The 1930s: A WEBQUEST

The 1930s: A WEBQUEST

Visit the Web sites listed below, and answer the questions related to each site.

I. Jim Crow

a. Who was Jim Crow?

b. What is a minstrel show?

II. The Laws

a. Why did people use the name Jim Crow to refer to the segregation laws?

b. What time period were these laws enforced?

c. What was the reasoning behind the Jim Crow Laws?

d. Name 3 laws enforced under the Jim Crow Laws.

e. What is Jim Crow etiquette? What were some “rules?”

f. What are lynchings? Name and give details about one instance.

III. Plessy v. Ferguson

a. Who were Plessy and Ferguson?

b. What was the case about?

c. What was the court’s decision?

d. Was every lawmaker for the decision?

IV. Themes and Photos

a. Go to the site listed and play the slideshow linked on the left side of the Web page. What are the themes that these photos portray? What stories do the photos tell?

b. What is discrimination? Are there forms of discrimination in society today?

V. The Great Depression

a. What year did the Great Depression begin?

b. What problems did it bring to the United States?

c. What was the CCC? What is the New Deal?

d. Who was the President that started the New Deal program?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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