Full Title

|Full Title |Abbreviated Title |

|Abhandlungen der Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft |Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges. |

|Abhandlungen. Heidelberger Academie der Geowissenschaften |Abh. Heidelb. Acad. Geowiss. |

|Acta Adriatica |Acta Adriat. |

|Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica (Hungary) |Acta Geodaet. Geophys. Montanist. Hung. |

|Acta Geographica Lovaniensia |Acta Geogr. Lovan. |

|Acta Geologica Academicae Scientifiarum Hungaricae |Acta Geol. Acad. Sci. Hung. |

|Acta Geologica Hispánica |Acta Geol. Hisp. |

|Acta Geologica Hungarica |Acta Geol. Hung. |

|Acta Geologica Polonica |Acta Geol. Pol. |

|Acta Geologica Sinica |Acta Geol. Sinica |

|Acta Geologica Taiwanica |Acta Geol. Taiwan. |

|Acta Mechanica |Acta Mech. |

|Acta Metallurgica |Acta Metall. |

|Acta Mineralogica-Petrografica (Acta Universitatis Szegediensis) |Acta Mineral. Petrogr. Szeged. |

|Acta Naturalia de l' Ateneo-Parmense |Acta Natur. Aten.-Parm. |

|Acta Palaeontologica Polonica |Acta Palaeontol. Pol. |

|Acta Sedimentologica Sinica |Acta Sedimentol. Sinica |

|Acta Vulcanologica |Acta Vulcanol. |

|Advances in Agronomy |Adv. Agron. |

|Advances in Applied Mechanics |Adv. Appl. Mech. |

|Advances in Geophysics |Adv. Geophys. |

|Advances in Hydroscience |Adv. Hydrosci. |

|Aeolian Geomorphology |Aeol. Geomorph. |

|African Journal of Ecology |Afr. J. Ecol. |

|African Journal of Geology |Afr. J. Geol. |

|Agricultural History |Agr. Hist. |

|Agricultural Meteorology |Agr. Meteorol. |

|Agricultural Water Management |Agr. Water Manage. |

|Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment |Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. |

|Agroforestry Today |Agroforest. Today |

|Agronomie |Agronomie |

|Agronomy Monographs |Agron. Monogr. |

|Alcheringa |Alcheringa |

|Algological Studies |Algol. Stud. |

|Ambio |Ambio |

|American Antiquity |Am. Antiquity |

|American Association of Geographers Annals |Ann. Am. Assoc. Geogr. |

|American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin |AAPG Bull. |

|American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir |AAPG Mem. |

|American Chemist |Am. Chem. |

|American Geophysical Union Publication |Am. Geophys. Union Publ. |

|American Journal of Botany |Am. J. Bot. |

|American Journal of Physical Anthropology |Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. |

|American Journal of Science |Am. J. Sci. |

|American Midland Naturalist |Am. Midl. Nat. |

|American Mineralogist |Am. Mineral. |

|American Naturalist |Am. Nat. |

|American Statistician |Am. Stat. |

|Anais. Academia Brasileira de Ciencias |An. Acad. Brasil. Cienc. |

|Analysis |Analysis |

|Analytica Chimica Acta |Anal. Chim. Acta |

|Analytical Chemistry |Anal. Chem. |

|Anatolia |Anatolia |

|Ancient TL |Ancient TL |

|Angewandte Chemie. International Edition |Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. |

|Angulocellularia Lethaia |Angulocell. Lethaia |

|Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien |Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien |

|Annales de Biologie Lacustre |Ann. Biol. Lacustre |

|Annales de Chimie Physique |Ann. Chim. Phys. |

|Annales de Spéleologie |Ann. Spéliol. |

|Annales des Mines |Ann. Min. |

|Annales des Sciences Naturelles |Ann. Sci. Nat. |

|Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques |Ann. Géol. Pays Hellén. |

|Annales. Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici |Ann. Inst. Geol. Public. Hung. |

|Annales. Societatis Geologorum Poloniae |Ann. Soc. Geol. Pol. |

|Annales. Société Géologique de Belgique |Ann. Soc Géol. Belg. |

|Annales. Société Géologique du Nord |Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord |

|Annali. Universita Ferrara |Ann. Univ. Ferrara |

|Annals of Arid Zone |Ann. Arid Zone |

|Annals of Glaciology |Ann. Glaciol. |

|Annals of Physical Chemistry |Ann. Phys. Chem. |

|Annals. Geological Survey of Egypt |Ann. Geol. Surv. Egypt |

|Annals. New York Academy of Sciences |Ann. NY Acad. Sci. |

|Annals. South African Museum |Ann. S. Afr. Mus. |

|Annual Magazine of Natural History |Annu. Mag. Nat. Hist. |

|Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences |Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. |

|Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics |Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. |

|Annual Review of Microbiology |Annu. Rev. Microbiol. |

|Annual Review of Oceanography and Marine Biology |Annu. Rev. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. |

|Antarctic Journal of the United States |Antarct. J. US |

|Antarctic Record (New Zealand) |Antarct. Rec. |

|Antarctic Science |Antarct. Sci. |

|Antarktika |Antarktika |

|Applied and Environmental Microbiology |Appl. Environ. Microbiol. |

|Applied Clay Science |Appl. Clay Sci. |

|Applied Earth Science |Appl. Earth Sci. |

|Applied Geochemistry |Appl. Geochem. |

|Applied Ocean Research |Appl. Ocean Res. |

|Applied Optics |Appl. Optics |

|Applied Scientific Research |Appl. Sci. Res. |

|Applied Statistics |Appl. Stat. |

|Aquatic Botany |Aquat. Bot. |

|Aquatic Science |Aquat. Sci. |

|Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Algological Studies |Arch. Hydrobiol. Algol. Stud. |

|Archiv für Protistenkunde |Arch. Protistenk. |

|Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics |Arch. Biochem. Biophys. |

|Archives of Microbiology |Arch. Microbiol. |

|Archiwum Mineralogiczne |Arch. Mineral. |

|Arctic |Arctic |

|Arctic and Alpine Research |Arctic Alpine Res. |

|Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation |Arid Soil Res. Rehab. |

|Arqivos de Ciencias do Mar |Arq. Cienc. Mar |

|Asian Perspectives |Asian Perspect. |

|Association de Sédimentologie Français. Publication Spéciale |Assoc. Sédimentol. Fr. Publ. Spéc. |

|Association Français pour l'Avancement des Sciences |Assoc. Fr. Avanc. Sci. |

|Association International des Sciences Hydrologiques Publication |Assoc. Int. Sci. Hydrol. Publ. |

|Association of Indian Mechanical Engineers. Technical Publication |Assoc. Indian Mech. Eng. Tech. Publ. |

|Atlantic Geology |Atlantic Geol. |

|Atmospheric Environment |Atmos. Environ. |

|Atoll Research Bulletin |Atoll Res. Bull. |

|Atti dell’Istituto Geologico Universita di Pavia |Atti Ist. Geol. Univ. Pavia |

|Australian Coal Geology |Aust. Coal Geol. |

|Australian Geographer |Aust. Geogr. |

|Australian Geographical Studies |Aust. Geogr. Stud. |

|Australian IMM Proceedings |Aust. IMM Proc. |

|Australian Institute of Marine Science. Contributions |Aust. Inst. Mar. Sci. Contrib. |

|Australian Institute of Marine Science. Monograph Series |Aust. Inst. Mar. Sci. Monogr. |

|Australian Journal of Agricultural Research |Aust. J. Agr. Res. |

|Australian Journal of Applied Science |Aust. J. Appl. Sci. |

|Australian Journal of Earth Sciences |Aust. J. Earth Sci. |

|Australian Journal of Ecology |Aust. J. Ecol. |

|Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research |Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. |

|Australian Journal of Science |Aust. J. Sci. |

|Australian Journal of Soil Research |Aust. J. Soil Res. |

|Basin Research |Basin Res. |

|Beiträge zur Paläontologie von Österreich |Beitr. Paläontol. Österr. |

|Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie |Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. |

|Berichte zür Polarforschung |Ber. Polarforsch. |

|Berichte. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft |Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. |

