Jim Crow Webquest

Complete the following Webquest using the links on my website. This will be collected as a QUIZ GRADE.

Go to the Jim Crow Museum

1.  What does the term "Jim Crow" mean?

2.   Read all of the Jim Crow Laws. Complete the chart on the back of this handout.

3.  What happened to the blacks if they didn't follow the Jim Crow laws?

Visit Jim Crow Narratives.  

4. You will read one of the following narratives:

            1. T.R. Davidson

            2. R.C. Hickman

            3. Joseph Holloway

            4. Nobuo Honda

After you have finished reading your chosen personal narrative, complete the Personal Narratives worksheet.

This site has 15 people telling their own stories of living under Jim Crow.  

5. Choose one of the 11 personal narratives to listen to.

6.   After you have listened to the interview, you should take a minute or two to record your personal responses to the interview in your own notes. 

7. In a typed, one page personal response Google Doc answer the following questions: 

               A. How did you feel while listening to this person’s story? 

               B. What effect did hearing the person’s voice have on you? 

               C. Which did you find to have the most impact on you, reading or listening to the personal narrative? Why?

               D. Do you think that if you lived under these rigid and unjust laws it would affect how you perceive yourself and the world around you? Would it affect how you deal with conflict? Explain. 

Your Response Must be:


Spell Checked

12 Point Font

Times New Roman

Double Spaced

Medgar Evars

8. Write three important facts about Medgar Evars early life.

9. Why was Medgar Evars murdered?

10. What was Medgar Evars occupation upon his death?




Jim Crow Museum

Jim Crow Narratives


Medgar Evers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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