NADER SANAI - Arizona State University

Nader Sanai, M.D.

Director, Division of Neurosurgical Oncology

Director, Barrow Brain Tumor Research Center

Barrow Neurological Institute

email: nader.sanai@


Fellowship Barrow Neurological Institute

Skull-Base Surgery 2009-2010

Dr. Robert F. Spetzler

Postdoctoral Fellowship University of California, San Francisco

Neural Stem Cell Biology 2007-2009

Dr. Arturo Alvarez-Buylla

Residency University of California, San Francisco

Neurological Surgery 2004-2009

Internship University of California, San Francisco

General Surgery 2003-2004

M.D. with thesis University of California, San Francisco


B.S. with thesis University of California, San Diego

1994-1998, Animal Physiology and Neuroscience

summa cum laude

B.A. University of California, San Diego

1994-1998, French Literature

summa cum laude


← Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute (2010)

← Associate Investigator, Cancer Biology and Genetics, Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona (2010)

← Adjunct Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University (2010)

← Adjunct Senior Investigator, The Translational Genomics Research Institute (2011)


← Preuss Award, Congress of Neurological Surgeons (2010)

← National Brain Tumor Foundation Mahaley Award, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (2010)

← Honorable Mention, 2009 Academy Award, American Academy of Neurological Surgery (2009)

← Howard Naffziger Resident of the Year Award, UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery (2009)

← Guest Editor, Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, Neural Stem Cells Issue (2007)

← Kaiser Award for Clinical Research, San Francisco Neurological Society (2007)

← Invited Lecturer, Frye-Halloran Symposium on Neuro-Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Neurological Surgery (2005)

← Edwin F. Boldrey Award for Basic Science Research, San Francisco Neurological Society (2004)

← Dean’s Research Prize, UC San Francisco (1999)

← Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society (1997-present)


← American Association of Neurological Surgeons/NREF Codman Young Clinician Investigator Award (2011)

← Co-Investigator, NIH U01 Stem Cell Reference Epigenome Mapping Center Grant (2008)

← Principal Investigator, NIH NINDS F32 NRSA Training Grant ( (2007)

← American Association of Neurological Surgeons NREF/Bagan Family Research Fellowship (2007)

← Congress of Neurological Surgeons Dandy Clinical Fellowship (2006)

← Howard Hughes Medical Institute Continued Support Fellowship (2002)

← Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Training Fellowship (2001)

← David B. Anderson American Brain Tumor Association Fellowship (2001)

← Ralston Prize in Neuroscience, UC San Francisco (1999)

← School of Medicine Summer Research Grant, UC San Francisco (1999)


← Course Instructor, Neuropathology, UC San Francisco (2008)

← Course Instructor, Brain, Mind, & Behavior, UC San Francisco (2008)

← Pathology Medical Student Tutor, UC San Francisco (2001-2003)

← Pharmacology Medical Student Tutor, UC San Francisco (2001-2003)

← Physiology Teaching Assistant, UC San Francisco (1999-2000)

← Anatomy Teaching Assistant, UC San Francisco (1999-2000)

← Neuroanatomy Teaching Assistant, UC San Francisco (1999-2000)

← Molecular Biology Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego (1997)

← General Biology Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego (1996-8)


← Study Chair, Barrow 5-ALA Intraoperative Confocal Evaluation (BALANCE) Trial (2010-present)

← Co-Director, Brain Tumor Tissue Bank, Barrow Neurological Institute (2010-present)

← Member, St. Joseph’s Hospital Cancer Center Executive Council (2010-present)

← Member, UCSF School of Medicine Admissions Committee (2007-2009)


← Associate Editor, BMC Cancer

← Ad hoc reviewer, The New England Journal of Medicine

← Ad hoc reviewer, Neurosurgery

← Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Neuro-Oncology

← Ad hoc reviewer, Neuro-Oncology

← Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

← Ad hoc reviewer, Brain

← Ad hoc reviewer, Annals of Neurology

← Ad hoc reviewer, Frontiers in Neurogenesis

← Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

← Ad hoc reviewer, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences

← Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry

← Ad hoc reviewer, Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery


← American Association of Cancer Research (2005-present)

← American Society of Clinical Oncology (2005-present)

← American Association of Neurological Surgeon (2003-present)

← Congress of Neurological Surgeon (2003-present)

← Society for Neuroscience (2001-present)

← American Brain Tumor Association (2000-present)

← National Brain Tumor Foundation (1999-present)


1. Nader Sanai. “Strategies for Targeting Hypoxic Brain Tumors”. UCSF School of Medicine Dean’s Research Prize. San Francisco, CA. (November 1999).

2. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa and Nader Sanai. “The Incidence of Facial Nerve Weakness Following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Acoustic Neuromas in Patients Over 60 Years Old”. IXth Annual International Facial Nerve Symposium. San Francisco, CA. (July 2001).

3. Nader Sanai. “Combined Microsurgical and Endovascular Management of Complex Intracranial Aneurysms”. 2002 Joint Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery & American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology. Dallas, TX. (February 2002).

4. Nader Sanai. “The Identification of Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Human Brain”. UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds. San Francisco, CA (October 2002)

5. Nader Sanai. “Recent Advances in Our Understanding of Intracranial Meningiomas”. Northern California Meningioma Patient Support Group. San Francisco, CA. (March 2002).

6. Nader Sanai. “Adult Neurogenesis in the Human Brain”. 2002 Annual Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellows Conference. Chevy Chase, MD. (May 2002).

7. Nader Sanai. “A Periventricular Ribbon of Astrocytic Stem Cells in the Adult Human Brain”. 2004 San Francisco Neurological Society Annual Meeting. Napa, CA. (March 2004).

8. Nader Sanai. “Unique Periventricular Niche in Adult Human Brain Contains Astrocytic Stem Cells but No Evidence of Chain Migration”. 54th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. San Francisco, CA. (October 2004).

9. Nader Sanai. “Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms: Durability of Treatment Following Microsurgical and Endovascular Management”. 2004 Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery. San Francisco, CA. (December 2004).

10. Nader Sanai. “Arachnoid Cyst Expansion in Children Less Than 2 Years”. 2005 Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery. Orlando, FL (December 2005).

11. Nader Sanai. “Organization of the Adult Human Subventricular Zone”. 2005 Frye-Halloran Symposium. Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Neurosurgery. Boston, MA (November 2005).

12. Nader Sanai. “Functional Outcome Following Intraoperative Cortical Stimulation Mapping of Language Sites in 250 Patients with Dominant Hemisphere Gliomas”. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. San Francisco, CA (April 2006).

13. Nader Sanai. “Awake Language Mapping for Glioma Resection”. 59th Annual Meeting of the San Francisco Neurological Society. Sonoma, CA (March 2007).

14. Nader Sanai. “A Modified Far Lateral Approach for Posterior Fossa Convexity and Cerebellopontine Angle Meningiomas”. 6th International Congress on Meningiomas & Cerebral Venous System. Boston, MA (September 2008).

15. Nader Sanai. “Risk Profile for Convexity Meningioma Resection in the Modern Neurosurgical Era”. 6th International Congress on Meningiomas & Cerebral Venous System. Boston, MA (September 2008).

16. Nader Sanai. “Aggressive Resection of Insular Gliomas Improves Patient Outcome and Delays Malignant Transformation”. American Academy of Neurological Surgery. Sedona, AZ (September 2008).

17. Nader Sanai. “Neural Stem Cells in the Human Brain”. Washington University Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, St. Louis, MO (December 2008).

18. Nader Sanai. “Neural Stem Cells in the Human Brain”. Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA (February 2009).

19. Nader Sanai. “Current Management Paradigms for Low-Grade Gliomas: Is What We’re Doing Working?” Emory University Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, Atlanta, GA (February 2009).

20. Nader Sanai. “Management Strategies for Low-Grade Gliomas”. Cleveland Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, Cleveland, OH (April 2009).

21. Nader Sanai. “A Comparative Analysis of EC-IC vs. IC-IC Revascularization for Complex Intracranial Aneurysms”. 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. San Diego, CA (May 2009).

