
Backpack 5



Area of Foreign Languages



I. Objectives

← Revise notions of previous years.

← Describe physical appearances of people and compare them.

← Make comparative and superlative sentences correctly.

← Practise the use of reading strategies such as skimming, defining and matching.

← Know more about families.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas for making a word map about the family.

­ Listen to the song to match the letter to the drawings. Sing the song and mime it.

­ Listen to the letter.

­ Find out the meaning of unknown words from the context.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds from the key vocabulary in the unit.

­ Talk in small groups about the ages of members of their families using comparatives and superlatives.

­ Ask and answer questions in pairs, following a given model, using the texts and pointing to the appropriate photos.

­ In pairs, ask and answer comparative and superlative questions following the model in the example.

­ Compare the album of cut outs.

­ Make comparative and superlative sentences about a group of pupils using a series of adjectives proposed.

­ Answer the questions about the photos based on the model from the grammatical table.

­ Describe photos of relatives using the adjectives and model sentences provided in the unit.

­ Ask yes/no questions to guess which pupil we are thinking about.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate based on the model of the activity.

­ Take note of the title of the magazine and comment on its theme. Decide which section of the magazine they will read first.

­ Write a descriptive sentence above the photo of a famous person so that the other members of the group guess who it is.

­ Guess the theme of the chant from the title and the photo. Listen to it, read it and recite it.

­ Comment on relevant things that have happened in their lives with a classmate.

­ Play with the board game and the cards in order to practise the names of relatives and relations.

2. Reading and writing

­ Exhibit on the notice board photos of relatives. Write the name and the relationship they have with them.

­ Make an album of cut outs of their favourite stars. Describe them and list the vocabulary.

­ Compare and contrast the characters of the magazine using a Venn diagram. Write a text based on the model from the magazine.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• The circus family; babies on parade; has anyone got much (taller)?; a surprise visit; greeting; body; closing; signature; the date; what did (aunt Sophie) write about in her letter?; scrapbook; who is the youngest (Iglesias child)?; who is the oldest?; are you the youngest child in the family?; who is (older), your brother or you?; what does (she) look like?; (he)’s good-looking (with long dark hair and dark eyes); (she) looks like (her mother); who’s the (youngest) (Julio José, Enrique or Chabeli)?; (Enrique) is the (youngest); who is (older) (Enrique or Chabeli)?; (Chabeli) is (older) than (Enrique); what does your family look like?; is she or he the shortest in the class?; E-Pals International; pen pal; (Magda) sent an e-mail message to (Alberto) at (7.00 a.m.) on (Tuesday); when did (he) get in?; what does (the students) want (the teacher) to e-mail exams results to the parents?; what does (the teacher) know about (the parents); in what countries do people speak these languages?; do you know to say mum, dad, brother or sister in any other language?; teach your friends the words; web page; wavy; family album; family history.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Look and talk.

- Enrichment.

- Your family circle.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write complete sentences in your notebook.

- Complete the sentences.

- Use past tense.

- Talk about yourself and your family.

- Look at the pictures.

- Write about a member of your family in your notebook.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Show interest in knowing more about their families.

­ Respect the information they obtain about their classmates’ families

­ Show interest in participating in class activities.

­ Participate in class dialogues with initiative.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We encourage the children to collaborate in group or pair work activities, helping their classmates with their difficulties as far as possible, in order to create a good social atmosphere in class.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: descriptive words, adjectives, members of the family, comparative and superlative, past forms of verbs.

← Social and civic competence: respecting classmates’ families.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: working in groups and pairs in harmony.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 1, page 27.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify and give opinion about different television programmes.

← Know different types of television programme.

← Reflect on television viewing habits.

← Practise the use of reading strategies such as skimming, defining and matching.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Name television programmes they like and classify them in categories.

­ Predict the theme of the song and describe the illustrations. Listen to the song to match the lyrics to the drawings. Sing the song all together and in groups.

­ Comment on the illustration and listen to the recording.

­ Comment on the frequency with which the characters watch television using the calendars to help.

­ Hold dialogues with a classmate based on the illustrations and the model we provide them with.

­ Make a word map with the different types of television programmes.

­ Fill in a brief questionnaire about television and discuss the answers with the class.

­ Ask and answer questions in pairs about television programming based on the model dialogue.

