BOARD MEETING September 6, 2018Meeting from August 2, 2018Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President Richard Stoll and Roll call was taken all was present. Guest Speaker: Jim Bell: Asking if an option for a Vegetarian plate would be available at the monthly dinners. Minutes read from July 5, 2018, Approved as read. Minutes read from Special Orientation Board Meeting, minutes read, corrections made and approved. Treasurers Report: read, accepted as read. Bingo Report: read, accepted as read. Travelers Report: read, no trips, accepted as read. Emails and Correspondences: Guess Speaker: Richard Oyen: Lives a block away from the Tropics, he would like to sponsor a free event in October and have a local jazz band for music and dancing in the hall. Richard was asked to come to our Board Meeting on August 2 as present to the Board. Richard is present and presenting his offer, this is in remembrance of his mother that loved jazz music and wanted to live in the park before passing. Board will discuss and will let him know. Larry offered to make a brochure in memory of his mother. Cater, Dennis Wallace is now semi-retired, looking for extra work, wondering if we needed help in November or December. Mark Evenoff asking if he is on the agenda for next week to discuss the upcoming measures on the ballots. Old Business: Appreciation Night dinner went well. New Business: Michael O’Quinn has volunteered for Breeze Editor. Unfortunately, Michaels computer died and Larry Cornell took it apart, fixed it and added more memory and is good as new. Art made the motion, Ruth second it to accept Michael as the Breeze Editor. Pete Lowe, Tina Marie, Richard and Larry all offered to help Michael. Secretary position: Jim Bell mention in the By Laws Recording Secretary will pass until positon of Secretary is filled. Rick will fill in as Secretary/Treasurer and Frances’ position will be Recording Secretary, Art made motion for Frances’ position and Steve seconded. September Event: Casino Event-Art will chair event. Prizes-Nice prizes as you win your chips, trade in for tickets, you the player will then place your tickets into the bowl of which prize you would like to win. Up to 10 prizes, 1 ticket per 100 points. Casino Night will be on September 22. Breakfast on September 8. Board discussing the upcoming Calendar of Events. Jerry Garcia-New Year’s Dinner Party: 6 pm-9 pm (est. time), drawings will be every half hour starting 6:30 pm. New Business: New carts needed for the kitchen: $ 62.99 plus tax, $139.99 plus tax. Art made the Motion made to purchase 2 new carts from webstrauant at $ 62.99 each, and Carolyn seconds, motion carried. Breakfast in September will be a casserole. Ruth and Art want to chair a Holiday Boutique in November, First Saturday in November. Bingo donation for $ 1000.00, donation tabled. Casino Trip to Feathers Fall, looking for people to sign up. Art made motion to adjourn meeting, Rick seconds. ................

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