Encode text to base64
Encode text to base64
Base64 encoding is easy to use tool for encoding data to the Plain base64 numeral system. Copy, paste and encodes. What can you do with Base64 encoding? Base64 Encode is a very unique tool to encrypt plain text data Base64 encoded. This tool saves time and helps to encode base64 data. This tool allows you to upload Plain URL data, which loads the plain coding data to Base64 text. Click the URL button, enter the URL and send. Users can also convert data files plain base64 encoded text by loading the file. Base64 Encoder line works well on Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. What is Base64? Base64 is a basic numerical system 64 that uses September 64 digits, and can be represented by 6 bits. For more information about Base64, please visit the Wikipedia page Base64. Sample output: Base64 encoded text R2VpY28 = For advanced use of external URL External URL load in the browser URL like this base64-encode? url = https: //gist.cbmgit/cd404152a864198882756603c6c66a32/raw/Geico data such as load parameter data in the browser URL entry in this way https : // codebeautify .org / base64 encoding? Input = Geico Base64 encoding is a way to convert binary data (typically) in the ASCII character set. It is important to mention here that is not a Base64 encoding technique or compression, although it can sometimes be confused as coding due to the way it seems to obscure data. In fact, the size of a Base64 encoding of the information piece is 1.3333 times the actual size of the original data. Base64 is the basic encoding technique most used with Base16 and Base32 being the other two encoding schemes commonly used. How does Base64 work? Data conversion to base64 is a process to more stages. Here's how it works for the text strings: Calculate the 8-bit binary version of the re-group of input text the 8-bit version of the data in more than 6-bit portions Find the decimal version of each of the 6-bit binary piece Find the symbol Base64 for each of the decimal values through a Base64 table search for a better understanding of this concept, let's look at an example. Suppose you have the string "Go win" and we want to convert it to Base64 string. The first step is to convert this binary string. The binary version of "Go win" is: 01,000,111 01,101,111 00,100,000 01,110,111 01,101,001 01,101,110 You can see here that each character is represented by 8 bits. However, as we have already said, Base64 converts the data into 8-bit binary format of pieces of 6 bits. This is because ? Base64 format has only 64 characters: 26 uppercase letters, 26 lowercase letters, 10 numerals, and "+" "/" symbols for the new line. Base64 does not use any special ASCII characters, but only these few. Note that some implementations of Base64 use different special characters "+" and "/". Returning to the example, let us break our 8-bit data in blocks of 6 bits. 010001 110110 111100 100000 011101 110110 100101 101110 will not always be able to divide the data into a full 6-bit set, in which case you will have to do with padding. Now, for each of the above block, we must find its decimal value. These decimal values are given below: binary decimal 17 110110 54 010001 111100 60 100000 011101 29 110110 54 100101 32 101110 37 46 Finally, we must look at the Base64 value for each of the decimal we just calculated by binary data. Base64 aspect of the code table like this: Here you can see that decimal 17 corresponds to "R", and decimal 54 corresponds to "2", and so forth. Using Coding table We can see that the "Go Win" string is encoded as "R28GD2LU" using Base64. You can use any text on-line to the Base64 converter to verify this result. Why use the basic coding64? Sending information in binary format Sometimes can be risky as not all network applications or systems can handle unprocessed binary. On the other hand, ASCII ASCII character It