­ Ask and answer questions about the television viewing guide in a newspaper.

­ Complete the table with information about their favourite programmes and discuss them in groups. Name a spokesperson so they can summarise the discussion for the class.

­ Vote for their favourite television programmes and reflect the information in a graph about why they think some programmes are more popular than others.

­ Predict the themes and words that will appear in the magazine. Decide which text they will read first.

­ Interview relatives about the comfort loving one in their family and share the information in a group to decide what characteristics a comfort loving person has.

­ Prepare a show about their English class, each one being responsible for carrying out a specific task.

­ Describe the photos in pairs and match each advertisement from the recording to the corresponding photo.

­ Debate about own viewing habits.

­ Give each other clues about television programmes and guess them by playing the board game.

­ Choose five programmes and classify them from the most to the least favourite. Explain their classification to a classmate.

2. Reading and writing

­ Write on pieces of paper the name of their favourite television programmes and stick them on the board around their corresponding programme type.

­ Summarise recent episodes of their favourite programmes and place them on the board.

­ Deduce the meaning of unknown words from the song using the context. Match each frequency expression to the corresponding drawing. Answer questions.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words using the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Summarise the articles and write a sentence with the main idea from the first article. Write three details about the main idea mentioned before.

­ Write a short television commercial in groups and present it to the class.

­ Write about their favourite television programme.

­ Write sentences with the words of vocabulary written on pieces of card.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- What’s on TV?; our favourite TV programmes/shows; who watches the most/fewest?; programmes that make you laugh; comedy; reality show; talk show; soap operas; news; science fiction programmes; game shows; TV Time; once a week; twice a week; never; three times a week; at weekends; (Kim) watches TV (twice a week); calendar is about (Kim); how many hours a day/week do you watch TV?; what’s on TV at 7.00?; a film called Space Wars; it’s on Channel 6; character; magazine; remote control; cartoon; light operator; script writers; floor directors; advertisement; where in the world (…)?; TV viewings habits; on which days do you watch more TV?; at what times of the day do you watch TV?.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Match the person to the calendar and write in your notebook.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write questions and answers in your notebook.

- Work with a partner.

- Make sentences like those.

- Copy the chart in your notebook and fill it in.

- Then talk about your favourite TV programmes in a group.

- Write about one of your favourite TV programmes.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Show interest in knowing how television commercials work.

- Show interest in participating in class activities.

- Participate in class dialogues with initiative.

- Participate in group activities with respect and collaboration.

- Show interest in reflecting on viewing habits.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We show the children the need to reflect on the time they spend watching television, the types of programme they watch, if they are influenced by the commercials…, in order to encourage them to have a critical turn of mind and capacity for reflection.

- We help them to respect their classmates’ tastes in television.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: talking about television, types of television, professions related to television, frequency expressions.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: how television works.

← Social and civic competence: reflection on viewing habits.

← Cultural and artistic competence: writing a television commercial in groups.

← Learning-to-learn competence: reading strategies.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: a critical turn of mind.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 2, page 28.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different professions and the materials used in each one.

← Identify different craft work and industrial gadgets.

← Encourage their capacity for making a decision about what to read.

← Differentiate between different functions of the gerund.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Add illustrations in the appropriate category for the exhibition “people working and their tools”. Use it as a topic of conversation for practising the grammatical structures in the unit.

­ Deduce the meaning of the title of the unit.

­ Predict words they will hear in the song. Describe the illustrations and listen to the song in order to match the letter to the drawings. Sing it and mime it all together or in groups.

­ Identify the drawings. Listen to the recording and deduce the meaning of new words. Practise the conversation in pairs and answer the questions we ask them.

­ Practise the dialogues in pairs following our example and explanation.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the key vocabulary in the unit.

­ Hold dialogues with a classmate based on the model we offer them and the paragraphs of the activity.

­ Interview classmates in order to find a different pupil for each activity. Complete the table and present it to the class.

­ Talk in groups about the professions they like following the model of the example.

­ Guess an object listening to the clues we give them and using could in the answers.

­ Describe the illustrations and predict the words they will hear in the recording Listen to it and match it to the corresponding illustrations. Correct their work by listening again to the recording.

­ Make their own radio programme in small groups interviewing their classmates about their favourite professions. Simulate the programme for their classmates.

