Support Transition Plan Template

Accreditation Transition PlanCancellation of Municipal Accreditation <Name of Organization>Prepared By:<First Name> <Last Name>Job Title:<Title>Organization:<Organization Name>Date:<Date of Submission>InstructionsPlease delete this page from the draft document that is submitted to the Administrator.The draft document must be uploaded into Council Connect as part of the application process that calls for a transition plan to be submitted.The submitted draft must either be redlined to show the changes that have been made (insertions, additions, or deletions) to the text. These changes can also be highlighted by making the text “red.”The sections that will require changes are identified by a “<” at the beginning of change and a “>” at the end. Between the two symbols is a description of the text that needs to be inserted.If you have any questions, or require clarification, please:Submit a request via Council Connect:Contact the Council by phone, toll-free at: 1-888-413-0099 and ask to speak to the Accreditation Department.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc515288325 \h 42.Preamble PAGEREF _Toc515288326 \h 43.Transfer of Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc515288327 \h munication Requirements PAGEREF _Toc515288328 \h 55.Records: PAGEREF _Toc515288329 \h 66.Contact Details: PAGEREF _Toc515288330 \h 77.Authorization/Approval PAGEREF _Toc515288331 \h 88.Administrator of Accreditation Approval: PAGEREF _Toc515288332 \h 99.Appendix A - Transition Process Tasks and Deliverables PAGEREF _Toc515288333 \h 10IntroductionA transition plan guides the transfer of jurisdictional authority within Alberta’s safety codes system during the Safety Codes Council’s (Council) accreditation processes. A transfer of jurisdictional responsibility will occur when an application is submitted to the Council by a corporation or municipality to:Become newly accredited.Modify the scope of an existing accreditation. Voluntarily cancel accreditation. A transition plan must be provided as part of the applications identified above. The Authority Having Jurisdiction is defined as the organization that is currently responsible for the administration of the Safety Codes Act (Act).For the purposes of this transition plan, the Authority Having Jurisdiction is the municipality that has applied to cancel its accreditation.The Authority Assuming Jurisdiction is defined as the organization that will become responsible for the administration of the Act once the cancellation has been completed.For the cancellation of municipal accreditation, the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction will be:The Alberta Safety Codes Authority (ASCA) if the corporation has applied to become accredited in an unaccredited municipality.The Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) where a corporation has applied to become accredited in in the fire discipline in an unaccredited municipality.Within this transition plan, the term “municipality” includes an accredited Regional Service Commission, and accredited Métis Settlement. PreambleThe Minister of Municipal Affairs is responsible for the administration of the Act. Under the Act, the Minister may authorize a municipality to administer all or part of the Act with respect to any or all things, processes or activities to which the Act applies.A municipality is accredited to administer the Act within its boundaries in one or more of the building, electrical, gas, and plumbing disciplines. The Minister has delegated authority for designating a municipality as an accredited organization to the Administrator of Accreditation (Administrator) at the Council. This delegated authority includes the suspension or cancellation of accreditation.The Alberta Safety Codes Authority (ASCA), a Division of the Council, has been delegated authority by the Minister to administer the Act in unaccredited municipalities in Alberta in the building, electrical, gas, and plumbing disciplines. The Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC), in the Ministry of Alberta Municipal Affairs, administers the Act in the fire discipline in unaccredited municipalities in Alberta.Transfer of ResponsibilityWith respect to this transition plan, the Authority Having Jurisdiction is <Municipality Name>.With respect to this transition plan, the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction is ASCA <and/or the OFC>.The Authority Having Jurisdiction has applied to the Administrator to cancel its accreditation, which covers the <building>, <electrical>, <gas>, and <plumbing> discipline<s>. In cancelling its accreditation, the Authority Having Jurisdiction acknowledges that it will become an unaccredited municipality under the Act.The Authority Having Jurisdiction has requested that responsibility for the administration of the Act in the discipline specified in this transition plan be transferred as of the <Month Day, Year, the Effective Date, to the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction.As of the Effective Date, the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction will assume responsibility for the administration of the Act from the Authority Having Jurisdiction. As of the Effective Date, the Authority Having Jurisdiction will transfer all open permits, inspections, investigations and orders to the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction, unless otherwise stipulated in this transition plan.If the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction takes responsibility for the management to closure of any of the Authority Having Jurisdiction’s open and outstanding files as of the Effective Date, it will do so in accordance with the service delivery standards within its quality management plan. Ten (10) days prior to the Effective Date, the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction will provide to Administrator written assurance that:The necessary personnel has been retained, or, will be retained, by the in order to administer the Act under the terms and conditions of its accreditation. The appropriate administrative policies and procedures are in place in order to administer the Act under the terms and conditions of its accreditation. As of the Effective Date, the Authority Having Jurisdiction and ASCA will implement the revenue sharing agreement detailed in Appendix B of this document to manage open permits and orders to munication RequirementsThe Authority Assuming Jurisdiction will communicate with its contracted agencies that responsibility for the administration of the