
FEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina CoeliSAFEGUARDINGConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVWhat additional risk assessments/amendments need to be in place for safeguarding of pupils – what these will look like for setting/schools and pupils (individually identified vulnerability)EHCP risk assessments including those not currently attending the setting.Contact with families.Risk assessments for children with medical needs and ensure that suitable PPE equipment is available as appropriate.As Phase 2As Phase 1&2Names will be added to the vulnerable pupil 1st day calling list for Office staff based on the intelligence gathered through the previous period from SLT and ELSA calls home collated in the Vulnerable pupil log.How has the safeguarding policy been reviewed and amended in light of the current situation?DSLs discussed amendments required which supported social care recommendations for both boroughs in regard to priority children.Amendments discussed and agreed with SLT and Governors.Updated the website to include information for parents with regard to additional safeguarding for online learning and links to CEOP, Think You Know, NSPCC and The Children’s Safeguarding Board.As Phase 2As Phase 2No longer required to send additional information to the LAUpdates to KCSIE 2020 added to reviewed Policy.Have you adopted a ‘COVID-19 outbreak’ addendum to your child protection policy to include the specific issues for these circumstances?YesYesYESWhat could the specific issues be for your school?CP families not taking up the offer of a school place and having face to face contact.As Phase 2Attendance- possible misuse of the Test and Trace System with known familiesHow are you ensuring that someone is responsible for ensuring the policy actions are completed?Handover meetings between SLTDSL always on siteDSL always on siteAre governors aware of the Government's interim safeguarding guidance and how this has been included in their school policy?YesAgreed through Chair’s actionYESYesHow are you making sure that someone is responsible for continuity in safeguarding leadership?HOS/DHTs responsible for completing VPLDSL always on siteDSL always on site- we have a team approach and safeguarding is standing item on SLT so we can information share.How might you ensure a trained DSL is available, in-person, by phone or video link when required?Rota systemDSL team on site everydayDSL always on siteIs there a nominated senior leader to be the onsite safeguarding lead?YesYesYESAre all staff aware of arrangements for DSLs and reporting concerns?Yes Addendum sent out to staffAs Phase 2Updated policy will be shared with all staffAre leaders aware of changes there may be for contacting/referring to the Croydon Single Point of Contact or other external services?Yes – Link Advisor makes regular contact with the school and gives updatesAs Phase 2YES Croydon have nominated referrals email for this period. Are all who need to, aware of which children have social workers?Yes (included on VPL)As Phase 2YES- these details are kept securely within DSL team and shared with CT where necessary.Do all who need to, know which children are LAC and how to contact the Head of the Virtual School?N/AN/AN/AAre leaders able to evaluate the risks and include this information in their rationale for assessing which pupils come into school first and when?N/AN/AN/AAre leaders considering remote safeguarding based upon teacher knowledge from their pupils and the daily/weekly contact they have with their pupils and families?CT contact fed back to SLT and VPL updated if necessarySocial Workers have used video call/WhatsApp for face to face contact where necessaryAs Phase 2We will continue remote safeguarding when necessary (Test and Trace) other absence ( sickness that is not Covid related)Do all who need to know, know which children should be in school and follow up where they do not attend?Yes based on the VPLSLT on gate duty inform the office where pupils do not arrive.1st day calling protocol and follow up by SLT for vulnerable families.Who is ensuring emergency numbers and alternatives are kept up to date?Agencies – through Link AdvisorThe office teamThe office team updated all parent emails to support the delivery of electronic reporting to parents.New Reception parents’ details collected via Google Docs via a link on the website.Contact sheet will be updated in the same way aut 2 before parents evening.How are you making sure that each vulnerable child/pupil has an easily transferable record of why they are vulnerable, a copy of the EHCP and/or CIN or CP Plan, the name of their social worker and contact details, for CLA children and the Virtual School Head?Year 6 Vulnerable Pupil Transition documentsCIN/CP included in VPL documentEHCP/SEND recorded on SENCo Covid LogAs Phase 2CIN/CP included in VPL documentEHCP/SEND