
Supplementary Figures and TablesFigure S-1 Pooled standardized coefficient estimates, with 95% confidence intervals, for studies measuring subjective and descriptive norms, organized by behavioral category. Table S-1: Results of coding for exclusion from the systematic search of PsychInfo and Web of Science. 282 studies came up in PsychInfo and Web of Science from our search criteria; our coding process led to exclusion of 27 duplicates and 194 studies for the reasons listed below. The ordering of the exclusion criteria provided below is the order we used when reviewing papers for inclusion.Number Fitting Exclusion Criteria from:Reason for ExclusionPsychInfoWeb of ScienceManuscript not in English or not available1411Manuscript not peer-reviewed220Not a cross-sectional survey (e.g. experiment or review)343Not examining a conservation behavior 76Measured actual or self-reported behavior not intentions1413Combined multiple types of conservation behaviors across categories56Did not measure or report direct effect of subjective norms on behavioral intention OR did not use regression/structured equation modeling 3128Table S-2: A summary of studies measuring subjective norms onlyCitationSample (n)Behaviorβ for SN → BIOther Variables in Model ????????????????Howell, Shaw, & Alvarez (2015)67Outreach for aquatic invasive species.38*ATT, PBC, SNHu & Gill (2016)382Increasing native plantsRemoving non-native plants.03 ns-.01 nsATT, SN, Perceived Harm, Self-Control, & Knowledge of InitiativesHan et al. (2010)428Visiting a green hotel.39**ATT, PBC, SNKaplan et al. (2015)655Holiday cycling frequencyMulti-purpose holiday cycling-.17*-.01 nsATT, SN, Interest in Bicycle Technology, & Perceived Cycling EaseKarppinen & Bergh?ll (2015)2116Timber stand improvement.29***ATT, PBC, SNMaichum, Parichatnon, & Peng (2016)483Purchasing green products.31**ATT, PBC, SNMartin et al. (2016)1076Participation in marine citizen science.14**ATT, PBC, SNPrimmer & Karppinen (2010)331Delineate Forest Act habitats completely outside operation Delineate other valuable habitats .21***.38***ATT, Control, Normative belief, Past behavior Borges & Oude Lansink, (2016)214Using improved natural grassland.47***ATT, PBC, SNTaufique & Vaithianathan (2018)175Ecologically Conscious Consumer Behavior.12 nsATT, SN, Perceived consumer effectivenessWang et al. (2018)534Responsible environmental behavior (following rules, protecting facilities, disposing of waste).10*ATT, PBC, SNYadav & Pathak (2017)620Green purchasing.23***ATT, PBC, SN, Perceived value, Willingness to Pay PremiumGreaves et al. (2013)449PC switch offVideo-conferencingRecycling.38***.31***.10***ATT, PBC, SN Paul, Modi, & Patel (2016)521Green purchasing.05 nsATT, PBC, SN, ECAl-Swidi, Mohammed Rafiul Huque, Haroon Hafeez, & Noor Mohd Shariff (2014)184Buying organic food.36***ATT, PBC, SNLee, Bonn, & Cho (2015b)482Buying organic coffee.39***ATT, PBC, SN, Health, Trust, Sensory appeal, ENV protectionAguilar-Luzon et al. (2012)154Recycling.07 nsATT, PBC, SNCrandall et al. (2018) [Charter License Holders]146Venting toolsDescending gear.50***.52***ATT, PBC, SN[Commercial Fishers]270Venting toolsDescending gear.48***.45***ATT, PBC, SN[Recreational Anglers]573Venting toolsDescending gear.47***.38***ATT, PBC, SNHrubes et al. (2001)311Hunting.36**ATT, PBC, SN, Wildlife Enjoyment, Wildlife Rights, Self-TranscendenceRobinson & Smith (2002)550Buying sustainably produced foods.14** ATT, PBC, SN, Past Behavior, Beliefs, Married/partneredSparks & Shepherd (1992)261Eating organic vegetables18**ATT, PBC, SN, Self-identity, Past consumptionVermeir & Verbeke (2008)456Buying sustainable dairy products .11**ATT, SN, Perceived consumer effectiveness, Perceived availability, ConfidenceWilly & Holm-Müller (2013) 307Soil conservation.41**SN, Gender, Farm size, Education level, Access to credit, Distance to river, Perception that soil erosion is a