
TUs Round 1- Tournament by the Sea V & 10- Woolworth the Trip. Questions by Robin Richards, Mark Franklin, Jeff Zahnen, Kevin Comer and Mike Napier. Audio TU courtesy of Sarah Andrews, Cedar Shoals HS

1-Originally staged at the Martin Beck Theatre, the three leads there also made the jump to the film version. Set in the area of Marfa, Texas, it covers the stories of three women who converge there on September 30th to commemorate the death of an actor who made his final film there in 1955. Known as the film Robert Altman directed after the disaster known as “Popeye,” name, FTP, this film wherein Karen Black, Sandy Dennis and Cher plead for the actor to visit a Woolworth type store.

Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean Jimmy Dean

2- In Robert Clark’s book “Mr. White Confession,” they are the target of a serial killer. Entering this term plus “.net” online takes you to the website for Dustybear and their works involving Frankie and Tess, members of the “Redneck Mafia.” Another is a 1996 episode of “Red Shoe Diaries” starring David Duchovny, and when added with “Romance,” it names a Steve Miller Band song. FTP give this three word term that described the cheap entertainment girls at such places as the Orpheum, known for doing most things for a Barber or Roosevelt coin.

Dime a dance girls

3- Several years ago, it dropped its infant variety for fears of overdoses when they changed its most potent ingredient, making it only safe for children over the age of 2. Recently, it added a grape flavor, because, according to their website, kids loved the adult version’s “yummy purple grape flavor.” Possible side effects, regardless of age, range from blurred vision to “excitement” in children, all ending with the usual warning of “Do not operate heavy machinery.” This is the medical information of, FTP, what cough medicine whose name may suggest what a ten cent hooker would charge for her services.


(TD: I know that’s a bad pun, but I’ve wanting to use that line for years.)

4- One year after leaving his most famous band, he and his brother Vinnie created the group Damageplan. The subject of Nickelback’s song “The Side of a Bullet,” he also had a stage named in his honor at the 2007 Download Festival in Derby, England. On May 17, 2007, his name was added to the Hollywood Rock Walk for his contributions to rock, just three years after he was shot onstage by Nathan Gale in Columbus, Ohio. FTP name this rock guitarist formerly of the band Pantera, whose name is given when a player hits 100 notes in a row on Guitar Hero II.

Dimebag Darrell Abbott

(Accept any combination so long as “Dimebag” is mentioned)

5- Among those given this term, for various reasons: Steve Rauschenberger, Congressman from Illinois, Luke Power from the Brisbane Lions, not to mention Mickey Mouse, Simon LeBon and members of the show choirs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. First used in 1948 to describe a team from Kentucky, it’s been used to name a rap group with such members as Rock and Louieville Sluggah. FTP give the term used in 1992 to dub the Michigan Men’s basketball team as well as the men on “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.”

Fab Five

6- In Sim City 3000, the “Quigley Building” is based on its design. When posters of the Titanic were published in 1912, it showed her upended and longer than this structure, then the world’s tallest, was tall. Designed by Cass Gilbert, it was paid for in cash by its owner. Today its access has been restricted due to 9/11, whose events took place less than two blocks away, but it still houses the NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies' Center for Global Affairs. FTP name this New York skyscraper, dubbed “The Cathedral of Commerce,” a building that hasn’t had its namesake “five & dime” owner as a tenant since 1998.

Woolworth Building


Buffalo nickel


Scott Riggs





Ben Folds’ Five

12- FTP name this Blake Edwards film best know for using Ravel’s Bolero in the soundtrack and the slow motion jog of Bo Derek.



MI-5 (accept early “Spooks”)



Ten Little Indians

16- NOTE: Song and group required. Identify the following Top 40 hit from 2007.

Wake up Call by Maroon 5




Sum 41 (The Sum of 4 and 1 is 5).




Ten Things I Hate About You


Boni- Round 1

1-There have been only five golfers in the modern era who have won all four Grand Slam events in one year in the MODERN era. FFPE and a bonus for all five, name them.

Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, and Gary Player

2- VISUAL BONUS: (Moderator: The sheet is attached to the end of the packet.): Given a sheet with photos of cars having less than four seats, identify the cars on a 5-10-20-30 basis, matching each car to the letter beside its photo.

