


Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

1) Joe’s fast is _______ days long.

2) Joe’s been taking pills for the past _______ years.

3) Joe will spend the first ________ days in New York and then drive across the country for the rest of the time.

4) Joe went to ______ doctors when he first got sick.

5) Joe spent ________ days in the hospital.

6) Joe’s waist is ________ inches at the start.

7) Joe suffers from an ___________________________ disease called Urticarial Vasculitis.

8) On Day 14 Joe’s weight loss is at ________ lbs.

9) Out of high school Joe got a job at a ______________________ firm.

10) Most fruit juice in a grocery store is heavily _____________________.

11) What holiday fell on Day 25? _____________________________

12) _________% of the American diet today is processed foods.

13) Processed foods probably don’t contain _____/10 the original nutrients that were in the food in the native state.

14) On Day 31 Joe’s weight loss is at ________ lbs.

15) On Day 49 Joe’s weight loss is at ________ lbs.

16) Siong from Iowa did a juice fast for ________ days.

17) On Day 52 Joe’s weight loss is at ________ lbs.

18) Joe meets Phil Staples in Winslow, Arizona and bets him he could be down to _________ or _________ by doing the juice fast.

19) On Day 61 Joe’s weight loss totaled ________ lbs.

20) Joe buys Phil a _________ shirt. Phil is used to wearing a 5XL or 6XL.

21) Before his 10 day juice fast Phil weighed _________ lbs and was 6 foot 1 inches tall.

22) The average American diet has roughtly ________% processed foods 30% animal products 5% whole grains and ________% fruits & vegetables.

23) On Day 10 Phil was down ________ lbs.

24) The cost of a conventional juice fast is $________ per day. (Wal-Mart: Spirit Lake, Iowa)

25) The cost of organic juice fast is $__________ per day. (The Market: Spirit Lake, Iowa)

26) On Day 30 Phil went from 429 down to ________ lbs.

His blood pressure went from 160/84 down to ________/70.

His triglycerides went from 216 down to ________.

27) Total cost of Bear’s Heart Attack was $58,424. The total cost of juicing for 1 month is $________.

28) After 10 months Phil’s weight is down to ________ lbs. A total weight loss of _____ lbs.

Critical Thinking Questions

29) What appeared to be Phil’s biggest obstacle with staying on the diet?

30) What do you believe is the biggest drawback or negative to a diet like this? Explain.

31) Do you believe that this diet was healthy or unhealthy? Why?

32) If you were going to go on a diet/fast like the one in the movie, what would be your biggest obstacle(s)?


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