J.K. Rowling - "The Fringe Benefits of Failure"-->selected by Kristina at GRCI"I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized...rock bottom became the solid foundation upon which I built my life."29241755715Guiding Questions:Before we get to J.K. Rowling's Harvard Commencement Address, answer the following questions in your notes.1. What criteria do you use to judge success? Is it wealth? Happiness? A feeling of purpose? Something else?. Agree or disagree with the following statement and support your opinion: " only romanticized by fools." Some context: people might "romanticize" poverty by saying things such as "poverty drives people to work harder" or "it makes people more inventive" or "poor people have a better sense of community than rich people."3. In your opinion, what drives you--is it fear of failure or pursuit of success?4. How important a role does imagination play in your everyday life?5. Rowling argues, more or less, that empathy is key to being a good global citizen. What gets in the way of our ability to empathize with or understand people from countries/cultures/religions that are different from our own?Proposed Discussion Set-up:Note: see these hashtags as a chance to start conversations. Otherwise, there is a danger that we all won't have real conversations--just lists of short statements. Do your best to remember to include the hashtags when you do break off into discussions, though, so that everyone else from every school involved can follow along.#FFTED1 - Quotable Quotes - Make note of interesting quotations that come up during the talk (eg) "your qualifications... are not your life." Retweet them, favourite them, paint them on your wall, etc.#FFTED2 - Why Does This Talk Matter to Us? - It's a university commencement speech, right? Even if you plan on attending university, you are still a good seven years or so from being part of her target audience. So, what's the connection to your life?#FFTED3 - Issues? - Is it helpful to hear one famous person's story of success? Does it make us think that an almost unbelievable level of success if possible? Is her advice practical?#FFTED4 - Answers to the Guiding Questions - You thought about this stuff already. Why not share your thoughts with everyone? ................

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