|Berliner Geowissenshaftliche Abhandlungen |Berl. Geowiss. Abh. |

|Binnengewässer |Binnengewässer |

|Biochemical Journal |Biochem. J. |

|Biochimica et Biophysica Acta |Biochim. Biophys. Acta |

|Biofizika |Biofizika |

|Biogeochemistry |Biogeochemistry |

|Biogeographica |Biogeographica |

|Biological Bulletin |Biol. Bull. |

|Biological Review |Biol. Rev. |

|Biologisch Jaarboek |Biol. Jb. |

|Biometrika |Biometrika |

|BioScience |Bioscience |

|Biotechnological Letters |Biotechnol. Lett. |

|Biotropica |Biotropica |

|Biuletyn Peryglacjalny |Biul. Peryglac. |

|Biuletyn. Instytut. Geologiczny (Warsaw) |Biul. Inst. Geol. |

|Biuletyn. Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny |Biul. Państw. Inst. Geol. |

|Bochumer Geologische und Geotechnische Arbeit |Bochum. Geol. Geotechn. Arb. |

|Boletíín. Sociedad Española de Mineral(gia |Bol. Soc. Esp. Mineral. |

|Boletim de la Societa Brasileira Geologia |Bol. Soc. Brasil. Geol. |

|Boletim Paranaense Geografia |Bol. Paranaen. Geogr. |

|Boletín Geologico y Minero |Bol. Geol. Min. |

|Boletín. Academia Nacional de Ciencias |Bol. Acad. Nac. Cienc. |

|Boletín. Asociación Mexicana de Geológicos Petroleros |Bol. Asoc. Mex. Geol. Petrol. |

|Boletín. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España |Bol. Inst. Geol. Min. Esp. |

|Boletín. Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural |Bol. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. |

|Boletín. Sociedad Historica Natural Baleares |Bol. Soc. Hist. Nat. Baleares |

|Bollettino. Servizio Geologico d'Italia |Boll. Serv. Geol. Ital. |

|Bollettino. Societa Geologica Italiana |Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. |

|Bollettino. Societa Naturalisti di Napoli |Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli |

|Boreas |Boreas |

|Botanica Marina |Bot. Mar. |

|Botanical Gazette |Bot. Gaz. |

|Botanical Journal. Linnean Society |Bot. J. Linn. Soc. |

|Botanical Review |Bot. Rev. |

|Botanisches Archiv |Bot. Arch. |

|Botanisches Zentralblatt |Bot. Zentralbl. |

|Botaniska Notiser |Bot. Notiser |

|Boundary-Layer Meteorology |Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. |

|British Geological Survey Technical Report |Brit. Geol. Surv. Tech. Rep. |

|British Journal of Applied Physics |Brit. J. Appl. Phys. |

|British Phycological Journal |Brit. Phycol. J. |

|Bulletin de Minéralogie |Bull. Minér. |

|Bulletin des Recherches Géologiques et Minières |Bull. Rech. Géol. Min. |

|Bulletin d'Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris |Bull. Inf. Géol. Bassin Paris |

|Bulletin of Canadian Mining and Metallurgy |Bull. Can. Min. Metall. |

|Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology |Bull. Can. Petrol. Geol. |

|Bulletin of Hydrogeology Budapest |Bull. Hydrogeol. Budapest |

|Bulletin of Marine Science |Bull. Mar. Sci. |

|Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean |Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb. |

|Bulletin of Volcanology |Bull. Volcanol. |

|Bulletin Volcanologique |Bull. Volcanol. |

|Bulletin. Académie Polonaise des Sciences Série des Sciences Géologiques et |Acad. Pol. Sci. Bull. Sér. Sci. Géol. Géogr. |

|Géographiques | |

|Bulletin. Académie Royale de Science de Belgique |Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belg. |

|Bulletin. Association of Engineering Geologists |Bull. Assoc. Eng. Geol. |

|Bulletin. Australian Society of Limnologists |Bull. Aust. Soc. Limnol. |

|Bulletin. British Antarctic Survey |Bull. Brit. Antarct. Surv. |

|Bulletin. British Museum (Natural History) |Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) |

|Bulletin. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences |Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. |

|Bulletin. Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (France) |Bull. Bur. Rech. Géol. Min. |

|Bulletin. Bureau of Mineral Resources. Geology and Geophysics (Australia) |Bull. Bur. Mineral Resour. Geol. Geophys. |

|Bulletin. Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine |Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine |

|Bulletin. Chemical Society of Japan |Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn |

|Bulletin. Chicago Academy of Sciences |Bull. Chicago. Acad. Sci. |

|Bulletin. Chinese Academy of Geological Science |Bull. Chin. Acad. Geol. Sci. |

|Bulletin. Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo |Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. |

|Bulletin. Geological Society of Denmark |Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark |

|Bulletin. Geological Society of Malaysia |Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia |

|Bulletin. Geological Society of Turkey |Bull. Geol. Soc. Turk. |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of Great Britain |Bull. Geol. Surv. Great Brit. |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of Ireland |Bull. Geol. Surv. Ireland |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of Israel |Bull. Geol. Surv. Israel |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of Japan |Bull. Geol. Surv. Jpn |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of New South Wales |Bull. Geol. Surv. NSW |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of New Zealand |Bull. NZ Geol. Surv. |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of South Australia |Bull. Geol. Surv. S. Aust. |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey of Western Australia |Bull. Geol. Surv. W. Aust. |

|Bulletin. Geological Survey, Canada |Bull. Geol. Surv. Can. |

|Bulletin. Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse |Bull. Grønl. Geol. Unders. |

|Bulletin. Illinois State Geological Survey |Bull. Illinois State Geol.Surv. |

|Bulletin. Institut de Géologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine |Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin Aquitaine |

|Bulletin. Institut Océanographique (Monaco) |Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco |

|Bulletin. International Association of Engineering Geologists |Bull. Int. Assoc. Eng. Geol. |

|Bulletin. Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries |Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fisheries |

|Bulletin. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute (Turkey) |Bull. Mineral Res. Explor. Inst. Turk. |

|Bulletin. National Institute of Oceanography (India) |Bull. Natl Inst. Oceanogr. India |

|Bulletin. National Speleological Society |Bull. Natl Speleol. Soc. |

|Bulletin. Oklahoma Geological Survey |Bull. Oklahoma Geol. Surv. |

|Bulletin. Polish Academy of Sciences. Earth Sciences |Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Earth Sci. |

|Bulletin. Royal Society of New Zealand |Bull. Roy. Soc. NZ |

|Bulletin. Seismological Society of America |Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. |

|Bulletin. Service de la Carte Géologique de la France |Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. Fr. |

|Bulletin. Société Français de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie |Bull. Soc. Fr. Minéral. Cristallogr. |

|Bulletin. Société Géologique de France |Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr. |

|Bulletin. Société Linnénne de Normandie |Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie |

|Bulletin. State Geological Survey of Kansas |Bull. Kansas State Geol. Surv. |

|Bulletin. United States Geological Survey |Bull. US Geol. Surv. |

|Bulletin. United States National Museum |Bull.US Natl Mus. |

|Bulletin. West Virginia Geological Survey |Bull. W. Virginia Geol. Surv. |

|Bureau of Mineral Resources. Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics |Bur. Mineral Resour. J. Aust. Geol. Geophys. |

|Bureau of Economic Geology. University of Texas at Austin. Report of |Bur. Econ. Geol. Univ. Tex. Austin Rep. Inv. |

|Investigations | |

|Byulleten Moskovoskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii |Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. Otd. Geol. |

|Cahiers de Biologie Marine |Cah. Biol. Mar. |

|Cahiers de Micropaléontologie |Cah. Micropaléontol. |

|Cahiers du Pacifique |Cah. Pacifique |

|Cahiers Océanographiques |Cah. Océanograph. |

|Calcified Tissue Research |Calcif. Tissue Res. |

|California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin |Bull. Calif. Div. Min. Geol. |

|California Geology |Calif. Geol. |

|Canadian Geographer |Can. Geogr. |

|Canadian Geotechnical Journal |Can. Geotech. J. |

|Canadian Journal of Botany |Can. J. Bot. |

|Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences |Can. J. Earth Sci. |

|Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. |

|Canadian Journal of Microbiology |Can. J. Microbiol. |

|Canadian Journal of Soil Science |Can. J. Soil. Sci. |

|Canadian Journal of Zoology |Can. J. Zool. |

|Canadian Mineralogist |Can. Mineral. |

|Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin |Bull. Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. |

|Carbonates and Evaporites |Carbonates Evaporites |

|Caribbean Journal of Science |Carib. J. Sci. |

|Carnegie Institute of Washington. Publication |Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. |

|Chemical Engineering |Chem. Eng. |

|Chemical Geology |Chem. Geol. |

|Chemie der Erde |Chem. Erde |

|Chinese Journal of Geochemistry |Chinese J. Geochem. |

|Chronique des Mines et de la Recherche Minière |Chron. Min. Rech. Min. |

|Civil Engineering |Civ. Eng. |

|Clay Minerals |Clay Mineral. |

|Clays and Clay Minerals |Clay Clay Mineral. |

|Climate Change |Climate Change |

|Coastal Engineering. Japan |Coast. Eng. Jpn |

|Coastal Zone Management Journal |J. Coast. Zone Manage. |

|Cold Regions Science and Technology |Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. |

|Comité National Francais des Recherches Antarctiques. Terres Australes et |Com. Natl Fr. Rech. Antarct. Terres Austr. Antarct. |

|Antarctiques | |

|Commission Géologique de Finlande Bulletin |Comm. Géol. Fin. Bull. |

|Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics |Commun. Pur. Appl. Math. |

|Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology |Comp. Biochem. Physiol. |

|Compte Rendu. Sommaire des Séances. Société Géologique de France |CR Somm. Soc. Géol. Fr. |

|Comptes Rendus. Académie des Sciences |CR Acad. Sci. Paris |

|Computers and Geosciences |Comput. Geosci. |

|Continental Shelf Research |Cont. Shelf Res. |

|Contributions in Marine Science |Contrib. Mar. Sci. |

|Contributions to Earth Sciences |Contrib. Earth Sci. |

|Contributions to Geology |Contrib. Geol. |

|Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology |Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. |

|Contributions to Sedimentology |Contrib. Sedimentol. |

|Contributions. Institute of Low Temperature Science |Contrib. Inst. Low Temp. Stud. |

|Coral Reefs |Coral Reefs |

|Cretaceous Research |Cretaceous Res. |

|CRREL (Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory) Monograph |CRREL Monogr. |

|Crystal Research and Technology |Cryst. Res. Technol. |

|Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica |Cuad. Geol. Ibérica |

|Cuadernos de Geología. Universidad de Granada |Cuad. Geol. Univ. Granada |

|Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse |Dan. Geol. Unders. |

|Dansk Geologisk Førening Meddelelser |Dan. Geol. Foren. Medd. |

|Deep-Sea Research |Deep-Sea Res. |

|Developments in Industrial Microbiology |Dev. Ind. Microbiol. |

|Developments in Sedimentology |Dev. Sedimentol. |

|Developments in Soil Science |Dev. Soil Sci. |

|Developments in Water Science |Dev. Water Sci. |

|Die Erde |Erde |

|Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon |Doc. Lab. Géol. Fac. Sci. Lyon |

|Earth and Planetary Science Letters |Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. |

|Earth Monthly |Earth Monthly |

|Earth Science |Earth Sci. |

|Earth Science Reviews |Earth-Sci. Rev. |

|Earth Surface Processes and Landforms |Earth Surf. Proc. Land. |

|Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics |Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dynam. |

|Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Newsletter |Earthquake Eng. Res. Inst. Newsl. |

|Earthquakes and Volcanoes |Earthquakes Volcanoes |

|East Midland Geographer |East Midland Geogr. |

|Eclogae Geologicae Helveticae |Eclogae Geol. Helv. |

|Ecological Mongraphs |Ecol. Monogr. |

|Ecology |Ecology |

|Economic Geology. Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists |Econ. Geol. |

|Egyptian Journal of Geology |Egypt. J. Geol. |

|Egyptian Journal of Soil Science |Egypt. J. Soil Sci. |

|Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart |Eiszeit. Gegenw. |

|Electrophoresis |Electrophoresis |

|Engineer |Engineer |

|Engineering & Mining Journal (New York) |Eng. Min. J. |

|Engineering Geology |Eng. Geol. |

|Environmental Geology |Environ. Geol. |

|Environmental Letters |Environ. Lett. |

|Environmental Science and Technology |Environ. Sci. Technol. |

|EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union |EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union |

|Episodes |Episodes |

|Ergebnisse der Aerodynamischen Versuchanstalt Göttingen |Ergebn. Aerodyn. Versuchanst. Göttingen |

|Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen |Erlanger Geol. Abh. |

|Estuaries |Estuaries |

|Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science |Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. |

|Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science |Estuar. Coast. Shelf. Sci. |

|Estudios Geológicos |Estud. Geol. |

|European Journal of Mineralogy |Eur. J. Mineral. |

|Exploration Geophysics |Explor. Geophys. |

|Facies |Facies |

|FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) Microbiology - |FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. |

|Ecology | |

|FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) Microbiology Letters |FEMS Microbiol. Lett. |

|FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) Microbiology Reviews |FEMS Microbiol. Rev. |

|Field Studies |Field Stud. |

|Fieldiana: Geology (Chicago) |Fieldiana Geol. |

|First Break |First Break |

|Foldtani Kozlony |Foldtani Kozlony |

|Folia Geographica Danica |Folia Geogr. Dan. |

|Foraminiferal Research Contributions |Foram. Res. Contrib. |

|Forensic Science International |Forensic Sci. Int. |

|Fortschritte in der Geologe von Rheinland und Westfalen |Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. Westfalen |

|Fossils and Strata |Fossils Strata |

|Fotointerpretacja w Geografii |Fotointerpret. Geog. |

|Freiberger Forschungshefte |Freib. Forsch. |

|Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie |Fresen. Z. Anal. Chem. |

|Frost i Jord |Frost Jord. |

|Geobios |Geobios |

|Geochemistry |Geochemistry |

|Geochemistry International |Geochem. Int. |

|Geochimica (Beijing) |Geochimica |

|Geochimica et Cosmoschimica Acta |Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta |

|Géochronique |Géochronique |

|Geoderma |Geoderma |

|Geodinamica Acta |Geodin. Acta |

|Geogaceta |Geogaceta |

|Geografia |Geografia |

|Geografiska Annaler |Geogr. Ann. |

|Geographical Journal |Geogr. J. |

|Geographical Magazine |Geogr. Mag. |

|Geographical Review |Geogr. Rev. |

|Geographical Review Japan |Geogr. Rev. Jpn |

|Géographie Physique et Quaternaire |Géog. Phys. Quatern. |

|Geography |Geography |

|Geokhimiya |Geokhimiya |

|Geologia |Geologia |

|Geología Applicata e Idrogeología |Geol. Appl. Idrogeol. |

|Geologica Carpathica |Geol. Carpath. |

|Geologica et Palaeontologica |Geol. Palaeontol. |

|Geologica Romana |Geol. Romana |

|Geologica Sudetica |Geol. Sudet. |

|Geologica Ultraiectina |Geol. Ultraiect. |

|Geological Association of Canada Special Paper |Geol. Assoc. Can. Spec. Pap. |

|Geological Bulletin University of Peshawar |Geol. Bull. Univ. Peshawar |

|Geological Magazine |Geol. Mag. |

|Geological Society of America Bulletin |Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. |

|Geological Society of America Review Engineering Geology |Geol. Soc. Am. Rev. Eng. Geol. |

|Geological Society of America Special Paper |Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap. |

|Geological Society of India Bulletin |Geol. Soc. India Bull. |

|Geological Society of Norfolk Bulletin |Geol. Soc. Norfolk Bull. |

|Geological Survey of Canada Paper |Geol. Surv. Can. Pap. |

|Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper |Geol. Surv. Finland Spec. Pap. |

|Geological Survey of India Special Publication |Geol. Surv. India Spec. Publ. |

|Geological Survey of Ireland Special Paper |Geol. Surv. Ireland Spec. Pap. |

|Geological Survey of Kenya Report |Geol. Surv. Kenya Rep. |

|Geological Survey of Queensland Publication |Geol. Surv. Queensland Publ. |

|Geological Survey of Western Australia Professional Paper |Geol. Surv. W. Aust. Prof. Pap. |