22. Nader Sanai. “Neural Stem Cells in the Adult and Pediatric Human Brain”. NYU Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, New York, NY (August 2009)

23. Nader Sanai. “Neural Stem Cells in the Human Brain”. University of Toronto Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, Toronto, Canada (October 2009)

24. Nader Sanai. “Neural Stem Cells in the Adult and Pediatric Human Brain”. Barrow Neurological Institute Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, Phoenix, AZ (October 2009)

25. Nader Sanai. “Neuronal Escape from the Pediatric Human Subventricular Zone and Discovery of a Medial Migratory Stream”. American Academy of Neurological Surgery. Palm Beach, FL (November 2009)

26. Nader Sanai. “Low-Grade Gliomas: A Current Comprehensive Review”. 36th Annual Barrow Neurosurgery Symposium. Phoenix, AZ (March 2010)

27. Nader Sanai. “High Rates of Language Deficit Following Parietal Glioma Resection”. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Philadelphia, PA (May 2010).

28. Nader Sanai. “The Value of Glioblastoma Extent of Resection: A Volumetric Analysis of 500 Patients”. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Philadelphia, PA (May 2010).

29. Nader Sanai. “Intraoperative Mapping Paradigms for Brain Tumor Resection”. Barrow Neurological Institute Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, Phoenix, AZ (July 2010).

30. Nader Sanai. “The Value of Glioma Extent of Resection”. University of Nevada Medical Grand Rounds, Las Vegas, NV (February 2011)

31. Nader Sanai. “Emerging Paradigms for Low- and High-Grade Gliomas”. University of New Mexico Department of Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds, Albuquerque, NM (March 2011).

PUBLICATIONS (Peer-Reviewed)

1. Hangjun Ruan, Lily Hu, Jingli Wang, Tomoko Ozawa, Nader Sanai, Michael Zhang, Kathleen R. Lamborn, and Dennis F. Deen. “Hypoxia-inducible expression of BAX: application in tumor-targeted gene therapy”. Neurosurgical Focus, 2000 Vol. 8(4).

2. Michael T. Lawton, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Junaid Malik, and Christopher F. Dowd. “Combined Endovascular and Microsurgical Management of Complex Intracranial Aneurysms”. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2002 Feb;52(2):263-74; discussion 274-5.

3. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Nancy J. Fischbein, and William S. Rosenberg. “Case Illustration: Extensive Intradural Arachnoid Cyst of the Lumbar Spinal Canal”. Surgical Neurology, 2002 Jul; 60(1): 57-9.

4. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Steven G. Ojemann, Nader Sanai, William P. Dillon, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Correlation of Intraoperative Cortical Mapping with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Landmarks to Preoperative Predict Localization of Broca’s Area”. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2003 Aug; 99(2): 311-8.

5. Nader Sanai, Anthony D. Tramontin, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nicholas M. Barbaro, Nalin Gupta, Sandeep Kunwar, Michael T. Lawton, Michael W. McDermott, Andrew T. Parsa, José Manuel-García Verdugo, Mitchel S. Berger, and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. “Unique Periventricular Niche in Adult Human Brain Contains Astrocytic Stem Cells but No Evidence of Chain Migration”. Nature, 2004 Feb 19; 427(6976): 740-4.

6. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Justin Smith, and Michael W. McDermott. “Techniques to Assess the Proliferative Potential of Brain Tumors”. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 2005 Aug;74(1):19-30.

7. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Marcus L. Ware, Nader Sanai, and Michael W. McDermott. “Assessment of Image Guided Accuracy in a Skull Model: Comparison of Frameless Stereotaxy Techniques vs. Frame-Based Localization”. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2005; 74(2).

8. Nader Sanai, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Neural Stem Cells and the Origin of Human Gliomas”. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2005 Aug 21; 353(8): 811-822.

9. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Mario Soriano-Navarro, Oscar Gonzalez-Perez, Zaman Mirzadeh, Mitchel S. Berger, José Manuel-García Verdugo, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. “Cellular Composition and Cytoarchitecture of the Adult Human Subventricular Zone: A Niche of Neural Stem Cells”. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2006 Jan 20; 494(3): 415-434.

10. Nader Sanai, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nalin Gupta, Victor Perry, Charles B. Wilson, Christopher F. Dowd, and Michael T. Lawton. “Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms: Durability of Treatment Following Microsurgical and Endovascular Management”. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2006; 104(2 Suppl Pediatrics):82-89.

11. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Oscar Gonzalez-Perez, and José Manuel-García Verdugo. “The human brain subventricular zone: stem cells in this niche and its organization”. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. 2007 Jan;18(1):15-20.