A. Smart or Fortwo (Accept Smart Car)

B. Aptera or Typ-1

C. Pontiac Solstice (Prompt on Pontiac)

D. Saturn Sky (Prompt on Saturn)

3- It’s been exactly five months since Drew Carey debuted on The Price is Right, so let’s take a stroll down The Golden Road of memory lane and look at the games that have been put to pasture- just like Bob. Given a description of a retired TPIR game, name it 5-10-20-30

This pricing game with an Anglophile theme used double decker buses to “drive” given prices to their proper place


This pricing game was based on Blackjack and a slogan used to obtain an extra card. An exact price got you and Ace and ten times the price merited you a ten to get 21.

Hit Me

This game pitted a studio contestant and a viewer pre-selected. It’s name suggests ET may have had a hand in this.

Phone Home Game

This game is a variant of skee-ball, wherein contestants would roll marked balls for prizes and get an extra shot of winning everything they didn’t win to begin with.


4- Given lines from a James Bond film, name the film 40-30-20-10-5-1

40- Bond. James Bond.

30-As you can see, I am about to inaugurate a little war.

20-Q: Look, 007, I've had a long and tiring journey, probably to no purpose, so I'm in no mood for juvenile quips.

10-Little Nelly got a hot reception. Four big shots made improper advances toward her, but she defended her honor with great success.

5- Helga Brandt: Mr. Osato believes in healthy chests. Bond: Really?

1- Blofeld: They told me you were assassinated in Hong Kong. Bond: Yes, this is my second life. Blofeld: You only live twice, Mr. Bond.

5- VH1 or E! Choose now.

If VH1:

Since its inception, Best Week Ever has been used by trash players to feed their weekly fix for tournaments. Answer the following about the show FTSNOP

5- This is the faux ET-style show in the middle of BWE. It’s “hosted” by BWE commentator Chuck Nice.


10- This is the clips segment of BWE for those who were doing other things during the week

In Case You Missed It

15- This man hosts the Pop Culture Bachelor, wherein he hands out roses to those segments he deems worthy of one

Doug Bensen

If E!

If you’re not a fan of Best Week Ever, then maybe you love Soup- E!’s Soup, that is. Answer the following FTSNOP

5- This man hosts The Soup. He looks a little like Ryan Secrest. He also played a banker in Spiderman 2, if that helps.

Joel McHale

10- This is the recap segment on The Soup that covers the week in talk shows. It’s sooooooooo meaty.

Chat Stew

15- This is the pandering to the network segment, showing clips from shows such as The Girls Next Door and Keeping up with the Kardashians. The title action is not suggested for legal reasons.

Let’s Take Some E!

6- Philips Arena- November 17, 2007. Gordon Sumner, Andy Summers, and Stewart Copeland- and we were there! Given a line from a song by The Police, name the song 5-10-20-30

Since you’ve gone I've been lost without a trace. / I dream at night and can only see your face.

Every Breath You Take

Seems I'm not alone at being alone / A hundred billion castaways / Looking for a home

Message in a Bottle

Poets, priests and politicians / Have words to thank for their positions

De do do do De da da da

You consider me the young apprentice / Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes.

Wrapped Around Your Finger

7- Some have hearts of gold, others just need the money to support their crack habit. FTSNOP answer the following about prostitutes in the movies

She was the hooker with a heart of gold in Pretty Woman played by Julia Roberts

Vivian Ward (accept either)

She was the madam with a heart of Confederate gold and Rhett Butler’s friend in Gone with the Wind. She was played by Ona Munson

Belle Watling (accept either)

For 5/5 these are the two male prostitutes played by River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves in “My Own Private Idaho”

Mike Waters and Scott Favor (accept any combination)

8- Sweet Nibblets! This bonus is Smokin ‘okin! Yes, your TD is a fan of the show Hanna Montana. Aren’t you? FTPE identify the following characters on the Disney hit.

She is Miley Stewart’s (AKA Hannah Montana’s) best friend. Her alter ego when Hanna’s around is Lola Luffnagle

Lilly Truscott (accept either)

He is the pint sized owner of the surf shop hangout on the beach and the employer of Miley’s brother Jackson. He helped Miley study for a biology test by simply telling her to open a book and read the pages.