­ Ask and answer questions with could by playing the card game.

­ Bring a gadget they like to class and present it to the rest of their classmates.

2. Reading and writing

­ In pairs, come up with words for describing illustrations. Read the paragraphs and extract the meaning of new words from the context. Answer questions.

­ Make a table with words related to professions and complete it throughout the unit.

­ Distinguish between the functions of object or subject of the gerunds which appear in a series of sentences.

­ Work in teams to write appropriate words in each category and build sentences with the gerunds as subjects or objects.

­ Deduce the meaning of the title of the magazine from the context. Identify the words which may be important in the articles and extract from them the main ideas. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words. Compare their deductions with a classmate and confirm or correct them with us. In groups, answer the questions we ask them.

­ Summarise the articles in groups. Write comprehension questions so that the other group can reply to them.

­ Make a page to contribute to the production of a class book about everybody’s professions. Present its pages to the class.

­ Present their book in other classes and hold dialogues about the professions they have chosen.

­ Write some sentences about a profession they like.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- Hands on; making things; materials; tools; project; important words; handmade; what are (Fran)’s two ideas for an arte project?; what could (Mike) make for an arte project?; craft; weaving; painting; knitting; making lace; making post; Chinese- style painting; carving; what (craft) does (Helen) enjoy/like/love?; when you (weave), you can use a (traditional loom); you use special brushes, ink and paper; you use only a few simple brushstrokes; lace making is an important Greek tradition; people put lace on their tablecloths and clothes; what could we do now?; we could read a book; (Isabel) enjoy (painting with watercolours); (she) thinks it’s (lot of fun); what could it be?; it could be a (…); handy kids magazine; crafts around the world; what could you make with (…)?; I could make a (…); what are some interesting crafts you enjoy?

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Point and talk.

- Ask and answer.

- Enrichment.

- Get ready.

- Answer the question in your notebook.

- Interview your friends.

- Find a different student for each picture.

- Talk to your friends.

- Write words in your notebook.

- Complete the sentences.

- Write about them.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Show interest in learning from classmates and helping them with difficulties.

- Enjoy activities carried out in class.

- Show interest and curiosity in knowing different professions.

- Participate in class dialogues with initiative.

- Participate in team games with a competitive attitude but showing good sportsmanship.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We teach the pupils to respect different professions they know and to value the richness of craftwork.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: different professions, gadgets and materials used in craftwork, expressions with could; gerund: function of subject and function of object.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: gadgets and machines.

← Social and civic competence: different craftwork professions.

← Cultural and artistic competence: beautiful things we make with our hands.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: making own radio programme talking about professions.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 3, page 29 and the revision test for units 1-3 on pages 36 and 37.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different shops and products they buy in each one.

← Make advertisements.

← Reflect on consumer habits.

← Practise creative writing.

← Practise the intonation of questions with or.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to the song and match the lyrics to the drawings. Sing the song.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific expressions using the vocabulary heard in a recording.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate in order to buy two or more things, using the model dialogue and the text.

­ Practise the intonation of questions with or using the vocabulary heard in the recording.

­ Use the comparative and superlative in order to compare a series of objects we show them.

­ Play a game so that a pupil has to describe something using too and the following pupil has to make a sentence which means the same with enough.

­ Ask and answer questions about the prices of the things in the illustration.

­ Talk in small groups about the objects in the illustrations using the adjectives from the dialogue bubble.

­ Use the advertisements on page 43 to act out different scenes related to shopping.

­ Predict the theme of the articles from the title and drawings. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Come up with, draw and present to the class a new item of clothing.

­ Describe the illustrations and predict what they will hear about each one. Listen to the recording and match it to the corresponding illustrations. Check work by listening to the recording again.

­ Create conversations in pairs using the first line of a dialogue from the recording.

­ Play in pairs at one being the seller and the other the buyer. Try to bring the price down and discuss the prices and quality of products.

­ Conduct own surveys about consumer habits.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition with drawings of things that are sold in different shops, placing them in each category on the board.

­ Exhibit weekly stories written by groups of pupils about their experience as consumers.

­ Classify in categories the things they most like to buy.

­ Work in pairs to choose two illustrations and make a list of words which describe them. Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer questions about the text.

­ Complete a table with cut outs of objects which are on sale, including prices and compare it with that of their classmate.

