Why Barack Obama Can Beat John McCain… and Hillary …

Why Barack Obama Can Beat John McCain… and Hillary Clinton Can’t

Dave Herninko and C.J. Hayden

Democrats around the country are divided about who should get their party’s nomination in 2008. One of Hillary Clinton’s recurring talking points has been that she is the more electable candidate, while Obama appeals only to dreamers and young people. But we feel that the reverse is true. Here are five reasons why Obama is the Democrats’ best hope to beat John McCain in this fall’s election.

1. Hillary Clinton is a known quantity. Most voters’ opinions of her are already etched in stone. They know what they think about her, and if they don’t like her, they won’t vote for her. There are few undecided voters where Clinton is concerned.

Barack Obama is a new face to many voters. He still has the opportunity to win over those people who haven’t gotten to know him yet. This gives him a powerful edge with the independent voters who will decide the most crucial states to win this election.

2. Obama is inspiring many people who would otherwise not vote at all, as evidenced by the dramatic first-time voter turnout in the primaries. These new voters are young people, African Americans, and college graduates who have stayed away from the polls because they are fed up with the status quo.

If Clinton gets the nomination, these disaffected voters will tell themselves, “just more business as usual,” and simply not vote.

3. If Clinton is nominated, there are 25 red states in the Midwest, Rocky Mountains, and Deep South where she doesn’t have a chance to win electoral votes. Obama, on the other hand, claims there are no red states and blue states, only the United States. His primary victories in states like Kansas, Colorado, and Georgia prove his popularity in the so-called red zone.

Because Obama has the power to compete in these states, McCain will have to spend time and money to fight him there. If Clinton is nominated, McCain’s victory in these states will be a foregone conclusion, and he’ll be able to pour all his resources into campaigning elsewhere.

4. Obama has opposed the war in Iraq from the outset, while Clinton voted for it. A majority of the American people support full withdrawal from Iraq, and want a candidate who can take a stand against the war. Clinton’s past support for the war contrasted with her current position opposing it has created distrust in the minds of anti-war voters, while Obama’s record against the war is clear.

5. In capturing the critical independent vote, McCain will have more appeal to many independents than Clinton. McCain has a strong reputation as an independent who has opposed the Bush administration on tax cuts, sending more troops to Iraq, and the torture and abuse in Abu Ghraib prison.

By many, McCain is not perceived as a partisan Republican, while rightly or wrongly, many perceive Clinton as a partisan Democrat. Obama can compete head-to-head with McCain for the independent vote, while Clinton cannot.

If you want to see a Democrat in the White House, Barack Obama is the candidate that deserves your primary vote, and the Democratic party’s nomination.

Dave Herninko and C.J. Hayden are Obama supporters in San Francisco. You are welcome to reprint this article with attribution, or link to it online at why-obama-can-beat-mccain.htm


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