|Geologicky Zbornik (Geologica Carpathica) |Geol. Carpath. |

|Géologie Alpine Mémoire |Géol. Alpine Mém. |

|Géologie de la France |Géol. Fr. |

|Geologie en Mijnbouw |Geol. Mijnbouw |

|Géologie Mediterranéenne |Géol. Mediterr. |

|Geologische Rundschau |Geol. Rundsch. |

|Geologische und Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck |Mitt. Geol. Paläontol. Innsbruck |

|Geologisches Jahrbuch |Geol. Jb. |

|Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar |Geol. Fören. Stockh. Förh. |

|Geology |Geology |

|Geology and Paleontology in Southeast Asia |Geol. Paleontol. SE Asia |

|Geology Today |Geol. Today |

|Geoloski Anali Balkaanskoga Poluostrva |Geol. An. Balk. Poluostrva |

|Geoloski Glasnik. Posebna Izdanja |Geol. Glas. Posebna Izd. |

|Geoloski Vjesnik |Geol. Vjesn. |

|Geo-Marine Letters |Geo-Mar. Lett. |

|Geomicrobiology Journal |Geomicrobiol J. |

|Geomorphology |Geomorphology |

|Geophysical Bulletin Hokkaido University |Geophys. Bull. Hokkaido Univ. |

|Geophysical Journal. Royal Astronomical Society |Geophys. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. |

|Geophysical Prospecting |Geophys. Prospect. |

|Geophysical Research Letters |Geophys. Res. Lett. |

|Geophysics |Geophysics |

|Geoscience and Man |Geosci. Man |

|Geoscience Canada |Geosci. Can. |

|Geotechnique |Geotechnique |

|Geotektonika |Geotektonika |

|Geotektonische Forschungen |Geotekton. Forsch. |

|Geotimes |Geotimes |

|Giornale di Geologia |Giorn. Geol. |

|Global and Planetary Change |Global Planet. Change |

|Global Biogeochemical Cycles |Global Biogeochem. Cycles |

|Ground Engineering |Ground Eng. |

|Ground Water |Ground Water |

|GUA Papers of Geology |GUA Pap. Geol. |

|Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen |Helgoländer Meeresun. |

|Highway Engineer |Highway Eng. |

|Highway Research Record |Highway Res. Rec. |

|Himalayan Geology |Himalayan Geol. |

|Historical Biology |Hist. Biol. |

|Holocene |Holocene |

|Houille Blanche |Houille Blanche |

|Houston Geological Society. Special Publication |Houston Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. |

|Hydrobiologia |Hydrobiologia |

|Hydrobiological Bulletin |Hydrobiol. Bull. |

|Hydrobiology |Hydrobiology |

|Hydrological Processes |Hydrol. Process. |

|Hydrological Sciences Bulletin |Bull. Hydrol. Sci. |

|Hydrological Sciences Journal |J. Hydrol. Sci. |

|Icarus |Icarus |

|Ichnos |Ichnos |

|In Situ |In Situ |

|Indian Journal of Geology |Indian J. Geol. |

|Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals |Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. |

|Ingeniera Petrolera |Ing. Petrol. |

|Ingenioren |Ingenioren |

|Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project |Init. Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. |

|Institute of Marine Science. Publications University of Texas |Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. Tex. Publ. |

|Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report |Inst. Oceanogr. Sci. Rep. |

|Interdisciplinary Science Reviews |Interdisc. Sci. Rev. |

|International Association of Scientific Hydrology. Publication |Int. Assoc. Sci. Hydrol. Publ. |

|International Association of Sedimentologists. Special Publication |Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. Spec. Publ. |

|International Geologiy Review |Int. Geol. Rev. |

|International Hydrographic Review |Int. Hydrogr. Rev. |

|International Journal of Air Pollution |Int. J. Air Pollut. |

|International Journal of Climatology |Int. J. Climatol. |

|International Journal of Coal Geology |Int. J. Coal Geol. |

|International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences |Int. J. Comput. Inform. Sci. |

|International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics |Int. J. Mass Spectrom. |

|International Journal of Multiphase Flow |Int. J. Multiphase Flow |

|International Journal of Remote Sensing |Int. J. Remote Sens. |

|International Journal of Salt Lake Research |Int . J. Salt Lake Res. |

|International Journal. Tsunami Society |Int. J. Tsunami Soc. |

|International Review of Cytology |Int. Rev. Cytol. |

|Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie |Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. |

|Irish Journal of Earth Sciences |Irish J. Earth Sci. |

|Irish Naturalists’ Journal |Irish Nat. J. |

|Isotopenpraxis |Isotopenpraxis |

|Israel Journal of Earth Sciences |Israel J. Earth Sci. |

|Israel Journal of Science |Israel J. Sci. |

|Izvestya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya |Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Ser. Geogr. |

|Jahrbuch. Geologische Bundesanstalt |Jb. Geol. Bundesanst. |

|Jahresbericht und Mitteilungen. Oberrheinische Geologische Verein. Neue Folge|Jahresber. Mitt. Oberrhein Geol. Ver. |

|(Stuttgart) | |

|Japanese Journal of Limnology |Jpn J. Limnol. |

|Japanese Paleontological Society Special Paper |Jpn Paleontol. Soc. Spec. Pap. |

|Jökull |Jökull |

|Journal and Proceedings. Royal Society of New South Wales |J. Proc. Roy. Soc. NSW |

|Journal and Proceedings. Royal Society of Western Australia |J. Proc. Roy. Soc. W. Aust. |

|Journal de Recherches Atmospheriques |J. Rech. Atmosph. |

|Journal Institute of Petroleum |J. Inst. Petrol. |

|Journal of Applied Bacteriology |J. Appl. Bacteriol. |

|Journal of Aerosol Science |J. Aerosol Sci. |

|Journal of African Earth Sciences |J. Afr. Earth Sci. |

|Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis |J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. |

|Journal of Applied Crystallography |J. Appl. Crystallogr. |

|Journal of Applied Meteorology |J. Appl. Meteorol. |

|Journal of Archaeological Science |J. Archaeol. Sci. |

|Journal of Arid Environments |J. Arid Environ. |

|Journal of Atmospheric Sciences |J. Atmos. Sci. |

|Journal of Basic Engineering |J. Basic Eng. |

|Journal of Biogeography |J. Biogeogr. |

|Journal of Chemical Engineering Japan |J. Chem. Eng. Jpn |

|Journal of Chemical Physics |J. Chem. Phys. |

|Journal of Chemometrics |J. Chemometr. |

|Journal of Climate |J. Climate |

|Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology |J. Climate Appl. Meteorol. |

|Journal of Climatology |J. Climatol. |

|Journal of Coastal Research |J. Coastal Res. |

|Journal of Colloid and Interface Science |J. Colloid Interf. Sci. |

|Journal of Colloid Science |J. Colloid Sci. |

|Journal of Crystal Growth |J. Cryst. Growth |

|Journal of Dental Research |J. Dent. Res. |

|Journal of Earth Sciences. Nayoya University |J. Earth Sci. Nagoya Univ. |

|Journal of Earth Sciences. Royal Dublin Society |J. Earth Sci. Roy. Dublin Soc. |

|Journal of Educational Psychology |J. Educ. Psychol. |

|Journal of Environmental Radioactivity |J. Environ. Radioactiv. |

|Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology |J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. |

|Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. |

|Journal of Fluid Mechanics |J. Fluid Mech. |

|Journal of Fluids Engineering |J. Fluid. Eng. |

|Journal of Foraminiferal Research |J. Foramin. Res. |

|Journal of General Microbiology |J. Gen. Microbiol. |

|Journal of Geography |J. Geogr. |

|Journal of Geological Education |J. Geol. Educ. |

|Journal of Geology |J. Geol. |

|Journal of Geophysical Research |J. Geophys. Res. |

|Journal of Geosciences. Osaka City University |J. Geosci. Osaka City Univ. |

|Journal of Glaciology |J. Glaciol. |

|Journal of Great Lakes Research |J. Great Lakes Res. |

|Journal of Human Evolution |J. Human Evol. |

|Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil |J. Hydraul. Eng. |

|Engineers | |

|Journal of Hydraulic Research |J. Hydraul. Res. |

|Journal of Hydrology |J. Hydrol. |

|Journal of Hydrology. New Zealand |J. Hydrol. NZ |

|Journal of Hydronautics |J. Hydronaut. |

|Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering |J. Hydrosci. Hydraul. Eng. |