­ Read the texts and find out the meaning of the new words. Check it with a classmate and confirm it with us. Answer in groups the questions we give them.

­ Summarise the story in groups and draw conclusions.

­ Write funny or terrifying paragraphs imagining themselves locked up in a shop. Share them with classmates.

­ Make a list of all the things they would buy with a specific amount of money. Share the list with the class.

­ Make an advertisement in groups. Illustrate it on a poster and choose the advertising expressions to accompany it. Present it and exhibit it in class.

­ Write an advertisement about themselves using both the comparative and superlative language.

­ Write sentences about what they would like to buy including the reason.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- I’ll take it; places to shop; at the outdoor market; I’m going to buy it; what’s wrong with the jacket that (Lucy) is trying on?; merchandise; which markets are more (exciting)?; which section of the market is more (colourful)?; what is he most (interesting) section of the market?; for me, (the clothing section), because I like (comparing styles and prices); too; enough; how much does (the jewellery) cost?; it cost (₤250.00); the shopper stall; what do you think will happen next?; how did you get locked in?; too tight; too baggy; striped shirts; sopping until you drop; how do you feel when you spend a long time shopping in different shops?; how did (the girl) in the unit song feel at the end of (her) shopping trip?; the most popular/fashionable; low price; useful; comfortable; better than the others; great sale; every wants them; what do you like shopping for?; what do you like to shop for?

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Work with a partner.

- Talk to your friends about the advertisements.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Show interest in knowing how advertisements work.

- Show interest in knowing the shops and what can be bought in each one.

- Enjoy and participate with initiative in the activities carried out in class.

- Show interest in correcting own mistakes.

- Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We teach them to collaborate with their classmates in the group and pair work activities, in order to achieve their pursued objectives more efficiently and to create a good social atmosphere in class.

- We help the children to reflect on their consumer habits and to be critical with the advertisements for products.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: comparative sentences, superlatives with multi syllabic adjectives and with too and enough; shops with different products.

← Social and civic competence: finality of advertisements.

← Cultural and artistic competence: creating an advertisement.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: conducting own surveys about consumer habits.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 4, page 30.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Talk about travel and holidays.

← Practise creative writing.

← Identify and describe weather.

← Practise the pronunciation of the past tenses.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Predict words they will hear in the song from the title. Listen to it and match the lyrics to the drawings. Sing it and mime it all together or in groups.

­ Find out the theme of the letter, listen to the recording.

­ Work in pairs to tell the story of Alex’s family again using the question and graphic material from the page.

­ Practise the pronunciation of the past tenses using the text of a recording.

­ Guess the illustration a classmate is describing. Predict the problems that will appear in the text.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate following the model dialogue in the example and using the illustrations of the unit.

­ Play in a ring of roses the memory game, making and repeating sentences.

­ Complete the square supposing that their classmates have done it and asking them what they really did. Present the information to the class.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine from the title and illustrations. Choose the section they will read first.

­ Play the board game in order to make sentences in the past simple or combining past simple and continuous, using the drawings in the squares.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition with photos or drawings of travels. Write a brief description of each one in order to put it below.

­ Write in groups a story about a trip they imagine all of them doing together and exhibit it on the board.

­ Make lists of things that can go well when travelling and those which can go wrong.

­ Read the letter. Deduce the meaning of new words from the context and classmates. Answer the questions we ask them about the text.

­ Read the text and answer the questions in groups.

­ Build sentences in the present or past describing the activities and the weather in the drawings we show them.

­ Notice the constructions in the past continuous in the grammatical square and use them to complete the sentences. Compare work in pairs.

­ Use the indications in the drawings and in the second grammatical square to write a question or answer with when or while as appropriate.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words. Compare deductions with a classmate and confirm or correct them with us. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Summarise the texts in groups. Discuss the best and worst events in their lives.

­ Produce a magazine about travel with articles written by groups of pupils. Include advertisements, crosswords, comic strips and jokes. Exhibit it in the classroom.

­ Complete the sentences of the transcript of the recordings by writing the corresponding verb.

­ Make a poster which shows a piece of advice for travelling safely and present it to the class.

­ Make a reduced version of their posters giving advice and include it in a class book which we will exhibit in the library or the classroom.