She’s the middle school aged hippy chick who was glad when the California low-flow initiative passed. She tried to change Jackson’s eco-unfriendly ways and raised a sack of flour with Oscar.


9- Given a winner of the Heisman Award, their college, and the year they won, tell who came in 2nd 5-10-20-30.

Charles Woodson, Michigan, 1997 Peyton Manning

(Prompt on “Manning” even though we all know Eli never was Heisman material)

Hershel Walker, Georgia, 1982 John Elway

Steve Spurrier, Florida, 1966 Bob Griese (“greasy”)

Clint Frank, Yale, 1937 Byron “Whizzer” White

10- Name these numerical things from comics FTPE:

A. This recurring foe of the Legion of Super-Heroes was originally comprised of Validus, the Persuader, Mano, Tharok and the Emerald Empress.

The Fatal Five

B. Grant Morrison created this group of Chinese superheroes for the weekly ~52~ miniseries. Sponsored by the Chinese government, they include August General in Iron, Celestial Archer, and eight others.

The Great Ten

C. In the wake of Marvel's Civil War, Tony Stark formulated this plan to create a number of new government-sponsored teams. Under the plan, ~the Thunderbolts~ remained in Colorado and ~The Order~ was created in California.

The Fifty State(s) Initiative

11- One perk of being a noted newscaster has to be all the movie cameos you make doing your own job. Answer the following about newscasters in the movies FTPE

This venerable CNN anchor had cameos in Jurassic Park III and Contact, the latter of which forced CNN to ban all anchors from movie roles after a over product placement controversy.

Bernard Shaw

This former Duke professor, ABC commentator and father of ABC reporter Chris, and known for his nasally voice, had cameos in “Raise the Titanic” and “Dave”

Sander Vanoucer (“Van-oh-ker”)

While not exactly playing a newscaster, this reporter did have a cameo as a prison guard in Austin Powers in Goldmember.

Katie Couric

12- White Christmas, Holiday Inn, both or neither. Given a clue tell which Bing Crosby film it describes, if at all.

Won an Oscar for best original song Holiday Inn

(Note: The song White Christmas won in 1943, while the film White Christmas also received a best song nomination for Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep)

Starred Danny Kaye White Christmas

Filmed in Vistavision White Christmas

Directed by Frank Capra Neither

13- NOTE: Only one member may do this bonus. Last year, we had a player act out football ref calls. This year, it’s hockey (long pause)…calm down, we’re kidding, it’s basketball. Given a call in basketball, act out the ref’s motion 5-10-20-30. All answers are according to the official NBA website. (MODERATOR: Be lenient unless they do something totally wrong.)

Traveling: both fists in a spinning motion one over the other

24 second violation: tap the top of one’s head

Technical Foul: both hands form the letter “T”

Jump Ball: both thumbs up in the air above the ref’s head

(If both thumbs are up in the air, that’s sufficient. If they’re above the head, better still)

14- Name these films about oil FTPE

This 2007 film is loosely based on the opening section of Upton Sinclair's “Oil.”

There Will Be Blood (five bonus points if they yell “I’m finished!”)

This 1953 Henri-Georges Clouzot and its 1977 William Friedkin remake deals with a group of men transporting nitroglycerine through the jungle to cap an oil fire. Name either film.

Wages Of Fear or Sorcerer

This 1956 George Stevens film deals with the oil industry in Texas. Shortly after filming, one of its stars was killed in a car wreck in California.


15- Despite the skin and bones look of many Hollywood actresses, many Angelino’s do like to eat. Name these Los Angeles area restaurants from clues for 10 points each.

This hot dog joint on the corner of Melrose and La Brea is a frequent stop of Jack Nicholson before Laker games.


This restaurant’s famous Vine Street location closed in 1985. It was the birthplace of the Cobb salad, and looked like a certain piece of head gear.

The Brown Derby

Elizabeth Taylor had chili delivered to the set of Cleopatra in Rome from his restaurant, which closed in 1995. It is where Onetta worked hard for the money as a bathroom attendant.