|Journal of Marine Research |J. Mar. Res. |

|Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics |J. Mass Spectrom. |

|Journal of Microbiological Methods |J. Microbiol. Meth. |

|Journal of Paleontology |J. Paleontol. |

|Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering |J. Petrol. Sci. Eng. |

|Journal of Petroleum Technology |J. Petrol. Technol. |

|Journal of Phycology |J. Phycol. |

|Journal of Physical Chemistry |J. Phys. Chem. |

|Journal of Physical Colloid Chemistry |J. Phys. Colloid Chem. |

|Journal of Physical Oceanography |J. Phys. Oceanogr. |

|Journal of Physics. D. Applied Physics |J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. |

|Journal of Physics. E. Scientific Instrumentation |J. Phys. E Sci. Instrum. |

|Journal of Plankton Research |J. Plankton Res. |

|Journal of Powder and Bulk Solids Technology |J. Powder Bulk Solids Technol. |

|Journal of Quaternary Science |J. Quatern. Sci. |

|Journal of Research. United States Geological Survey |J. Res. US Geol. Surv. |

|Journal of Rheology |J. Rheol. |

|Journal of Sedimentary Petrology |J. Sed. Petrol. |

|Journal of Sedimentary Research |J. Sed. Res. |

|Journal of Shoreline Management |J. Shoreline Manage. |

|Journal of South American Earth Sciences |J. S. Am. Earth Sci. |

|Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences |J. SE Asian Earth Sci. |

|Journal of Structural Geology |J. Struct. Geol. |

|Journal of Testing and Evaluation |J. Test. Eval. |

|Journal of Tropical Geography |J. Trop. Geogr. |

|Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research |J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res. |

|Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. American Society of Civil|J. Water Resour. Plan. Manage. |

|Engineers | |

|Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. American Society of|J. Waterw. Port Coast. Ocean Eng. |

|Civil Engineers | |

|Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics |J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. |

|Journal. Acoustical Society of America |J. Acoust. Soc. Am. |

|Journal. Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists |J. Alberta Soc. Petrol. Geol. |

|Journal. American Ceramic Society |J. Am. Ceram. Soc. |

|Journal. American Chemical Society |J. Am. Chem. Soc. |

|Journal. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |J. Am. Inst. Aeronaut. Astronaut. |

|Journal. American Oriental Society |J. Am. Orient. Soc. |

|Journal. Australian Petroleum Exploration Association |J. Aust. Petrol. Explor. Assoc. |

|Journal. Fisheries Research Board of Canada |J. Fish. Res. Board Can. |

|Journal. Geological Society of Australia |J. Geol. Soc. Aust. |

|Journal. Geological Society of India |J. Geol. Soc. India |

|Journal. Geological Society of Iraq |J. Geol. Soc. Iraq |

|Journal. Geological Society of Jamaica |J. Geol. Soc. Jamaica |

|Journal. Geological Society of Japan |J. Geol. Soc. Jpn |

|Journal. Geological Society of Korea |J. Geol. Soc. Korea |

|Journal. Geological Society of London |J. Geol. Soc. London |

|Journal. Indian Society of Soil Science |J. Indian Soc. Soil. Sci. |

|Journal. International Association for Mathematical Geology |J. Int. Assoc. Math. Geol. |

|Journal. Korean Institute of Mining Geology |J. Korean Inst. Min. Geol. |

|Journal. Marine Biological Association (United Kingdom) |J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK |

|Journal. Meteorological Society of Japan |J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn |

|Journal. Oceanographic Society of Japan |J. Oceanogr. Soc. Jpn |

|Journal. Palaeontological Society of India |J. Palaeontol. Soc. India |

|Journal. Paleontological Society of Korea |J. Paleontol. Soc. Korea |

|Journal. Royal Anthropological Institute |J. Roy. Anthropol. Inst. |

|Journal. Royal Geographical Society (London) |J. Roy. Geogr. Soc. |

|Journal. Royal Statistical Society |J. Roy. Stat. Soc. |

|Journal. Société des Océanistes |J. Soc. Océan. |

|Journal. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. |

|Journal. Soil Science Society of America |J. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. |

|Journal. Structural Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers |J. Struct. Eng. |

|Journal. Washington Academy of Sciences |J. Wash. Acad. Sci. |

|Kaiserlich-Königliche Geologische Reichsanstalt. Jahrbuch |K.-Kg. Geol. Reichsanst. Verh. Jb. |

|Kaseki (Fossil) |Kaseki |

|Kieler Meeresforschungen |Kiel. Meeresforsch. |

|Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs. Biologiske Skrifter |K. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk. Biol. Skr. |

|Koninkijke Nederlandse Akademie van Westenschappen. Verhandelingen |Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. |

|Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap Tijdschrift |K. Ned. Aardrijksk. Genoot. Tijdschr. |

|Kosmos |Kosmos |

|Kwartalnik Geologniczny |Kwartalnik Geol. |

|LaborPraxis |LaborPraxis |

|Land Degradation and Rehabilitation |Land Degrad. Rehabil. |

|Landslide News |Landslide News |

|Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences |Lect. Notes Earth Sci. |

|Leidse Geologische Mededelingen |Leidse. Geol. Meded. |

|Leipziger Geografische Beiträge |Leipzig. Geogr. Beitr. |

|Limnology and Oceanography |Limnol. Oceanogr. |

|Limosa |Limosa |

|Lithology and Mineral Resources |Lithol. Mineral Resour. |

|Lithos |Lithos |

|Litologya i Poleznye Iskopaemye |Litol. Pol. Iskop. |

|Liverpool and Manchester Geological Journal |Liverpool Manchester Geol. J. |

|Low Temperature Science |Low Temp. Sci. |

|Madoqua |Modoqua |

|Madrono |Madrono |

|Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen |Mainz. Geowiss. Mitt. |

|Mainzer Naturwissenchaftliche Archiv |Mainz. Naturwiss. Arch. |

|Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography |Malaysian J. Trop. Geogr. |

|Marine and Petroleum Geology |Mar. Petrol. Geol. |

|Marine Chemistry |Mar. Chem. |

|Marine Ecology. Progress Series |Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. |

|Marine Geodesy |Mar. Geodesy |

|Marine Geology |Mar. Geol. |

|Marine Geophysical Researches |Mar. Geophys. Res. |

|Marine Georesources and Geotechnology |Mar. Georesour. Geotechnol. |

|Marine Geotechnology |Mar. Geotechnol. |

|Marine Micropaleontology |Mar. Micropaleontol. |

|Marine Pollution Bulletin |Mar. Pollut. Bull. |

|Maritime Sediments |Marit. Sed. |

|Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology |Marit. Sed. Atlantic Geol. |

|Materials Science Forum |Mater. Sci. Forum |

|Mathematical Geology |Math. Geol. |

|Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Førening |Medd. Dansk. Geol. Føren. |

|Meddelelser om Gronland. Geoscience |Medd. Gronl. Geosci. |

|Mededelingen. Rijks Geologische Dienst |Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst |

|Mediterranée |Mediterranée |

|Memoir. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists |Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. |

|Memoir. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources |New Mex. Bur. Min. Mineral Resour. Mem. |

|Mémoires. Bureau de Recherches Géologique et Minières (France) |Bur. Rech. Géol. Min. Mém. |

|Mémoires. Institut d’Egypte |Mém. Inst. Egypte |

|Mémoires. Institut Géologique. Université de Louvain |Inst. Géol. Univ. Louvain Mém. |

|Mémoires. Société Géologique de France |Soc. Géol. Fr. Mém. |

|Memoirs. Association of Australasian Paleontologists |Assoc. Australas. Paleontol. Mem. |

