

May 4, 2011

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions:

Ms. Gonzalez welcomed everyone to the meeting. IN ATTENDANCE: Cheryl Gonzalez, Chair, (University of North Florida), Alison Jimenez (Dynamic Securities Analytics, Inc.), Carlos Rodriguez (President of Maverick Constructors, Inc.), Ben Harris (City of Tallahassee), Andrew Magazine (Magnetic Imaging Supplies), Malik Ali (FMSDC), Franklin Cross (City of Tampa), Thomas Huggins (President of Ariel Business Group), LaRae Floyd (Broward Health), Tony Lesesne (In-Focus Magazine), Paula Duncan (FBBIB) and Alyce Zahniser (Zahniser & Associates). Also in attendance were OSD staff Thad Fortune, Pat Hall and Denise Wright, who recorded the minutes.

NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Cliff Li (COMMERNET, Inc.), Jerry Cartwright (Florida Small Business Development Center Network-Pensacola, FL) and Keevin Williams (Space Florida).

Call in Guests: Whitfield Jenkins, Shelia Simmons (FBBIB), Veronica Anderson and Starla Vaughns-Cherin.

Changes/Adoption of Agenda:

Mr. Harris moved to adopt the agenda. Mr. Cross seconded the motion. The agenda was unanimously accepted.

Adoption of Minutes of the March 2, 2011 Meeting:

Ms. Zahniser moved to adopt the minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rodriguez. The minutes were accepted and approved by the Council.

Stakeholder Commentary: Peter Harris, J.D., President, ADG Business and Governmental Consultants. Mr. Harris stated that on the business climate side, most of Florida’s business climate is taxed and he doesn’t see any foreseeable change. He stated that OSD on the business side is faced with government reorganization and he thinks the reorganization is going to impact everybody from the Florida Commission on Human Relations to DMS to Enterprise Florida. The Governor has asked for sweeping tax cuts for businesses and Mr. Harris stated he does not see that taking place. Mr. Harris stated there is a “squabble” now because the tourism industry does not agree with the House of Representatives wanting to roll over all of their funds into what they call the “house of feed fund,” which is one massive pot that the Governor gets to say grace over. Mr. Harris stated there will be over 4,500 jobs eliminated at the state level and the private sector is expected to absorb these jobs.

Office of Supplier Diversity’s Update:

✓ Mr. Fortune stated one of the most important things to OSD as well as the Council is once the budget is signed by the Legislature as well as the Governor, OSD will not lose three positions. Mr. Fortune thanked the Council for its valued outreach effort to the Governor and the Legislative Representatives.

✓ OSD has had a great deal of press coverage by the Florida Courier.

✓ OSD had Public Service Announcements that have gone out about the May 19th event that will take place in Tallahassee. As of today, we have 23 state agencies and other entities that have confirmed their participation in the one-on-one sessions. The Department of Community Affairs does not wish to participate because that agency will be reorganized as of July 1, 2011 and viewed participation as not a priority. Mr. Fortune stated he is pleased with the number of State Agencies participating and both FAMU and FSU will be participating.

✓ Mr. Fortune gave a statistical update on OSD: Within the last 30 days, OSD has certified and recertified 78 companies, and MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) has downloaded 498 companies into OSD’s vendor database.

Council Chair’s Update:

✓ Ms. Gonzalez stated she will do a quick update and send the full update in writing.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez reminded members of the meeting scheduled with Secretary Miles, May 11th at 3:30 p.m. She said notices will go out again regarding the meeting.

✓ Contacts continue to be made throughout the State with various stakeholders regarding small and minority business development.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez forwarded e-mails regarding the and Let’s Do Business Florida. She asked members if they aware of these entities or their programs to please attend their activities and give the Council feedback.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez stated that Starla Vaughns Cherin is a writer and she has agreed to work on the Council’s behalf to write articles and forward for publication to media statewide. She stated if there are any articles, information or points that need to be made, to please let her know. Ms. Gonzalez stated she is handling expenses for the writer’s professional services.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez reminded members there will be a Strategic Planning Committee meeting tomorrow and they received information on that and their feedback is needed.

Committee Reports:

A. Annual Report (AR): Ms. Jimenez stated she has done research and has gotten the price for the survey. She noted that the report would be in the same format as last year report but the survey would be added. She is handling expenses to conduct the survey.

B. Outreach & Communication: Ms. Gonzalez asked the Council to consider eliminating the Outreach and Communication Committee due to inactivity. Mr. Huggins moved to suspend operations of the Committee. The motion was seconded by Ms. Jimenez. It was voted on by roll call 7-2-2 and the recommendation was carried. With the chair’s vote, the measure passed 8-2-2.

Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 2:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:19 p.m.



Florida Advisory Council on Small and Minority Business Development



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