recorded on SENCo Covid LogHow are you keeping track and recording which staff are onsite daily?Rota systemIntroduction of electronic registerAs Phase 3How are you ensuring staff are aware and understand that there may be an impact on the mental health of pupils, parents and staff or volunteers; and therefore, have access to whatever support may be available?Team meetings over virtual platformsEmployee Assistance ProgrammeGoogle Classroom includes Wellbeing, Prayer, Liturgies and reflectionAs Phase 2INSET day training on pupil and family well-being. Signpost to various support agencies ( also included in the parent information page of the website)Have you checked that the school has an online teaching and learning/curriculum policy which considers safeguarding risks for those pupils accessing home learning?Considered under the addendumAs Phase 2e-safety policyReminders for those pupils isolating and completing online learning.Additional ConsiderationsFEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- The Federation of St Elphege’s Catholic Schools – Regina Coeli2. PREMISESConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase II from May 19thPhase IIIPhase IVHalf term review – 22nd October 2020 (in red)1.How clean is the school?Has it been deep-cleaned?Are areas sanitised?How regularly does this need to happen?80% of the school has been deep cleaned.from 19th May Sanitiser delivery will arrive.School is cleaned after school by cleaners. Depending on staff in, frequency of desk wiping throughout the day varies. Classrooms have been deep cleanedSteam cleaning of some items at the end of each day Staff will sanitise classrooms continuously throughout the day.Regular cleaning including break, lunch.As Phase 1 and 2increased cleaning contract hours to facilitate cleaning during the day.School will have been deep cleaned w/c 24 August to include steaming and sanitising of all toilets Regina Coeli will maintain the additional hours with the cleaning contract to provide housekeeping during the day and the redeployment of the Site Manager for lunchtime cleaning duties.Office staff to clean external keypads hourly to enable parents to enter the car park for collections during the day.Previous phase strategies to be continuedReminders in staff meetings and through memo regarding continual table tops cleaning of classrooms throughout the day.Thorough table top cleaning after lunch times by lunch time supervisors.2.Sanitizer in entrancefrom 19th MaySanitiser to be at every gate for children to use on entry.Sanitation stations throughout school.As Phase 1 and 2As Phase 1, 11 & 111Staff to wash hands after sanitizing on entryPupils in KS1 and EYFS sanitizer before entering class rooms and then wash hands.3.Cleaning school throughout day, times, in classesother places, who does itfrequencysigned register – what areasContinuous cleaningWhen children leave deskstoilets, hand basins, taps, walls, doors, banisters Staff will have access to sanitiser throughout the schoolAs Phase 1 and 2As Phase 1, 11 & 1114.2m exclusion zone – how can this be maintained in all areas?Smaller phases groupsclassrooms set up and 2m rule followedAt gates, 2m queueing ruleStaggered entrance and exitsuse of different gates No parents on school premises Taping internally. Playground conesArrows for route and direction of traffic.Outside the school gate – spray paint pavement and/or laminated signs attached to postsAs Phase 1 and 2Class bubbles from September with staggered entrance and exit, different gates, left and right queuingAdditional access gate to be openedNo parents on school premises.Continued zoning for playtime and lunchtime Staff to wear masks when not in the class room bubble and moving around communal areas.No additional staff or children to enter office.5.Do we need screens inReception areasKitchen areas?Any others?Already in place where required.Front office to be locked from inside – adults to be asked to stand outside the balcony areaAs Phase 1 and 2Screens to be provided for small intervention groupsPeripatetic teachers/services to use screens6.Equipment cleaningKeyboards/desks/chairs in classroomsKey pads –gate, doors and copierAll table topsDoor handlesphotocopierskitchenpianospecialist equipmentFrom 19th May, cleaning will progress in-line with phase 2Currently, these items are cleaned at the end of the school day.Staff will return prior schools reopening for more pupils to allow staff to make necessary adaptations to their classrooms. Pupils will not be present.Continuous cleaning of all equipment throughout the daySanitiser wipes to be placed by communal itemssoft furnishing and toys to be packed away in all classrooms and not usedsteam cleaner to be used in all classroomsDeep cleaning of EYS toys (small box per group)- steam cleanerY1 as aboveSpecialist equipment in disabled toilet (bed, medical room) to be sanitised