YO Storybook Project

[Pages:1]Me llamo ______________________________ Fecha ________________ Clase _____

YO Storybook Project

You are going to write and draw a 10-page storybook about yourself. Each page will have at least one sentence in Spanish and a colored picture. This project will be counted as a test grade and will be worth 70 points. Each page will address the questions that follow.

1) ?C?mo te llamas? 2) ?Cu?ntos a?os tienes? 3) ?C?mo eres? (3 adjectives) 4) ?Qu? te gusta hacer? (3 activities)

a. con mis amigos b. cuando hace buen tiempo c. los fines de semana 5) ?Qu? clases tienes? (2 classes) a. ?Qu? necesitas? (2 supplies) 6) ?Con qui?n vives? 7) Describe tu familia. (2 physical or personality descriptions) 8) ?Qu? tienes que hacer para ayudar en casa? (1 chore) 9) ?Qu? prefieres comer? (3 foods) 10) ?Cu?l es tu rutina diaria? (3 daily routine activities) 11) ?Qu? llevas? (8 articles of clothing ? 2 for each season) a. En el invierno b. En la primavera c. En el verano d. En el oto?o

_____ / 1 point _____ / 1 point _____ / 3 points _____ / 3 points _____ / 1 point _____ / 1 point _____ / 1 point _____ / 2 points _____ / 2 points _____ / 1 point _____ / 2 points _____ / 1 point _____ / 3 points _____ / 3 points _____ / 8 points _____ / 1 point _____ / 1 point _____ / 1 point _____ / 1 point

? Every page has a picture ? Storybook has an attractive front cover ? Variety of vocabulary ? Grammar ? Well-organized, complete sentences ? Visually appealing, nicely drawn and colored

Subtotal: _____ / 37 points

_____ / 10 points _____ / 5 points _____ / 4 points _____ / 4 points _____ / 5 points _____ / 5 points

Subtotal: _____ / 33 points

Grand Total: _____ / 70 points

This project is due at the end of your period on Day 4

? Jessica Hall (Miss Se?orita) 2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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