16- Blast you WGA and what you did to the Golden Globes!! Answer these questions about the days when folks actually got to make acceptance speeches at awards shows for 10 points each.

During the 2007 Emmys, the camera went to the ceiling and the sound cut out when this Best Actress in a TV drama was talking about how there would be fewer wars if mothers ran the world.

Sally Field

When this director received an honorary Oscar at the 1999 ceremony, he was escorted on stage by Scorsese and De Niro. Some in the audience remained seated and did not applaud, presumably because of his testimony in front of HUAC.

Elia Kazan

At the 2004 Emmys, on a bet this Supporting Actress in a Miniseries winner for Angels in America thanked her newborn son for making her boobs look so good in her dress.

Mary-Louise Parker

17- FTPE name these things about the most glorious year in Notre Dame football history, 2007:

Name any of the three starting quarterbacks who were sacked repeatedly during the season.

Demetrius Jones, Evan Sharpley or Jimmy Clausen (prompt on Clausen)

On November 3rd, the Irish lost a game to Navy for the first time since this year when the Midshipmen were led by Roger Staubach.


Coach Weis finally managed to find a way to prevent yet another bowl loss by finishing with this record.

3 wins and 9 losses (accept variants)

18- They may not have been as bad as toys from Mainway, but name these toys that were somewhat dangerous from clues for 10 points each.

Kids would crash to the ground from dizziness after parking themselves on the circular base of this toy and turning a smaller wheel connected above it to make themselves rotate.

Sit ‘n Spin

Banned from sale in the U.S. in 1988, the goal of this game was to throw and land the title objects inside rings, though sometimes they landed in people’s skulls.

Lawn Darts or Yard Darts or Jarts

Before the days of ubiquitous helmet wearing, kids sometimes would get hurt after taking a spill on this plastic, low-riding, three wheeled toy, which often featured cartoon characters.

Big Wheel

19- For ten points each--name these recent additions to the original Law & Order:

Milena Govich was replaced by this actor, who had earlier starred on NBC's “Kidnapped” along with a supporting role on “Six Feet Under”.

Jeremy Sisto

Along with Jeremy Sisto, this other actor from “Kidnapped” joined the cast as new ADA Michael Cutter.

Linus Roache

After Fred Thompson left the show, this familiar character replaced him as Manhattan District Attorney.

Jack McCoy

20- For ten points each--name these things about the recent Led Zeppelin


Since the death of John Bonham, Zeppelin had played three brief sets. The first time was in 1985 at this Charity Event, where Phil Collins took over the drumset.

Live Aid

Replacing John Bonham in 2007 was this drummer, who had played with the band once before in 1988.

Jason Bonham

The concert began with this lead-off track from Led Zeppelin I, rarely played live.

Good Times, Bad Times

21- or 10 points each--name these SEC football coaches:

Appointed to West Point by Sam Rayburn, he designed the football stadium at Tennessee that bears his name and won 173 games there.

Robert Reese Neyland

He won three national championships at Ole Miss from 1959-1962, in addition to six SEC crowns. Ole Miss's stadium is partly named for him.

Johnny Vaught

He won six SEC and one national title with his "Fun and Gun" offence at Florida from 1990-2002.

Steven Orr Spurrier

22- For 10 points each--name these current NBA point guards:

Currently married to Eva Longoria, this San Antonio Spurs player did not play NCAA ball.

William Anthony "Tony" Parker

This Bowling Green product was the 4th pick of the 1997 draft for the Grizzlies and is now the Wizards point guard.

Antonio Daniels

This Canadian who attended Santa Clara is the Phoenix Suns' starting point guard.

Stephen John Nash

23- FTPE name the following Greta Garbo movies:

Garbo said, "I want to be alone" in this movie in which she played a Russian ballerina in love with John Barrymore's duplicitous aristocrat set in a Berlin building with bedrooms.

Grand Hotel

She starred along with Fredric March as this Tolstoy title heroine who throws herself in front of a train.

Anna Karenina

Garbo's character announces that because of Stalin's purges there will be fewer, but better, Russians in this comedy set in Paris where she laughs and falls in love with Melvyn Douglas' character.



A. [pic]

B. [pic]

C. [pic]

D. [pic]


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