problem, Cattle ownership, Land tenure, Access to extension services, Household located in the Kinangop Plateau, Neighborhood social influenceZagata (2012)1054Purchasing organic food.37**ATT, PBC, SNDaxini et al. (2018) 1009Applying Fertilizer on the basis of soil test results.20*ATT, PBC, SN, Perceived resources, Size, System, Age, Formal education, Agricultural education, Advisor, Discussion group, PolicyJosefsson et al. (2017) [Applicants][Recruits][Control]7960107Participation in agri-environmental scheme Participation in un-subsidized nature conservation Participation in agri-environmental scheme Participation in un-subsidized nature conservation Participation in agri-environmental schemeParticipation in un-subsidized nature conservation.39*.28*-.06 ns.13 ns.09 ns-.05 nsATT, PBC, SN, Self-identityKumar, Manrai & Manrai (2017)152Purchasing environmentally sustainable products.15 nsATT, SN, EKChen & Hung (2016)406Using green products.07 nsATT, PBC, SN, Social impression, Environmental ethics and beliefs, Environmental consciousnessSorice & Conner (2010)226Enrolling in an incentive program to protect endangered species.14*ATT, SN, Wildlife habitat program, Brush control program, past behaviorWauters, Bielders, Poesen, Govers, & Mathijs (2010)138Buffer stripsCover cropsReduced tillage.04 ns.53 ns.57 nsATT, SN, Perceived Difficulty (PD), Perceived Control (PC)Wang, Wang & Guo (2017)253Purchasing energy-efficient appliances.18?ATT, PBC, SN, Residual EffectWang, Zhang & Li (2014)276Saving energy.49**ATT, PBC, SN, Energy knowledge, Information Publicity, Living habitsUntaru et al. 2016354Conserving water in lodging context.13**ATT, SN, EC, Water conservation activities in everyday lifeLin (2013)1223Adopting clothing pro-environmental behavior (PEB)Adopting transportation PEBAdopting recreation PEB.01 ns.01 ns-.00 nsATT, PBC, SNLin (2015)236Purchasing energy-efficient appliances.23***ATT, PBC, SN, Perceived benefit or costPerren & Yang (2015)174Conserving household water.21**ATT, PBC, SNMutyasira, Hoag & Pendell (2018)600Adopting sustainable agriculture practices.03 nsATT, PBC, SNMenozzi, Fioravanzi & Donati (2015)71Ecological focus areaSustainability scheme.03 ns-.01 nsATT, PBC, SNLalani et al. (2016)197Using conservation agriculture (CA).16***ATT, PBC, SN, Age, Education, Poverty indexKarppinen (2005)175Using natural reforestation.19**ATT, PBC, SNKaeser & Willcox (2018)486Participation in a community-based conservation program.11*ATT, PBC, SNIssa & Hamm (2017)266Adopting organic production.09 nsATT, PBC, SNIgnacio et al. (2018)169Using eco-toilet system-.02 nsATT, PBC, SN, Perceived usefulnessDeng et al. (2016)1004Participating in Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) program.42**ATT, PBC, SNChoi, Ritchie & Fielding (2016)2000Purchasing aviation carbon offsets.13**ATT, SN, NEP, Support for the carbon price policy, Perceived effectiveness, Perceived climate impacts of slightsChao (2012)180Turning off table lamp.04 nsATT, PBC, SNBrain, Hostetler & Irani (2014)487Engaging with conservation easement agreement.25***ATT, SN, Constant, Trust, Financial incentives, Sale/donation of certain property rights, Perceived conservation valueAri & Yilmaz (2016)400Recycling.14*ATT, PBC, SNAdnan, Nordin & Ali (2018)437Adoption of Green Fertilizer Technology (GFT)-.01 nsATT, PBC, SNWillcox, Guiliano & Monroe (2012)1093Considering wildlife management in beef cattle operations.18***ATT, SN Age, Income, Work with a wildlife agencyMannetti, Pierro, Livi (2004)230Recycling (performing differentiated collection).16ATT, PBC, SN, IdentityLam (2006)130193Installing a dual-flush controllerInstalling a dual-flush controller.14 ns.15*ATT, SN, PBC 1, PBC 2, Subjective effectiveness of alternative solutions, Vulnerability, Monthly family incomeATT, SN, PBC, SEAS, Collective efficacy 1, Personal efficacy 2, Apartment vs. House, High school vs. CollegeKnussen et