after use. No Nursery children to come to school if not toilet trained.CT responsible for their own work area. Some doors kept open to reduce transmissionAs in Phase 1 & 2 As in Phase 1,11 & 111 but whole school return.Continual supply of antibacterial soap, antibacterial cleaning sprays, wipes for classrooms and communal areasReminders about hand sanitizing before and after use of photocopier.Phones to be sanitized after each use.7.Use of toilets for students/staffHow to maintain distancing (one in one out?)Checks for soap/paper towelsSoap and paper towels are in toilets currently being used. This is checked at the end of each day.Children are sent to the toilets individually.1 person to use toilet at a time.Soap and Handtowels present in every toilet and classroom and sanitation stationEach class has designated toilet, no shared toilets. Regina Coeli designated male adult toilet.As Phase 1 and 2Adult male toilet is outside Year 3 blockTwo bubbles will share toilets (Year 6 A&B and Year 1 B&C) – allocated cubicles to reduce transmission.As Phase 1, 11 & 111Continual cleaning of toilets and filling of soap and handtowels Site Manager 8.Book Areas and Library Book cleaning in classReading booksDecodable textsThese are not being used in the current provision.Maximum 2 children in classroom book areas with chairs that support 2m distanceChildren are not using the book cornersEach pupil has their own classreaderNo books homeAs phase 111Library to be used for group work9.Shared offices /finance officeSocial distancing?Rotate through staying in classroom/using staffroomNo sharing of equipmentDue to the limited number of staff with offices on rota for each day, there is no sharing of offices necessary.Where offices are used by different people on different days, equipment is cleaned by the outgoing member of staff.front office desks face away from each other.One person in the office at a time – if the telephone is needed use SBM officeAs Phase 1 and 2As Phase 1, 11 & 11110.PPE – for vulnerable with intimate care needsSupply of PEE for intimate care is currently adequate to need.First aiders must wear PPE as will be mixing with different groupsFace masks, gloves, gowns and visor needed for intimate care PPE box available for any staff member if a child develops symptoms of Covid-19 and they need to look after themAs Phase 1 and 2Ensure continuous supply of PPE available 11.Staff areas rotation and cleaningUse of crockery and cutleryCleaning surfaces, door handles, fridge and microwave, boiler handleLimited number of staff in school allows for social distancing whilst using these areas.Areas are cleaned regularly.Utensils are washed in a dishwasher. Sprays and antibac wipes available throughout schoolUse of music room as an additional staff space – move one microwave and fridge. Move the urn and tea/coffee facilities.Use of disposable/own cutleryAs Phase 1 and 2Staff to remain in bubble assigned to themStaff to bring in own eating utensils and take home at the end of the daySanitisation station to be set up in communal areasStaff to ensure they clean any used communal space e.g staff rooms, conference room, hall, after use.12.How will students enter the site?Hand washing on entry?How will they exit the site?Movement around schoolStudents currently come into school from the main office entrance. Students remove any PPE and wash hands on entry. Staff encourage children to socially distance as they move around the school.Parents collect children without entering school buildings, maintaining social distance outside the front of the school.Staggered times and use of two entrances – Reception/Year 1 (Kendra Hall Road) Front of school (Year 6 and Keyworker), Keyworker to hall and across to Year 4/ mezzanine stairs for Year 6 2m markings on all corridors As phase 11As Phase 1, 11 & 111 Parents/ adults to drop off at outside gate and MUST wear a face mask when dropping off or collecting children.13.How many students can we manage on site?How many in each classroom to maintain social distancing?Groups are no bigger than 15.Demand has not exceeded this.Children sit separately in classes and children are encouraged to maintain social distance132 maximum 14 pupils in St M, St F, St G, St A (Year 6), St P (13 pupils)132 maximum Addition of Year 1, taking pupil numbers to 126Follow government guidelines for Phase 4See reintegration strategy14.How do students get to the classroom?Do students stay in the same room?Can we make use of HallOutdoor spaceBecause of the limited number of children currently in school, students are able to enter and exit the building without contact with others.Student groups use the same classroom throughout the week.Curriculum is designed to make best use of outside or larger indoor spaces.Met by a member of staff at the entrance point and escorted to classroom. Timetable for outside learningAs phase 