
MO VANITY TRASH: But You Already Knew That!

Round One

Questions by Charles II of England


1. In one appearance, this character’s love interest is betrayed by her superior, A. Foster, who is working with H.P. Clancy to create BIO-NOIDS. This man says “Just a girl. Get out of here!” before being shot by a woman after defeating the villain Barbarian. The love interest of CIA agent Irene Lew, this character is first introduced receiving a family heirloom in the mail from his father, who was killed by the Malice Four, who work for Jaquio in his attempt to revive the Demon. This man is the protagonist of video games subtitled The Dark Sword of Chaos and The Ancient Ship of Doom. In a more recent game, he teams with the large breasted “fiend hunter,” Rachel. In that 2004 game set in the Dead or Alive universe, this character fights the Holy Vigoor Emperor and attempts to reclaim the Dark Dragon Blade. For 10 points, name this protagonist of the Ninja Gaiden series.

ANSWER: Ryu Hayabusa [accept either]

2. A version of this song by the Womenfolk, at just one minute and three seconds, is the shortest single to chart on the Billboard Hot 100. Figures in this song include people who “all went to the university” and who “play on the golf course and drink their martinis dry.” On one television show, it plays as identically dressed people emerge from the “It’s a Grind” coffee house. The songwriter was inspired by looking at the Westlake neighborhood around Daly City. Called the “most sanctimonious song ever written” by Tom Lehrer, this song notes “there’s a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one” and says the title objects “on the hillside” are “made of ticky tacky” and are “all the same.” It may be best known for being the theme song for multiple seasons of the show Weeds. For 10 points, name this Malvina Reynolds song making fun of suburban houses.

ANSWER: “Little Boxes”

3. In 2004, this man aroused controversy by giving a Nazi salute during a WWE show in Munich. During his early days in the WWE, he used the nickname “Hawk” and was managed by “Uncle Zebekiah,” before later teaming with Barry Windham as part of the New Blackjacks. This man was Michael Cole’s first choice to be the guest referee in Cole’s match with Jerry Lawler at WrestleMania, but was given a Stunner by Steve Austin. He once hired Jillian Hall as his “fixer” and quit after losing an Intercontinental title match to Rey Mysterio in 21 seconds. The former partner with Ron Simmons in the Acolytes Protection Agency, this man’s most notable gimmick was based on his real life experience as a stock market investor. In that gimmick, he led a stable known as the “Cabinet” and always entered the ring in a limo. For 10 points, name this wrestler best known for his cowboy hat wearing rich businessman persona, who is also known as “Bradshaw.”

ANSWER: John Charles Layfield [accept Bradshaw until mentioned, accept JBL, accept Blackjack, prompt on Hawk until mentioned]

4. This city was where activist Daisy Bates was arrested for failing to provide information for the public record. Harry Ashmore won the Pulitzer Prize for his editorials written in this city. The Supreme Court case Cooper v Aaron originated from an incident here. A song beginning with the lyric “Oh, Lord, don’t let ‘em shoot us!” was written by Charles Mingus about this location and was titled “Fables” of one leader from here. The memoir Warriors Don’t Cry was written by Melba Beals about her experiences in this city, while Minnijean Brown was forced to leave one location here after splashing boys with chili in the cafeteria. In this city, the National Guard was called out by Orval Faubus to prevent nine people from entering a school. For 10 points, name this city in which the U.S. Army entered on Dwight Eisenhower’s orders to integrate its Central High School.

ANSWER: Little Rock

5. One member of this family played the Jimmy Stewart role in a gender reversed 1977 TV-movie version of It’s a Wonderful Life. Another member played an alien in a memorable Dick Van Dyke episode involving walnuts. A member of this family wrote the book Free to Be…You and Me and appeared on a television show where her character became engaged to boyfriend Don Hollinger. This was the surname of the man who played the title character on the sitcom Make Room for Daddy and who vowed if he found success, he would establish an institution dedicated to the patron saint of hopeless causes. A more recent member of this family is married to Phil Donahue, starred on the show That Girl, and like her father, is extremely involved in St. Jude’s Memorial Hospital. For 10 points, name this family, whose members include comedian Danny and his daughter, Marlo.