al. (2004)246Recycling household waste.03 nsATT, PBC, SN, Age, Past behaviour, Habit, Lack of facilitiesAjzen Joyce, Sheikh, & Cote (2011)78Conserving energy.22*ATT, PBC, SN, Knowledge, SupportWhite & Hyde (2012)143Recycling.20***ATT, PBC, SN, Conscientiousness, Self-identityRhodes et al. (2015)176Recycling.14*ATT, PBC, SNCarrus, Passafaro & Bonnes (2008)180Using public transportation.08 nsATT, PBC, SN, Positive emotions, Negative emotionsSpash et al. (2009)523Willingness to pay for biodiversity improvement.17***ATT, PBC (electric), PBC (biodiversity), SN, Respondent from urban/rural location, concern for quality of global environment, water system biodiversity increased, water system biodiversity stable, understanding of information on impacts, educated to undergraduate level, educated to postgraduate level, occupation in management, professional, seriousness of respondent, income refused, strong species rights, weak species rights, consequentialist favouring animals, consequentialist favouring humansNote. (*** p < . 001, ** p < .01, * p < .05, ? p < .10), n.r. = Not reported, SN = Subjective/Social Norm, PN = Personal Norm, DN = Descriptive Norm, BI = Behavioral Intention, ATT = Attitude, PBC = Perceived Behavioral Control, AC = Awareness of Consequences, AR = Ascription of Responsibility, EC = Environmental Concern, ^ = Original study measured as injunctive, ns = Not significant 1 Some behavioral intentions measured in this study were not included in the analyses because they fit into multiple behavioral categoriesTable S-3A summary of studies measuring subjective norms and personal normsCitationSample (n)Behaviorβ for SN → BIβ for PN → BIOther Variables in ModelBotetzagias et al. (2015)293Recyclingns.15* ATT, PBC, SN, PN Arvola et al. (2008) [Italy][Finland][UK]202270200Buying organic applesBuying organic pizzaBuying organic applesBuying organic pizzaBuying organic applesBuying organic pizza.12 ns.18 ns.46***.52***.37*.09 ns.30**.32**-.02 ns.10 ns.25*.38**ATT, SN, PN, BeliefsGuido et al. (2010) [French][Italian]49158Green consumerism.21ns.30***.52***.34***ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Moral disengagement, Product personality dimensionsHonkanen & Young (2015)755Green consumerism.29*.27*ATT, SN, PN, Perceived consumer effectivenessYadav & Pathak (2016)220Buying organic food.05 ns.45**ATT, PBC, SN, PN, EC, Health concernYazdanpanah & Forouzani (2015)389Buying organic foodns.27**ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Self-identityPark & Ha (2014)421Recycling.01 ns.19***ATT, PBC, SN, PN, ACVaske et al. (in review)551Practicing conservation.22***.20*** (AR)2SN, AC, ARFang, Ng, Wang, & Hsu (2017)391Using reusable tableware.40***.06 nsATT, SN, PN, Normative Beliefs (AC AR)Lokhorst, Staats, van Dijk, van Dijk, & de Snoo (2011)85Subsidized conservationNon-subsidized conservation.16 ns.23*-.05 ns-.14 nsATT, PBC, SN, PN, Age, Schooling, Farm size, Self-identityDean et al. (2012)488484Buying organic fresh tomatoesBuying organic tomato sauce.26***.26***.20***.25***ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Past Behavior, Self-identity, Self-identity x Past BehaviorDowd & Burke (2013)137Buying sustainably sourced food.15**.35**ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Ethical self identity, Food choice motivesHarland et al. (1999)281266200282279Using unbleached paperReducing meat consumptionUsing transport other than carUsing energy-saving light bulbsTurning off the faucet while brushing teeth.05 ns.02 ns.15**.04 ns.01 ns.32***.43***.16*.39***.23***ATT, PBC, SN, PNTan, Ooi, & Goh (2017)300Purchasing energy-efficient household appliances 0 ns .13*ATT, PBC, SN, PN, EC, EKWan, Shen & Choi (2017)246Recycling.10*.37***ATT, PBC, SN, PN, ACKamrowski et al. (2014)352Engaging in light-glow reduction behaviors (motion sensors).05 ns.54***ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Past