

As a timely way to keep you informed, we offer the Jeffco Good News. Our goal is to provide you with a snapshot of the many accomplishments that occur every week in your schools.  Please feel free to share the good news and as always, thank you for your support!


Summer learning for a group of 25 Jeffco students of all ages meant connecting to their heritage. Jeffco’s Indian Education Department held six-week summer enrichment program for American Indian students at Wheat Ridge 5-8 School. “Jeffco has a lot of kids who really have no contact with their culture or have a limited amount,” said Jeffco’s Indian Education coordinator Thompson Williams. “We try to boost that culture for them and give them an idea of the history of our people through teaching powwow social dances, bead work, crafting dream catchers or activities like learning how to build a teepee.” Jeffco Schools has identified more than 600 students as American Indian, but the true population number is closer to 900 because they don’t identify themselves as American Indian, instead identifying as Hispanic or non-Indian. “When a family is not familiar with the culture themselves, some kids find it easier to blend in with other cultures, rather than stand out as American Indian,” said Williams. “There’s this idea that to be an Indian you have to be a “super Indian” and you have to know the culture and the language and that’s a myth. We want to break that stereotype.” Read more of this story in the 2014 August edition of the Jeffco Schools Quarterly.


The #ALSicebucket challenge has gone viral. People around the country are challenging friends, family and colleagues to donate to the ALS Association to fight Lou Gehrig's Disease, or dump a bucket of ice cold water over their heads to raise awareness. Jeffco schools have been challenging their school communities and others to take the challenge. Visit Jeffco’s Facebook page to see pictures and videos from schools who have taken the icy plunge.


Eiber Elementary School switched things up on the first day of school by making connections to their students' families. Traditionally, the school would use the first day of class testing students for classroom placements. “That just wasn’t working for us," said Principal Stacy Bedell. “If you don’t know anything about your students, or you've never met them before testing, you’re not going to get very good test results.” Eiber’s first day turned into a flex day to allow teachers to make home visits with families and students. Bedell said the home visits allow teachers to have a vision of a student’s home life. They don’t have to wait until October or November to get to know a student and meet parents at the first parent-teacher conferences.  "Teachers can lay some positive ground work and get to know the parents outside of school," said Bedell. "Our families are busy working two or three jobs and just trying to meet those basic needs of shelter, food and safety – school and homework may be third, fourth or fifth on their priority list as a family."


The Outdoor Lab Foundation will donate nearly $350,000 towards Jeffco Outdoor Lab Schools for the 2014-15 school year.  The funds were raised from the King Soopers Neighborhood Rewards Program, the Safeway Store Cards Program, corporate contributions, grants, individual donations and special events. Foundation Executive Director Shannon Hancock and board members will present a check to Jeffco Schools Superintendent Dan McMinimee at the Jefferson County Board of Education's public meeting on Thursday, Sept. 4 at 6:30 p.m.

Submissions of 80 words or less should include complete names, locations, dates and descriptions of accomplishments. Due to the large number of submissions Communication Services reserves the right to edit or place requests. To submit a story or unsubscribe to this weekly publication send an e-mail to commsvcs@jeffco.k12.co.us. View the archive of past issues.


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