevada |    3 |    1 |    2 |    - |    - |    2 |    4 |p.2003-29 |

|New Jersey |    1 |    - |    - |    - |    - |    1 |    1 |p.2010-28 |

|New Mexico |    2 |    2 |    7 |    - |    - |    - |    7 |p.2009-34 |

|New York |    3 |    1 |    3 |    - |    - |    2 |    5 |p.2010-28 |

|North Dakota |    3 |    2 |    7 |    - |    - |    1 |    8 |p.2010-12 |

|Ohio |  26 |  19 |  78 |    4 |  28 |    4 |110 |p.2011-14 |

|Oklahoma |  14 |    7 |  39 |    5 |  18 |    2 |  59 |p.2010-48 |

|Oregon |    1 |    1 |    5 |    - |    - |    - |    5 |p.2009-16 |

|Pennsylvania |  67 |  40 |177 |  19 |  80 |    8 |265 |p.2011-24,36 |

|Rhode Island |    1 |    - |    - |    - |    - |    1 |    1 |p.2010-44 |

|Tennessee |    2 |    - |    - |    1 |    2 |    1 |    3 |p.2011-22 |

|Texas |  10 |    5 |  25 |    2 |  11 |    3 |  39 |p.2010-53 |

|Washington |    3 |    3 |  12 |    - |    - |    - |  12 |p.2011-12 |

|West Virginia |    6 |    4 |  10 |    1 |    4 |    1 |  15 |p.2011-33 |

|Wyoming |    1 |    - |    - |    - |    - |    1 |    1 |p.2010-56 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|30 State Totals |340 |217 |882 | 82 |353 |  43 |1278 | |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / Jan. 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-03 |

|Indianapolis City Directories (1914-1951) and Miscellaneous Indianapolis Data |

| |

|Selected years of Indianapolis City Directories are now available online, along with other |

|Indianapolis publications, at IUPUI (Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis), |

|Program of Digital Scholarship collections [Note 1]. Collections available include both |

|‘Indianapolis City Directory Collection’ and ‘The Indianapolis Recorder’ [newspaper], |

|and the 'advanced search' options will search all of their available collections.. |

|1914 |McAninch, Fred T., clk, h. 835 Olive |1914 pg.911 |

| |834 [Olive] Fred T. McAninch [Lexington Av. (starts on pg.1775)] |1914 p.1776 |

|1917 |McAninch, Reuben H., lab[orer] h 79 N. Addison |1917 pg.842 |

| |“Addison N. from 2400 W. Washington” . . . “79 Reuben H. McAninch” |

| |Street And Avenue Guide 1917, pg.1364 col.2 | |

|1918 |"Mount S from 2400 W. Washington St." . . . "44 Reuben McAninch" |

| |Street And Avenue Guide 1914, pg.1597 col.2 | |

|1920 |McAninch, Cecil, lab[orer] h 45 S. Mount |1920 pg.964 |

| |[“McAninch], Dorothy H., tmkpr [timekeeper] r 214 N. Addison | |

| |[“McAninch], Jas. E. [James Earl], slsmn, Fletcher Com. Co., h 44 S. Mount |

| |[“McAninch], Oral L., clk [clerk], r 214 N. Addison | |

| |[“McAninch], Pearl N., Mrs., clk Detroit Medical Glass Works, r 1062 N. Pershing av. |

| |[“McAninch], Reuben H., mach[inist], h 214 N. Addison | |

| |[“McAninch], Theo. [Theodore C.], bench hd, r 44 S. Mount | |

|1930 |McAninch, Angie H., r 1407 Dudley av. |1930 pg.968 |

| |[“McAninch], Clova E., Mrs, restr [restaurant] 1301 N. Illinos h do [ditto] |

| |[“McAninch], Esther, slswm [saleswoman] H. P. Wesson & Co., r 28 E. 16th apt 401 |

| |[“McAninch], Fred L. (Lilly E.) dentist A. F. Eiteljorg h 1521 College av apt 7 |

| |[“McAninch], Herbert, student, r 5520 N. Keystone av | |

| |[“McAninch], John, student, r 5520 N. Keystone av | |

| |[“McAninch], Mabel, cash[ier], r 1324 N. Delaware | |

| |[“McAninch], Oral L. (Irene), carrier PO [Post Office], h 919 N. Penn apt 4 |

| |[“McAninch], Pearl (Schuman & McAninch) | |

| |[“McAninch], Valentine S., r 1407 Dudley av | |

| |[and] Letter Carriers (list starts on pg.35) "McAninch Oral L." |1930 pg.36 |

| |[and] Schuman & McAnich [sic], | |

| |                Irene Schuman, Pearl McAninch, beauty shop 115 E. 49th |1930 pg.1229 |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / Jan. 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-04 |