ANSWER: Thomas [accept Kairouz]

6. This football coach missed out on a perfect season after an offsides penalty on his team resulted in a successful do-over attempt for opposing kicker Jeremy Ito. In 2003, Auburn’s president apologized for holding a secret meeting with this man as a possible replacement for Tommy Tuberville. In one of his college coaching seasons, he guided quarterback Brian Brohm to a 12-1 season ending in a BCS win over an improbable Wake Forest team. This man ended one coaching job by leaving a four-sentence note of resignation at the locker of each of his players. After winning the 2007 Orange Bowl with the Louisville Cardinals, this man left to briefly coach the Atlanta Falcons. His most recent job came to an end after he was involved in a motorcycle crash with a woman he was having an affair with. For 10 points, name this recently fired football coach at the University of Arkansas.

ANSWER: Robert “Bobby” Petrino

7. This man was wounded when trying to stop the fighting in the Battle of Liberty Place in New Orleans. He became more somber after three of his children died in one week in a Richmond scarlet ever epidemic. This man hired the actor turned spy known as Harrison, who told this man’s superior about forces moving north from Maryland. At the Battle of the Wilderness, he was accidentally shot by his own men. This man was blasted by Douglas Southall Freeman for being slow in the Second Battle of Bull Run. Known as “Old War Horse,” he was attacked as a scalawag for being the only senior Confederate to join the Republican Party during Reconstruction. The Lost Cause movement harped on this man’s supposed delays and insubordinate disagreement with his superior over Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. For 10 points, name this principal subordinate of Robert E. Lee during the Civil War.

ANSWER: James Longstreet

8. On one failed TV show, this man played a social worker who works with the Laurie Metcalf played Laurie in helping people like a Nikki Cox played prostitute. Besides that show in which he played a former NHL player, this man played a character who moves to Waterford Falls, Wisconsin, to learn about Middle America for his weekly minute-long commentaries. In an appearance on Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, he was talked out of giving the correct answer “the Greenbrier,” failing to win a million dollars for his charity. This man frequently used the non sequitur punch line “you guessed it, Frank Stallone,” and one of his characters insists on being called Turd Ferguson. He angered NBC executive Don Ohlmeyer for his constant jokes about O.J. Simpson delivered while this man was Weekend Update anchor. For 10 points, name this comedian noted for his impressions of Bob Dole and Burt Reynolds on Saturday Night Live.

ANSWER: Norman Gene “Norm” Macdonald

9. One of this author’s works ends with the throwaway line that a character “contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab.” In another of his works, a character thinks of a millionaire who “spoke without moving his lips” as he drinks “coffee according to Hopkins.” This man wrote a work in which a character’s version of the Lord’s Prayer reads “Our nada who art in nada, nada by thy name…” In that story, two waiters in a café discuss why an older man would try to commit suicide. This man created a character whose father is a doctor forced to perform an emergency caesarean section using a jack-knife at an Indian camp. That character later returns to Michigan to fly fish after his time spent in World War I. For 10 points, name this author of the short stories “A Clean Well-Lighted Place” and “Big Two-Hearted River,” the latter of which features his recurring character, Nick Adams.

ANSWER: Ernest Miller Hemingway

10. During this event, reporter Bob Tur took footage which was frequently run on national television without permission. One notable participant, Damian Williams, was personally arrested by Daryl Gates, and this event began shortly after an announcement involving men like Lawrence Powell and Stacey Koon. During it, a dusk to dawn curfew was set up by Mayor Tom Bradley. In response to it, Maxine Waters defined it as a rebellion against poverty, while Dan Quayle labeled it as an example of “poverty of values.” During this event truck driver Reginald Denny was viciously beaten, Korean-Americans formed armed defense groups to protect their stores, and one figure asked “can we all get along?” For 10 points, name this series of April 1992 riots that broke out after the acquittal of four police officers accused of beating Rodney King.