11As Phase 1, 11 & 111 but for whole school - see reintegration strategy15.Management of student social timesdesignated areas rotated/staggered times?No football or basketballStaff remind students regularly about the need for social distance.Zoned playground and keeping with designated member of staff and with their group – no mixing of pupils across teamsAs phase 11As Phase 1, 11 & 11116.Feeding students – in dining hall and classrooms – waitress/trolley service once students seated rather than students moving around, or can we maintain 2m queues?Students are currently socially distanced during lunchtimes. Staff bring food to the children.Marking out seats with red and green to allocate appropriate distancingAs phase 11Years 2 and 5 to have lunches taken to classroomsAll other year groups to have lunch in the hallAny packed lunch to be brought in a disposable bag.17.Evaluation of Fire Assembly arrangementsBecause of the limited number of children in school, it is possible to maintain social distance during any evacuation necessary.All staff to be told the Fire Assembly Points – fire drill on INSET dayRegular practice – talk to Harris – check the keys?Juniors to field Fire registers for new groupsObserve the 2m rule between groups lining up.As phase 2New register completed for Year 1 pupilsFire drill 30th June when all Year 1 pupils in schoolPractise Fire Drill during first two weeks of returnFire drill second half autumn term18.Have the site team/assigned person increased stock levels for cleaning, toilet and hygiene products, first aid, soap and hand sanitiser? This will take time to order and be delivered – staff need to communicate the time scales for this to be in place.Stock levels of these products are currently adequate.SBM has done a stock audit, followed by an order of products required at sufficient levels to ensure requirements met. Stock levels to be checked regularly throughout the day and staff to inform Site Manager if stock levels run low.As phase 11Summer hygiene order to ensure levels of stock are maintained and enough to see through Autumn term19.How will leaders ensure it is checked that staff maintain higher than normal levels of essential supplies to prepare for more frequent cleaning or the possibility of a second outbreak of COVID-19/or cases of COVID-19 and additional ‘deeper’ cleaning needing to take place? Site supervisor, assistant site supervisor and DoFO currently monitor this effectively.Increased cleaning supplies ordered. Deep clean of all classrooms and communal areas.Frequent cleaning of resources, surfaces and spaces that children and staff have used throughout the day.As phase 11Additional cleaner provided under increased cleaning contract hours for housekeepingAs Phase 1, 11 & 111Staff report to SLT any cleaning concerns20.Have leaders considered a premises risk assessment if any cases of COVID-19 occur? What will happen and who will be responsible for overseeing this/doing this?If a confirmed case occurred, those who had been in contact with that individual would be contacted and given advice in-line with PHE.HoS to oversee and direct staff according to the protocol in the COVID-19 RAAs phase 1 and 2As Phase 1, 11 & 111See response flowchart attachedAdditional Considerations21. How will staff set up groups and classroomsTeachers to group children in with a minimum of one friendTeachers to become familiar with room and discuss how to resource with team.Where possible, resources to be printedPWBs to be cleaned for Y6 PupilsPlastic wallets to be purchased for pupils CT to set up classrooms – SLT to ensure the 2m rule is adhered to.As phase 111Groups in breakout areas to be socially distanced and screens to be used.Who will prepare the new resource packs for Year 1 children?Staff that have been allocated to the Year 1 bubble will organise the resources on Mon 22nd JuneN/AFEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool: The Federation of St Elphege’s Catholic Schools 3. HEALTH and SAFETYConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any): Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVHas the health and safety policy been adapted for COVID19?The existing policy still stands but additional measures have been outlined in RA 1,2,6,7,7.1,8,15As phase 1Revision of risk assessments continuously updated as additional year groups reintegrate and bubbles increase in sizeRevision of risk assessments updated for whole school return in Autumn TermHealth and Safety Policy updated with COVID-19 addendum.What procedures will be in place for staff to safely return to school and prepare classrooms for the phased return of pupils?Key worker children and staff rota assigned to maintain social distancing & safe grouping.See RA 21 day set aside for staff to reorganise classroom space, resources and remove soft furnishingsAs Phase 1 & 11See RA2LA Individual RAs used, as