BehaviorYazdanpanah et al. (2016)428Engaging in water conservation Ns.26**ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Self identityHübner & Kaiser (2006)328Buying biomass electricity.01 ns.28***ATT, PBC, SN, PNBozorgparvar et al. (2018)140Deploying renewable energies on farm.11 ns.54***ATT, SN, PN, Self efficacyChen & Tung (2010)541Recycling.14***.10**ATT, PBC, SN, PN, Consequences of recycling, Perceived lack of facilitiesOnel & Mukherjee (2017)206Recycling.29**.24**ATT, PBC, SN, PNLópez-Mosquera (2016)200Willingness to pay for conservation.10 ns.60**ATT, PBC, SN, PN, GenderKl?ckner & Bl?baum (2010)389Using alternative travel modes.13*.23***SN, PN, ACHan (2014)340Attending an environmentally responsible convention.24***.59***SN, PN, AC, ARMayer, Seekamp, Casper, & Blank (2015)542Purchase decisions that prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species Disposal decisions.03 ns.05 ns.34***.23***PBC, SN, PN, AR, Awareness and concern Kim et al. (2013) 3411Selecting an eco-friendly restaurant.43**.21**ATT, PBC, SN, Anticipated regretNote. (*** p < . 001, ** p < .01, * p < .05, ? p < .10), n.r. = Not reported, SN = Subjective/Social Norm, PN = Personal Norm, DN = Descriptive Norm, BI = Behavioral Intention, ATT = Attitude, PBC = Perceived Behavioral Control, AC = Awareness of Consequences, AR = Ascription of Responsibility, EC = Environmental Concern, EK = Environmental Knowledge, ^ = Original study measured as injunctive, ns = Not significant2 We included Vaske et al (in review)’s measure of ascription of responsibility as personal norms because it was measured similarly as other measures of personal norms. 3 Anticipated negative affect measure was used as the PN measure because other studies measure PN similarlyTable S-4A summary of studies measuring subjective norms and descriptive normsCitationSample (n)Behaviorβ for SN → ?BIβ for DN → ?BIOther Variables in ModelMarchini & Macdonald (2012) [Pantanal][Amazonia]48222Killing jaguars.31**ns .53**.32**ATT, PBC, SN, DN, Group Identity, Perceived impact on livestockStaats, Jansen, & Th?gersen (2011)743Reducing pesticide use-.01 ns.14*ATT towards MPS, ATT toward behavior, SN, DN, Anticipated benefits, Anticipated costs, knowledge, ATT toward behavior, Self efficacy, Response efficacyFornara, Carrus, Passafaro, & Bonnes (2011)452Recycling.13* .19*ATT, PBC, SN^, DN, local SN^ local DNHo, Liao, & Rosenthal (2015)1168Green-buyingCivic engagement.03 ns.03 ns.07 ns.20***ATT, PBC, SN, DN, Age, Gender, Education, Income, Religious guidance, Traditional media attention, internet attention, Media dependencyHan (2018)164170Purchasing organic cotton apparelPurchasing organic cotton apparel.06 .28*** .33***.37***ATT, PBC, SN^, DNNote. (*** p < . 001, ** p < .01, * p < .05, ? p < .10), n.r. = Not reported, SN = Subjective/Social Norm, PN = Personal Norm, DN = Descriptive Norm, BI = Behavioral Intention, ATT = Attitude, PBC = Perceived Behavioral Control, AC = Awareness of Consequences, AR = Ascription of Responsibility, EC = Environmental Concern, ^ = Original study measured as injunctive, ns = Not significantTable S-5A summary of studies measuring subjective norms, personal norms and descriptive normsCitationSample (n)Behaviorβ for SN → BIβ for PN → BIβ for DN → BIOther Variables in ModelHan & Hyun (2018) 4 322Conserving waterReusing towel.05 .12* .33**.22**.10 ns.33**SN^, PN, DN, Anticipated pride, Anticipated guilt, Behavior in everyday lifeKim, Lee, & Hur (2012)247Purchasing eco-friendly products.46** .08 ns.37**SN^, PN, DN, Green identityGao et al. (2017)320Saving energy.02 ns.11*.39***ATT, PBC, SN, PN, DNNigbur et al. (2010)527264Recycling.04-.05.12**.17**.09*.13*ATT, PBC, SN, PN, DN Self-identity, Neighborhood identificationWhite et al. (2009)164Recycling.02 .20**.26***ATT, PBC, SN^, PN, DN, Self monitoringDoran & Larsen, (2016)762Choosing eco-friendly travel options.04 