Reading, Math, 4th Writing, 5th Science

|Ivy Hawn Lesson Plans –N. Renzoni |

|Subject: Reading/LA Grade: 2 Time: 8:00 to 9:30 Length: 90 min Date: April 10-14 |

|Standard(s)/Benchmark(s) Addressed: |Learning Goal(s): |

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|LAFS.2.RI.3.9 |Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. |

| |Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text |

|LAFS.2.RI.2.5 |efficiently. |

|LAFS.2.RI.1.1 |Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. |

|LAFS.2.RI.2.4 | |

|LAFS.2.L.2.3 (a) |Determine meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. |

|LAFS.2.L.3.6 | |

| |Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening: choose words and phrases for effect. |

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| |Acquire and use accurately conversational, general academic and domain-specific words and phrases as found in grade appropriate texts, including those that signal spatial |

| |and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them.) |

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|ESE/ESOL Accommodations: teacher and |Differentiated Instructional Strategies: |Engaging Student Activity: |

|peer assistance, repetition, visuals | | |

| |Students will go to RTI groups based on classroom needs |Videos can be watched at any point during the week as hooks for reading lesson. |

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| | |Tian Tian playing in snow |

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| | |Tian Tian eating |

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| | |Tian Tian and another panda, Bao Bao, who is playing |

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| | |Tian Tian playing |

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| | |Tian Tian and Mei Xiang playing (shows panda scratching backside on log; play at discretion) |

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|Materials: included in lesson below | | |

|Higher Order Level Question(s): ask | | |

|varying analysis and evaluation level | | |

|questions while comparing/contrasting | | |

|Tian Tian and pandas in National | | |

|Geographic article | | |

|21st Century Skills to Increase Rigor: |Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels: |

| |Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |-Recall elements and details -Identify and summarize the major events -Support ideas with details and -Conduct a project that requires |

| |specifying |

| |of story structure. of a narrative examples. |

|Collaboration and Leadership |a problem, designing, and conducting an |

| |-Conduct basic math calculations. -Use context clues to identify the meaning -Use an appropriate voice to the experiment, analyzing its data, and |

| |-Label locations on a map. of unfamiliar words. purpose and audience. |

|Agility, Flexibility, and Adaptability |reporting results/solutions. |

| |-Represent in words or diagrams -Solve routine multiple-step problems. -Identify research questions and -Apply math model to illuminate a |

| |problem. |

|Initiative and Entrepreneurialism |a scientific concept/relationship. -Describe the cause/effect of an event. design investigations for a scientific -Analyze and synthesize information|

| |from |

| |-Perform routine procedures -Identify patterns in events or behaviors. problem. multiple |

|Effective Oral and Written |sources. |

|communication |like measuring length or -Formulate a routine problem given data -Develop a scientific model for a -Describe and illustrate how |

| |common |

| |punctuation marks. and conditions. complex situation. |

|Accessing and Analyzing Information |themes are found across texts from |

| |-Describe the features -Organize, represent, and interpret data. -Determine the author’s purpose and different cultures. |

| |of a place or people. describe how it affects the story. |

|Curiosity and Imagination |-Design a math model to inform and solve |

| |-Apply a concept in other contexts. a practical or abstract situation. |

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|Teamwork | |

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|Lesson Activity/Experiences: |

|Monday |

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|Reading: Watch videos of Tian Tian under “Engaging Student Activity.” Read Tian Tian, a Giant Panda through with class to gain comprehension and discuss unknown vocabulary. Ask students about the text using |

|question words. Discuss with students what question words are (who; what; when; where; why; how; which) and why asking ourselves questions help us understand a story. Review definition of text features (bold print,|

|diagrams, captions, etc.) and have students complete the text feature hunt page. |

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|Grammar: spatial/temporal words worksheet |

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|Tuesday |

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|Reading: Read through Tian Tian, a Giant Panda again with students, providing opportunities for students to ask question words; read through the National Geographic webpage article, noting text features when |

|possible (or noting the absence of them in the article). In particular, note the chart of animal weights on page 9 of Tian Tian; discuss how this chart is different from a bar graph and how it functions to give us |

|useful information. Model asking questions using question words and give students a few minutes to ask each other questions about the story using question words. Have students compare and contrast Tian Tian with |

|pandas as listed in the National Geographic article; have students make panda craft. |

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|Grammar: choosing words for effect worksheet |

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|Wednesday |

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|Reading/Grammar: Review jeopardy game of all skills learned this week |

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|Thursday |

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|Reading story skills quiz (summative); grammar quiz (summative); spelling test |

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|Friday |

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|Field trip to Central Florida Zoo |

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