
5th Grade Religion Trimester OneWe Believe Textbook: Focus will be on:Understanding that Jesus Christ is God’s only Son and that he came to show us God’s loveLearning that the Church shares in Jesus’ mission and living out the ways to proclaim the Good NewsCelebrating Christ’s Paschal Mystery in the Liturgy and sharing in God’s lifeRecognizing the meaning of the Sacraments of Initiation, the Sacraments of Healing and the Sacraments at the Service of CommunionAppreciating Baptism as the foundation of Christian life which gives us the hope of Eternal LifeChapter 1: Jesus shares God’s Life with usJesus is the Son of GodDiscuss the baptism of Jesus , The Blessed Trinity, the Start of Jesus MinistryJesus shows us God’s LoveDiscuss examples of how Jesus brought people closer to God the Father, Jesus and God were caring, merciful, forgiving, loving, just, and fairness Jesus invites the people to follow himLearn about Jesus’ Mission, parables, the parable of the Mustard SeedJesus’ disciples continue his workLearn about the Apostles, the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the Church , Spreading the Good News- the Kingdom of God growsActivities with this Chapter:All about me poster, Parables Storyboard/Bible ReflectionChapter 2: Jesus Shares His Mission with the ChurchWe are joined to Jesus Christ and to one anotherDiscuss “I am the vine, you are the branches”- we are joined to one another. We need Jesus to grow in faith and love, the Mission of the Church, the term “the Good News” meaningWe proclaim the Good News of Christ by what we say and doDiscuss the meaning of Evangelization, liturgy, how to evangelize, who we need to evangelize to, we give witness when we speak and act based upon the Good newsIn the Liturgy we celebrate the Paschal MysteryLearn about paschal mystery, the liturgy of the hours, the term “Body of Christ”When we serve others we give witness to ChristLearn about the Last Judgement, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of MercyActivities with this Chapter:Christ’s Paschal Mystery Activity, Corporal/Spiritual Works of Mercy PostersChapter 3: The Church celebrates Seven SacramentsJesus gave the Church the Seven SacramentsThe World is filled with signs of God’s love. The church is a sign of God’s love and careJesus is the greatest sign of God’s love for us. God sent his only Son to save usDiscuss the seven sacraments and the categories they are placed under: Sacraments of Healing, Sacraments of Christian Initiation, and Sacraments at the service of communionThe Sacrament of Cristian Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and EucharistDiscuss Christian Initiation , Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, common vocation, and the call to holinessThe Sacrament of Healing are Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the SickDiscuss the sacraments of healing: Anointing of the sick and reconciliation, Jesus gave his apostles authority to forgive and heal in his nameHoly Orders and Matrimony are Sacraments at the Service of CommunionDiscuss the sacraments at the Service of Communion: Holy Orders and Matrimony.Activities with this Chapter:Signs of God’s Love Shoebox ActivityChapter 4: New Life in ChristBaptism is the Foundation of Christian LifeDiscuss the importance of Baptism, Saul/Paul conversion story, Pentecost- Holy Spirit appearing to the ApostlesIn Baptism we are freed from sin and become children of GodDiscuss sin, original sin, Adam and Eve story, the Incarnation, Salvation, Jesus’ death and resurrection, Baptism is necessary for salvationWe are priestly, prophetic, and royal peopleDiscuss the meaning of being priestly, prophetic, and royal people and how Jesus was priestly, prophetic, and royal too. Because of our Baptism, we have hope of eternal lifeDiscuss eternal life, heaven, Hell, purgatory, living a life of holiness, the SaintsActivities with this Chapter:Make a baptismal fontComputer Class: Students will go to computer class once a week during their religion bell and will work on various subjects in classSet up accounts- Mrs. Hartfiel- Computer TechPersonal Dictionary- For Mrs. Dwyer- EnglishI made a mistake Poem- Mrs. Dwyer- EnglishHalloween Cookbook- For Mrs. Dwyer- EnglishMAP Testing- For Reading, English- Mrs. Dwyer and Mrs. RolfesSun Simulation Model- For Ms. Gibbs- ScienceWork on typing skills- Students will complete a chapter study guide after each chapter and be tested on the material ................

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