Mr. Schleder

PowerPoint Presentation: Careers that Involve Anatomy and Physiology

Purpose: Many careers/jobs (many in the medical field) involve a class or many classes of Anatomy and Physiology. Through a PowerPoint presentation, or some other form of technology each student will explore one of these careers and present both the positive and negative aspects about the career. Who knows, maybe one of the presentations will spark an interest that you might choose to pursue. Remember, Health Care is one of the FEW fields that have an increasing amount of jobs in the future.

I will provide a list of possible careers to choose from or you can select your own. We will draw numbers and #1 will select first, number two second, etc. until everyone has selected a career. I understand you may have your heart set on a certain career, like maybe a dentist or something, but I can’t have 4 people in one class presenting the dentistry field.

Some research time with your laptop will be given but you will have to complete the rest of the assignment at home or before/after school in the library. The library is open at least an hour before and an hour after school. Don’t wait for the last minute to complete this.

You should have a minimum of 11 slides in your PowerPoint presentation but you may need more slides to cover the information below:

Slide 1 : Title page. Title of what you are doing, your name and hour and a picture of someone in the field (2pt)

Slide 2: How much Training/Schooling is required (ALL phases; some will include one level of schooling and others will represent many levels. Ex: Bachelor’s and then a master’s degree or a Doctorate degree. List any tests you must pass to get into a program. (3pt)

Slide 3: What Michigan colleges/universities have this program. If it is a lower level program (no college) where can you go to get your training? If there aren’t any Michigan schools then where will you have to go?(3 pt)

Slide 4: How much will training/schooling cost? (approx. amount; you may have to go to a college website and get the approximate amount for a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and/or doctorate degree, don’t forget food and housing) I want the semester cost, yearly cost and total cost for ALL schooling involved. Maybe create a table to compare. (4pt)

Slide 5: How much $ will you make in this field: starting out and Top end (2pt)

Slide 6: Job description Duties/Responsibilities/Hours (maybe more than one slide). Put some time into this information. This is what we want your classmates to know. (4 pt)

Slide 7: Positive points about this career (2pt) Slide 8: Negative points about this career (2pt)

Slide 9: What is the prospective job outlook for this field? Do you think that this information provided by the government is accurate or is it slanted toward the positive?(2pt)

Slide 10: Bibliography page (include all website names and URLs that you used for information and/or books) (2pt)

Slide 11: Written summary. Uses at least 6 complete sentences to summarize why or why not you would select this career. Make valid points using information or data gathered from the presentation research.

General points to consider in a PowerPoint presentation:

1) Make sure your font is large enough to read, generally 24 or larger

2) Make sure you have light font/dark background or dark font/ light background

3) You should know the information in your presentation, don’t just read the words

4) Keep the amount of words for each slide to a minimum … just the general info and then YOU talk about it.

5) Add pictures that show someone working in that field especially the title page

6) It is ALWAYS a good idea to practice a presentation before you give it!

These websites are a great place to start your search:

1) Use your Career Cruising account from school

2) Occupational Outlook Handbook oco/

Grading Rubric:


1) Presentation covers all of slide 1 through slide 10 information above 26 pt

2) pictures of profession (at least 4; one on the title page) 2 pt


1) Slides are put together neat and organized 3 pt

2) Information on slides is easy to read (not too much text) 3 pt

3) I can hear you in the back of the room 3 pt

4) You are presenting information NOT reading the slides 3 pt

5) Written summary 4 pt

Total points 44 pt

Due Date: Thursday Dec 19th 2019 at 11 p.m. You can email it to me or share it in one drive.

Career List:

1) Medical Doctor General Practitioner (family doc), 2) Surgeon 3) Physicians’ Assistant

4) Nurse Practitioner 5) Nurse RN 6) Nurse LPN 7) Medical Assistant 8) Orthodontist

9) Dentist 10) Dental Hygienist 11) Physical Therapist 12) Physical Therapist assistant

13) Massage Therapist 14) Occupational Therapist 15) A &P college Professor

16) A & P High School Teacher (Biology) 17) Psychologist 18) Psychiatrist

19) Optometrist 20) Ophthalmologist 21) Biological Illustrator for textbooks 22) Nutritionist (Dietician)

23) Medical Transcriptionist 24) Phlebotomy Technician 25) Certified Surgical Technologist (CST)

26) Chiropractor 27) Doula (Labor support professional) 28) Radiologist 29) X-Ray Technician

30) Nurse Anesthetist 31) Athletic Trainer 32) Exercise Physiologist 33) Kinesiology 34) Medical Technologist

35) Pharmacist 36) Pharmacy Technician 37) Respiratory Therapist 38) Veterinarian 39) Veterinarian Assistant

40) EMT 41) Paramedic 42) Mortician 43) Medical Examiner 44) Crime Scene Technician

45) Physical Education Teacher 46) Any other field that requires an A & P class

Career Powerpoint grade Name _______________________________ Hr_____


1) Presentation covers all of slide 1 through slide 10

Title Page 2pt _____

Training/Schooling 3pt _____

Mich schools/schools 3pt _____

Schooling Cost 4pt _____

Salary beginning/end 2pt _____

Job descript./duties/responsibilities 4pt _____

Positive points 2pt _____

Negative points 2pt _____

Job Outlook 2pt _____

Bibliography 2pt _____

2) pictures of profession (at least 4) 2pt _____


1) Slides are put together neat and organized 3 pt _____

2) Information on slides is easy to read (not too much text) 3 pt _____

3) I can hear you in the back of the room 3 pt _____

4) You are presenting information NOT reading the slides 3 pt _____

5) Written summary 4 pt _____

Total points 44 pt pt

Career Powerpoint grade Name _______________________________ Hr_____


1) Presentation covers all of slide 1 through slide 10

Title Page 2pt _____

Training/Schooling 3pt _____

Mich schools/schools 3pt _____

Schooling Cost 4pt _____

Salary beginning/end 2pt _____

Job descript./duties/responsibilities 4pt _____

Positive points 2pt _____

Negative points 2pt _____

Job Outlook 2pt _____

Bibliography 2pt _____

2) pictures of profession (at least 4) 2pt _____


1) Slides are put together neat and organized 3 pt _____

2) Information on slides is easy to read (not too much text) 3 pt _____

3) I can hear you in the back of the room 3 pt _____

4) You are presenting information NOT reading the slides 3 pt _____

5) Written summary 4 pt _____

Total points 44 pt pt


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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