|Memoirs. Geological Society of London |Geol. Soc. London Mem. |

|Memoirs. Geological Survey of Canada |Geol. Surv. Can. Mem. |

|Memoirs. Geological Survey of Great Britain |Geol. Surv. Great Brit. Mem. |

|Memoirs. Miami Geological Society |Miami Geol. Soc. Mem. |

|Memoirs. National Museum of Victoria |Natl Mus. Victoria Mem. |

|Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell’ Università di Padova |Inst. Geol. Mineral. Univ. Padova Mem. |

|Memorie della Società Geoligica Italiana |Soc. Geol. Ital. Mem. |

|Memorie di Scienze Geologica |Sci. Geol. Mem. |

|Mercian Geologist |Mercian Geol. |

|Metallography |Metallography |

|Meteor Forschungsergebnisse Reihe C Geologie und Geophysik |Meteor Forschungsergeb. Reihe C |

|Meteorological Magazine |Meteorol. Mag. |

|Meteorological Monograph |Meteorol. Monogr. |

|Meteorologische Rundschau |Meteorol. Rdsch. |

|Meteorologische Zeitschrift |Meteorol. Z. |

|Meyniana |Meyniana |

|Microbial Ecology |Microbial Ecol. |

|Microbiological Reviews |Microbiol. Rev. |

|Microbios |Microbios |

|Micromorphology |Micromorphology |

|Micropaleontology |Micropaleontology |

|Microscopy and Analysis |Microsc. Anal. |

|Mineral Industries |Mineral Ind. |

|Mineral Resources Review. Department of Mines. South Australia |Mineral Resour. Rev. Dept Mines S. Australia |

|Mineralium Deposita |Mineral. Deposita |

|Mineralogica et Petrographica Acta |Mineral. Petrogr. Acta |

|Mineralogical Magazine |Mineral. Mag. |

|Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (L'vov) |Mineral. Sb. L’vov |

|Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen |Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. |

|Mitteilungen. Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische |Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläontol. Hist. Geol. |

|Geologie | |

|Mitteilungen. Gesellschaft der Geologie und Bergbaustudenten in Wien |Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Wien |

|Mitteilungen. Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft |Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges. |

|Modern Geologist |Modern Geol. |

|Mountain Geologist |Mt. Geol. |

|Munibe. Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales Aranzadi (San Sebastian) |Munibe |

|Nachrichten. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft |Nachr. Deut. Geol. Ges. |

|Natal Wildlife |Natal Wildlife |

|Natalia |Natalia |

|National Geographic Research and Exploration |Natl Geogr. Res. Explor. |

|Natturufraedingurinn |Natturufroeingurinn |

|Natur und Mensch |Natur Mensch |

|Natur und Museum |Nat. Mus. |

|Natura |Natura |

|Natural Gas Industry |Nat. Gas. Ind. |

|Naturalia Baetica |Naturalia Baetica |

|Naturaliste Canadien |Naturaliste Can. |

|Nature |Nature |

|Nature Physical Sciences |Nature Phys. Sci. |

|Naturwissenschaften |Naturwissenschaften |

|Netherlands Geographical Studies |Neth. Geogr. Stud. |

|Netherlands Journal of Sea Research |Neth. J. Sea Res. |

|Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen |Neues Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh. |

|Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte |Neues Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Monat. |

|Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen |Neues Jb. Mineral. Abh. |

|Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte |Neues Jb. Mineral. Monat. |

|Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte |Neues Jb. Mineral. Geol. Paläontol. Monat. |

|New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin |Bull. New Mex. Bur. Min. Mineral Resour. |

|New Mexico Geology |New Mex. Geol. |

|New Phytologist |New Phytol. |

|New Zealand Engineering |NZ Eng. |

|New Zealand Geographer |NZ Geogr. |

|New Zealand Geological Survey Record |NZ Geol. Surv. Rec. |

|New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics |NZ J. Geol. Geophys. |

|New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research |NZ J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. |

|New Zealand Journal of Science |NZ J. Sci. |

|New Zealand Oceanographic Institute. Memoir |NZ Oceanogr. Inst. Mem. |

|New Zealand Soil Bureau. Bulletin |NZ Soil Bur. Bull. |

|Newsletters on Stratigraphy |Newsl. Stratigr. |

|Nordic Hydrology |Nord. Hydrol. |

|Nordicana |Nordicana |

|Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse |Nor. Geol. Unders. |

|Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse. Skrifter |Nor. Geol. Unders. Skr. |

|Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift |Nor. Geogr. Tidsskr. |

|Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift |Nor. Geol. Tidsskr. |

|Norsk Polarinstitutt. Aarbok |Nor. Polarinst. Aarb. |

|Norsk Polarinstitutt. Skrifter |Nor. Polarinst. Skr. |

|North West Territories Geographical Bulletin |NW Territ. Geogr. Bull. |

|Northeastern Geology |Northeast. Geol. |

|Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences |Northeast. Geol. Environ. Sci. |

|Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Bulletin |Norw. Geotech. Inst. Bull. |

|Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Publication |Norw. Geotech. Inst. Publ. |

|Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Report |Norw. Geotech. Inst. Rep. |

|Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. Bulletin |Norw. Petrol. Direct. Bull. |

|Nova Hedwigia |Nova Hedwigia |

|Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics |Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. |

|Ocean Industry |Ocean Ind. |

|Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering |Ocean Sci. Ocean Eng. |

|Oceanography and Marine Biology. Annual Review |Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. |

|Oceanologica Acta |Oceanol. Acta |

|Oceanology |Oceanology |

|Oecologia |Oecologia |

|Oikos |Oikos |

|Oil and Gas Geology |Oil Gas Geol. |

|Oil and Gas Journal |Oil Gas J. |

|Open Earth |Open Earth |

|Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Bulletin |Bull. Oregon Dept. Geol. Mineral Ind. |

|Organic Geochemistry |Org. Geochem. |

|Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere |Origins Life Evol. Biosph. |

|Pacific Geology |Pacific Geol. |

|Pacific Science |Pacific Sci. |

|Padusa |Padusa |

|Palaeobotanist |Palaeobotanist |

|Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands |Palaeoecol. Afr. |

|Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology |Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. |

|Palaeontographica |Palaeontographica |

|Palaeontographica Americana |Palaeontogr. Am. |

|Palaeontologia Jugoslavica |Palaeontol. Jugoslav. |

|Palaeontology |Palaeontology |

|Palaios |Palaios |

|Paläontologishe Zeitscrift |Paläontol. Z. |

|Paleoceanography |Paleoceanography |

|Paleontological Society. Memoir |Paleontol. Soc. Mem. |

|Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal |Paleontol. Zh. |

|Paleorient |Paleorient |

|Palynology |Palynology |

|Pan-American Geologist |Pan.-Am. Geol. |

|Papers and Proceedings. Royal Society of Tasmania |Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania |

|Particle Characterization |Part. Charact. |

|Pattern Recognition |Pattern Recogn. |

|Pédologie |Pédologie |

|Permafrost and Periglacial Processes |Permafrost Periglac. Process. |

|Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen |Petermanns Geogr. Mitt. |

|Petros |Petros |

|Phalassographica |Phalassographica |

|Philosophical Magazine |Phil. Mag. |

|Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society of London |Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London |

|Photosynthesis Research |Photosynth. Res. |

|Phycologia |Phycologia |

|Physical Geography |Phys. Geogr. |

|Physical Review Letters |Phys. Rev. Lett. |

|Physics and Chemistry of Minerals |Phys. Chem. Mineral. |

|Physics and Chemistry of Solids |Phys. Chem. Solids |

|Physics and Chemistry of the Earth |Phys. Chem. Earth |

|Physics of Fluids |Phys. Fluids |

|Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors |Phys. Earth Planet. In. |

|Plant Physiology |Plant Physiol. |

|Planta |Planta |

|Polar Biology |Polar Biol. |

|Polar Geography and Geology |Polar Geogr. Geol |

|Polar Research |Polar Res. |

|Polarforschung |Polarforschung |

|Pollen et Spores |Pollen Spores |

|Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne |Pol. Towarz. Geol. |

|Postilla |Postilla |

|Powder Diffraction |Powder Diffract. |

|Powder Technology |Powder Technol. |

|Prace Geologiczne |Pr. Geol. |

|Prace Instytut Geologiczny |Pr. Inst. Geol. |

|Prace Instytutu Geologicznego |Pr. Inst. Geol. |

|Prace Mineralogiczne |Pr. Mineral. |

|Prace Muzeum Ziemi |Pr. Muz. Ziemi |

|Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego |Pr. Nauk. Uniw. Slask. |

