
American History I Unit 4 Study GuidePart 1: Matching: Match the letters with the corresponding correct answers2nd President of the US who passed the Alien and Seditions Act ________Rebellion that showed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation _________Peace treaty that ended the American Revolution ________Political party that supported a strong federal government that was mostly supported by the rich, educated elite ________The nation’s first Secretary of Treasury who devised a plan to get the nation out of debt after the American Revolution ________3rd President of the United States who acquired the Louisiana Territory and founded the Democratic-Republicans________First federal constitution of the US________Plan that combined the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan creating our current Congress with two houses________Counted slaves as 3/5’s are person when factored into a southern states population for representation________First 10 amendments of the Constitution________Group of Americans at the Constitutional Convention who did not support the Constitution________Written by the federalist in support of the Constitution________Rebellion that showed the strength the US Constitution and the federal government________Scandal involving the French where 3 French officials asked for bribes to negotiate peace with the French. Led to the passage of the Alien and Seditions Act ________Act passed by John Adams which arrested or deported any American who spoke poorly of the federal government________The Federalist PapersThomas JeffersonAlien and Seditions ActGreat CompromiseArticles of ConfederationFederalistsAlexander Hamilton3/5’s CompromiseJohn AdamsWhiskey RebellionShay’s RebellionTreaty of ParisBill of RightsAnti-FederalistsXYZ AffairAs a result of the XYZ affair, the US and French engaged in a small naval war called this _________Event that led to the death of Alexander Hamilton________Court case that established judicial review __________These two men explored the newly acquired Louisiana Territory________A series of wars started during the Jefferson administration for access to the Mediterranean Sea________Action of the British of kidnapping American sailors and forcing them into the British Navy________Group of Americans who supported war with Britain________Written during the War of 1812 that serves as our nation’s national anthem________Battle fought after the War of 1812 that made Americans feel like they won the war________Treaty that ended the War of 1812________Acquired from France in 1803, it doubled the size of the US________Known as the “Revolution of 1800”, it was the first peaceful transition of power in American History________This political party was started by Thomas Jefferson and they supported more power with the people and state governments __________Barbary WarsImpressmentStar Spangled BannerTreaty of GhentElection of 1800Lewis and ClarkDemocratic-RepublicansLouisiana TerritoryQuasi War War HawksMarbury vs. MadisonHamilton-Burr DuelBattle of New OrleansPart 2: Timeline: Put the following events on the timeline in order of when they happened. You may need to do research to find the dates.Treaty of GhentWar of 1812Shay’s rebellionElection of 1800Louisiana Territory56134045085121856547625197208363651264992245455-5461043180-5207023495Quasi WarXYZ AffairBattle of New OrleansBill of Rights106680729615791210731520139382572009022015457226302967990725170Whiskey rebellionPart 3: Cause and Effect: Please provide the causes and effects for the following events. Use your notes to complete.EventCausesEffectsWar of 181212th AmendmentWhiskey RebellionConstitutional ConventionBill of Rights ................

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