­ Make a calendar which shows the weather during the past month. Present it to the class.

­ Write about a personal experience while travelling.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Travel trouble; travel tales; the day we went to (…); a wet weekend; where was the Alex’s family going last (Saturday morning)?; what was the weather like?; what was (the girl) doing?; was it a good experience?; it began to rain; it got cold and snowy; it got very windy; (she) fell and broke (her) arm; what was (she) doing when it (began to rain)?; what happened while (he was swimming)?; I was reading a book when the lights went out; baggage claim; suitcase; someone took his bag; cactus thorns; hill; tips for save travel; carry an umbrella in cloudy weather; take medicine you need with you when you travel; keeps your travel papers in a safe place; watch your wallet with your cash and I.D. carefully; don’t ride a horse alone; wear sunglasses in sunny weather; take a map when you drive or walk around; wear comfortable walking shoes; don’t drive too fast in snowy weather; what happened to you while you were travelling.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Play a memory game. Take turns make sentences.

- Copy this chart in your notebook.

- Write the names of three friends.

- Complete the sentences about them.

- Write the best or the worst in your notebook.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in travelling and knowing things to do during the holidays.

­ Enjoy and participate with initiative in the activities carried out in class.

­ Show interest in correcting own mistakes.

­ Show interest in being as creative as possible when carrying out the activities.

­ Show interest in learning to solve the problems which may arise in their lives.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We teach the pupils to show an attitude of respect, helpfulness and collaboration towards their classmates in order to keep a pleasant social atmosphere in class.

­ We encourage them to keep calm in difficult situations and to try to solve the problems which arise in the most civilised manner possible.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: talking about travel anecdotes, combining the past simple and continuous when making sentences; when and while.

← Social and civic competence: keeping calm in moments of difficulty.

← Cultural and artistic competence: writing the story of a trip.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: producing a travel magazine in a group.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 5, page 31.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different communication media in the world.

← Compare the present way of life with that of past periods of time.

← Write forecasts.

← Encourage creative writing.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Comment on the title of the song and predict the words they will hear in it. Listen to the song and match the lyrics to the images. Sing and mime the song.

­ Work in pairs to make a list of words related to the illustrations and share them with the class. Predict what they will read and read the text finding out the meaning of new words from the context. Answer the questions we ask them in order to check understanding.

­ Hold dialogues with their classmates using the model in the activity.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds using the key vocabulary.

­ Ask and answer questions in groups using a series of illustrations and a set of cards with interrogative questions.

­ Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about school events and following the model dialogue. Share the information obtained with the rest of the class.

­ In groups, play at making forecasts about specific themes so that the rest of their classmates can guess them.

­ Find out the meaning of the title of the magazine and predict what it will be about. Find out about virtual magazines and decide which section they will read first.

­ Make an opinion poll, using the one in the magazine, about what will happen in the future. Share the results with the rest of the class.

­ Describe in pairs what is happening in the illustrations and listen to the recording to match it to them. Listen again in order to correct their work.

­ Create new conversations in pairs, using the first line of the dialogue in the recording. Act them out for the class.

­ Answer in pairs a multiple response questionnaire.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition about communication using drawings, photos and illustrations the children bring. Write some sentences under each one.

­ Make a word map about communication and complete it throughout the unit.

­ Write four questions based on the example, the grammatical table and the illustration. Ask a classmate.

­ Complete the activity using the second grammatical table.

­ Write a forecast for each theme and discuss them in small groups.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words. Compare their deductions with a classmate and confirm them or correct them with us. Answer the questions we ask them in groups.

­ Summarise the texts in groups. Write an essay using one of the articles.

­ Research in Internet and compare the body language, signs and symbols of other countries.

­ Make tables about communication in the past, the present and the future. Present them to the class.

­ Write about what will have changed in their lives in the next five years. Share their sentences in pairs or small groups.

­ Use the words from the table to complete the sentences which make up the paragraph.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- In touch; get the message; what are some ways we communicate?; what are some device we use for communication?; what can you say without speaking?; out of touch; what’s the theme of the science fair?; what were some of the projects about?; which project did (Mr. Rivera) like a lot?; everyone; someone; no one; anyone; read lips; what is one gesture we use to communicate?; what does shaking your head mean in your country?; how do some deaf people understand words that people speak?; body language; signal flags; sign language; sailors; deaf people; who uses (body language)?; (everyone) uses (body language); how do you greet someone in your country?; what language do deaf people use?; how many (signal flags) are there?; there are (forty-five); do you think people will continue to use (body language)?; picnic; playground; videophone; television screen; answering machine; online magazine; I won’t be (at the same school); I will be (taller); how will we communicate in the future?