is widely known and very simple to manage for most systems. For example, e-mail servers provide textual data, then ASCII is generally used. Therefore, if you want to send images or any other binary file to an e-mail server, you first need encoding in text-based format, preferably ASCII. This is where Base64 codes arrives extremely useful in converting binary data into the correct formats. Basic encoding64 strings with node.js The easiest way to encode base64 strings in node.js is via the buffer object. In Node.js, buffer is a global object which means that you do not need to use the instruction required to use the buffer object in the applications. The buffer internally is an immutable series of whole numbers which is also able to perform many different encodings / decoding. These include / UTF-8, UCS2, Base64 or even hexagonal codes. While writing the code that deals with and manipulates the data, you will probably use the buffer object at a certain point. Check out the following example. Here we will encode a text string on a basic64 using the buffer object. Save the following code to a "codode-text.js" file; Let Data = ''; Let the buff = new buffer (data); LET BASE64DATA = BUFF.TOSTRING ('BASE64'); console.log ('"+ +" data "converted to BASE64 is"' + BASE64DATA + '""); In the script above created a new buffer object and let's move on our string that we want to convert to Base64. So let's call the "tostring" method on the buffer object that we have just created and exceeded "base64" as a parameter. The "Tostring" method with "Base64" as a parameter returns the data in the form of a base string64. Run the code above, you will see the following output. $ node codode-text.js "" converted to BASE64 is "C3RHY2THNVZZS5JB20 =" in the output can see the Base64 counterpart for the string we converted to BASE64. Basic decoding 64 strings with node.js take a look at our practical and practical guide to learn gits, with the best practices, the standards accepted by the sector and included the Diat. Stop doing git git commands and actually learn it! Base64 String decoding is quite similar to encoding it. You must create a new buffer object and pass two parameters to its manufacturer. The first parameter is the data in Base64 and the second parameter is "base64". So you simply need to call "tostring" on the buffer object, but this time the parameter passed to the method will be "ASCII" because this is the type of data you want to convert the base64 data to be converted. Take a look at the following code snippet for reference. ; Let Data = 'C3RHY2THYNVZZS5JB20 ='; Leave Buff = new buffer (data, 'base64'); Leave the text = buff.tostring ('ASCII'); console.log ('"+ data +'" Converted BASE64 to ASCII is "'+ text +'" '); Add data to the "ASCII.JS" file and save it. Here we used "TM8GDG8GUMFJAXNT" as data of basic input64. When this data is decoded it should display "no to racism". This is because from the last example we know that "no to racism" is equal to "TM8GDG8GUMFJAXNT". Run the code above with Node.js. Visualize The following output. Coding of binary data in the Base64 strings as mentioned in the beginning of the article, the main purpose of the basic encoding64 is to convert binary data into text format. Let's see an example in which we will convert an image (data Binari) in a base string64. Take a look at the following example.; Const FS = request ('FS'); Let Buff = FS.readfilesync ('Stack-Abuse-Logo.png'); Let Base64Data = Buff .tostring ('base64'); console.log ('converted image in base 64 is:' + base64data); in the code above we load an image in the bu FFER via the READFILESYNC () method of the FS module. The rest of the process is similar Creating a base string64 from a normal ASCII string. When you execute the code above you will see the following output. $ node codode-image.js Image converted to Base64 is: it is: Although the real image is