ANSWER: 1992 Los Angeles riots [accept Rodney King riots, do not accept “Watts riots”]

11. A member of this group goes to a supermarket, where he tells a woman named Marion that his cucumber is bigger. Some members exploit the apparent death of a girl named Fawn Leibowitz in a kiln explosion. One member of this group is last seen driving off with Mandy Pepperidge, although he is later said to become a senator. This group hires Otis Day and the Knights to perform at a function. Another member, Larry Kroger, is called a “homo” by his evil conscience for not taking advantage of the mayor’s daughter and eventually becomes the editor of National Lampoon magazine. Members of this group include D-Day, Flounder, and Otter, all of whom are placed on “double secret probation” by Dean Wormer. For 10 points, name this group whose members include the John Belushi played Bluto, a rowdy fraternity in the movie Animal House.

ANSWER: Deltas [accept Delta Tau Chi members, prompt on Animal House]

12. This character’s brother, Barney, died thanks to the supervillain Egghead. During the late ‘80s, this hero went deaf due to the effects of one of his own weapons. One of his old mentors was the Swordsman, and his wife, Bobbi Morse, was killed in a confrontation with the demon Mephisto. This character appeared to die when he sacrificed himself by flying into a Kree warship to save his teammates. Once married to Mockingbird, he was the second person to adopt the “Ronin” identity. After becoming a carnival star, he briefly becomes a criminal after being seduced by the Black Widow, but soon joins Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch as part of Captain America’s “Kooky Quartet.” On film, this character has a cameo in Thor and a major role in The Avengers and is played by Jeremy Renner. For 10 points, name this Marvel comics hero, an archer.

ANSWER: Hawkeye [accept Clint Barton, either part; accept Goliath, accept Ronin]

13. In one early scene, this character describes how he sits in his apartment “all alone” and thinks “of the rent” he pays before noting now that he has “his own apartment, a car, and plenty of women” but is “lonely.” He describes how his date, Charlotte, is engaged to a prospective vice-president at his workplace. The assistant to the assistant buyer at a department store, he proposes forming two basketball teams to go on tour to promote sporting goods. At Frank’s Chop House, this man claims his brother is a quarterback for the Giants and that his father is “just a guy” while talking with two women. He is last seen proclaiming that he will show everyone that his “father did not die in vain” and that he’s “gonna win it for him,” even though his older brother denounces the dream. For 10 points, name this younger brother of Biff and son of Willy in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman.

ANSWER: Harold “Hap” Loman [accept either, accept Happy]

14. In some appearances, this character is assisted by the female Ann Reilly. He poses as another man’s uncle and talks about “everything for a man on holiday” when he shows up in Isthmus City, Panama, in one appearance. When using the name Algernon, this character once makes a plea for some “gratuitous sex and violence.” In his final appearance, he says “never let them see you bleed” and “always have an escape plan,” as he descends out of sight when asked his about his retirement. When asked if he is joking about an ejector seat, this character says he never jokes about his work. His real name is Major Boothroyd, a reference to a firearms expert who complained to Ian Fleming. Almost always played by Desmond Llewelyn, he was replaced in some recent films by John Cleese as “R.” For 10 points, name this character who provides James Bond with his gadgets.

ANSWER: Q [accept Major Boothroyd until mentioned or Algernon/Algy until mentioned]

15. Specific year and event OR the two teams involved are okay. This was the first World Series for a St. Cloud, Minnesota, native noted for his struggles with Tourette syndrome. The losing manager was the shortstop the New York Mets acquired in the Nolan Ryan trade. At one point, pitcher Todd Stottlemyre was thrown out trying to make an awkward dive into third base, causing him to be mocked by Mayor Ed Rendell. During one game in this event, announcer Tom Cheek famously told one player to “touch ‘em all—you’ll never hit a bigger home run in your life.” Memorable games included the 15-14 Game 4, which was followed by a Curt Schilling pitched shutout, the final postseason game at Veterans Stadium. This event was ended by Mitch “Wild Thing” Williams serving up a walk off home run to Joe Carter. For 10 points, identify this event in which a MLB team from Canada won its second straight championship against a John Kruk led NL team.