|1940 |McAninch, Clova A. (wid. Reuben) bkbndr [bookbinder] h 2218 Bellefontaine |

| |[“McAninch], Elston C. (Pauline L.), meat ctr, h 521 E. 24th |1940 pg.844 |

| |[“McAninch], Fred N. (Dora), prs opr [press operator], h 334 S. Lyon av |

| |[“McAninch], Genevive, Mrs., maid, 5152 Pleasant Run pkwy (N. Dr) | |

| |[“McAninch], Herbert A. (Louise), eng. Link-Belt, h 5346 N. Keystone av. |

| |[“McAninch], Maxine, fctywrkr [factory worker], r 32 S. Dearborn | |

| |[“McAninch], Oral L. (Irene N.), carrier PO [Post Office], h 2039 Park av apt 2 |

| |[“McAninch], Ralph P., buyer, Schlosser Bros., r Plainfield | |

| |[“McAninch], Randa, r 929 E. Ohio | |

| |[“McAninch], Stella, Mrs., clk, h 2829 Winthrop av | |

| |[“McAninch], Thos. C. (Conrad Studio) r 213 E. South R406-11 | |

| |McAnish [sic], Milton A., r 2830 Central av | |

|1951 |McAninch, Cecil R. (Gaynell) carp[enter] K. L. McAninch h 1115 English av |

| |[“McAninch], Harvey K. (Henrietta A.) carrier PO h 7197 Westfield rd (BR) |

| |[“McAninch], Irene N., Mrs., mach opr, Lewis Meier & Co., h 1909 Broadway |

| |[“McAninch], Jacqueline M., emp. Mallory's, r Mars Hill |1951 pg.539 |

| |[“McAninch], Kenneth L., r 7197 Westfield rd (BR) | |

| |[“McAninch], Miranda C., r 7197 Westfield rd (BR) | |

| |[“McAninch], Oral L. (Irene N.), carrier PO [Post Ofice], h 1909 Broadway |

| |[“McAninch], Ralph P., sect.[secretary?], Jas. L. Sykes, r Plainfield | |

| |[“McAninch], Thos. V. (Ruth I.), clk PO [Post Office], r Bridgeport | |

| |McAnnish [sic], Earl H., reprman Chevrolet Coml. Body, h 1843 Brookside av |

| |["McAnnish(sic)], Hazel, r 1843 Brookside av | |

|1963 |[Marriage] "Delzo Snow, 408 E. 12th, and Jacqueline McAninch, 413 E. 12th", |

| |The Indianapolis Recorder [newspaper], Jan. 12, 1963, pg.6 col.1 | |

|1977 |"McAninch, Teresa L." on list of Occupational Therapy Seniors, 1977-1978, |

| |Occupational Therapy Senior Class 1977-78, Indiana University School of Medicine; |

| |School of Medicine, Indiana University Medical Center (IUMC) campus, Indianapolis |

|1998 |Legal Notices "American Trans Air Attn: Carol McAninch" |

| |The Indianapolis Recorder [newspaper], Friday, August 7, 1998, pg.D5 col.1 |

|1999 |The 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2003 "Indiana Preservationist" magazine lists |

| |"Mr. John W. McAninch and Mr. Dan E. Smith, Kokomo" among their contributors |

|Notes and Sources: |

|[1] |IUPUI (Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis) collections |

| | |

|[2] |City Directories: 1914, pg.911, pg.1776; 1917, pg.842, pg.1364; 1918, pg.1597; |

| |        1920, pg.964; 1930, pg.36, pg.968, pg.1229; 1940, pg.844; and 1951, pg.539 |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / Jan. 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-05 |

|John McAninch, born ca.1760, Armstrong County pioneer, western Pennsylvania |

|This article is just a brief update on data for this John McAninch’s date and place of birth, |

|based on recent analysis of the 19th-century census data [John McAninch, Notes 1, 2]. |

|John’s date of birth can be calculated “circa 1760” from the census records (previously, this |

|John McAninch’s DOB had been estimated as ‘1755-1765’ and even as late as ‘circa 1770’). |

|Summary of the five census records, and John's reported age at the time of each census record: |

|1790 |“McAninch, John 1 1 3 - 0 0” |John age ~30 [1790: over 16] |[3] |

|1800 |“McAninch, John 0 1 0 1 0 - 2 2 0 1 0 - 0 0" |John age ~40 [1800: 26-45] |[4] |

|1810 |“John McIninch [sic] 1 1 0 0 1 - 1 1 2 1 0” |John age ~50 [1810: 45 & over] |[5] |