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Point and talk about the pictures.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write questions for these answers in your notebook.

- Write questions or answers in your notebook.

- Work with a partner. Ask about school event in the near future.

- Write five predictions. Use these topics.

- Do this quiz.

- Five years from now.

- Complete the sentences.

- Use the questions words.

- Use negative if necessary.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in research about past periods of time.

­ Show interest in learning from the different media and ways of communication.

­ Show a respectful attitude and willingness to learn in group discussions.

­ Enjoy and participate with initiative in activities carried out in class.

­ Show interest in being as creative as possible when carrying out activities.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We help the pupils to value the importance of the communication media in our society and to value the way in which the new technologies help or make our life difficult.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: talking about present communication media and past tenses; use of someone, anyone, no one and everyone; acrostics; future with will and won’t .

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: new technologies.

← Data processing and digital competence: Research in Internet about the body language, signs and symbols of other countries.

← Social and civic competence: valuing how technology conditions us.

← Cultural and artistic competence: creative writing.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 6, page 32 and the revision test for units 4-6 on pages 38 and 39.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify inventions, their functions and the material they will be made from.

← Practise the pronunciation of expressions in contracted form.

← We encourage creative thought.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Listen to the song in order to match the lyrics to the drawings. Sing and mime the song all together or in groups.

­ Listen to the recording of the text.

­ Listen to the dialogue to guess the identity of each pair.

­ Practise the pronunciation of “what do you” as if it were a single word, using the recording.

­ Suggest ideas in order to make a word map about materials and copy it in their book.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate using the model dialogue and drawings offered in the activity.

­ Answer questions about the use of different objects, with the verb to be, if they are sure of their use, or with may be/might be if they are not so sure.

­ Name different objects and write them on cards. Take a card and give clues about the written object until someone guesses what it is.

­ Guess objects by their use or by the material they are made from, by asking a classmate questions.

­ Think about the different uses of the objects in the drawings. Discuss and write ideas in pairs. Share them with the rest of the class.

­ Present unusual objects to the class so that they can guess their use. Explain their use.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine by the title and illustrations. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Say the name of ten inventions they use and create a list in order to classify them by order of importance. Share their lists with the class.

­ Guess objects from the clues given by their classmate playing the card game.

­ Take out an object and say three ways in which it can be used.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition of objects classified according to the material they are made from.

­ Place on the board, photos of useful and common objects. Write a brief description of the invention and who invented it.

­ Say which objects or machines they use every day, write it and include when they were invented to check their guesses throughout the unit.

­ Read the text. Find out the meaning of new words from the context. Answer the questions we ask them.

­ In pairs, make a list of words related to the illustrations and share them with the class. Match the text to the title of the unit. Read it and answer the questions in order to check understanding.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words. Compare their deductions with a classmate and correct them with us. Note the main ideas. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Summarise the articles. Make a list of discoveries and inventions.

­ In pairs, look in Internet for children who have invented things or things made especially for children.

­ Create conversations in pairs that could be held by aliens. Present them to the class.

­ Write about an object which they can enjoy using.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- Put on your thinking cap; what are they made of?; inventors and their inventions; how do they do that?; bag of tricks; come up with; come up on; what is (the top) look like it’s used for?; rubber bands; contact lenses; air balloons; what are some ways to use (rubber bands)?; why the people wear (contact lenses)?; what are (contact lenses) made of today?; rubber; soft plastic; wood; they’re made of (rubber); what were (contact lenses) made of before?; they were made of (glass); what are the (rubber bands) used for?; they‘re used to (hold things together); it may be (…); it might be (…); necessity is the mother of invention; ten things you can do with tin cans; a tin can might be used to…; do the (girl’s parents and brother) look happy?; but (she)’s in trouble; why are they up set with (her)?; (he) used (his mum’s vase) to make (a washing machine); who made this invention?; if you had to give up five of them, which five could you give up?; useful/useless; it’s useful because it could be used to (make a fire to keep warm); it isn’t useful because it can’t be used (to do anything).

