LESSON 4SEPTEMBER 26, 2021SUBJECT: Praise for SalvationDEVOTIONAL READING: Psalm 134:1-3BACKGROUND: Acts 2:32-33, 37-47LESSON: Acts 2:32-33, 37-47MEMORY VERSE: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42 NIVLESSON AIM: To study the character and activities of the first generation Christians.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. DIFFERENCE IN KINGSHIP (ACTS 2:29-36)What king of Israel did Peter speak about in his Pentecost sermon? Acts 2:29What other King did Peter speak about in his Pentecost sermon? Acts 2:32, 36How did Peter point out in his sermon the difference between King David and King Jesus? Why is this important? Acts 2:29, 31, 32, 36David: v. 29av. 29bv. 29cv. 34aJesus:v. 31v. 32av. 33av. 33bv. 33cv. 36What was Peter’s personal testimony of Jesus’ resurrection? Acts 2:32bWhat promise did God make with King David? (This promise is known as the Davidic Covenant.) Acts 2:30; 2 Samuel 7:12-16Who fulfilled the Davidic Covenant? Luke 1:26-33II. RESPONSE TO HEARING GOD’S WORD (ACTS 2:37-41)What was the response of those who heard the preached word and were convicted by the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:37v. 37abv. 37cdWhat did Peter tell his listeners was necessary to do to be saved? Acts 2:38aIn whose name must one be baptized? Acts 2:38bDo you think the baptism formula given in Matthew 28:19 conflicts with Acts 2:38? Why or why not?What is promised to those who repent and are baptized? Acts 2:38v. 38cv. 38dTo whom is the promise of salvation, forgiveness and the Holy Spirit given? Acts 2:39v. 39av. 39bv. 39cv. 39dWhat was Peter’s warning and plea to his listeners? Acts 29:40How many on the Day of Pentecost accepted Peter’s message and were baptized? Acts 2:41III. DEVOTION TO DISCIPLESHIP (ACTS 2:42-47)To what four things did the believers devote themselves? Acts 2:42v. 42av. 42cv. 42bv. 42dWhat did the apostles do to cause the community to be filled with awe? Acts 2:43How does Luke describe the fellowship, worship and activities of the early Christian community? Acts 2:44-47av. 44av. 44bv. 45v. 46av. 46bv. 46cv. 47aHow did the surrounding community initially respond to the early Christians? Acts 2:47bWho caused the early church to grow? What should this teach us? Acts 2:47c (1 Corinthians 3:6)How does the church of today compare with first century church? ................

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