LESSON 6JULY 9, 2023SUBJECT: The Kingdom Has Come upon YouDEVOTIONAL READING: Matthew 6:5-15BACKGROUND: Matthew 12:1-32LESSON: Matthew 12:22-32MEMORY VERSE: If it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Matthew 12:28 NIVLESSON AIM: To accept that Jesus’ performing of miracles is a sign that He ushered in His kingdom and inspire people to believe in Him as the Christ, the Son of God.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEWhat was the condition of the man brought to Jesus in this week's lesson? What did Jesus do? Matthew 12:22v. 22av. 22bWhat is the origin of demons (also known as devils, evil spirits, fallen angels, angels of the devil)? Revelation 12:7-9Do you believe demons possess people today? Why or why not?What is a miracle from the Biblical view point? Use a Bible Dictionary. (The extraordinary work of God intervening in human affairs and appear to violate natural laws. God gave prophets, apostles and others the ability to perform miracles.)Do you think the cure of man in this week’s lesson is a miracle? Why or why not?What did this miracle and other miracles performed by Jesus reveal about Him? Luke 7:17-23Why did Jesus perform miraculous signs? John 20:30-31What was the two-fold reaction of the multitude, the common people, who witnessed Jesus' healing power over the demoniac who was blind and mute? Matthew 12:23v. 23av. 22bWhat does the title "Son of David" refer to? Isaiah 9:6-7; Jeremiah 23:5-6Who were the Pharisees? Use a Bible Dictionary to research. [Pharisees (meaning separated ones) - a religious and political party in Palestine in New Testament times. The Pharisees were known for insisting that the law of God be observed as the scribes interpreted it and for their special commitment to keeping the laws of tithing and ritual purity. These were the laws that other people were less careful about observing. Pharisees observed the Law carefully as far as appearances went, but their hearts were far from God. Their motives were wrong because they wanted the praise of men. They also had evil desires that were hidden by their pious show. That is why Pharisees are often called hypocrites: their hearts did not match their outward appearance.] Nelson's Illustrated Bible DictionaryII. SLANDERING OF THE SAVIOR: MATTHEW 12:24-30What was the reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus casting out the demon? Matthew 12:24Who is Beelzebub? Matthew 12:24, 26What are some of the other names for Satan? How is Satan characterized? Matt. 12:24Eph. 2:2John 8:44b1 Pet. 5:8John 8:44cRev. 12:10bJohn 12:31Rev. 20:2The healing miracle revealed Jesus' power. How does this lesson reveal Jesus' knowledge of human nature? Matthew 12:25aWhat arguments did Jesus use to show the stupidity and foolishness of the Pharisees' accusation? Matthew 12:25-27v. 25v. 26v. 27What is an exorcist? Did the Pharisees practice exorcism? Matthew 12:27How did Jesus drive out demons? Matthew 12:28aWhat did Jesus' ability to cast out demons reveal? Matthew 12:28bWhat analogy and illustration did Jesus use to show His power over demons? Whom did Jesus have to temporarily bind in order to release the blind and unspeakable man from the demon? Matthew 12:29 (26)When will Satan be permanently judged and bound? Revelation 20:10; Matthew 25:31-33, 41-46What did Jesus say to the Pharisees to let them know that there is no neutrality or middle ground when it comes to making a decision about Him? Matthew 12:30III. SINNING AGAINST THE SPIRIT: MATTHEW 12:31-32What sins are forgivable? Matthew 12:31a, 32a (These are sins against humanity. The Pharisees were attacking Jesus’ humanity,)v. 31av. 32aWhat sins are unpardonable? Matthew 12:31b, 32b (These are sins against divinity, God’s Spirit. This sin refers to the stubborn refusal to accept the Holy Spirit guidance to God’s way of living and forgiveness.)v. 31bv. 32bWhat does the Old Testament teach about blaspheming God? Exodus 20:7; Numbers 15:30-31To whom is the door of forgiveness opened? 1 John 1:9-10Why must each person be careful of his or her speech? Matthew 12:36-37 ................

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