
Criteria for Government authorities:


To be nominated, a government entity must, in its delivery of services within or outside the entity, use information and communications technology to


1)     Improve a national or local government's effectiveness in meeting the needs of its citizens;

 C2MHS provides an overall solution, which is centralized from national, state and local levels in order to optimize resources to serve the citizen’s immediate request and maintain public safety in a proactive approach via simulations, where strength and weakness can be seen and quick decision could be made by management.

The solution is flexible, thus making the management seamlessly integrated and well maintained from local managers, towards state and national level.

 The higher purpose of this solution is to provide security and maintainability of the public safety system. It will inadvertently help to improve the efficiency of the PDRM workforce in crime and law enforcement in order to provide safety to the public, national security and the country. With the system, the safety of the nation is ensured and it is well aligned with the one of the six National Key Result Area (NKRA), which is to reduce crime rate.

2)      Save time and money in government operations by eliminating inefficient practices and processes; and/or


Crime to Manpower Heat Map and Simulator (C2MHS) is a tool developed to analyze contingent strength based on hot spot of crime.  It is an integration of human resource management function with crime mapping informatics. Since both of the databases are integrated online and available almost on real time, this system is accessible from National Managers towards local supervisor.  Everything is available online even through mobile tablets, and decision can be made fast on the spot. When a system is online and databases are centralized, it will save unnecessary wastages of manual work and operational costs of photocopying/printing reports.


C2MHS allows officers to plan resources distribution based on its manpower simulation and forecast. Officers may plan resources distribution by controlling weightage factors and coefficients in the module to simulate the effective changes on ‘balai polis’ (police station) strength.


3)      Improve access to or the quality of services, communication and information within government.  

When crime informatics and human resources are put within a system for quick Intelligent analysis purposes, and the ability to simulate resource allocations, managers can efficiently, scientifically and effectively plan activities of manpower in specific areas.

As the safety of the country is improved, the country’s image as a safe country for living and business are promoted in the eyes of the world. This will definitely increase the number of foreign investment in our country.


In addition, the project implemented by the nominee must meet at least one of the following criteria: use ICT to improve the common good, either at the local, national or global level (measuring the social benefit);


Reducing crimes through optimizing resource allocations and placing at specific hotspots (when crime informatics and human resources are put within a system for quick Intelligent analysis purposes), low operational budget, easily maintained and flexible.


All this in return will improve the public’s safety in country and indirectly effect the Government Net Income (GNI) and National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) including tourism, wholesale & retail, education, healthcare, agriculture and Greater Kuala Lumpur.


Demonstrate efficient use of current technology;

Previous Problem: PDRM resource management is currently handled manually or using existing HR MIS system. The system however does not provide seamless interface and does not cater for high level management views. To extract information the officer’s in charge need to go through multiple process and stages that are so complex that the users are lost in navigation, not easily performed and time consuming.


With this solution:

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology is used to identify crime hot spots. This will assist crime analyst to find trends and patterns of crimes based on geographical analysis, human resource deployment and other Geo BI (business intelligence) dimensions of fields being evaluated.


C2MHS utilizes the whole Police Reporting System data for all ‘balai polis’ and IPDs(Police Districts) within Malaysia. The heat maps within the states would indicate the ratio of crime classification for that district; to the personnel in a department within that district and also personnel for ‘balai polis’ location area. Resource delegation among ‘balai police’, district, state and whole PDRM are based on crimes occurring in a specific location, priority of events and department availability of resources.

The system works by extracting various data sources, categorizing and aggregating resources through multi factor causes, simulated effects, weightage and feedback by using simulation model, aggregation formulation and parameter controls to evaluate performance indicators (such as crime to resource ratio) on Heat map display and to allow effective resources redeployment, allocation, distribution to different geographical area boundaries with different/unique needs.


Officers or users of the C2MHS can change the weightage of each ‘balai police’, correlation and ratio parameter and simulate the effect of resource distribution. By feeding in these factors into the system the real and simulated ground strength at all ‘balai polis’ can be viewed and compared


Highlight the benefits of latest advances;

Currently only the western country provides heat maps of crimes. This information is made publicly available through internet.


However, globally the challenge is to plan and study the effect of manpower deployment. As of today, with our limited knowledge there is no technology that provides overall solution for forecasting for public safety that takes into account the localized environment factors.


Besides crime mapping technology for crime analysis; C2MHS is developed to efficiently simulate resources distribution by controlling weightage factors and coefficients in relation to the real data that already exist in PDRM current system.


Run pilot projects evaluating the potential of new innovative means of communication and information distribution.


A case study for Ibu Pejabat Daerah Petaling Jaya (IPD PJ) was done as a baseline and reference to develop a simulator, modeling and heat map for PDRM C2MHS.

Potential benefits are providing faster decision, with almost real time online communication to the databases, and the distribution of resources could be implemented through various levels of management that use this system.


C2MHS is based on a new innovative technology which is localized to meet Malaysian environment and challenges in the public safety security. It is hoped that Malaysia will be among the pioneering nations in the field of public safety through utilizing innovative human resource allocation technology and analytical tools.


Similar concept can be built and deployed to many other law enforcement agencies.  The only difference would be the types of crimes or unlawful activities that enforcement agencies are dealing with, and the weightage ratio for each type.  This will then be overlaid against the agencies’ human resources data. 

A similar solution can be developed to fit other National Critical Infrastructure such as agencies listed below, to name a few:

• Road Transport Department (locally known as JPJ)

• Immigration Department of Malaysia (locally known as JIM)

• Royal Malaysian Customs Department

• Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)

• Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (FRDM)


And similarly, C2MHMS could be extended to other countries’ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) needs where human resource optimization and deployment of resources are critical to meet the citizen’s requests.



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