

January 5, 2011

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions:

Ms. Gonzalez welcomed everyone to the meeting. IN ATTENDANCE: Cheryl Gonzalez (University of North Florida), Alison Jimenez (Dynamic Securities Analytics, Inc.), Malik Ali (FMSDC), Franklin Cross (City of Tampa), Carlos Rodriguez (President of Maverick Constructors, Inc.), Thomas Huggins (President of Ariel Business Group), Ben Harris (City of Tallahassee), Andrew Magazine (CreditCheck Solutions), Paula Duncan (FBBIB), Alyce Zahniser (Zahniser & Associates), LaRae Floyd (Broward Health) and Jerry Cartwright (Florida Small Business Development Center Network-Pensacola, FL). Also in attendance were Thad Fortune (OSD) and Denise Wright (OSD) who recorded the minutes.

NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Cliff Li (Asian-American Business Owner), Tony Lesesne (In-Focus Magazine) and Keevin Williams (Space Florida).

Changes/Adoption of Agenda:

Ms. Gonzalez recommended the members review the agenda for changes so they could adopt the agenda as is. Ms. Zahniser moved that the agenda be adopted and it was seconded by Mr. Cross. The agenda was accepted by the members.

Adoption of Minutes of the December 1, 2010 Meeting:

Ms. Zahniser moved to approve the minutes and it was seconded by Mr. Harris. The minutes were accepted and approved by the Council.

Stakeholder Commentary: Mr. Chris Hart IV, Interim Director, Governor’s Office of Tourism, Trade & Economic Development. Mr. Hart stated his role as Interim Director was extended doing the sixty to ninety day period with Governor Scott. Mr. Hart stated that he and his team are committed to providing as much value as they can to help the Governor meet his jobs goal. The Governor has already set an aggressive agenda in building Florida’s economy and growing Florida jobs. Mr. Hart stated the Governor is looking for all who have a jobs creation and retention mission or component to our mission. He also stated the Council’s Annual Report allows them to have a greater understanding of the value proposition that the Council and their partners bring. He said as the Council put their Strategic Plan together be mindful of where the Governor has laid out his initial frame work through his 777 plan and how they can tie into that. Mr. Hart stated the planning process of the Council’s Strategic Plan and the State’s Strategic Plan take on greater emphasis and a more direct role from the Governor and the Governor’s office and he said the Council should see operational plan requirements.

Office of Supplier Diversity’s Update:

✓ Mr. Fortune stated OSD is still completing the survey process of MatchMaker 2010 to determine the impact of job opportunities that it created.

✓ OSD is in the process of getting a hotel site for MatchMaker 2011.

✓ OSD is preparing letters to be sent to the state agencies putting emphasis on identifying opportunities as well as finding their high area needs. We will be monitoring and working with The Agency for Health Care Administration because their end-of-the-year-report states they spent approximately 2 and 1/2 billion dollars in provider services with non-minority and non-certified companies.

✓ OSD is also working on solidifying the Tallahassee MatchMaker which will be held in May in conjunction with “May is Small Business Week” partnering with Florida A&M Small Business Development Center and Florida State University. Due to the fact OSD don’t have travel money to do the Regional MatchMaker Events, they will make the Tallahassee MatchMaker a state wide event and notify everybody state wide for availability in attending. In the past it was only sent to ten counties in the Big Bend area.

✓ DMS Secretary’s last day was Monday, January 3, 2011. She indicated she had not received any information from Governor Scott as to who would be the new Secretary or Interim. In as much, David Faulkenberry, Deputy Secretary, resignation was not accepted by the Scott Administration and he was told they would be keeping him on at least for the three month period. Linda South indicated by default Mr. Faulkenberry would become Interim Secretary of DMS until further notice.

✓ OSD will continue the completion of their annual report which is due to the Governor and Cabinet, the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate February 1st.

✓ Mr. Fortune will check with DMS General Counsel’s Office to see if the Statutes state anything about the Council’s Annual Report being calendar year or state’s fiscal year.

Council Chair’s Update:

✓ Ms. Gonzalez thanked the members for the completion of the Annual Report. It is still being disseminated to the various stakeholders. It was accepted by the former DMS Secretary.

✓ Letters of introduction is still being disseminated and Ms. Gonzalez is requesting that each Council Member use a variation of the letter to disseminate to your constituents and members of the Legislative Caucus in your area.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez stated she will be inviting stakeholders to give some type of briefing or commentary at each of the Advisory Council meetings.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez has requested that DMS let her know how the Council can go about raising funds to pay for the Supplier Diversity Assessment Study.

Old Business:

A. Annual Report: Mr. Cartwright made a motion to utilize the State’s fiscal year for the Council’s Annual Report. Mr. Rodriquez seconded the motion. It was accepted and passed by the Council.

B. Transition Activities: Ms. Gonzalez stated there is an Economic Development Transition Team for the Governor. The report went to the Governor Elect and it will go to all of his Cabinets.

C. Council’s Operating Procedures: Ms. Floyd will work with Mr. Ali to finalize the operating procedures. Mr. Ali gave a time of two weeks to have a draft of the operating procedures.

New Business:

A. Selection of Committee Chairs: Annual Report Committee Chair-Ms. Jimenez, Mr. Andrew will assist; Supplier Diversity Assessment Committee Chair-Mr. Harris, Mr. Huggins will assist; Outreach & Communication Committee Chair-Mr. Ali, Ms. Zahniser and Mr. Cross will assist; Strategic Planning Committee Chair-Ms. Gonzalez, Mr. Cartwright and Mr. Rodriquez will assist.

Ms. Gonzalez reminded committees to provide their meeting dates and times to Ms. Wright so she can schedule the conference call meetings on the calendar.

Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The meeting was adjourned at 3:07 p.m.!



Florida Advisory Council on Small and Minority Business Development



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