
World War 2:OBJ # 1: Governments Not too long after World War I ends, World War 2 is going to break out, however, before the war starts there are many causes as to why the world would get involved in another war. One big issue was that there were different types of governments in different countries. This caused tension (problems) between countries that had different types of governments. The three different types of governments that we are going to talk about during World War 2 are Democracy, Fascism, and Communism. You will have to know the difference between the governments and what type of government each country had. Democracy:The first type of government we will look at is Democracy. Democracy is a type of government where the people of the country can elect their own leader/government by voting them in, people have individual rights and freedoms, and they have economic rights (meaning they can have their own business and be responsible for their own money). Some example of a Democracy are the United States with the leader Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), Great Britain with their leader Winston Churchill, and France with their leader DeGaul. In a Democracy the people get a say and voice in their government unlike other types of government. The United States is still a Democracy today; we get to vote for laws and the people in our government. FDR: United States Winston Churchill: Great Britain Charles DeGaul: FranceFascist: The next type of government in World War 2 was Fascist or Fascism. In a Fascist government there what is called a totalitarian control where only one person has total control over everything in the country (from the radio, newspaper, and all the laws). This person who is in power is know as a dictator because they control everything and make all the laws and rules, even if the people do not like what they are doing or the laws they are making. In a Fascist government the people can own their own business andmake their own money like a Democracy, except in a Democracy the people get to vote and help make the laws. Some examples of a Fascist government are Germany with their leader Adolf Hitler, Italy with their leader Benito Mussolini, and Japan with their leader General Tojo. Adolf Hitler: Germany Benito Mussolini: Italy General Tojo: Japan Communism: The final type of government that you need to know for World War 2 is Communism or Communist. A Communism government is very different from a Democracy and is somewhat similar to a Fascist. In a Communism government there is a dictator in charge (one person who controls everything like totalitarian, they have total control). In a Communism government you can’t have your own business and it is the good of everyone, the government owns everything. An example would be the Soviet Union (Russia) with their leader Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin: Soviet Union Map of the continent Europe at the start of World War 2. Recalling Facts:1. What are the three types of government that you need to know for World War 2?__________________________________________________________________________________________2. List out the Democratic (Democracy) countries and their leader.1: ____________________________________________2: ____________________________________________3: ____________________________________________3. List out the Fascist (Fascism) countries and their leader.1: ____________________________________________2: ____________________________________________3: ____________________________________________4. List out the Communist (Communism) country and their leader.1: ____________________________________________5. List 2 facts about each type of government? Democracy: 1: ______________________________________________________________________ 2: _______________________________________________________________________Fascist: 1: _______________________________________________________________________ 2: _______________________________________________________________________Communism:1: _______________________________________________________________________ 2: ______________________________________________________________________Critical Thinking:6. Compare and Contrast: Explain how a Democratic, Fascist, and Communist countries are alike and different.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. What type of government out of the 3 would you like to live in and why?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define:Totalitarian: ____________________________________________________________________________________World War 2: OBJ # 4: Pearl Harbor America tried very hard to stay out of World War 2, remember they were neutral not picking sides and isolationists, where they wanted to stay out everyone else’s business. Unfortunately Japan is going to bomb America in Hawaii and America is going to get pulled into the war. Before we look at the events at Pearl Harbor you need to know a little bit of backstory on Japan. Japan is an island located in the Pacific Ocean and the military takes over Japan during World War 2 and places General Tojo in charge of the country. Japan wants to be a powerful country like that of Germany and Italy, so Japan knows that in order to do this they need to take over other countries to gain power and land. General Tojo tells the Japanese people that they are better than all other Asians and they should be allowed to take over other countries, just like Hitler telling the German people they were better than everyone. General Tojo decides that Japan needs to work on their expansion and starts invading other countries such as China, Korea and other small island countries. After invading many countries, Japan has taken over most of the countries in the Pacific Ocean; however, he has not taken over Hawaii. Hawaii belongs to the United States and is an island chain in the Pacific Ocean. General Tojo sees this as competition and decides he is going to lead and attack on Hawaii. Map of the Pacific Ocean General Tojo of Japan A reason why Japan was upset with the United States was because the United States quit trading with Japan when World War 2 started. Japan was an island and needed to get their supplies from other countries and when the Untied States quit trading with them, they had a hard time getting the supplies they needed. So Japan decides they are going to attack America’s Navy base, Pearl Harbor