|Prace Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego |Pr. Państw. Inst. Geol. |

|Precambrian Research |Precambrian Res. |

|Proceedings of the Geologists' Association |Proc. Geol. Assoc. |

|Proceedings. Academy of Science of Philadelphia |Proc. Acad. Sci. Philadelphia |

|Proceedings. American Association for the Advancment of Science |Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. |

|Proceedings. American Philosophical Society |Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. |

|Proceedings. American Society of Civil Engineers |Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. |

|Proceedings. Biological Society of Washington |Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. |

|Proceedings. Cambridge Philological Society |Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. |

|Proceedings. Deep Sea Drilling Project |Proc. DSDP |

|Proceedings. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society |Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Archaeol. Soc. |

|Proceedings. Geological Association of Canada |Proc. Geol. Assoc. Can. |

|Proceedings. Institution of Civil Engineers |Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. |

|Proceedings. Japan Academy |Proc. Jpn Acad. |

|Proceedings. Japan Society of Civil Engineers |Proc. Jpn Soc. Civ. Eng. |

|Proceedings. Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen Series B |Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. Ser. B |

|Physical Sciences | |

|Proceedings. Linnean Society |Proc. Linnean Soc. |

|Proceedings. Linnean Society of New South Wales |Proc. Linnean Soc. NSW |

|Proceedings. National Academy of Sciences. United States of America |Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA |

|Proceedings. New Zealand Ecological Society |Proc. NZ Ecol. Soc. |

|Proceedings. Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results |Proc. ODP Sci. Results |

|Proceedings. Royal Irish Academy |Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. |

|Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh |Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. |

|Proceedings. Royal Society of London |Proc. Roy. Soc. London |

|Proceedings. Royal Society of Victoria |Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria |

|Proceedings. Soil Science Society of America |Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. |

|Proceedings. Ussher Society |Proc. Ussher Soc. |

|Proceedings. Yorkshire Geological Society |Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc. |

|Proceedings. Zoological Society of London |Proc. Zool. Soc. London |

|Profil |Profil |

|Progress in Aeronautical Science |Prog. Aeronaut. Sci. |

|Progress in Oceanography |Prog. Oceanogr. |

|Progress in Physical Geography |Prog. Phys. Geogr. |

|Przeglad Geolgiczny |Przegl. Geol. |

|Psychometrika |Psychometrika |

|Pure and Applied Geophysics |Pure Appl. Geophys. |

|Quarterly Journal Florida Academy of Science |Q. J. Florida Acad. Sci. |

|Quarterly Journal Geological Society of London |Q. J. Geol. Soc. London |

|Quarterly Journal Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society (India) |Q. J. Geol. Min. Metall. Soc. India |

|Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology |Q. J. Eng. Geol. |

|Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society |Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. |

|Quarterly. Colorado School of Mines |Q. J. Colorado Sch. Min. |

|Quaternaire |Quaternaire |

|Quaternario |Quaternario |

|Quaternary International |Quatern. Int. |

|Quaternary Research |Quatern. Res. |

|Quaternary Science Reviews |Quatern. Sci. Rev. |

|Quaternary Studies in Poland |Quatern. Stud. Pol. |

|Queensland Government Mining Journal |Queensland Gov. Min. J. |

|Queensland Museum. Memoirs |Queensland Mus. Mem. |

|Queensland Naturalist |Queensland Nat. |

|Radiocarbon |Radiocarbon |

|Rapport. Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse |Rapp. Grønl. Geol. Unders. |

|Recherches Géographique Strasbourg |Rech. Géogr. Strasbourg |

|Records. Geological Survey of New South Wales |Rec. Geol. Surv. NSW |

|Rendiconti. Società Geologica Italiana |Rend. Soc. Geol. Ital. |

|Report of Investigations. South Dakota Geological Survey |Rep. Inv. S. Dakota Geol. Surv. |

|Report. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics (Australia) |Bur. Mineral. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Rep. |

|Research Council of Alberta Bulletin |Res. Coun. Alberta Bull. |

|Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology |Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. |

|Review of Scientific Instruments |Rev. Sci. Instrum. |

|Review. Geographical Institute of Istanbul |Rev. Geogr. Inst. Istanbul |

|Reviews in Aquatic Sciences |Rev. Aquat. Sci. |

|Reviews in Mineralogy |Rev. Mineral. |

|Reviews of Geophysics |Rev. Geophys. |

|Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics |Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. |

|Revista Brasileira de Geociencias |Rev. Brasil. Geocienc. |

|Revista di Investigacións Geologiques (Barcelona) |Rev. Inv. Geol. |

|Revista Española de Micropalentolog(a |Rev. Esp. Micropaleontol. |

|Revista Geologica de America Central |Rev. Geol. Am. Central |

|Revista Geologica de Chile |Rev. Geol. Chile |

|Revista. Asociación Geologica Argentina |Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argentina |

|Revista. Instituto de Investigaciones Geologicas de la Diputación de |Rev. Inst. Inv. Geol. Diput. Barcelona |

|Barcelona | |

|Revista. Instituto Mexicana del Petróleo |Rev. Inst. Mex. Petról. |

|Revista. Sociedad Geologica de España |Rev. Soc. Geol. Esp. |

|Revue Algologique |Rev. Algol. |

|Revue Canadienne de Géographie |Rev. Can. Géogr. |

|Revue de Géographie de Montréal |Rev. Géogr. Montréal |

|Revue de Géographie des Pyrenées Sud-Ouest |Rev. Géogr. Pyrenées Sud-Ouest |

|Revue de Géographie Physique |Rev. Géogr. Physique |

|Revue de Géographie Physique et de Géologie Dynamique |Rev. Géogr. Phys. Géol. Dynam. |

|Revue de Géologie Dynamique et de Géographie Physique |Rev. Géol. Dynam. Géog. Phys. |

|Revue de Géomorphologie Dynamique |Rev. Géomorphol. Dynam. |

|Revue de Micropaléontologie |Rev. Micropaléontol. |

|Revue de Micropaléontologie |Rev. Micropaléontol. |

|Revue de Paléobiologie |Rev. Paléobiol. |

|Revue d'Écologie et de Biologie du Sol |Rev. Écol. Biol. Sol |

|Revue des Materiaux de Construction |Rev. Mater. Constr. |

|Revue Française de Géotechnique |Rev. Fr. Géotech. |

|Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Géophysique et Géographie. Série de Géologie |Rev. Roum. Géol. |

|Revue Turque de Géographie |Rev. Turq. Geogr. |

|Revue. Institut Français du Pétrole |Rev. Inst. Fr. Pétrol. |

|Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia |Riv. Ital. Paleontol. Stratigr. |

|Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego |Rocz. Pol. Towarz. Geol. |

|Royal Society of Canada. Special Publication |Roy. Soc. Can. Spec. Publ. |

|Royal Society of New Zealand. Transactions |Trans. Roy. Soc. NZ |

|Sarsia |Sarsia |

|Scanning Electron Microscopy |Scan. Electron Microsc. |

|Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen |Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. |

|Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie |Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. |

|Science |Science |

|Science in Agriculture |Sci. Agr. |

|Science of the Total Environment |Sci. Total Environ. |

|Sciences de la Terre |Sci. Terre |

|Sciences Géologiques Bulletin (Strasbourg) |Sci. Géol. Bull. |

|Sciences Géologiques Mémoires (Strasbourg) |Sci. Géol. Mém. |

|Scientia Sinica |Sci. Sinica |

|Scientific American |Sci. Am. |

|Scientific Progress |Sci. Prog. |

|Scottish Geographical Magazine |Scot. Geogr. Mag. |

|Scottish Journal of Geology |Scot. J. Geol. |

|Scripta Geologica |Scripta Geol. |

|Sea Frontiers |Sea Frontiers |

|Search |Search |

|Sedimentary Geology |Sed. Geol. |

|Sedimentologija |Sedimentologija |

|Sedimentology |Sedimentology |

|Sedimentology (Egypt) |Sedimentology Egypt |

|Seismological Research Letters |Seismol. Res. Lett. |

|Senckenbergiana Lethaea |Senckenb. Lethaea |

|Senckenbergiana Maritima |Senckenb. Marit |

|SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication |SEPM Spec. Publ. |

