Jquery object to array


Jquery object to array

The jQuery function $.makeArray() is used to convert an object into a array. Give it a TRY! ? Note: It accepts an array-like object to be converted Jquery function $.inarray() is used to search an array for particular elements, it return where in the array the value you are searching for is located(i.e index) In the Demo below, searchTerm is the term

being searched and array is the array being searched Give it a TRY! ? Note:If no match is found, it returns -1, like other utility methods The jQuery $.grep(array, function, invert) method is used to filter the contents of an array based on a function Give it a TRY! ? Note:It returns a newly constructed, filtered array. The jQuery function $.unique() is

used to create a copy of an array of object with the duplicate elements removed. Give it a TRY! ? Note:It returns an array consisting of only unique objects. The jQuery method $.map() method lets you use a function to project the contents of an array or a map object into a new array, using a function to determine how each item is represented in the

result. Give it a TRY! ? Note: It returns a newly constructed mapped array The jQuery function $.trim() is used to remove all whitespaces from the beginning and end of String. Give it a TRY! ? Note: It returns a trimmed string The jQuery function $.merge() is used to merge the contents of two arrays together into the first array. Give it a TRY! ? Note:

It returns an array consisting of elements from both supplied arrays. The jQuery $.extend() function is used to merge the contents of two objects into the first object Give it a TRY! ? Note: It returns a target object after it has been modified Description: Convert an array-like object into a true JavaScript array. Any object to turn into a native Array.

Many methods, both in jQuery and in JavaScript in general, return objects that are array-like. For example, the jQuery factory function $() returns a jQuery object that has many of the properties of an array (a length, the [] array access operator, etc.), but is not exactly the same as an array and lacks some of an array's built-in methods (such as .pop()

and .reverse()). Note that after the conversion, any special features the object had (such as the jQuery methods in our example) will no longer be present. The object is now a plain array. Turn a collection of HTMLElements into an Array of them. jQuery.makeArray demo

Array Elements:


var numberArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];

$("div").text(numberArray.join(", "));

var resultAarray = jQuery.grep(numberArray, function (n, i) {

return (n >5);


$("p").text(resultAarray.join(", "));

Result:Array Elements:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Result:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Example: Array

of numeric element and Filter element having number is greater than 5 along with Index is greater than 5 .Return the resulting array.var resultAarray = jQuery.grep(numberArray, function (n, i) {

return (n >5 && i>7);

});Result:Result:9, 10, 11, 12Example: Array of Student objects and Filter students having score greater than 50.(If

¡°invert¡± is false, or not provided, then the function returns an array consisting of all elements for which ¡°callback¡± returns true.)var studentList = [

{ "firstName": "John", "score": "30" },

{ "firstName": "Anna", "score": "40" },

{ "firstName": "Peter", "score": "50" },

{ "firstName":

"Arco", "score": "60" },

{ "firstName": "Om", "score": "70" }



var resultAarray = jQuery.grep(studentList, function (n, i) {

return (n.score>50);


$("p").text(JSON.stringify(resultAarray));Result:Array Elements:[{"firstName":"John","score":"30"},

{"firstName":"Anna","score":"40"},{"firstName":"Peter","score":"50"},{"firstName":"Arco","score":"60"},{"firstName":"Om","score":"70"}]Result:[{"firstName":"Arco","score":"60"},{"firstName":"Om","score":"70"}]Example: Array of Student objects and Filter students having score is not greater than 50.(If ¡°invert¡± is true, then the function returns

an array consisting of all elements for which ¡°callback¡± returns false.)var studentList = [

{ "firstName": "John", "score": "30" },

{ "firstName": "Anna", "score": "40" },

{ "firstName": "Peter", "score": "50" },

{ "firstName": "Arco", "score": "60" },

{ "firstName": "Om",

"score": "70" }



var resultAarray = jQuery.grep(studentList, function (n, i) {

return (n.score>50);


$("p").text(JSON.stringify(resultAarray));Result:Array Elements:[{"firstName":"John","score":"30"},{"firstName":"Anna","score":"40"},

{"firstName":"Peter","score":"50"},{"firstName":"Arco","score":"60"},{"firstName":"Om","score":"70"}]Result:[{"firstName":"John","score":"30"},{"firstName":"Anna","score":"40"},{"firstName":"Peter","score":"50"}]SummaryHope this post will be helpful for returning resulting array from Array variable with specified criteria.Please post you reply .