12. Nader Sanai, Mitchel S. Berger, José Manuel-García Verdugo, and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. “Comment on ‘Human Neuroblasts Migrate to the Olfactory Bulb via a Lateral Ventricular Extension’”. Science, 2007 Oct 19; 318: 393b.

13. Frank L. Acosta Jr., Nader Sanai, John H. Chi, Christopher F. Dowd, Cynthia Chin, Tarik Tihan, Dean Chou, Philip R. Weinstein, and Christopher P. Ames. “Comprehensive management of symptomatic and aggressive vertebral hemangiomas”. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. 2008 Jan; 19(1):17-29.

14. Nader Sanai, Zaman Mirzadeh, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Functional Outcome after Language Mapping for Glioma Resection”. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2008 Jan 3; 358(1): 18-27.

15. Nader Sanai, Heather Fullerton, Thomas Karl, and Michael T. Lawton. “Aortocarotid Bypass for Hemispheric Hypoperfusion in a Child: Technical Note”. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 2008 Apr; 1(4):343-7.

16. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Glioma Extent of Resection and its Impact on Patient Outcome”. Neurosurgery, 2008 Apr, 62(4):753-66.

17. Nader Sanai, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Jared Narvid, and Sandeep Kunwar. “Safety and efficacy of the direct endonasal transsphenoidal approach for challenging sellar tumors”. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 2008 May; 87(3):317-25.

18. Nader Sanai, Phiroz Tarapore, Albert C. Lee, and Michael T. Lawton. “The Current Role of Microsurgery for Posterior Circulation Aneurysms: A Selective Approach in the Endovascular Era”. Neurosurgery, 2008 June; 62(6): 1236-1253

19. Nader Sanai, Scott P. Wachhorst, Nalin Gupta, and Michael W. McDermott. “Awake Transcerebellar Biopsy of the Pons and Cerebellar Peduncles”. Neurosurgery, 2008 Sep; 63(3):460-6; discussion 466-8.

20. Steven W. Hetts, Jared Narvid, Nader Sanai, Michael T. Lawton, NalinGupta, Heather J. Fullerton, Christopher F. Dowd, Randall T. Higashida, and Van V. Halbach. “Intracranial Aneurysms in Childhood: 27-Year Single-Institution Experience.”. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2009 April 8

21. Lewis S. Blevins, Jr., Nader Sanai, Sandeep Kunwar, and Jessica K. Devin. “An Approach to the Management of Patients with Residual Cushing’s Disease”. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2009 April 19.

22. Stephen P.J. Fancy, Sergio E. Baranzini, Chao Zhao, Dong-in Yuk, Karen-Amanda Irvine, Sovann Kaing, Nader Sanai, Robin J.M. Franklin, and David H. Rowitch. “Dysregulation of the Wnt pathway inhibits timely myelination and remyelination in the mammalian CNS”. Genes and Development. 2009 Jul 1;23(13):1571-85.

23. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Operative Techniques for Gliomas and the Value of Extent of Resection”. Neurotherapeutics. 2009 Jul;6(3):478-86.

24. Nader Sanai, Mei-Yin Polley, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Insular Glioma Resection: Assessment of Patient Morbidity, Tumor Progression, and Survival”. Journal of Neurosurgery, Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]

25. Nader Sanai, Michael E. Sughrue, Gopal Shangari, Mitchel S. Berger, and Michael W. McDermott. “Risk Profile Associated with Convexity Meningioma Resection in the Modern Neurosurgical Era”. Journal of Neurosurgery, Jul 31. [Epub ahead of print]

26. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Kaisorn L. Chaichana, Tania Kaprealian, Nader Sanai, Andrew T. Parsa, Mitchel S. Berger, and Michael W. McDermott “Preoperative Factors Affecting Resectability of Giant Intracranial Meningiomas”. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2009 Sep;36(5):623-30.

27. Nader Sanai, Zsolt Zador, and Michael T. Lawton. “Bypass Surgery for Complex Brain Aneurysms: An Assessment of Intracranial-Intracranial Bypass”. Neurosurgery. 2009 Oct;65(4):670-83.

28. Nader Sanai and Michael W. McDermott. “A Modified Far-lateral Approach for Large or Giant Meningiomas of the Posterior Fossa”. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2009 Oct 30. [Epub ahead of print].

29. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Neurophysiological Mapping of Functional Systems with an Emphasis on Language Localization During Glioma Resection”. Neurosurgery Quarterly. December 2009. 19(4):255-263,

30. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Intraoperative Stimulation Techniques for Functional Pathway Preservation and Glioma Resection”. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2010 Feb; 28(2): E1.

31. Michael E. Sughrue, Nader Sanai, Gopal Shangari, Andrew T. Parsa, Mitchel S. Berger, and Michael W. McDermott. “Outcome and survival following primary and repeat surgery for World Health Organization Grade III meningiomas”. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2010 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print].

32. Nader Sanai, Zaman Mirzadeh, and Michael T. Lawton. “Supracerebellar-Supratrochlear and Infratentorial-Infratrochlear Approaches: Gravity-Dependent Variations of the Lateral Approach over the Cerebellum”. Neurosurgery. 2010 Jun;66(6 Suppl Operative):264-74.

33. Nader Sanai, Kurtis I. Auguste, and Michael T. Lawton. “Microsurgical Management of Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms”. Childs Nerv Syst. 2010 Jul 13. [Epub ahead of print].

34. Frank L. Acosta, Nader Sanai, Jordan Cloyd, Michael Sughrue, Dean Chou, and Christopher P. Ames. “Treatment of Enneking Stage 3 Aggressive Vertebral Hemangiomas with Intralesional Spondylectomy: Report of 10 cases and Review of the Literature”. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques. 2010 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print].

35. Zaman Mirzadeh, Nader Sanai, and Michael T. Lawton. “The Azygos Anterior Cerebral Artery Bypass: Double Reimplantation Technique for Giant Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms”. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2010 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print]

36. Johan Pallud, Denys Fontaine, Hugues Duffau, Emmanuel Mandonnet, Nader Sanai, Luc Taillandier, Philippe Peruzzi, Rémy Guillevin, Luc Bauchet, Valérie Bernier, Marie-Hélène Baron, Jacques Guyotat, and Laurent Capelle. “Natural history of incidental World Health Organization grade II gliomas”. Annals of Neurology. 2010 Nov;68(5):727-33.

37. Yashar S. Kalani, M. Aristotelis S. Filippidis, Maziyar A. Kalani, Nader Sanai, Heyoung L. Mcbride, Andrew Shetter, and Kris A. Smith,. “Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Combined with Resection for Treatment of a Single Brain Metastasis: Preliminary Results”. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2010 Dec; 113 Suppl: 90-6..

38. Nader Sanai and Robert F. Spetzler, “Defining Excellence in Vascular Neurosurgery”. Clinical Neurosurgery. 2010; 57: 23-7.

39. Richard A. Lochhead, Adib Abla, Alim P. Mitha, David Fusco, Kaith Al-Mefty, Nader Sanai, Mark Oppenlander, and Felipe C. Albuquerque. “A History of the Barrow Neurological Institute”. World Neurosurgery. 2010 Jul; 74(1):71-80.

40. Nader Sanai, Peter Nakaji, Jennifer Eschbacher, Guido Hattendorf, Stephen W. Coons, Mark C. Preul, Kris A. Smith, Peter Nakaji, and Robert F. Spetzler. “Intraoperative Confocal Microscopy: A Feasibility Analysis in Humans”. Neurosurgery. Feb 16. [Epub ahead of print].

PUBLICATIONS (Peer-Reviewed, In Press)

41. Nader Sanai, Mei-Yin Polley, Michael W. McDermott, Andrew T. Parsa, and Mitchel S. Berger. “An Extent of Resection Threshold for Newly-Diagnosed Glioblastomas”. Journal of Neurosurgery.

42. Nader Sanai and Robert F. Spetzler. “Retractorless Surgery for Complex Vascular and Skull Base Lesions”. Journal of Neurosurgery.

43. Nader Sanai, Susan Chang, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Low-Grade Gliomas: A Current Comprehensive Review”. Journal of Neurosurgery.

44. Nader Sanai, Laura Snyder, Norissa Honea, Jenny Eschbacher, Steven W. Coons, Kris A. Smith, and Robert F. Spetzler. “Intraoperative Confocal Microscopy Enables Visualization of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Fluorescence”. Journal of Neurosurgery.