|1820 |“John McAninch 0 1 1 2 0 1 -11201-0300” |John age ~60 [1820: 45 & over] |[6] |

|1830 |“John McAninch 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 - . . . “ |John age ~70 [1830: 60-70] |[7] |

|Analysis of the five census records together shows that John must have been born ‘circa 1760’: |

|1. |earliest possible year 1760 (‘lower bound’) |

| |In 1830, John was ’60-70’, so he must have been born in or after 1760 (1800 implies |

| |‘after 1755’; no ‘lower bound’ can be determined from the 1790, 1810 or 1820 records). |

|2. |and the latest possible year 1765 (‘upper bound’) |

| |In 1810, John was ’45 and over’, so he must have been born before 1765 (1790 implies |

| |‘before 1774’, both 1800 and 1820 imply ‘before 1775’, and 1830 implies ‘before 1770’) |

|3. |determine ‘born circa 1760’ |

| |From the ‘1760-1765’ range, John would be ‘age 60-65’ in 1820, and we already know |

| |‘age 60-70’ ten years later, in 1830; ‘born circa 1760’ is the only date that satisfies all of |

| |these conditions, so, John’s estimated ages were ‘age ~60’ in 1820 and ‘age ~70’ in 1830 |

| |[note: ‘circa 1760’ here means within +/- 1 year, could have been born ‘late in 1759’, |

| | and one or more of the census records could be off, info given by another person, etc.] |

|John’s birthplace is harder to document, since none of the 1790 through 1830 census records |

|recorded ‘place of birth’. It has been said elsewhere that John was born in “Scotch Corners, |

|Ireland”, with no evidence available to support that statement [8]. |

|However, there is one source document that corroborates ‘born Ireland’ in the 1880 census. |

|Only one of John's children lived long enough to be in the 1880 census, when people were asked |

|where their parents had been born. John's daughter Elizabeth (age 76 in 1880, so, born 1803-1804) |

|married John (Johannes) S. Buzard. In the 1880 census, Elizabeth was living with her son |

|Martin Buzard and his family, and reported that her father (John) had been born in “Ireland” [9] |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / January 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-06 |

|It has been reported elsewhere that John ‘landed in Philadelphia in 1778’ (no evidence available). |

|Another possible clue to John ‘s age comes in a 1786 report in Philadelphia, eastern Pennsylvania: |

|Philadelphia, 25 Feb. 1786: “Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania from |

|its organization to the termination of the Revolution. . . . The Council met . . . [at] Philadelphia, |

|Saturday, February 25, 1786 . . . Paper including VIZT: a letter from Charles Thompson, Esquire, |

|dated February 1786, inclosing resolutions of Congress dated February 17th, and April 18th, 1783, |

|and February the 15th, 1786. Also a schedule of French and Dutch loans. |

|Upon the petition of John Dugan, John McAnninch [sic], Adam West, John Field, George Richter, |

|Edward Frail, Frederick Elmoth, and Henry Deets, convicted of a breach of the peace at last |

|City Court, and a recommendation from the Court, it is Ordered that the respective fines adjudged |

|to be paid to the use of the State by the persons mentioned, be remitted” [10] |

|This John McAninch was clearly an adult in 1786, age 21 or over, so, he was born before 1765. |

|If this is the same John McAninch, he would have been about 18 in 1778, and about 26 in 1786. |

|Notes and Sources: |

|[1] |The 'original' John McAninch (b.ca.1760, d.ca.Oct.1839) was an Armstrong County pioneer, |

| |and his three sons are the 'three brothers' described in the Jefferson County history books: |

| |1. |William McAninch, b.1783-1784 (John age ~23); William married Isabel Hopkins; |

| | |William and Isabel (Hopkins) McAninch founded the ‘Jefferson County McAninch’s |

| |2. |John McAninch, born ca.1800 (father John age ~40); this John married (probably) |

| | |Barbara Shoup (Armstrong County), son John (‘younger’) and Barbara McAninch |

| | |went west to Richland Township, Wyandot County, Ohio. |

| | |We can establish son John’s DOB from his father John's census records: |

| | |        1800 census: son John not on 1800 census, implies son John born >= 1800; |

| | |        1810 census: son John 10-16 in 1810, so, implies son John b.1794-1800; and |

| | |        1820 census: son John 18-26 in 1820, so, implies son John b.1794-1802; |

| | |        so, the census records give us 'son John born ca.1800’ (at least ‘1800-1802'). |

| |3. |Henry McAninch, b.16 Feb. 1802 (John age ~42); Henry married Elizabeth Bowser, |

| | |went to Missouri and Iowa; see the article “McAninch-Bowser: Henry McAninch |

