|[pic] |EUROPEAN UNION |الاتحاد الأوروبي |

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| |Delegation to the United Arab Emirates |مندوبية الاتحاد الأوروبي الى |

| | |الامارات العربية المتحدة |

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ICT Support for Delegations

Terms of Reference


"ICT Support for the Delegation of the EUROPEAN UNION to the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES"

Scope of the ICT services

The service scope is the user support, technical assistance and ICT administrative support for the needs of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates as described in section 2.

Service requirements

1 Context

The Delegation of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates has currently 15-17 users.

The infrastructure is based on the following software:

|Operating Systems |

|Windows 7 |

|Office products |

|MS Office 2010 |

|MS Access 2010 |

|MS Office Visio Viewer 2010 |

|Associates Tiff files to MS Document Imaging |

|Configuration of Office extensions in IE |

|MS Word Style Patch |

|DIaLOGIKa Word Style Patch 1.5 |

|Add-ins |

|Adobe Reader 9.4.0 |

|Plugins |

|Microsoft Silverlight 4.0.50826.0 |

|Windows Media Player 11 + Hotfixes |

|RealPlayer Enterprise 2.1.2 |

|VLC Media Player 1.1.5 |

|DjVu Browser Plugin 6.1.1 |

|Flash Player |

|Shockwave Player |

|QuickTime Player 7.67.77 |

|Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 20 and previous |

|CURL Runtime Environment 3.0.7 |

|Runtimes |

|PB50432A PowerBuilder Runtime 5.0.4 |

|PB65132D PowerBuilder Runtime 6.5.1 |

|PB10532A PowerBuilder Runtime 10.5.1 |

|Oracle Client 10G 32 bits |

|MS .NET Framework 3.5 |

|MS .NET Framework 4.0 |

|Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime SP1 |

|Miscellaneous |

|McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i with Patch 4 |

|MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 3 |

|MSXML Parser 6.10.1129.0 |

|O&O Defrag 10.0 Professional Edition |

|WinZip 12.0 |

|WinZip Command Line Support |

|Remote Desktop Connection 7 |

|Apple Application Support 1.3.2 |

Network connection to headquarters is operated by British Telecom (BT).

The IT support tasks are segregated between two profiles named RITO (Regional IT Officer) and ITSUP (IT support).

The management of the servers and user accounts will be performed by the RITO (Regional IT Officer currently based in Jordan) while the ITSUP tasks described in section 2.2 are to be covered by the present service contract.

In headquarters, the EEAS IT Helpdesk is the single point of contact (SPOC) for all issues with external ICT contractors (BT, Siemens, Dell, HP). It also provides third level support to RITOs and ITSUPs.

2 Service description

Description of the ITSUP tasks:

End-user support

– Assist the users to configure and use the office automation tools (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.)

– Prepare and setup Workstations based on the reference configuration approved by HQ

– Test and install optional software and additional devices necessary for professional tasks (note: prior written approval required from EEAS IT Helpdesk and the RITO)

– Register user incidents in the Central Helpdesk ticketing system (currently SysAid) and try to solve them of in failure to find solution escalate them to the 2nd level support - RITO or EEAS IT Helpdesk. For all ICT related issues ensure follow-up in SysAid and implement solutions.

– Manage the stock of all ICT equipment and materials like workstations, laptops, printers, beamers, memory sticks, satellite phones, etc.

– Cleanup of portables returning from missions

– Assist the users for the installation of presentation equipment (projectors, beamers, etc.)

– Assist the users for using the videoconference equipment

– Assist the users in using the telephone system.

Technical assistance:

– Perform the troubleshooting of problems related to workstations, laptops, printers, PDAs, scanners, network devices and all other ICT equipment

– Manage the network printers, scanners, and “all in one” devices

– Install patches and updates on all workstations and portables

– Manage the anti-virus on all workstations and portables

– Perform the disk wiping for all declassified PCs using the approved wiping software (currently Blanco)

– Manage the local PABX and telephones

– Provide local assistance to the RITO, EEAS IT Helpdesk, local and central service providers (like local ISP, British Telecom, Siemens, Dell, HP, etc.) in troubleshooting ICT infrastructure problems.

– Perform the patching of the local network

– Diagnose any ICT infrastructure incidents and problems, register, search for information, find and suggest solutions, implement solutions in coordination with the RITO and EEAS IT Helpdesk, document and follow-up.

– Assist the RITO in troubleshooting server related issues as well as with the Robot Tape Library or the NAS in the server room.

Other IT administration tasks:

– Assist the Head of Administration with the Calls for tender for the purchase of ICT material and services like printers, PDA, network devices, new cabling infrastructure, ISP, support services, etc. Draft the technical requirements; participate in the technical evaluation, etc.