ANSWER: 1993 World Series OR Toronto Blue Jays and Philadelphia Phillies [accept any combination of Toronto and/or Blue Jays AND Philadelphia and/or Phillies]

16. This character was inspired to change her career after talking with frequent customer Jimmy Tadero. Her biological father was killed by Joe Hirschoff in the “Built to Kill” two-parter. This character’s final appearance to date featured her as the target of her former friend, the Annabeth Gish played Laura. In the third season, this character’s ex-husband, Eddie, is killed in the episode “Lady Heather’s Box,” in which she also rescues her daughter Lindsey from a car filling with water. She is the daughter of the suspicious casino owner Sam Braun and once worked as a stripper before entering law enforcement. This character, who recently took a job at the FBI, was replaced by the Ted Danson portrayed D.B. Russell as Night Shift Supervisor after herself replacing long time colleague Gil Grissom. For 10 points, name this Marg Helgenberger played forensic scientist who recently left the show CSI.

ANSWER: Catherine Flynn Willows [accept any part]

17. This actor played a scientist who encounters the comedy team of Duke Mitchell and Sammy Petrillo. In another movie, he plays a man who has an assistant named Lobo and is hit with lightning while fighting an octopus, prompting another character to say “He tampered in God’s domain.” Besides appearing in a film where he “meets a Brooklyn Gorilla,” this actor nonsensically narrates the pro-cross dressing film Glen or Glenda? In one film role, he played an old man whose younger wife is played by Vampira. Martin Landau won an Oscar for playing this man in Ed Wood, which shows him performing in the film Plan 9 from Outer Space. In a 1931 film, he plays a character who talks about the “children of the night” before making Renfield his slave. For 10 points, name this Hungarian actor best known for originating the role of Dracula on film.

ANSWER: Bela Lugosi

18. One employee of this institution wrote the essays “And the Fair Land” and “The Desolate Wilderness,” both of which are Thanksgiving themed. Besides the entertainingly named Vermont Connecticut Royster, another employee of it wrote the collection At Home in the World, inspired the collection I Am Jewish, and was played by Dan Futterman in the movie A Mighty Heart. Employees for this institution later expanded their work into the books Barbarians at the Gate and Den of Thieves. In 2002, this institution was criticized for using the term “lucky duckies” to refer to Americans who pay no federal income tax because they are below the tax line. Its South Asia Bureau Chief, Daniel Pearl, was beheaded in Pakistan. This publication has appeared since July 1889 when founded by Dow Jones & Company. For 10 points, name this American newspaper, noted for covering business and economic news.

ANSWER: The Wall Street Journal [accept WSJ]

19. Members of this family were opposed by the newspaper La Prensa and eventually murdered the editor of that paper in 1978. A member of this family was killed in the 1980 Operation Reptile by a Marxist team in Paraguay possibly working for Fidel Castro, who disliked how this family provided support for the Bay of Pigs invasion. One member of this family was assassinated by poet Rigoberto Perez, while another embezzled funds after a 1972 earthquake hit his capital, a crime that prompted Roberto Clemente’s fatal plane crash to investigate. This isn’t the Trujillo family, but a FDR quote about a member of it being “our son of a bitch” is frequently quoted. Two men named Anastasio from this family led a country and battled the Sandinista rebellion. For 10 points, name this powerful family which ruthlessly ruled Nicaragua until 1979.