PUBLICATIONS (Peer-Reviewed, Submitted)

45. Nader Sanai, Thuhien Nguyen, Rebecca A. Ihrie, Zaman Mirzadeh, Eric Huang, Mitchel S. Berger, Jose-Manuel Garcia-Verdugo, David H. Rowitch, and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. “Postnatal Development of the Human SVZ Reveals a Migratory Pathway of Young Neurons into Cortex”. Nature.

46. Cheng De Wang, Nader Sanai, Xiang Yang Xue, Zhi Peng Su1, Li Jun Lu, Jin Sen Wu1, Wei Ming Zheng, Yong Chen, Qi Chuan Zhuge, and Zhe Bao Wu. “Differentially expressed microRNAs between treated and untreated prolactinomas with bromocriptine”. PLoS One.

47. Marcus L. Ware, Nader Sanai, Andrea Olivas, Charles B. Wilson, Nalin Gupta, and Sandeep Kunwar. “Feasibility of the Endonasal Transsphenoidal Approach in the Treatment of Pituitary Tumors in the Pediatric Patients”. Pediatric Neurosurgery.


48. Nader Sanai, Sandeep Kunwar, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Convection-Enhanced Delivery as the Next Vehicle for Glioma Chemotherapeutic Delivery”. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Congress for Brain Tumor Surgery (2006).

49. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Maximizing Extent of Tumor Resection While Minimizing Morbidity: Have we Impacted Outcome?” American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book (2007).

50. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Maximizing Extent of Resection and Impacting Outcome for Gliomas: the State of the Art”. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (2007).

51. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “Basilar Tip Aneurysms”. Fundamentals of Operative Techniques in Neurosurgery, Connolly et al. (Eds.), Thieme (New York, NY) (2007).

52. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “Fusiform, Dolichoectatic, and Dissecting Aneurysms”. Vascular Neurosurgery, MacDonald et al. (Eds.), Thieme (New York, NY) (2007).

53. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Mapping the Horizon: Techniques to Optimize Tumor Resection Before and During Surgery”. Clinical Neurosurgery. 2008; 55:14-9.

54. Nader Sanai and Michael W. McDermott. “Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas”. Meningiomas, McDermott et al. (Eds.), Raven Press (New York, NY) (2008).

55. Nader Sanai and Michael W. McDermott. “Convexity Meningiomas”. Meningiomas, McDermott et al. (Eds.), Raven Press (New York, NY) (2008).

56. Nader Sanai. “Adult Neural Stem Cells and Gliomagenesis”. Glioblastoma: Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Current Therapeutic Strategies, Ray (Ed.), Springer (New York, NY) (2008).

57. Nader Sanai and Michael D. Prados. “Brainstem Gliomas”. Pediatric CNS Tumors, Gupta et al. (Eds.), Springer (New York, NY) (2008).

58. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “Microsurgical Management of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms”. Youmans Neurological Surgery, Winn et al. (Eds.), Elsevier (New York, NY) (2008).

59. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Low Grade Gliomas: Astrocytoma, Oligodendroglioma and Mixed Glioma”. Youmans Neurological Surgery, Winn et al. (Eds.), Elsevier (New York, NY) (2008).

60. Nader Sanai and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. “Lineage Relationships Connecting Germinal Regions to Brain Tumors”. Stem Cells and Cancer, Majumder (Ed.), Springer (New York, NY) (2008).

61. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “The Impact of Modern Neurosurgical Approaches and Extent of Resection on Patient Outcome”. Awake Surgery and Cognitive Mapping, Talacchi (Ed.), Rivista Medica (Italy) (2009).

62. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Low-Grade Astrocytomas”. Brain Tumors, Laws et al. (Eds.), Elsevier (New York, NY) (2009).

63. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Recent Management of Glioma”. Glioma: Immunotherapeutic Approaches, Yamanka (Ed.), Landes Bioscience (Austin, TX) (2009).

64. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Low- and High-Grade Gliomas: Extensive Surgical Resection”. Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, Hayat (Ed.), Springer (New York, NY) (2009).

65. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “In situ Revascularization Options”. Cerebral Revascularization: A Guide to Microsurgical and Endovascular Techniques, Nussbaum and Mocco (Eds.), Thieme (New York, NY) (2009).

66. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “In Situ Bypass for Complex Intracranial Aneurysms”. Contemporary Neurosurgery (2009).

67. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Low Grade Astrocytomas”. Oncology of CNS Tumors, Tonn et al. (Eds.), Springer (New York, NY) (2009).

68. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “In Situ Revascularization Options for Complex Skull-Based Lesions”. Contemporary Skull Base Surgery, Quinones-Hinojosa et al. (Eds.), Plural Publishing (San Diego, CA) (2010).

69. Nader Sanai and Michael W. McDermott. “The Subtemporal Approach for Anterior Petrosectomy”. Contemporary Skull Base Surgery, Quinones-Hinojosa et al. (Eds.), Plural Publishing (San Diego, CA) (2010).

70. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “Basilar Artery Aneurysms”. Essential Techniques in Operative Neurosurgery, Jandial et al. (Eds.), Elsevier (Philadelphia, PA) (2010).

71. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “Intracranial-Intracranial Bypasses for Complex Brain Aneurysms”. Cerebral Revascularization: Techniques in Extracranial-to-Intracranial Bypass Surgery, Abdulrauf et al. (Eds.), Elsevier (Philadelphia, PA) (2010).

72. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Low- and High-Grade Gliomas”. Principles of Neurosurgery. Ellenbogen et al. (Eds.), Elsevier (Philadelphia, PA) (2011).

73. Nader Sanai. “Glioblastoma – the Evidence for Surgery”. Evidence for Neurosurgery. Ghogawala et al. (Eds.), TFM Publishing Ltd. (Shropshire, UK) (2011).


1. Nader Sanai, Gabrielle Morris, and Lawrence F. Marshall. “Surgical Intervention in Traumatic Intraparenchymal Hematomas”. 47th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, December 2-5, 1997.

2. Hangjun Ruan, Nader Sanai, Lily Hu, Michael Zhang, Kathleen R. Lamborn, and Dennis F. Deen. “Evaluation of BAX as a Novel Suicide Gene in the Human Brain Tumor Model”. Eighth International Conference on Gene Therapy of Cancer, San Diego, CA, December 9-11, 1999.

3. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Penny K. Sneed, David A. Larson, William M. Wara, Lawrence H. Pitts, Michael W. McDermott. “The Incidence of Facial Nerve Weakness Following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Acoustic Neuromas in Patients Over 60 Years Old”. IXth Annual International Facial Nerve Symposium, San Francisco, CA, July 29 – August 1, 2001

4. Michael W. McDermott, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Mitchel S. Berger. “Radiosurgery for Acoustic Neuromas in Patients Over 60”. 51st Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, San Diego, CA, September 29 – October 4, 2001.

5. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Junaid Y. Malek, and Michael T. Lawton. “Combined Endovascular and Microsurgical Management of Complex Intracranial Aneurysms”. 2002 Joint Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery & American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology. Dallas, TX. February 3 – 6, 2002

6. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Steven G. Ojemann, Nader Sanai, William P. Dillon, Mitchel S. Berger. “Localization of Speech Arrest within the Inferior Frontal Gyrus”. 70th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, IL, April 6-11, 2002.

7. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, and Michael W. McDermott. “Stereotactic Guidance of Brain Biopsies”. 70th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, IL, April 6-11, 2002.

8. Philip Theodosopoulos, Nader Sanai, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Tania Kaprealian, and Michael W. McDermott. “Factors Affecting Resectability of Giant Intracranial Meningiomas”. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Philadelphia, PA, September 21-26, 2002.

9. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Philip Theodosopoulos, Tania Kaprealian, and Michael W. McDermott. “Extended Bifrontal Craniotomies Prevent Postoperative Infection and Frontal Lobe Morbidity”. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Philadelphia, PA, September 21-26, 2002.

10. Nader Sanai, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, G. Edward Vates, Charles B. Wilson, Christopher F. Dowd, and Michael T. Lawton. “Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms: The University of California San Francisco Experience for the Past 24 Years”. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Philadelphia, PA, September 21-26, 2002.

11. Devin K. Binder, Nader Sanai, and Michael T. Lawton “The Wine Press of Herophilus and his Other Contributions to Neuroanatomy”. 54th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, October 16-21, 2004.