ns.61***.14***SN, PN, DNDonald, Cooper & Conchie (2014)827Car TransportPublic Transport.18**.40*-.01 ns2.84*.04 ns-.44 nsATT, PBC, SN, PN, DN, ECMouro & Castro (2016)132Protecting the Black Vulture.14 ns.46**.02 nsSN, PN, DN, Agreement with the lawsOnwezen, Bartels, & Antonides (2014) 5944501Consuming organic foodConsuming fair trade food.16*** .21*** .13***.11*.30***.37**ATT, PBC, Pride, Guilt, DN, SN^Graham-Rowe et al. (2015) 6279Reducing fruit and vegetable waste.11**.29***.01 nsATT, PBC, SN, DN, Gender, Age, Marital status, Number of additional adults, Responsibility for food shopping, Responsibility for food, Self-identity, Anticipated regretWebb, Benn & Chang (2014) 7346Monitoring domestic electricity usage.08*.07 ns.15***ATT, PBC, SN, DN, Past behavior, Anticipated affect, Environmental behavior, Ecological worldview, EC, Pro-environmental identityNote. (*** p < . 001, ** p < .01, * p < .05, ? p < .10), n.r. = Not reported, SN = Subjective/Social Norm, PN = Personal Norm, DN = Descriptive Norm, BI = Behavioral Intention, ATT = Attitude, PBC = Perceived Behavioral Control, AC = Awareness of Consequences, AR = Ascription of Responsibility, EC = Environmental Concern, ^ = Original study measured as injunctive, ns = Not significant4 This study measured Anticipated pride, Anticipated guilt, and PN. We used the PN measure for PN. 5,6,7 Anticipated negative affect measures were used as the PN measure because other studies measure PN similarlyPapers Included in the ReviewAbrahamse, W., & Steg, L. (2013). Social influence approaches to encourage resource conservation: A meta-analysis. Global Environmental Change, 23(6), 1773–1785. ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"uncited":[[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""],[""]],"omitted":[],"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Adnan, N., Nordin, S. M., & Ali, M. (2018). A solution for the sunset industry: Adoption of Green Fertiliser Technology amongst Malaysian paddy farmers. Land Use Policy, 79, 575–584. ón, M. del C., García-Martínez, J. M. ?., Calvo-Salguero, A., & Salinas, J. M. (2012). Comparative Study Between the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Value-Belief-Norm Model Regarding the Environment, on Spanish Housewives’ Recycling Behavior: Recycling Behavior of Spanish Housewives. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(11), 2797–2833. , I., Joyce, N., Sheikh, S., & Cote, N. G. (2011). Knowledge and the Prediction of Behavior: The Role of Information Accuracy in the Theory of Planned Behavior. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 33(2), 101–117. , A., Mohammed Rafiul Huque, S., Haroon Hafeez, M., & Noor Mohd Shariff, M. (2014). The role of subjective norms in theory of planned behavior in the context of organic food consumption. British Food Journal, 116(10), 1561–1580. ?, E., & Y?lmaz, V. (2016). A proposed structural model for housewives’ recycling behavior: A case study from Turkey. Ecological Economics, 129, 132–142. , J. A. R., & Oude Lansink, A. G. J. M. (2016). Identifying psychological factors that determine cattle farmers’ intention to use improved natural grassland. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45, 89–96. , I., Dima, A. F., & Malesios, C. (2015). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior in the context of recycling: The role of moral norms and of demographic predictors. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 95, 58–67. , E., Yazdanpanah, M., Forouzani, M., & Khosravipour, B. (2018). Cleaner and greener livestock production: Appraising producers’ perceptions regarding renewable energy in Iran. Journal of Cleaner Production, 203, 769–776. , R. G., Hostetler, M. E., & Irani, T. A. (2014). Why Do Cattle Ranchers Participate in Conservation Easement Agreements? Key Motivators in Decision Making. 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