
Dialectical Journal: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott CardYou are about to embark on a six week independent reading project, in which you will be responsible for pacing your reading according to the schedule listed below and maintaining a dialectical journal in which you analyze passages of your choosing for plot development, character development, tone, theme development, and symbolism. This will create a major grade component in both the 2nd Six Weeks and the 3rd Six Weeks.When time allows and is appropriate, we will also have in-class activities related to the novel to enrich your understanding of the text. You will be expected to always bring your copy of the novel with you to class, and when you have extra time in class, you will be expected to read silently and/or work on your dialectical journal.Each week, you will be required to complete five (5) entries, one of each kind, for the assigned chapters:Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningCharacter AnalysisAnalysis of ToneAnalysis of ThemeSymbolismEach entry will be scored using the attached rubric, and the five entries will be totaled to determine your posite:Scaled ScoreComposite:Scaled Score2510014-157523-249511-127021-22909-106519-20856-86016-18805 or lower50Reading Schedule for Ender’s Game2nd 6 Weeks Cycle10/28-11/1 Read Chapters 1-5 (pages 1-53)5 journal entries due on Friday, November 1st0.5% of a major grade11/4-11/8 Read Chapters 6, 7, 8 (pages 54-119)5 journal entries due on Friday, November 8th0.5 % of a major grade3rd 6 Weeks Cycle11/11-11/15 Read Chapters 9 and 10 (pages 120-172)5 journal entries due Friday, November 15th0.25% of a major grade11/18-11/22 Read Chapters 11 and 12 (pages 173-226)5 journal entries due Friday, November 22nd0.25% of a major grade11/25-12/6 (Thanksgiving Break included in this chunk) Read Chapters 13 and some of 14 (pages 227-277)5 journal entries due on Friday, December 6th0.25 % of a major grade12/9-12/13 Read the rest of Chapter 14 and all of Chapter 15 (pages 277-324)5 journal entries due on Friday, December 13th0.25% of a major grade CRITICAL READERCONNECTED READERTHOUGHTFUL READER LITERAL READER LIMITED READER 5 4 3 2 1Detailed, elaborate responses. Detailed responses.Somewhat detailed responses. Simple, factual responses. Perfunctory responses.You can “read between thelines” of the text.You can construct a thoughtful, believable interpretation of the text.You make connections to your own past experiences, feelings, or knowledge, but don’t explain in enough detail.You accept the text literally without thinking of different possibilities in meaning.You find the text confusing, but don’t attempt to figure it out.You think about the meaning of the text in terms of a larger or universal significance, as aspect of self or life in general.You fill in caps in the text and show some ability to make meaning from what you read.You rarely change your ideas about the text even after you re-read it.You are reluctant to change your ideas about the text, even after re-reading it.You don’t change your ideas about the text after re-reading it.You create your own meaning through personal connections and references to other texts.You create your own meaning through personal connections and references to other texts.You may agree or disagree with ideas in the text, but you don’t thoroughly explain or support your opinions.You don’t reach beyond the obvious to make connections to the text; you make few connections, which lack sufficient detail.You make few or no connections to the text and your ideas lack development.You consider different possible interpretations as you readYou can explain the more general significance of the text beyond the facts.You ask simple questions about the text.You are sometimes confused by unclear or difficult sections of the text.You experiment with different ideas or think up original or unpredictable responsesYou raise important questions about the text.You carry on an ongoing dialogue with the writer; you question, agree, disagree, appreciate, or object.You explain why you disagree or agree with something in the text, and you explain and support your reaction.Page intentionally left blank. Back of rubric.Name____________________________Period___________Due: Friday, November 1 Chapters 1-5Entry 1: Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningScore_____SummaryObservations and QuestionsEntry 2: Character AnalysisScore_______EvidenceInference – Commentary Entry 3: Analysis of ToneScore_____EvidenceCommentaryEntry 4: Analysis of ThemeScore ______Thematic Idea:__________________________EvidenceCommentary Entry 5: SymbolismScore ______Symbol – LiteralSymbol – Abstract Effect, Purpose, or InsightName____________________________Period___________Due: Friday, November 8 Chapters 6-8Entry 1: Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningScore_____SummaryObservations and QuestionsEntry 2: Character AnalysisScore_______EvidenceInference – Commentary Entry 3: Analysis of ToneScore_____EvidenceCommentaryEntry 4: Analysis of ThemeScore ______Thematic Idea:__________________________EvidenceCommentary Entry 5: SymbolismScore ______Symbol – LiteralSymbol – Abstract Effect, Purpose, or InsightName____________________________Period___________Due: Friday, November 15 Chapters 9-10Entry 1: Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningScore_____SummaryObservations and QuestionsEntry 2: Character AnalysisScore_______EvidenceInference – Commentary Entry 3: Analysis of ToneScore_____EvidenceCommentaryEntry 4: Analysis of ThemeScore ______Thematic Idea:__________________________EvidenceCommentary Entry 5: SymbolismScore ______Symbol – LiteralSymbol – Abstract Effect, Purpose, or InsightName____________________________Period___________Due: Friday, November 22 Chapters 11-12Entry 1: Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningScore_____SummaryObservations and QuestionsEntry 2: Character AnalysisScore_______EvidenceInference – Commentary Entry 3: Analysis of ToneScore_____EvidenceCommentaryEntry 4: Analysis of ThemeScore ______Thematic Idea:__________________________EvidenceCommentary Entry 5: SymbolismScore ______Symbol – LiteralSymbol – Abstract Effect, Purpose, or InsightName____________________________Period___________Due: Friday, December 6 Chapters 13-half 14Entry 1: Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningScore_____SummaryObservations and QuestionsEntry 2: Character AnalysisScore_______EvidenceInference – Commentary Entry 3: Analysis of ToneScore_____EvidenceCommentaryEntry 4: Analysis of ThemeScore ______Thematic Idea:__________________________EvidenceCommentary Entry 5: SymbolismScore ______Symbol – LiteralSymbol – Abstract Effect, Purpose, or InsightName____________________________Period___________Due: Friday, December 13 Chapters end of 14-15 (end of novel!)Entry 1: Summarizing, Observing, and QuestioningScore_____SummaryObservations and QuestionsEntry 2: Character AnalysisScore_______EvidenceInference – Commentary Entry 3: Analysis of ToneScore_____EvidenceCommentaryEntry 4: Analysis of ThemeScore ______Thematic Idea:__________________________EvidenceCommentary Entry 5: SymbolismScore ______Symbol – LiteralSymbol – Abstract Effect, Purpose, or Insight ................

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