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write two sentences about each item in your notebook.

- Which sentences are true? Which are false?

- Work with a partner.

- What different uses might each item have? Talk to each other.

- Write words in your notebook.

- Complete the sentences.

- What are these items used for?

- Talk about a favourite object. The write about them in your notebook.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in learning about different inventions and their inventors.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Show interest in learning to express oneself correctly in English.

­ Show interest in learning from classmates and helping them with their difficulties.

­ Participate in class activities in a creative manner.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We help pupils to realise the importance of social life during any period of time and the need for everyone to collaborate with our ideas and improvements, for a better social life.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: talking about how objects and inventions work; their materials, use of may be and might be; talking about uses: for+gerund.

← Data processing and digital competence: Researching in Internet about child inventors.

← Social and civic competence: the social importance of sharing ideas.

← Cultural and artistic competence: coming up with a conversation between aliens and presenting it.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: participating creatively in class activities.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 7, page 33.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify countries and place them on the map.

← Identify typical products of each country.

← Sequence processes.

← Practise reading strategies such as the ordering of information, the definition and setting up of associations.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Comment on the title of the song and learn the words they will hear in it. Listen to the song and match the lyrics to the images. Sing the song.

­ Describe the drawings and listen to the recording of the text.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds using the key vocabulary heard in a recording.

­ Hold conversations with their classmate about three countries we know using the model dialogue.

­ Compare a series of objects we present to them using as ... as or isn’t ... as.

­ Play in teams in order to say the name of the inhabitants of a country and build a sentence with it.

­ Discuss and list the products and resources of their country in groups. Share the lists with the class.

­ Make a list of objects they have at home and where they come from.

­ Make a presentation of “do-it-yourself” about a project of their choice.

­ Describe the drawings and listen to the recording in order to write the number of each step. Listen to it again to correct their work.

­ Work with a classmate who has read a different article from theirs and tell them the steps of the process explained in their section.

­ Make comparative sentences for equality playing the board game.

2. Reading and writing

­ Choose a product and investigate the steps followed to make it. Summarise them and illustrate the main ones in order to exhibit them on the board.

­ Read the text finding out the meaning of new words. Answer the questions.

­ List words related to the illustrations and share them with the class. Find on a map Costa Rica, China and Italy. Read the text and answer the questions we ask them.

­ Make an organigram of each one of the three countries writing the products and attractions of each one. Share it with the rest of the class.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine from the title. Give examples of things they can do by themselves. Choose the section of the magazine they will read first.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of the new words from the context and classmates.

­ Listen to the recording in order to complete the transcript with passive forms of verbs.

­ Create in groups a map of products on a continent using the reports of the countries they researched previously. Write questions about them so that the rest of the class can answer them.

­ Write sentences about a country explaining why it is known.

­ Make true or false sentences about a country so that the classmate can evaluate it properly.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- Products and processes; the global marketplace; how is it made?; stuff; what product does (Costa Rica) export?; what products come from (Italy)?; what are some things that come from (China)?; its many products; its large population; its long history; its fashionable clothing; its modern furniture, glasswork and marble; its historical and cultural attractions; are there any well-known products from (Costa Rica)?; Costa Rican; Chinese; Italian; (Costa Rican) (coffee) is well-known; (Alan) is as (tall) as (Sonia); natural resources; do it yourself magazine; when you want the job done right, do it yourself!; did you ever wonder?; oyster; a grain of sand; irritated; substance; layers; pearl.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write full sentences in your notebook using these words.

- Complete the sentences.

- Work with a partner. Make sentences like these. Talk and write.

- Write the number of each step in your notebook.

- Write about a country you know.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Show interest in knowing the products and attractions that characterise each country.

­ Show interest in knowing the import and export relations which their country has with others.

­ Participate with initiative and creativity in the activities carried out in class.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We show the children the importance of having a good relationship with others and knowing how to take advantage of the resources available to them. We teach them that in order to have peace between countries they must favour a good social relationship amongst members of their society.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: countries, names of inhabitants and products of countries, comparative of equality (affirmation and negation); sentences in passive form.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: the resources and products of the country.

← Social and civic competence: the concept of import and export.