very small (25x19), the output is still large enough, partly because bases64 increases the size of the data, as we already said earlier. Basic decoding binary data strings The inverse process here is very similar to the way in which to decode the base strings64, as we have seen in a previous section. The largest difference is the output destination and how the data is written there. Let's see the example:; CONST FS = request ('FS'); let data = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABkAAAATCAYAAABlcqYFAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC / xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAA' + 'CA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAABWWlUWHRYTUw6Y29tLmFkb2JlLnhtcAAAAAAAPHg6eG1wbWV0' + 'YSB4bWxuczp4PSJhZG9iZTpuczptZXRhLyIgeDp4bXB0az0iWE1QIENvcmUgNS40LjAiPgogICA8cmRmOlJERiB4bWxuczpyZGY9Imh0dHA6Ly' + '93d3cudzMub3JnLzE5OTkvMDIvMjItcmRmLXN5bnRheC1ucyMiPgogICAgICA8cmRmOkRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHJkZjphYm91dD0iIgogICAgICAg' + 'ICAgICB4bWxuczp0aWZmPSJodHRwOi8vbnMuYWRvYmUuY29tL3RpZmYvMS4wLyI + CiAgICAgICAgIDx0aWZmOk9yaWVudGF0aW9uPjE8L3RpZm' + 'Y6T3JpZW50YXRpb24 + CiAgICAgIDwvcmRmOkRlc2NyaXB0aW9uPgogICA8L3JkZjpSREY + CjwveDp4bXBtZXRhPgpMwidZAAADuUlEQVQ4EbVU' + 'TUtcZxR + 7ufkXp1SZ4iZRE1EDVQRnTAhowsZMFm40I2rNqUIIev8hvoPQroQXBTqwiAWcd0EglEhiZNajVZrQGXAWAzaZpzMnZn7lXPeeIe5Da' + 'Wb9Ax33vOec8 / ZNA / 3vVI6nfbxP4v8b / ISJIGFZYGFKPI + D13xUlubl6QQMIVY5 + 8WUX / R2RCKUAIULI2HQAOLRUTJB28P6 + JOSYXJKIQJA '+' 07SQXIQVWHAOZYX / ITLC3PX9YIXEILHEXSBEXATGXSYWMJ IiwEdHRwXA / Pw8EokEcrkcDg4OYJomVlZWMDU1 JSqfmZlBR0cHbNsOtVoNCHjlTF '+' iSySQMwxAVxONxQbi0tIRMJoPe3l5MT0 + jtbUVg4ODYGImY18qlcL4 + DhisZjoggCjv1C7uOyenh7Mzs5iY2ND6FQpdnd3sba2JloSjUYxPDyM '+' / V5 + TE5OYn9 / X9jZtrOzg + 3t7WqyAUmoEu419 / + HBw9E + eVymbJqAJP39fWBCR3HEU + hUMDQ0JCYGc8um81iYGAAjY2N8DwvwBdraCY8tHhDA1 '+' Y3N9Hd3S2yvH37O7RcbsF7AuUsD9 + 8wdOFBTx / 8QJtbW1C5 / nMzc3R0D2UyxXk83lRXcAk1V5GCT5sSUGDbeHxy9 / EO98M9OOXzT9wfHISxKC1 '+' vR0GHfOtrS2g / SouWwU0Xkggu7qO9PUkJFULnbIQyTm6ewu2hF + vnOIIUQwdGlg8f4QF6wvMWBq pAkaskSnx4FFVUf0CNpcC797KizXQ4oAHh + '+' VdXJJ81F7j6kwUynPHlXDPdFB2fRj KVK0KvT2rbp3uKYryJU11Cke8qqMuOoioeeJ1MPDYxM36m1cNSq4GdFx58RAWvbx8TrXnK4IgR16Em5G + '+' + K4iqHi5GHHxLgcSDn97WgZPoND GGZRpPYH85cgiiRQl1ltXxmFFQ5PuopP8TrW5ZyRcWp7AbmkeZefg5 + N6PPnbRJdpw / YlfB0vQiPQZwVdZN '+' tFZEVK6D1VTnccJlXzuqTjvOZiq6Rhj2KqLSJsofOHgIl8 t0 + / qsfDioxmSUWGjrRFzhYi / 5Oynrdl3KXHIZDXtF6hil8R6I9FBV / RvDLnXKxS '+' bAdVYhNeINXBMwmXWCTQGG2Y Jj + + + dFrfEmiMAtmeowpo9ojTvkD A / L1UJUMmiVfkuz 6WTYZHFRJAGP33J3BSM5K / FNG68UP21HYYYXZWLWUS '+' 2CKMFUSM3RHD0G4E2G197FWMZ + BGT8RNE2IP2BHL5DGFFZZZRX8 AFECEDDX45A0AAAAASUVORK5CYII = '; Leave Buff = new buffer (data, 'base64'); fs.WriteFilesync ('pile-abuse-logo-out.png', passionate); console.log (base64 image data converted to files: pile-abuse-logo-out.png '); Here you can see that you start with the basic data64 (which could also have been received from a power outlet or some other communication line) and upload it to a buffer object. When creating the buffer we say it is that it is in basic format64, which allows the buffer to analyze accordingly for internal storage. To save the back of the data in the PNG format before, we simply pass the buffer object for our FS.WriteFilesync method and convert it to us. Conclusion Base64 coding is one of the most common ways of converting binary data into ASCII text. This is a very useful format to communicate between one or more systems that cannot easily handle binary data, such as images in Markup HTML format or web requests. In node.js the buffer object can be used to encode and decode the Basic strings to and for many other formats, which allows you to easily convert your data back and forth if necessary. What do you generally use base64 formatting for in node.js? Let us know in the comments! 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