The Alphabet of Biology Careers

The Alphabet of Environmental Science Careers Name:__________________

Environmental science, Why am I taking this course? Is a question asked by many high school students as they take their first environmental science course. Do I really want to use microscopes, dissect frogs, learn how plants grow, study diseases and learn how I tick? What benefit is this to me in the long term? Will I ever use this course again? The answer to all these questions remains to be seen but there are many reasons why this course is beneficial to you. One of those reasons is that it may become a career choice for you. Yes a environmental science degree may not be your “cup of tea” but there are many other occupations that require a background in basic environmental science and the goal of this activity is to explore those activities.

The main objective of this activity is to make you aware of the many careers that are available for people who have environmental science in their background as well as to help answer why it is important to learn environmental science. You are interested in a possible career in environmental science but have no idea what is out there in the real world for occupations. The INTERNET comes to your rescue!! You can use the following websites for info or search for careers on the internet using the key words “environmental science careers”. Your objective is to find a career name that begins with each letter of the alphabet. You should be able to find a career for almost all the letters. You should also be able to find a one-line description for each career. This may require extra searching on the specific career. The letter Q has been removed as answers would be very limited with this letter.

|Letter |Career |Description |Why this affects me |

|A | | | |

|B | | | |

|C | | | |

|D | | | |

|E | | | |

|F | | | |

|G | | | |

|H | | | |

|I | | | |

|J | | | |

|K | | | |

|L | | | |

|M | | | |

|N | | | |

|O | | | |

|P | | | |

|R | | | |

|S | | | |

|T | | | |

|U | | | |

|V | | | |

|W | | | |

|X | | | |

|Y | | | |

|Z | | | |

Now pick 5 careers and attach a picture for each that demonstrates or is related to that career.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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