Let us use our imagination to place ourselves in this story of Jesus in the synagogue. One day when everyone was gathered in Nazareth's synagogue, Jesus walked in. This place had special memories for Jesus as he used to come here with his family when he was growing up. Many of the people knew Mary and Joseph and Jesus! Wow! The people were excited! They were wondering if Jesus would do great things like they had heard he was doing all over the countryside!The person in charge of the scrolls got up and gave Jesus the Isaiah scroll. This was an old Scripture and Isaiah was a prophet from long ago. The people had heard these words many times. But they weren't sure who Isaiah was talking about. Who was it that was saying, "I am here with God's message for the poor, the sad, the blind, the lonely? Who is it that God is sending to do these things? Scrolls were what people used before books were invented. The one that was given to Jesus was a big scroll. Scrolls were big and they were heavy. No one said a word as they watched Jesus place the big scroll on the reading desk. He unrolled the scroll and found the verses he wanted to read. Jesus read the part where it says: God is with me. God has chosen me. God has sent me. God wants me to tell good news. This is the news: God loves everyone and I am here to show people what God is like. Jesus finished reading the scroll and rolled it up and gave it back the man who took care of the scrolls. Jesus sat down. Everyone was waiting to hear what he would say. Jesus said, "I am the one Isaiah was talking about. God is with me and God has lots of good news! I am here to make these things happen, just as God wants. I am here to show you what God is like." The people were very happy to hear this good news! Imagine you have just listened to Jesus in the synagogue. Spend some quiet time with Jesus telling him your good news and about a time when you were good news for someone else. Let us pray together: Jesus the teacher,You taught people about God You listened to their storiesYou healed themYou brought them Good News .Help us to be good friendsHelp us to love GodHelp us to make good choices. Help us to care about our families.We know that you are always listening to our prayersAmen ................

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