Bethel Christian Academy: Principal Job Description

Bethel Christian Academy: Principal Job Description

The Position Profile

The Principal is one who is to lead the school on a day-to-day basis and must lead first, and before all things, spiritually. One must be willing to lead with a servant's heart and have a vision for the school and a passion for Christian education. The person must be willing to take the leadership role in serving the students, their parents, the faculty and staff, and the community at large in the realm of Christian education. He must be a keeper of the faith, while serving a multi-denominational student body. One must have an obvious love for children of all ages as well as a love for the families of Bethel Christian Academy.

The Principal will be the academic and instructional leader of the school, while also providing direction and leadership in the financial and business affairs of the school. In addition, he will lead the school in institutional advancement and development in the areas of fundraising, student recruitment / marketing, and public relations. He also may request help from others in these areas as the Board of Directors and P.T.F. play key roles in fundraising. The Principal may also assign other key personnel to give leadership to or help with various school events and activities.

Recognized as the head of school, the Principal directly supervises all faculty and staff. He shall direct and oversee the entire school operation on a day-to-day basis.

The Principal reports directly to the Bethel Christian Academy School Board.

Bethel Christian Academy is striving to become a school of excellence and growth. In light of that, our Principal must be a person who can provide effective and Biblical leadership to facilitate and continue this pattern of excellence and growth. This person must be one who can not only provide that leadership, but at the same time love and care for the entire faculty, staff, students and their families. In addition, this person must also possess strong communication skills and take on appropriate sense of ownership of the organization as the head Principal.

Please refer to the Position Description for an outline of other specific responsibilities.

Key Responsibilities and Duties

Lead and Develop School Personnel: - Directly supervises and assess annually all faculty and staff. - Shepherd the faculty and staff and provide servant-leadership both spiritually and academically. - Develop a sound program for the spiritual and academic growth of the faculty and staff through in-service, conferences, and orientation workshops. - Handles grievances of all faculty and staff. - To head final dismissal of faculty and staff who do not perform satisfactorily. - To promote good communication between the faculty, staff and Board. - Identify needs for the hiring of personnel, oversee the search and conducts the interviews for needed personnel, and makes appropriate recommendations to the BCA School Board.

Oversee Curriculum And Educational Planning: - Oversee the evaluation and development of all curriculum and books. - Ensure that sound educational and academic goals are set. - Ensure that the school is well equipped and well supplied with teaching materials, supplies, and resources as finances allow. - Lead the school in all legal matters pertaining to education by staying abreast of legal requirements and trends. - Utilize the resources and participate appropriately with organizations such as ACSI and the Illinois State Board of Education, in order to keep abreast of current, major trends in education in general and Christian education in particular. Also files all required paperwork with the State of Illinois such as Health forms, attendance records, enrollment, etc. - Oversee the development of the annual school calendar. - Oversee all achievement and standardized testing. - Holds regular faculty and staff meetings. - Attends all board meetings. - Is an important member of the education committee. - Lead the school in acquiring ACSI Accreditation.

Interact With Students And Parents: - Oversee the reenrollment and enrollment drive annually and makes the final admission decision. - Regulates and enforces discipline, both behavioral and mental. - Answers parents' concerns and sets up conferences with faculty and staff. - Oversees and plans spiritual development by obtaining chapel speakers and conducts the chapel weekly and speaks in chapels occasionally. - Ascertain that student records and transcripts are adequate, accurate and administered legally with the assistance of the office.

Plan and Monitor School Finances: - Lead the BCA School Board in preparing an annual school budget. - Oversee budget compliance throughout the fiscal year. - Approve requests for purchases by the faculty and staff. - Oversee the collection of tuition accounts, all accounts receivables and payable. - Shares financial information with the school's accountant to see the schools obligations are paid on time. - Makes deposits along with other appropriate faculty and staff.

Lead Institutional Advancement: - Represent Bethel Christian Academy as a member of our community. - Develop and maintain a good public relations program with school family, local church ministries, and the general public. Looks for opportunities to promote the school in churches and mission committees and all community organizations. - Give direction and recommendations to the BCA Board by creating and updating BCA policy and operational manuals. - Lead the school in the on-going process of strategic planning. - Maintain regular communication with the constituencies of the school through newsletters, direct mail, weekly news and website. - Oversee the planning of long and short-term fund-raising endeavors. - Foster good relationships with all churches in the community. - Oversee and develop a strategy to address the annual fund need. - Build relationships with donors and prospective donors.

Miscellaneous: - Must be an active member of Bethel Free Will Baptist Church. - Must have a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree, with experience in Christian Education and/or Christian Administration. - Ensure that appropriate safety measures are in place on campus to provide a reasonably safe school environment. - Coordinate physical plant maintenance with the appropriate facility maintenance personnel. - Determine when school is to be closed, or delayed opening due to adverse weather conditions or emergencies. - Oversees general janitorial and maintenance duties. - Supervises all phases of the athletic program. - Coordinates scheduling school events and building use with Bethel Free Will Baptist Church and insures that good relations are maintained. - Teaches classes on a temporary basis and fills in for some classes or in the office as emergencies arise and insures that all classes are properly staffed. - Plans and organizes all phases of Graduation, Parent Orientations, Kindergarten Graduation and open house, etc. - Plan and develop new programs to enhance the educational opportunities offered by BCA. - Must meet all criteria as set out in Article VIII Section 1-6 of BCA By-Laws. - Dresses in appropriate professional attire. - Must be prepared for all meetings. - Other duties as assigned by the BCA Board.

Article VI Section 1 of QCS By-Laws

Section 1 -- The Principal shall serve under the authority and direction of the BCA School Board Section 2 -- The Principal shall strive to develop, and to maintain, a school which is thoroughly Christian, and have thorough knowledge of Christian education. Section 3 -- The Principal shall seek the Lord daily for perception of the school's problems, and for their solution. Section 4 -- The Principal shall serve as the consultant to the board by providing information and counsel in all of the school's educational problems and procedures. Section 5 -- The Principal shall supervise the staff and see that the building and grounds are maintained properly. Section 6 ? The Principal shall supervise the instructional process so teachers and students are guided and stimulated to their greatest potential. He shall supervise reporting to parents about their children's progress.

Article II ? Statement of Faith We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God.

We believe there is one God manifested in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His vicarious death, His resurrection, and His personal return.

We believe in the necessity of the New Birth through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that salvation is by faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit in Christians enabling them to live a Godly life. All interested candidates should submit a letter of intent, resume, and at least two reference letters. One of the reference letters should be from their pastor. Mailing address is: 1417 Herbert, PO Box 87207, South Roxana, IL 62087 For more information you may call Bethel Christian Academy at 618-254-0188.


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