Act has been transferred as of the Effective Date.The Authority Having Jurisdiction, will communicate within their organization that responsibility for the administration of the Act has been transferred as of the Effective Date to the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction.The Authority Having Jurisdiction, will communicate within its municipal boundaries to its citizens that responsibility for the administration of the Act has been transferred as of the Effective Date to the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction.In accordance with Appendix A, and after the Effective Date, the Authority Having Jurisdiction, will refer persons seeking services within its municipal boundaries to the appropriate contacts identified in “Where to find a Permit” on the Municipal Affairs website, and the “Find an Agency” link under the ASCA menu on the Council’s website.Records:The Authority Having Jurisdiction will retain, in accordance with provincial government legislation and policy, all records with respect to any closed permit (including inspection reports, plan reviews & etc.), orders, or variances issued prior to the Effective Date.Upon request of the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction, the Authority Having Jurisdiction will release all records with respect to any closed project files (including inspection reports, plan reviews, variances & etc.) prior to the Effective Date subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.As of the Effective Date, the Authority Having Jurisdiction, will transfer all records related to open permits, inspections, orders, and variances to the Authority Assuming Jurisdiction.Contact Details:The following persons will act as contacts for issues related to the transition of responsibilities.Authority Assuming Jurisdiction::Authority Having Jurisdiction:Alberta Safety Codes Authority, A Division of the Safety Codes CouncilCharles HallettDirector, ASCASafety Codes Council500 10405 Jasper Avenue N.W.Edmonton, AB, T5J 3N4Phone: 780-969-1009.Email:<Municipality Name><First Name, Last Name><Job Title><Municipal Department><Municipality Name> <Street Address><Municipality>, AB, <Postal Code>Phone: 000-000-0000Email: <email address> <The Office of the Fire Commissioner>< Kevan Jess><Fire Commissioner><Alberta Municipal Affairs><16th Floor, Commerce Place><10155 - 102 Street><Edmonton, AB T5J 4L4><Phone: 780-644-1010><Email:>Authorization/ApprovalThe Authority Having Jurisdiction and the Authority Having Jurisdiction, and each of its duly authorized representative(s) agree to execute and adhere to this transition plan as of the Effective Date, <Month, Day, Year>.Authority Assuming Jurisdiction:Authority Having Jurisdiction:Alberta Safety Codes Authority, A Division of the Safety Codes Council<Municipality Name>Charles HallettDirector<First Name, Last Name><QMP Manager title or Senior Official Title>Date Date <The Office of the Fire Commissioner><Jess, Kevan><Fire Commissioner, <Municipal Affairs>Date Date Approval - Administrator of Accreditation:Peter ThomasAdministrator of AccreditationSafety Codes CouncilDateAppendix A - Transition Process Tasks and DeliverablesThe transition tasks include, but are not limited to:TaskDeliverableResponsibilityDateEstablish plan to communicate transfer of jurisdictional responsibility. Target audiences:Permit holdersMunicipal residentsMunicipal munication plan to guide notification of directly affected parties.<Municipality Name><ASCA / OFC involvement where required>Establish the Effective Date.Identify the date when the transfer of responsibilities will occur.<Municipality Name>Identify active and outstanding permits, inspections, areas of non-compliance, and orders. Attach list to transition.Establish plan to address outstanding permits, inspections, areas of non-compliance and orders.<Municipality Name>Follow-up on active and outstanding permits, inspections, areas of non-compliance and orders. Close as many open files as possible. Close outstanding permits, inspections, non-compliance and orders.<Municipality Name>Remit levies for issued permits to Safety Codes Council for all permits issued on or before <Effective Date>.Levies paid to Safety Codes Council<Municipality Name>Identify and compile records and electronic data to be transferred. Plan established and implemented to guide transfer of records and electronic data.<Municipality Name>Change eSITE access to Read only for <Municipality Name> if applicable.Provide access to records for Athabasca County, but not update capabilitiesASCA/Council<Confirm revenue sharing arrangement for open permits and orders.> <Revenue sharing agreement in place to guide the management of open permits, inspections and orders to closure.See Appendix B.>ASCA and <Municipality Name>Finalize transition plan and submit to the Administrator of Accreditation for review and approval.Transition plan submitted to Administrator.ASCA <and/or OFC> and <Municipality Name>Update “Where to find a Permit” on Municipal Affairs website and the Council website.Public will be updated on the options for permitting services.CouncilNote: This list of tasks is not exhaustive, but contains some of the essential activities that must be accomplished during the transition process. Additional tasks may have to be added to the list.Appendix B – Revenue Sharing AgreementThe Authority Having Jurisdiction, agrees to pay ASCA a total of xxxxx percent (XX%) of permit fees collected for all open permits as of the Effective Date. Xxxxxxxxxx (XX%) of the total permit fees collected by ASCA from the Authority Having Jurisdiction, will be paid by ASCA to <Agency Name> upon the closure of the open permit as compliant. <Agency Name> is the accredited agency under contract to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Xxxxxxxx (XX%) of the total permit fees collected by ASCA from the Authority Having Jurisdiction, will be retained by ASCA. These fees are intended to cover remaining administrative cost of administering open permits and orders.The Authority Having Jurisdiction will remit levies to Council for all permits issued on, or before, the Effective Date in accordance with the Act, Council policy, and the terms and conditions of its accreditation.Change HistoryFor internal use. Please delete prior to the template being posted to the website.Date(Month, Day,Year)Edited ByVer.ChangesFebruary 21, 2019PT1.0Document created.Versioning rules:Minor edits = v1.1, v1.2, v1.3 & etc.Major edits = v2.0, v3.0. v4.0 & etc. ................

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