located on the island of Hawaii. On December 7th, 1941 Japan flies over Hawaii dropping bombs on the Navy base and America was completely surprised. This was an attack that America did not see coming and it took America a few minutes before they could get their planes and boats ready to attack back. The goal of Japan during this attack was to destroy the United States’ Aircraft Carriers. The Aircraft Carriers are massive boats where airplanes can land and take off of them. However, the Aircraft Carriers were out to sea that day doing a practice drill, so Japan did not destroy these large boats. Japan was able to sink some of the large boats that were parked in the harbor, such as the USS Arizona. In all there was over 2,400 Americans that were killed in this attack and over 1,000 Americans that were wounded. Picture of the bombing at Pearl Harbor Propaganda poster to remember Pearl HarborAfter the attack on Pearl Harbor Americans were extremely upset and furious and wanted to declare war on Japan. President Roosevelt (FDR) called this “A day that will live in infamy”, meaning this day will go down in history and will never be forgotten. After the United States declares war on Japan for the attack on Pearl Harbor, Germany declares war on America, because Japan and Germany have an agreement with each other. The United States has now been pulled into World War 2 and is now in a war with both Japan and Germany. Recalling Facts:1. What date did the attack at Pearl Harbor take place? _____________________________________________2. Where is Pearl Harbor located? ______________________________________________________________3. How many Americans were killed from the attack on Pearl Harbor? _________________________________4. How many Americans were injured/wounded from the attack on Pearl Harbor? ________________________5. Now that America is in a war with Japan, what other country does that put them in a war with and WHY? __________________________________________________________________________________________6. What was the goal of the Japanese when they attacked the U.S. at Pearl Harbor and did they accomplish their goals and explain why or why not?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Critical Thinking:7. Describe the reasons why Japan was upset with the United States and why Japan would want to attack Hawaii. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Explain what you think FDR meant when he said this is “A day that will live in infamy”. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Picture from a Japanese plane on the morning of the attack at Pearl Harbor. You can see all the battleships in the waterthat were targets to be blown up. The USS Arizona was a ship that was blown up and sunk and all on board were killed. Picture of the USS Arizona battleship sinking. . World War 2: OBJ # 5: The War At Home In America America tried to avoid getting into World War 2, unfortunately that did not work and America now was in a war with Japan and Germany because of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Americans were very supportive of the troops and wanted to do all that they could to help America during the war. This meant that many Americans would have to make sacrifices and give up things that they used in their everyday lives. When America enters the war, men all across the United States enrolled in the army and wanted a chance to fight against Japan and Germany. When they men went to war they had to leave their jobs in the factories behind. Women stepped up and took the jobs in the factories using the heavy equipment and machinery. Before the world wars women did not work with heavy equipment so this became a time for women to show that they were just as strong as the men were and could do what the men could do. A very famous poster came out (see below) that shows a strong women stating “We Can Do It”. She was given the nickname “Rosie the Riveter”. Rosie the Riveter symbolizes strong women who could do what men could do. A woman working in the factory during WW2 Rosie the Riveter Poster An example of a Ration Book With the soldiers fighting overseas on the continent of Europe, the United States needed to make sure they were sending over supplies to the soldiers to help them fight and stay alive. In order to do this Americans needed to use only small amounts of certain items. The United States government decided to give every family a Ration Book. A Ration Book were books with coupons inside that limited how much of something each family could buy at one time. For example the government would take the size of the family (how many people were in the family) and give them coupons that was just enough for their family. This allowed the United Sates to save food and supplies to send over to the soldiers in Europe. Some of the items that were limited were sugar, gasoline, tires, shoes, and other food items. There were also some things that were not available for the Americans at all. Women working in the Navy and Air Force as part of the WAC’s and WAVES.Most men in America wanted to join the army after Pearl Harbor, because they were so upset about the attack on America. The United States government put into place during World War 2 the Selective Service. The Selective Service was all men between the ages of 18-35 if drafted and called on to fight must join the army. This was not a big deal because most men were excited to go fight against Japan and Germany. After Pearl Harbor there was a great deal of racism in the United States toward people of Asian decent, especially people from Japan. Many Americans were afraid that the people who were Japanese were spies for Japan and could not be trusted and were not loyal to the United States. Even people who were born in the United States and were Japanese were feared. Americans were so worried about another attack on America by Japan they wanted to place all of the Japanese into a camp to make sure they could not be spies for Japan. The government, including the President of the United States (FDR) said this was okay to do. So the United States government rounded up all of the people living in the United States that were Japanese and placed them into a camp. This was called an internment camp where they placed all of the Japanese. The internment camp was not mean to be a death camp like a concentration camp, but was designed that they could not get information out in case they were spies. This took away the rights and freedoms of the Japanese people in America. When they were placed in these camps the Japanese were not able to work at their jobs anymore and lost their jobs because they were not allowed to show up to work. Since they were not able to work and make money, many of them lost their houses because they could not pay their bills. The Japanese Americans were treated horribly in America during World War 2. Japanese Internment Camp Japanese kids in the internment camp Sign at the campRecalling Facts:1. Who took over the jobs in the factories when the men went to war? ________________________________2. Explain what the WAC’s and WAVES were. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What group of people were placed into internment camps in the United States? _____________________________4. What is the difference between an internment camp and a concentration camp? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Critical Thinking:5. Explain why Ration Books were important during a time of war. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Why do you think that men were so excited to go and fight for America during World War 2 and volunteered to go to war? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Explain why Japanese Americans were placed into internment camps in America during World War 2 ?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define:Rosie the Riveter: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ration Books: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Selective Service: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________World War 2: OBJ # 7: The End of the War: The Atomic BombNow that Germany has been defeated and Hitler has committed suicide, America now has to focus on defeating Japan. The General in charge of defeating Japan is a man named Douglas MacArthur, and he is going to use island hopping to try to defeat Japan. Island Hopping is what the American Army would take over an island and then go to another to take it over (they would jump from island to island getting it back). The problem while fighting against Japan was that Japan would fight to the death, these soldiers were willing to die for Japan. They had Japanese suicide pilots, which were called Kamikazes. These soldiers would go down with the airplane in order to hit their enemy. Two of the biggest battles between America and Japan took place on the islands of Midway and Iwo Jima. Many Americans were killed at these battles and America remembers these as some of the toughest and bloodiest battles between America and Japan. Map of the Pacific (showing Iwo Jima and Midway)Soldiers from Iwo Jima putting up the American flag While the fighting is taking place America is working on a secret project at home. This secret project is called the Manhattan Project, which was working on building the atomic bomb. Two of the very famous scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project were Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) knew that they needed a way to end the war and that Japan would fight to the death. It took several years for the bomb to be completed and by the time it was ready to be tested FDR had died and Harry Truman took over as President of the United States. The atomic bomb was tested in the desert of New Mexico. The problem was that they did not know about radiation and what it could do the body, they thought radiation just bounced off of the skin, when really it sinks into the skin and causes sickness. When the atomic bomb is dropped it creates what is called a mushroom cloud (see the picture below). President Truman warns Japan that they have the atomic bomb and will use it unless Japan surrenders. Japan refuses to surrender, so Truman keeps his promise and drops the atomic bomb. Mushroom Cloud of atomic bomb What is left of parts of Hiroshima The first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. The name of the plane was the Enola Gay and they call the bomb “Little Boy”. This bomb kills thousands of Japanese, and not just soldiers but women and children as well. This was a very tough decision for President Truman to make about dropping the bomb, he knew that it would kill women and children, but he also knew that this was the only end to the war. President Truman thought that Japan would surrender, however, Japan did not surrender and Truman told them that another bomb would be dropped and still no surrender. So just 3 days later on August 9, 1945 the United States dropped a second atomic bomb “Fat Man”, this time on Nagasaki, Japan. Between the two bombs over 110,000 Japanese are killed, plus the number goes up when people get sick and die from radiation later on. Finally on August 14, 1945 Japan decides they are going to surrender. The United States sets up a new government in Japan and helps to rebuild so a dictator does not take over. In all there were over 2 million Japanese killed from World War 2. Nagasaki 2 days before the bomb. Nagasaki 2 days after the bomb.A burn victim from the bomb. Recalling Facts:1. Who became President when FDR died while in office? __________________________________________2. Explain what island hopping was. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Who was the General who used Island Hopping? _______________________________________________4. Name two famous battles in which America fought against Japan? 1.)_______________2.)_______________5. Name two scientists who worked on the atomic bomb. 1.) _____________________2.)__________________6. Name the two cities the atomic bomb was dropped on. 1.) _____________________2.)__________________Critical Thinking:7. Why do you think that a kamikaze was so dangerous to America. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. If you were President Truman and you had to make the decision whether of not to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, what would you decide to do and WHY? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Why do you think that even after the first atomic bomb was dropped and thousands of innocent Japanese were killed that Japan did not surrender?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define:Manhattan Project: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Kamikaze: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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