– Assist the Head of Administration in the purchase of any ICT related equipment and materials.

– Report to the Head of Administration daily for all support activities.

– Prepare weekly reports with the main ICT tasks completed and the upcoming scheduled ICT tasks

– Organize training/coaching of users on IT matters

– Assist the Head of Administration with the inventory of the ICT equipment

– Strictly follow the information security policy of the EEAS.

3 Workload, Service Delivery and Schedule

The required IT support service is 1 * ½ day per week on site + 12 days per year on call.

On request the tenderer should be able to provide IT services beyond the scheduled hours on per/hour basis with advance notice of 24 hours.

The services should be provided at the Delegation premises.

The EU Delegation main office is located at the following address:

Etihad Towers, Tower 3, Level 15 Corniche Abu Dhabi.

4 Languages

The official working language at the Delegation is English.

Communications with the central Helpdesk in Brussels will be in English.

Documents to be provided

1 Company profile

A company profile with company structure must be provided. It should include details like number of staff by category, area of operations, experience, and contact person.

2 Proposed staff CVs

The minimum number of CVs to be submitted is three of which at least two must be permanent staff at the time of submission.

The CVs must be submitted in EuroPass CV format. The EuroPass CV template and instructions will be provided with the invitation to tender.

3 References

The tenderer should provide at least three previous or current customers as references with which he performed similar tasks (preferably embassies, international organizations and major foreign companies). The reference should contain:

- Organisation/company details: name, type and sector; number of users; IT environment details, etc..

- Contact person with contact details (position, address, phone, email, etc.)

Assessment criteria

1 Exclusion criteria

Tenderers will be disqualified if:

• they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

• they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

• they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;

• they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

• they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests;

• following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations;

• they are currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in section 2.3.5 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EEAS.

A declaration signed by the authorized person, stating that the tenderer do not fall under any of the above categories must be submitted with the tender. In case of award proofs will be required.

2 Selection criteria

1 Staff resources

Tenderers are required to prove that they have sufficient manpower and qualified staff relevant for the required services to perform the contract:

• at least three key persons with minimum 3 years experienced in the ICT Support services of which at least two persons must be permanent staff at the time of submission

2 Experience

Tenderers are required to prove that they have prior experience in similar contracts (scope, nature) under similar conditions (preferably with embassies, international organizations and major foreign companies):

• specify client, start date, duration, scope, contact details and references if any

3 Evaluation criteria

Technical evaluation (100 points, minimum required 62 points)

The technical evaluation will be made by establishing a technical score based on the following criteria:

• Quality of the three CVs (60 points – minimum required 40 points): the proposed CVs must show a degree relevant to the field of this contract, with at least 5 years' experience as IT expert with specific knowledge of the software listed above (the CV shall provide the details of the relevant knowledge of software). If the offer contains more than three CVs, only three will be evaluated.

• Description of how the tenderer proposes to secure constant availability of the required technical expert for required time and type of services, including how he will assure the continuity of services (20 points – minimum required 12 points)

• General quality of proposal, accuracy and conformity with the service requests (20 points – minimum required 10 points)

Financial evaluation (100 points)

The financial evaluation will be performed on the basis of the price per month service charge + the cost per hour on demand IT Support service on working days + the cost per hour on demand IT Support service on weekends or public holidays.

It has to be noted that price quoted in United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) will have to be all-inclusive, thus no additional costs may be charged for delivery at the normal places of delivery and schedules listed above.

4 Award criteria

The offer chosen will be that which offers the best value for money among the compliant offers, namely the offer obtaining the best overall score Pi calculated as follows:

Mark tender X Lowest price

Pi = 50 x -------------------- + 50 x -------------------

Mark best Price tender X

technical tender

Where Pi is the total score for the tender in question (out of 100)

The maximum possible score is 100 and will only occur when one offer gets the best technical score and is the cheapest one at the same time.

The tenderer with highest score will be proposed for award of the contract.

Other conditions

This invitation to tender is in no way binding on the Delegation. The Delegation's contractual obligation commences upon signature of the contract with the successful tenderer.

Up to the point of signature, the contracting authority may either abandon the procurement or cancel the award procedure, without candidates or tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation. This decision must be substantiated and the candidates or tenderers notified.

Tenderers will be informed whether or not their tender has been accepted.

During the duration of the contract, the Service Provider is and remains the employer of its staff.

The Delegation of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates reserves the rights to approve any staff that will be working in the office premises.

In case during the duration of the contract the expertise of the proposed staff proves to be insufficient the Delegation of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates can request the Service Provider for replacement. In this case the Service Provider must propose new staff without delay.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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