
Taborlin the GreatTaborlin the Great woke up and felt a pain in his side. He realized someone had stabbed him but he had no memory of how it had happened. He found himself locked in a high tower. They had taken his sword and tools: a key that could open any door, a coin that could make him invisible and a candle that gave him the ability see in the blackest of nights, were all gone. But that wasn’t even the worst of it you see, because the lamps on the wall were burning blue. Which could only mean one thing; demons.Now Taborlin needed to escape, but when he looked around, he saw his cell had no door. No windows. All around him was nothing but smooth, hard stone. It was a cell that no man had ever escaped. But Taborlin knew the names of all things, and so all things were his to command. He said to the stone: ‘Break!’ and the stone broke. The wall tore like a piece of paper, and through that hole, Taborlin could see the sky and breathe the sweet spring air. He stepped to the edge, looked down, and without a second thought he stepped out into the open air.So, Taborlin fell, but he did not despair because he knew the name of the wind, and so the wind obeyed him. He spoke to the wind and it cradled and caressed him. It carried him to the ground as gently as a summer breeze and set him on his feet as softly as a mother’s kiss. When he got to the ground and felt his side where they had stabbed him, he saw that there was barely a scratch. Now maybe it was just a bit of luck or maybe it had something to do with the amulet he was wearing under his shirt.”A few days earlier, Taborlin had met a tinker on the road and even though Taborlin did not have much to eat, he shared his dinner with the old man. Now this amulet was worth a whole bucket of gold coins, but because of Taborlin’s kindness, the tinker sold it to him for nothing but a penny. It was black as a winter’s night and cold as ice to the touch, but as long as it was around his neck, Taborlin would be safe from the harm of evil things. Demons and such.Taborlin was pleased he had escaped from the tower but soon realised he would need to find his sword and tools if he wanted to survive the night. Suddenly, he heard a noise and quickly hid behind a nearby tree. A figure approached from the darkness. As Taborlin was preparing to fight, he recognised the figure, it was the Tinker he had met a few days earlier. He thought maybe the tinker could help him like before.Taborlin heard the noise again and realised the noise he had heard was from the tinker’s stomach. He was hungry but unfortunately, this time Taborlin had no food to offer the hungry tinker. But Taborlin knew the names of all things, and so all things were his to command. He said to the nearby tree: ‘fruit!’ and the tree grew fruit. Taborlin held out his hand and a big juicy red apple fell into his hand. He offered the apple to the tinker and the tinker smiled at him. The tinker looked around and picked up a stick, he said some words Taborlin did not recognise and offered the stick to Taborlin. He told Taborlin the stick was now a magic stick and it could find any object by simply telling the stick the name of the object.Taborlin held the stick and said ‘sword!’ The stick moved. Taborlin started walking in the stick’s direction wondering what delightful and terrifying things he might find on the way… To be continued…StorytellingMatch the words to the definitionsto escapeto hideto recogniseto commandto surviveto obeyto harmto despairto tear to stabto realisea cellto order sb to do somethingto know someone or something because you have seen or experienced them beforeto continue to live after almost dying because of an accident, illness, etc.to notice or understand something that you did not notice or understand beforeto pull paper, cloth, etc. into pieces, or to make a hole in it by accidenta small room in a prisonto do what you are told to do by a person, rule, or instructiona feeling of having no hopeto go to a place where you cannot be seen or foundto push a knife into someonegetting away from a place where you do not want to beto hurt or damage sbComplete the sentences with the vocabulary aboveThe officer ____________ his men to shoot.Children must ____________ their parents’ commands.Josh heard someone breaking into the house so he ____________ in the cupboard. He sat in his ____________ and thought about the mistakes he had made in his life.The burglar promised us that we wouldn't be harmed.Don’t ____________ - things will improveI didn’t ____________ anyone at the party yesterday.I suddenly ____________ I'd met him beforeThe doctors said her condition was critical and she might not ____________.Try not ____________ the paper when you open the book. It’s very old.A man tried ____________ from prison yesterday but failed when one of the guards saw him.He was ____________ several times in the chest. ................

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