← Learning-to-learn competence: reading strategies.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: presenting a project with the theme “do-it-yourself”.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 8, page 34.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different types of music and musical instruments.

← Express their tastes and preferences in music.

← Follow a musical rhythm with an instrument.

← Practise the use of adverbs.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas for making a word map about music.

­ Find out the meaning of the title of the song and describe the illustrations. Listen to the song and sing it all together or in groups.

­ Describe the illustration and guess what the characters are talking about.

­ Practise the pronunciation of the syllable “-ly” and the adverbs using the key vocabulary.

­ Suggest ideas for making a word map about types of music.

­ Hold dialogues with a classmate using the model in the example and the theme of the unit.

­ Practise the pronunciation of would you as a single word using the key vocabulary.

­ Differentiate between the use of the past and present perfect by answering a series of questions we ask them, using specific illustrations.

­ Interview their classmates following the model dialogues until finding a classmate who carries out each activity shown in the illustrations. Present the results to the class.

­ Talk in groups about their favourite singers following the model conversation offered in the activity.

­ Play in a ring of roses the memory game, making sentences about singers they prefer to listen to.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine using the title and the illustrations. Guess from the title which words they will read in each section. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Describe in pairs what is happening in the illustrations. Listen to the recording and mark the letter of the appropriate illustration. Listen to it again to do corrections.

­ Create a conversation with their classmate using the first line of a dialogue of the recording. Act out the conversations for the class.

­ Create a musical instrument from simple materials. Present it to the class. Ask the pupil who presents the instrument questions about it.

­ Beat out the rhythm of the song of the unit in groups with their instruments. Play it for other classes.

­ Conduct a survey with ten classmates using a question made by themselves. Make a square like the one in the example and show the results to the class.

2. Reading and writing

­ Exhibit photos of famous artists and singers. Write who they are and why they are well known.

­ Write about their favourite song or record and exhibit it on the board.

­ Follow the recording in their books and deduce from the context the meaning of the new words. Act out the dialogue and answer the questions.

­ List in pairs the words related to the illustrations and share them with the class. Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer questions in order to check understanding.

­ Write two true sentences and one false about things they have done. Vote for their classmates affirmations they believe are false.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Read an article in a group and extract the main ideas. Summarise their article to a classmate who has not read it. Answer in groups the questions we give them.

­ Summarise the texts.

­ Match a quotation to one of John Lennon’s songs, while listening to his album, “Imagine”.

­ Use the writing model from “Around the World: Children’s Music” to write about a musical instrument, dance or style.

­ Write about their favourite artist. Include a photo and exhibit it on the board.

­ Classify instruments into whether they are percussion, wind or string.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• And the beat goes on; music makers; playing favourites; sampling; DJ; check this; hear a taste; guitar player; rap music; steel drums; steel drum music; salsa music; classical Indian music; rock music; rock concert; musical instruments; maracas; where did (rap music) get started?; what kind of music can you play on (steel drums); have you ever heard (rap music)?; would you rather listen to (rap music) or (steel drums)?; I’d rather listen to (steel drums); (Tim) has played (drums); teen tunes; have you ever heard of (maracas)?; how long did it take you to make it?; which kind would you rather listen to?

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Complete the questions. Then answer with your own information.

- Write answer in your notebook. Look at the example.

- Interview your friends.

- Work in a group. Which singers or groups would you rather listen to?

- Write the kind of music in your notebook.

- Write questions for these answer. Use would rather.

- Write about two kinds of music you like.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in knowing musical types and instruments.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Enjoy and participate with initiative in the activities carried out in class.

­ Show interest in the musical tastes of classmates.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We encourage the pupils to show interest in and to enjoy the music from their own and other countries. We teach them to respect the different countries and ways of understanding music.

- We teach the children to make musical instruments from basic materials.

- We encourage the idea of recycling and of taking maximum advantage of our resources.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: different types of music and instruments, past perfect versus present perfect, function of adverbs; the contraction I’d.

← Cultural and artistic competence: beating out the rhythm with an instrument.

← Learning-to-learn competence: self assessment.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: creating a musical instrument with basic materials.

IV. Assessment

← We use the oral assessment table whilst observing their use of key structures and vocabulary, throughout the activities carried out in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 9, page 35 and the revision test for units 7-9 on pages 40 and 41.


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