| | |Married (Mary) Elizabeth Bowser”, MFHN, Vol.IX, No.3, July 2001, pg.2001 |

|[2] |[a] |McAninch's in Early Pennsylvania . . . three early pioneers, Henry, John, and William |

| | |MFHN v.I n.4 November 1993 p.1993-18 |

| |[b] |McAninch Land Records, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, 1805-1918 |

| | |MFHN v.III n.4 December 1995 p.1995-43 |

| |[c] |McAninch Land Records in Early Armstrong County, Pennsylvania |

| | |MFHN v.IV n.3 August 1996 pgs.1996-25,26,27 |

| |[d] |McAninch Land Records in Early Armstrong County, Pennsylvania [Part 2] |

| | |MFHN v.IV n.4 December 1996 p.1996-33 |

| |[e] |John McAninch, 296 acres, Surveyed Sept. 1811, MFHN v.VIII n.3 July p.2000-22 |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / January 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-07 |

|[2] |continued |

| |[f] |“Daniel McAninch, Part II: From Pennsylvania, 1790, to Lincoln County, Kentucky” |

| | |(1790 Census, Westmoreland County); MFHN v.IX n.2 April 2001 pg.2001-11 |

| |[g] |March, 1828, Lavinia McAninch, daughter of John McAninch, married William Fish |

| | |[Abstracts from the Kittaning Gazette, 1825 to 1828, by Candy Livengood, #580] |

| | |MFHN v.IX n.4 October 2001 p.2001-26 |

| |[h] |1839, Estate of John McAninch, MFHN v.V n.1 February 1997, p.1997-08 |

|[3] |1790 Census: “McAninch, John 1 1 3 0 0”, NARA M637 Westmoreland Co., Rolls 8 and 9; |

| |1 Free white males, 16 years and upward, including heads of families [John, b.Bef.1775] |

|[4] |1800 Census: “McAninch, John 0 1 0 1 0 - 2 2 0 1 0 - 0 0"; Males: 1 10-16, 1 26-45 |

| |(John, b.1755-1775); Armstrong County, NARA M32, Roll 35, pg.201 (also marked 125) |

|[5] |[a] |1810 Census: “John McIninch [sic] 1 1 0 0 1 - 1 1 2 1 0”, one male, 45 & over |

| | |(John, b.bef.1765); Armstrong County, Buffalo Twp; NARA M252 Roll 44 pg.387 |

| |[b] |1810 Census, Armstrong County: records of three McA/Ninch families in the 1810 |

| | |census [Note: Henry McAninch, wife Mary, and 3 daughters have gone to Ohio] |

| | |Archibald McNinch, Sugar Creek Township, John McAninch, Buffalo Township, and |

| | |William ['younger'] and Isabel (Hopkins) McAninch, Buffalo Township, but, the ‘elder’ |

| | |William McAninch not found in 1810 census; MFHNL v.XI n.4 Oct. 2003 p.2003-31 |

|[6] |1820 Census: “John McAninch 0 1 1 2 0 1 - 1 1 2 0 1 - 0 3 0 0”, one male 45 & over, |

| |John, b.bef.1775; Armstrong County, Buffalo Township, NARA M33, Roll 97, pg. 295 |

|[7] |1830 Census: “John McAninch 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2”, one male 60-70; John |

| |born 1760-1770; Armstrong County, Buffalo Township, NARA M19 Roll 145 p.262 line 11 |

|[8] |Scotch Corners was a small village in County Monaghan, about two kilometers south-east |

| |of Braddocks, County Monaghan, and just south of the border between County Monaghan, |

| |Republic of Ireland, and County Antrim, Northern Ireland. County Monaghan is one of the |

| |three Counties in Ulster Province that are now part of the Republic of Ireland; the other six |

| |Ulster counties remained in Northern Ireland, U.K. MFHN v.X n.4 October 2002 pg.2002-30 |

|[9] |1880 census, Martin Buzard household: Elizabeth, F 76 Mother, b.Pa f.b.Ireland m.b.Ireland |

| |[Elizabeth McAninch, widow of John S. Buzzard, and mother of Martin Buzard] |

| |Pennsylvania, Clarion County, Madison Twp., 21 June 1880, NARA T9 Roll 1117 pg.202 |

|[10]    Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, Volume 14, page 647, found at Virginia State Library |

| |and Archives, Richmond, Virginia (call no. F146, P409), by Gary McAninch, Powhatan, |

| |Virginia (1997), now living in Oregon; MFHN, v.V n.2 May 1997 p.1997-10 |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|McAninch Family History NL v.XX n.1 / January 2012 / Frank McAninch, Editor / page 2012-08 |


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