The Array.from() static method creates a new, shallow-copied Array instance from an array-like or iterable object. Array.from(arrayLike, (element) => { ... } ) Array.from(arrayLike, (element, index) => { ... } ) Array.from(arrayLike, mapFn) Array.from(arrayLike, mapFn, thisArg) Array.from(arrayLike, function mapFn(element) { ... })

Array.from(arrayLike, function mapFn(element, index) { ... }) Array.from(arrayLike, function mapFn(element) { ... }, thisArg) Array.from(arrayLike, function mapFn(element, index) { ... }, thisArg) arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an array. mapFn Optional Map function to call on every element of the array. thisArg Optional Value

to use as this when executing mapFn. Array.from() lets you create Arrays from: array-like objects (objects with a length property and indexed elements); or iterable objects (objects such as Map and Set). Array.from() has an optional parameter mapFn, which allows you to execute a map() function on each element of the array being created. More

clearly, Array.from(obj, mapFn, thisArg) has the same result as Array.from(obj).map(mapFn, thisArg), except that it does not create an intermediate array, and mapFn only receives two arguments (element, index). Note: This is especially important for certain array subclasses, like typed arrays, since the intermediate array would necessarily have

values truncated to fit into the appropriate type. The length property of the from() method is 1. In ES2015, the class syntax allows sub-classing of both built-in and user-defined classes. As a result, static methods such as Array.from() are "inherited" by subclasses of Array, and create new instances of the subclass, not Array. const set = new Set(['foo',

'bar', 'baz', 'foo']); Array.from(set); const map = new Map([[1, 2], [2, 4], [4, 8]]); Array.from(map); const mapper = new Map([['1', 'a'], ['2', 'b']]); Array.from(mapper.values()); Array.from(mapper.keys()); const images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); const sources = Array.from(images, image => image.src); const insecureSources =

sources.filter(link => link.startsWith('http://')); function f() { return Array.from(arguments); } f(1, 2, 3); Array.from([1, 2, 3], x => x + x); Array.from({length: 5}, (v, i) => i); const range = (start, stop, step) => Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step + 1}, (_, i) => start + (i * step)); range(0, 4, 1); range(1, 10, 2); range('A'.charCodeAt(0),

'Z'.charCodeAt(0), 1).map(x => String.fromCharCode(x)); SpecificationECMAScript Language Specification (ECMAScript)# sec-array.fromBCD tables only load in the browserPolyfill Array.from() was added to the ECMA-262 standard in the 6th Edition (ES2015). As such, it may not be present in other implementations of the standard. You can work

around this by inserting the following code at the beginning of your scripts, allowing use of Array.from() in implementations that don't natively support it. Note: This algorithm is exactly as specified in ECMA-6th> Edition (assuming Object and TypeError have their original values and that callback.call() evaluates to the original value of

Function.prototype.call()). In addition, since true iterables cannot be polyfilled, this implementation does not support generic iterables as defined in the 6th Edition of ECMA-262. if (!Array.from) { Array.from = (function () { var symbolIterator; try { symbolIterator = Symbol.iterator ? Symbol.iterator : 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)'; } catch (e) {

symbolIterator = 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)'; } var toStr = Object.prototype.toString; var isCallable = function (fn) { return ( typeof fn === 'function' || toStr.call(fn) === '[object Function]' ); }; var toInteger = function (value) { var number = Number(value); if (isNaN(number)) return 0; if (number === 0 || !isFinite(number)) return number; return

(number > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number)); }; var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; var toLength = function (value) { var len = toInteger(value); return Math.min(Math.max(len, 0), maxSafeInteger); }; var setGetItemHandler = function setGetItemHandler(isIterator, items) { var iterator = isIterator && items[symbolIterator](); return

function getItem(k) { return isIterator ? iterator.next() : items[k]; }; }; var getArray = function getArray( T, A, len, getItem, isIterator, mapFn ) { var k = 0; while (k < len || isIterator) { var item = getItem(k); var kValue = isIterator ? item.value : item; if (isIterator && item.done) { return A; } else { if (mapFn) { A[k] = typeof T === 'undefined' ?

mapFn(kValue, k) : mapFn.call(T, kValue, k); } else { A[k] = kValue; } } k += 1; } if (isIterator) { throw new TypeError( 'Array.from: provided arrayLike or iterator has length more then 2 ** 52 - 1' ); } else { A.length = len; } return A; }; return function from(arrayLikeOrIterator ) { var C = this; var items = Object(arrayLikeOrIterator); var isIterator

= isCallable(items[symbolIterator]); if (arrayLikeOrIterator == null && !isIterator) { throw new TypeError( 'Array.from requires an array-like object or iterator - not null or undefined' ); } var mapFn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void undefined; var T; if (typeof mapFn !== 'undefined') { if (!isCallable(mapFn)) { throw new TypeError(

'Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function' ); } if (arguments.length > 2) { T = arguments[2]; } } var len = toLength(items.length); var A = isCallable(C) ? Object(new C(len)) : new Array(len); return getArray( T, A, len, setGetItemHandler(isIterator, items), isIterator, mapFn ); }; })(); } See also

jquery object to array key value. jquery object to array convert. jquery object to array of values. jquery object to array of elements. push jquery object to array. map jquery object to array. add jquery object to array. jquery json object to array

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