appropriate.What assurance is gained about continual supply of PPE to sustain a phased re-opening safely - where intimate care and physical care is required on a regular basis?Normal cleaning proceduresRegular hand washing‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’Maintaining social distancing where possible.Regular supplier for hygiene products and PPE for first aiders and intimate care givers.Housekeeper in all day to continually clean throughout the day.Staff will sanitise classrooms continuously throughout the day.Regular cleaning including break, lunch.Register to be signed in toilets and ‘timestamped’ for regular cleaning. continuousWhen children leave deskstoilets, hand basins, taps, walls, doors, banisters Staff will have personal sanitiserSigned register for cleaning in classrooms, photocopier, toilets, staffroom, Teaching School As Phase 1 & 11Where masks have been supplied for staff (e.g. first aiders) they need to be decanted into clean, sealable bags or plastic lidded boxes so that staff each have their own supply for social distancing purposes and keeping the unused masks clean.The following link provides information on donning masks:Link: Advice on donning surgical masks and other PPE.The following link provides information on how to safely remove the masks and other PPE:Link: Advice on removing surgical masks and other PPE.Video: PPE - Donning and Doffing PPE Video, Public Health EnglandHas consideration been given for cases of COVID-19 and what will happen following this? For example, deep clean, temporary halt to re-opening process.Follow GOV.UK guidance(See flow chart)If someone has symptoms, person to be isolated in first aid room (PPE given to person treating them) until picked up. Staff and pupils in bubble send home until test result is confirmed. If positive test result - 14 day isolation for others in bubble. Infected person follow Public Health England (PHE)If positive case, School to alert Public Health England Deep clean of whole school and follow Public Health England advice.As Phase 1 & 11See Transmission Control Flow Chart (July 20)What risk assessments will be needed or how are leaders adjusting their risk assessments to meet the current needs of the school?Followed PHE adviceCompleted RA as of 19/5/20. Will be regularly reviewed in light of any new guidance from LA or GOV.UK.As Phase 1 & 11Risk assessments are dynamic and respond to need and under constant evaluation.How are leaders ensuring that a named person has responsibility for reviewing and adapting the risk assessments as the school re-opening moves through the phases and pupil attendance increases?SLT working partySLT working partyKeep GB informedAs Phase 11As Phase 1, 11 & 111How will leaders stagger start/finish times/playtimes and lunchtimes to support social distancing measures?See information to parents on 23/3/20See reintegration strategies for each class returningRevision of risk assessments continuously updated as additional year groups reintegrate and bubbles increase in sizeRevision of risk assessments and strategies for whole school returnHow will parents drop off and collect pupils at the beginning and end of the school day? What will this look like in the school and how will the social distancing be implemented visually and supervised if necessary?See information to parents on 23/3/20See reintegration strategies for each class returningInformation sent to parents as additional year groups reintegrate and bubbles increase in sizeSee reintegration strategies for each class returningInformation to be circulated to parents on whole school returnParents not allowed on school grounds and must drop and collect at the gate.Gates will be supervised by a member of SLT.Signs to remind about social distancing are on display on each gate.See reintegration strategies Has the caretaker checked the building and grounds for health and safety issues? Are all ‘normal’ tasks being carried out/planned such as fire alarm testing, legionella risk assessments, repairs, grass cutting, servicing of equipment or PAT testing? Check if the boiler and heating, utilities, and internet services are working? (especially if the school building has been closed for a period of time)YesYes, ongoing and regularly Fire drill planned for school return.Fire drill taken place and further drills to take place when additional year groups come inFire drill to be carried out at different ends of week to ensure both Nursery classes have practicedAs Phase IIIGrounds will be check daily and made safe.Legionella, Fire Alarm, Security, Gardening, services of all equipment and services to be carried out over school closure before September openingRegina Coeli external build works to be carried out over school closure and subject to project specific RAMs and protocols for works and COVID requirementsAre there any additional checks that need carrying