12. Nader Sanai, Anthony D. Tramontin, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nicholas M. Barbaro, Nalin Gupta, Sandeep Kunwar, Michael T. Lawton, Michael W. McDermott, Andrew T. Parsa, José Manuel-García Verdugo, Mitchel S. Berger, and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. “Unique Periventricular Niche in Adult Human Brain Contains Astrocytic Stem Cells but No Evidence of Chain Migration”. 54th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, October 16-21, 2004.

13. Nader Sanai, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Nalin M. Gupta, Charles B. Wilson, Christopher F. Dowd, and Michael T. Lawton. “Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms: Durability of Treatment Following Microsurgical and Endovascular Management”. 2004 Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery, San Francisco, CA, December 8-11, 2004.

14. Nader Sanai, Jared Narvid, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, and Sandeep Kunwar. “Safety and Efficacy of the Endonasal Approach for Resection of Giant Sellar Tumors”. 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, April 16-21, 2005.

15. Nader Sanai and Peter P. Sun. “Enlargement of Arachnoid Cysts in Children Less Than 2 Years”. 2005 Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery, Orlando, FL, December 2005.

16. Nader Sanai, G. Evren Keles, Zaman Mirzadeh, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Functional outcome following intraoperative cortical stimulation mapping of language sites in 250 patients with dominant hemisphere gliomas”. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, April 22-26, 2006.

17. Nader Sanai, G. Evren Keles, Zaman Mirzadeh, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Distribution of frontal lobe language sites localized by intraoperative language mapping in 82 speech arrest patients”. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, April 22-26, 2006.

18. Isaac Yang, Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, Nader Sanai, Zaman Mirzadeh, David Larson, and Michael McDermott. “Quality of Life Following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Intracranial Meningiomas”. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, April 22-26, 2006.

19. Nader Sanai, Phiroz Tarapore, Albert C. Lee, and Michael T. Lawton. “Anatomic Thirds of Posterior Circulation Aneurysms: A Selective Microsurgical Approach for the Endovascular Era”. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, IL, April 26-May 1, 2008.

20. Nader Sanai, Scott P. Wachhorst, Nalin Gupta, and Michael W. McDermott. “Awake Transcerebellar Biopsy of the Pons and Cerebellar Peduncles”. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, IL, April 26-May 1, 2008.

21. Nader Sanai, Derick Aranda, and Andrew T. Parsa. “Microsurgical Resection of Vestibular Schwannomas Remains the Gold Standard for Young Adults”. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, IL, April 26-May 1, 2008.

22. Nader Sanai and Michael W. McDermott. “Modified Far Lateral Approach for Posterior Fossa Convexity and Cerebellopontine Angle Meningiomas”. 6th International Congress on Meningiomas & Cerebral Venous System, Boston, MA, September 3-6, 2008.

23. Nader Sanai and Michael W. McDermott. “Risk Profile for Convexity Meningioma Resection in the Modern Neurosurgical Era”. 6th International Congress on Meningiomas & Cerebral Venous System, Boston, MA, September 3-6, 2008.

24. Nader Sanai and Mitchel S. Berger. “Aggressive Resection of Insular Gliomas Improves Patient Outcome and Delays Malignant Transformation”. American Academy of Neurological Surgery, Phoenix, AZ, September 10-13, 2008.

25. Nader Sanai and Michael T. Lawton. “A Comparative Analysis of EC-IC vs. IC-IC Revascularization for Complex Intracranial Aneurysms”. 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Diego, CA May 2-6, 2009.

32. Nader Sanai, Juan Martino, and Mitchel S. Berger. “High Rates of Language Deficit Following Parietal Glioma Resection”. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Philadelphia, PA (May 2010).

33. Nader Sanai, Zaman Mirzadeh, Mei-Yin Polley, and Mitchel S. Berger. “The Value of Glioblastoma Extent of Resection: A Volumetric Analysis of 500 Patients”. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Philadelphia, PA (May 2010).

34. Nader Sanai, David H. Rowitch, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, and Mitchel S. Berger. “Neuronal Escape from the Pediatric Human Subventricular Zone and Discovery of a Medial Migratory Stream”. 60th Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. San Francisco, CA (Oct 2010).


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