ANSWER: Somoza [prompt on Garcia or Debayle]

20. This man wrote the children’s book Mr. Raccoon and His Friends and collected his poetry in the book Cool Reflections. During one presidential campaign, he was accompanied by poet Robert Lowell who praised his ‘lack of excessive charisma.” Along with his “Committee for a Constitutional Presidency” during the 1976 campaign, this man joined Senator James Buckley in serving as the plaintiffs in the campaign contribution case Buckley v. Valeo. In one campaign, this Democrat said the U.S. should “expect once in a while to pay ransom” when referring to the recent Pueblo affair. During his most notable campaign, hippies shaved their beards in order to campaign for this man door to door, although his efforts flagged after the assassination of Robert Kennedy. For 10 points, name this Minnesota politician who finished a very strong second to Lyndon Johnson in the 1968 New Hampshire primary.

ANSWER: Eugene Joseph McCarthy [accept Gene McCarthy]


1. This game show only used female contestants, possibly because of safety reasons. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this game show, a revival of an earlier show. Featuring Geoff Edwards as the host, this show featured contestants selecting a box that could contain up to $25,000, but could also contain a ridiculous prize. This show strived to exploit contestants’ emotions.

ANSWER: The New Treasure Hunt

[10] The New Treasure Hunt was produced by this man, who also created The Dating Game and The Gong Show. According to his book Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, he worked for the CIA as well.

ANSWER: Charles Hirsch “Chuck” Barris

[10] The New Treasure Hunt is similar to this more recent NBC program hosted by Howie Mandel, in which contestants selected a briefcase that could contain up to a million dollars and contended with the offers of the mysterious “banker.”

ANSWER: Deal or No Deal

2. Answer the following about important baseball cards for 10 points each.

[10] The “T206” card of this Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop was designed by the American Tobacco Company. The card is considered the most valuable in history and has fetched hundreds of thousands of dollars at auctions.

ANSWER: Johannes Peter “Honus” Wagner

[10] This man’s 1989 Fleet card shows him holding a bat with the words “fuck face” written on it. His brother was the more famous player, although he played alongside him as an infielder from 1987 to 1992.

ANSWER: William Oliver “Billy” Ripken

[10] The 1969 Topps card of this man actually showed the teams bat boy. A weak hitter, he was a very good defender and played third base for the Tigers for almost all of the 1970’s. He became the first American Leaguer to beat Brooks Robinson for the third base Gold Glove since 1959 when he won in 1975.

ANSWER: Aurelio Rodriguez Ituarte Jr.

3. This composer turned down an offer to compose The Green Berets, but was convinced to do it after being told it was an “eastern,” not a western. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this legendary Hungarian film composer, who provided the music to such films as El Cid, Spellbound, and Ben-Hur.

ANSWER: Miklos Rozsa

[10] Rozsa provided the heavily theremin-driven score for Spellbound, although this director of the film disliked it and only used Rozsa because Bernard Hermann was unavailable. This man also directed Psycho and Vertigo.

ANSWER: Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock

[10] Hermann himself played a conductor in this Hitchcock film, seen leading an orchestra at Albert Hall. This film stars Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day as a couple whose son is kidnapped. It also introduced the song “Que Sera Sera” to the American public.

ANSWER: The Man Who Knew Too Much

4. Answer the following tangentially related to the NBC show Profiler for 10 points each.

[10] Profiler starred Ally Walker as FBI profiler Samantha Waters. Walker more recently played this villainous ATF agent who clashed with the title group on the show Sons of Anarchy. This character was killed by Opie at the end of season three.

ANSWER: Agent June Stahl [accept either]

[10] Julian McMahon also appeared on Profiler as a detective. He more notably played plastic surgeon Christian Troy on this FX show about the cosmetic surgery industry.

ANSWER: Nip/Tuck

[10] As evidenced by a crossover, Profiler exists in the same universe as this other former NBC series whose title character, Jared, was a child prodigy who could flawlessly impersonate anyone, allowing him to take any job.

ANSWER: The Pretender

5. This event is the second-oldest parade on a certain holiday in the United States, only trailing a Dunkin’ Donuts parade in Philadelphia. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this parade held on a certain Thursday in New York and sponsored by the namesake department store.