|Service Géologique de Belgique. Papier Professionel |Serv. Géol. Belg. Pap. Prof. |

|Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology |Smithson. Contrib. Paleobiol. |

|Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences |Smithson. Contrib. Earth Sci. |

|Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences |Smithson. Contrib. Mar. Sci. |

|Société Belge de Géologie. Bulletin |Soc. Belge Géol. Bull. |

|Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Special Publication |SEPM Spec. Publ. |

|Society of Petroleum Engineers. Journal |Soc. Petrol. Eng. J. |

|Society of Petroleum Engineers. Paper |Soc. Petrol. Eng. Pap. |

|Soil Biology and Biochemistry |Soil Biol. Biochem. |

|Soil Science |Soil Sci. |

|Soils and Foundations |Soils Found. |

|South African Geographical Journal |S. Afr. Geogr. J. |

|South African Journal of Geology |S. Afr. J. Geol. |

|South African Journal of Science |S. Afr. J. Sci. |

|Southeastern Geology |Southeast. Geol. |

|Sovetskaya Geologiya |Soviet Geol. |

|Soviet Geology and Geophysics |Soviet Geol. Geophys. |

|Soviet Hydrology |Soviet Hydrol. |

|Soviet Soil Science |Soviet Soil Sci. |

|Special Paper. Geological Association of Canada |Geol. Assoc. Can. Spec. Pap. |

|Special Papers in Palaeontology |Spec. Pap. Palaeontol. |

|Special Publication. Geological Society of Australia |Geol. Soc. Aust. Spec. Publ. |

|Special Publication. Geological Society of London |Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. |

|Special Publication. Irish Association of Economic Geologists |Irish Assoc. Econ. Geol. Spec. Publ. |

|Special Publications. Atlantic Geoscience Society |Atlantic Geosci. Soc. Spec. Publ. |

|Stockholm Contributions in Geology |Stockholm Contrib. Geol. |

|Stromatolite Newsletter |Stromatolite Newsl. |

|Structural Geology (Japan) |Struct. Geol. Jpn |

|Studi Geologici Camerti |Stud. Geol. Camerti |

|Studies in Geography. Israel |Stud. Geogr. Israel |

|Studies in Speleology |Stud. Speleol. |

|Svensk Kemisk Tidskrift |Sven. Kem. Tidskr. |

|Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning |Sver. Geol. Unders. |

|Systematic Zoology |Syst. Zool. |

|Tectonics |Tectonics |

|Tectonophysics |Tectonophysics |

|Tellus |Tellus |

|Terra Abstracts |Terra Abstracts |

|Terra Antarctica |Terra Antarct. |

|Terra Cognita |Terra Cognita |

|Terra Nova |Terra Nova |

|Tertiary Research |Tertiary Res. |

|Texas Journal of Science |Tex. J. Sci. |

|The Geologist: a Popular Monthly Magazine of Geology |Geologist |

|The Leading Edge |Lead. Edge |

|The Log Analyst |Log Anal. |

|Topics in Geobiology |Top. Geobiol. |

|Trabalhos Oceanograficos |Trab. Oceanogr. |

|Transactions and Proceedings. Paleontological Society of Japan |Trans. Proc. Paleontol. Soc. Jpn |

|Transactions Geological Society of South Africa |Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr. |

|Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Science |Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Earth Sci. |

|Transactions. American Geophysical Union |Trans. Am. Geophys. Union |

|Transactions. American Society of Agricultural Engineers |Trans. Am. Soc. Agr. Eng. |

|Transactions. American Society of Civil Engineers |Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. |

|Transactions. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences |Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts Sci. |

|Transactions. Edinburgh Geological Society |Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. |

|Transactions. Geological Society of Glasgow |Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow |

|Transactions. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies |Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. |

|Transactions. Institute of British Geographers |Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogr. |

|Transactions. Institute of Chemical Engineers |Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. |

|Transactions. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy |Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. |

|Transactions. Japan Geomorphological Union |Trans. Jpn Geomorphol. Union |

|Transactions. Japan Society of Civil Engineers |Trans. Jpn Soc. Civ. Eng. |

|Transactions. Leeds Geological Association |Trans. Leeds Geol. Assoc. |

|Transactions. New York Academy of Sciences |Trans. NY Acad. Sci. |

|Transactions. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall |Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall |

|Transactions. Royal Society of South Australia |Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. |

|Transactions. Society of Rheology |Trans. Soc. Rheol. |

|Travaux. Station Marine d'Endoume-Marseille |Trav. Stat. Mar. Endoume-Marseille |

|Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences |Turk. J. Eng. Environ.Sci. |

|Turkiye Jeologi Kurumu Bulteni |Turk. Jeol. Kur. Bul. |

|Umschau |Umschau |

|United States Geological Survey. Journal of Research |US Geol. Surv. J. Res. |

|United States Geological Survey. Professional Paper |US Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. |

|United States National Bureau of Standards. Journal of Research |US Natl Bur. Stan. J. Res. |

|United States National Bureau of Standards. Report |US Natl Bur. Stan. Rep. |

|University of California. Publications in Geological Science |Geol. Sci. Univ. Calif. Publ. |

|University of Michigan. Papers in Paleontology |Univ. Michigan Pap. Paleontol. |

|USSR Transactions. Scientific Institute for Fertilisers and Insectofungicides|USSR Trans. Sci. Inst. Fertilisers Insectofung. |

|Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey. Bulletin. |Utah Geol. Mineral. Surv. Bull. |

|Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey. Monograph Series |Utah Geol. Mineral. Surv. Monogr. Ser. |

|Utah Geological Association Publication |Utah Geol. Assoc. Publ. |

|Utah Geology |Utah Geol. |

|Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletin |Utrecht Micropaleontol. Bull. |

|Verhandlungen der Geologische Bundesanstalt |Verh. Geol. Bundesanst. |

|Verhandlungen der Internationalischen Vereinigung für Theoretische und |Verh. Int. Ver. Theor. Angew. Limnol. |

|Angewandte Limnologie | |

|Verhandlungen. Naturforschende Gesellschaft (Basel) |Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel |

|Veröffentlichungen. Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde |Veröff Zentralinst. Phys. Erde |

|Vistas in Astronomy |Vistas Astron. |

|Voprosy Mineralogii Osadochnykh Obrazovanii |Vop. Mineral. Osad. Obraz. |

|Water Resources Bulletin |Water Resour. Bull. |

|Water Resources Research |Water Resour. Res. |

|Water Science and Technology |Water Sci. Technol. |

|West Texas Geological Society. Bulletin |W. Tex. Geol. Soc. Bull. |

|Wind Engineering |Wind Eng. |

|Wissenschaftliche Alpenvereinshefte |Wiss. Alpenvereinshefte |

|Wyoming Geological Survey. Memoir |Wyoming Geol. Surv. Mem. |

|Yorkshire Geological Society. Special Publication |Yorks. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. |

|Yukon Geology |Yukon Geol. |

|Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie |Z. Anal. Chem. |

|Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie |Z. Angew. Geol. |

|Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften |Z. Geol. Wiss. |

|Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie (Berlin) |Z. Geomorphol. |

|Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie |Z. Gletscherk. Glazialgeol. |

|Zeitschrift für Kristallographie |Z. Kristallogr. |

|Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere |Z. Morphol. Okol. Tiere |

|Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie |Z. Phys. Chem. |

|Zeitschrift. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft |Z. Deut. Geol. Ges. |

|Zeitscrift für Elektrochemie |Z. Elektrochem. |

|Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie |Zbl. Geol. Paläontol. |

|Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Gorniczo-Hutniczej (Krakow) Geologia |Zesz. Nauk. Akad. Gor.-Hutn. Krakow Geol. |

|ZFI-Mitteilungen |ZFI-Mitt. |

|Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii |Zh. Prikl. Khim. |

|Zitteliana |Zitteliana |


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