ANSWER: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

[10] In both 1995 and 2011, the cast of this musical performed a number during the parade. This musical is about the scheming J. Pierrepont Finch and its best known musical number is “Brotherhood of Man.”

ANSWER: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

[10] A recent balloon has featured this character, a kid who has a crush on Holly Hills and has a best friend named Rowley Jefferson. He was created by Jeff Kinney for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

ANSWER: Gregory “Greg” Heffley [accept any part]

6. The protagonist of this movie, Billy Chapel, is set to be traded to the San Francisco Giants. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this movie in which Kevin Costner plays a pitcher who throws a perfect game for the Detroit Tigers while thinking about his life and his relationship with his Kelly Preston played girlfriend.

ANSWER: For Love of the Game

[10] The film was very unsuccessful and could not compare to this far more famous Costner film about baseball in which he meets ghostly ballplayers in Iowa as well as reconciling with his dead father.

ANSWER: Field of Dreams

[10] The book For Love of the Game was the final one written by Michael Shaara, the author of this Pulitzer-winning 1974 book that was adapted into the film Gettysburg.

ANSWER: The Killer Angels

7. Answer the following about the mascots employed by government agencies for 10 points each.

[10] This animal, used in ads for the United States Forest Service, proclaims “only YOU can prevent forest fires” while brandishing a shovel.

ANSWER: Smokey the Bear

[10] This bird proclaimed “Give a hoot—don’t pollute” and joined Smokey in working for the U.S. Forest Service. He wears a sporty green hat.

ANSWER: Woodsy Owl

[10] The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration produced safety ads featuring two talking crash test dummies. Name either one of the dummies who appeared in these ads.

ANSWER: Vince or Larry [only one needed]

8. This man has been portrayed by such diverse performers as Martin Sheen, David Hyde Pierce, and Jim Breuer. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this author of the memoir Blind Ambition, which described his time as Nixon’s White House Counsel from 1970 to 1973. This man proved to be an extremely helpful witness before the Senate Watergate Committee.

ANSWER: John Wesley Dean III

[10] Dean wrote a 2004 biography of this president, whose own administration was hit by such scandals as the Teapot Dome affair.

ANSWER: Warren Gamaliel Harding

[10] Dean also wrote the book Conservatives Without Conscience, whose title references this man’s book The Conscience of a Conservative. This politician’s career was launched by the book, although it was ghost-written by L. Brent Bozell.

ANSWER: Barry Morris Goldwater

9. This Ruggero Deodato film resulted in the director being arrested on obscenity charges. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this movie which is about an American film crew who disappears on a trip to the Amazon Basin. Their missing footage reveals that they are brutally slain by an indigenous tribe. The director was accused of making a snuff film due to some infamous scenes.

ANSWER: Cannibal Holocaust

[10] The idea of “found footage” was memorably used in this low-budget 1999 film about three student filmmakers who investigate a local legend near Maryland and are never seen again, leaving only their footage behind.

ANSWER: The Blair Witch Project

[10] This 2011 entry in the “found footage” genre shows lost footage from the title space mission to the moon, in which astronauts discover it is home to alien creatures which infect and kill them.

ANSWER: Apollo 18

10. One recurring character on this show was the Leslie Nielsen played Sergeant “Buck Frobisher.” For 10 points each:

[10] Name this show which ran on both CBS and CTV in Canada. Its protagonist, a Mountie named Benton Fraser, traveled to Chicago on the trail of his father’s killers and for reasons which don’t need exploring right now, ended up attached as liaison to the Canadian consulate.

ANSWER: Due South

[10] Fraser owned a half-wolf who was deaf and could read lips in a bilingual fashion. The wolf was named after this Canadian Prime Minister.

ANSWER: John George Diefenbaker

[10] One of Fraser’s love interests was played by Melina Kanakaredes, who also played Detective Stella Bonasera on this CBS procedural series starring Gary Sinise as the leader of a team of forensic scientists. It was the second spinoff of a show set in Las Vegas.

ANSWER: CSI: NY [or Crime Scene Investigation: New York]

11. One character in this play, Bradley, has lost a leg to a chainsaw. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this play in which Vince brings his girlfriend home to meet his dysfunctional family. Dodge, his drunken grandfather, hid the product of a potentially incestuous relationship in the family, which finally comes to light at the end of this work.

ANSWER: Buried Child

[10] Buried Child is a work by this author, who also wrote the play True West. As an actor, he played Chuck Yeager in The Right Stuff.

ANSWER: Sam Shepard [accept Samuel Shepard Rogers IV]

[10] Buried Child won a 1979 Obie award. The 1996 Obie award went to this Eve Ensler work in which actresses deliver speeches about aspects of femininity. Commonly performed at colleges, it is written to supposedly celebrate the title part of the anatomy.

ANSWER: The Vagina Monologues

12. During the Democratic debates in 2007, this man said “they frighten me,” in describing some of his fellow candidates. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this one-time Senatorial colleague of Ted Stevens, who read the Pentagon Papers into public record in 1971. A former Democrat, his participation in the 2007 primaries earned him such descriptors as “the cranky uncle who lives in the attic.”

ANSWER: Maurice Robert “Mike” Gravel

[10] Stevens and Gravel represented this state in Congress. It experienced the devastating 1964 Good Friday Earthquake.

ANSWER: Alaska

[10] Gravel’s successor as Alaska Senator joined this man, a Senator from Oregon, as being the only two Senators to vote against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. He delivered a 22 hour filibuster to protest the Tidelands Oil legislation and left the Republican Party in protest of Richard Nixon’s selection as Eisenhower’s running mate.

ANSWER: Wayne Lyman Morse

13. This event was investigated by the Cullen Report. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this March 1996 event in which seventeen people at the namesake Scottish school were gunned down by 43-year-old Thomas Hamilton. This massacre resulted in two Firearms Amendment Acts severely limiting private ownership of handguns in the United Kingdom.

ANSWER: Dunblane school massacre

[10] With the consent of this man, the song’s writer, a new verse was written for “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” in memory of those killed. This also popularized such hits as “Like a Rolling Stone” and “The Times They Are a-Changin.’”

ANSWER: Bob Dylan [accept Robert Allen Zimmerman]

[10] A school massacre in the United States occurred on August 1, 1966, when university student Charles Whitman killed 13 people, while using the vantage point of the observation deck of a campus tower located in this city.

ANSWER: Austin [prompt on the University of Texas]

14. As general manager, this man fired Tony LaRussa and traded away Bobby Bonilla. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this man known as “Hawk” who is one of the biggest “homer” announcers in baseball. While calling Chicago White Sox games, he uses such catch phrases as “You can put it on the board” and “he gone.”

ANSWER: Kenneth Smith Harrelson

[10] Harrelson coined the nickname “Big Hurt” to refer to this longtime White Sox first baseman, who won the MVP in 1993 and 1994, and should not be confused with a gun-happy NAQT staffer.

ANSWER: Frank Edward Thomas Jr.

[10] Harrelson has frequently criticized this incompetent veteran umpire, who frequently clashed with Ozzie Guillen. Known as “Cowboy,” he works as a singer/songwriter in his spare time.

ANSWER: Joseph Henry West

15. This story ends with Norton being found dead, hanging above a telescope. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this story in which the atheist Sheppard cannot help his son, Norton, cope with the death of Norton’s mother. Norton kills himself after being told by the juvenile delinquent Johnson that his mother is in heaven.

ANSWER: “The Lame Shall Enter First”

[10] “The Lame Shall Enter First” is a story by this female author of such odd tales as “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and “Good Country People.”

ANSWER: (Mary) Flannery O’Connor

[10] “The Lame Shall Enter First” appeared in an O’Connor collection named for this story in which the intellectual Julian rides the bus with his mother. This story ends with Julian’s mother collapsing after being struck by a black woman for trying to give a penny to a child.

ANSWER: “Everything That Rises Must Converge”

16. This text ends with the phrases “We are legion: we do not forget: we do not forgive” and was responded to by the message “Fuck you.” For 10 points each:

[10] Since it doesn’t have a name, describe this general text in which the writer objects to an “ous [sic] gag order applied to a subject area.” It was accompanied by many very annoying threads.

ANSWER: “anime manifesto” [accept anything about a text trying to get anime on HSQB forums; or Raynell’s manifesto; or Raynell Cooper’s manifesto]

[10] The manifesto was submitted ostensibly because of the closing of a thread announcing a tournament about this popular anime series about Goku.

ANSWER: Dragon Ball [accept anything with Dragon Ball in it]

[10] During his anime crusade, Raynell apparently invented the anime Oita Shimane about a group “called the Legion fighting in memory of their fallen soldier Conoro Teevenizaki.” Raynell compared it to what actual television series?

ANSWER: Firefly

17. This entity’s DNA eventually transforms the heroic Lance Bean. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this villainous alien biomass to tries repeatedly to conquer the Earth with his terrorist organization in most of the Contra video games. He does not actually appear until Super Contra.

ANSWER: Red Falcon

[10] To beat the original Contra game, players frequently utilized a cheat code which takes its name from this video game company which also produced Castlevania and Metal Gear.

ANSWER: Konami Corporation

[10] In Konami’s NES game Castlevania III: Dracula’s Case, players do not play as Simon Belmont, but rather this character, Simon’s ancestor. He eventually marries the sorceress Sypha Belnades.

ANSWER: Trevor Belmont [accept Ralph Belmondo]

18. This man served as a first lieutenant under Sir George Cockburn. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this flag captain of Horatio Nelson, who shares his name with a noted British author. While Nelson was dying during his final battle, he reportedly asked this man to kiss him.

ANSWER: Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy

[10] Nelson died during this 1805 naval battle, in which the British defeated the French and Spanish Navies off of a certain cape in Spain.

ANSWER: Battle of Trafalgar

[10] This later British admiral commanded the Grand Fleet at the inconclusive Battle of Jutland during World War I. He was criticized for not winning a Trafalgar-like victory in the conflict and was dismissed in 1917.

ANSWER: John Rushford Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe

19. This object’s first major point of destruction was at the 1995 Survivor Series when Diesel threw Bret Hart through it. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this object normally utilized by certain alternate broadcasters but which is frequently destroyed at WWE pay-per-views. It has its own TVTropes entry describing its frequent damage.

ANSWER: Spanish announcers table [accept obvious equivalents]

[10] At the 1998 King of the Ring event, this wrestler threw Mankind off the top of the 16-foot cell in a “Hell in a Cell” match through the Spanish announcer’s table. This longtime WWE competitor is known as the “Deadman” and uses the catch phrase “rest in peace.”

ANSWER: The Undertaker [accept Mark William Calaway, accept “Taker”]

[10] Spanish announcer Carlos Cabrera assisted in the 2012 induction of this man into the WWE Hall of Fame. A famous luchador, he is the uncle of Alberto Del Rio. Along with El Santo and the Blue Demon, he is one of Mexican wrestling’s “Big Three.”

ANSWER: Mil Mascaras [accept Aaron Rodriguez]

20. One man who sought this position was Raymond Haight, the candidate of the Commonwealth-Progressive Party. For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this political position, the subject of a vicious 1934 election in which Frank Merriam defeated Upton Sinclair, thanks to the conservative media smearing Sinclair as a Communist.

ANSWER: Governor of California

[10] This supporter of Merriam owned a namesake castle near San Simeon, California. A proponent of yellow journalism, he previously fought a circulation war with Joseph Pulitzer and would serve as the inspiration for Charles Foster Kane.

ANSWER: William Randolph Hearst

[10] This woman, Hearst’s longtime mistress, was an actress whose reputation is a bit tarnished by a similar character’s depiction in Citizen Kane. She had enjoyed a popular comedy film career before meeting Hearst.

ANSWER: Marion Davies [do no not accept “Susan Alexander”]


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