out to ensure all aspects associated with COVID-19 are thought about and actions taken?See suite of risk assessmentsAs per Phase IISee suite of risk assessmentsHave leaders considered the sharing of resources and space when staff are group working eg. PPARotas, plans and expectations for social distancing and cleanliness Staff will be fully briefed prior to opening and all RAs will be shared. Staff will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Group working will be used sparingly, taking advantage of technology where possible.As per Phase 1 & 11As Phase 1, 11 & 111Screens purchased for staff members working with groups of pupilsSee reintegration strategies.Intervention areas are allocated, and staff members will be responsible for cleaning them after use.The potential for transmission of virus droplets from surfaces to the hands and then to the face -HandwashingThe school is reviewing the numbers of handwashing facilities in school and considering whether these are sufficient or more are needed. One option could be considering supplementing sinks where needed with the provision of hand sanitiser dispensing units. As part of this the school will consider aspects related to exposure to the elements, e.g. insulation to prevent freezing in winter, etc.The school has purchased pedal bins for classrooms as they have been considered most effective as they negate the need for hand contact with the bin. These bins are small and larger bins will be considered for September.Dispensers for the ‘Blue Roll’ purchased for September.On arriving at school, all staff and pupils are required to wash their hands or apply hand sanitiser. Pupils are well versed in the arrangements and handwashing methods, plus their role in infection control.On arriving at school, visitors including contractors are required either to apply hand sanitiser provided in reception, use their own or, in the event of neither being available using a very local sink allocated to visitors.Prominent signage is provided in the reception area/ adult toilets so all are clear what is expected of them in relation to hand washing/ hand sanitising.All staff and pupils are reminded to wash their hands regularly during the day, especially after using the toilet, when they return from breaks, when they change rooms and before and after eating, and to avoid touching their nose, mouth or eyes.Where a sink is not nearby, hand sanitiser is provided in classrooms and other learning environments. (See science section re’ hand sanitiser in labs and D&T areas.)Soap, paper towels (where used) and hand sanitiser supplies are regularly replenished.Public Health England has confirmed that hand dryers are appropriate to use. The key is to ensure hands are fully dry, either with the use of hand dryers or disposable paper towels.Link: Guidelines on hand hygieneLink: Wash your hands posterEnsuring good respiratory hygiene - promoting ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’.Link: Catch it, Kill it, Bin it posterWhere toilets have lids, pupils and staff are encouraged to close the lids before flushing. (A good general hygiene tip but appreciated not everyone has toilet lids.) (School, please change this to reflect what your school has.)First aiders have access to local handwashing facilities/hand sanitiser.VisitorsVisitors to the school are still reduced to those which are essential, with careful discussion and arrangements made.All Schools: Supply teachers, peripatetic teachers and/or other temporary staff can move between schools. They should ensure they minimise contact and maintain as much distance as possible from other staff. Specialists, therapists, clinicians and other support staff for pupils with SEND should provide interventions as usual. The school ensures these individuals are aware of the handwashing and social distancing arrangements to be followed in school.Where visitors such as contractors are required for inspections and maintenance, these visits are organised to take place outside the normal school day wherever possible.Prior to visits by contractors, discussions about local school requirements and contractor requirements relating to relevant controls, including hand washing take place.The potential for transmission of virus droplets from surfaces to the hands and then to the face -Signing in arrangements,Use of equipment including pens and pencils,Use of Resources, LibrariesShared equipmentToysComputer and IT equipmentOutside play equipmentTouch screen sign in equipment in reception has been taken out of use.Staff, pupils and contractors use their own pens and pencils where possible, not sharing items with others, including when signing in. If a school pen has to be used because an individual doesn’t have a pen and needs to sign in, either reception staff sign in on their behalf or a pen is provided which is then wiped clean afterwards.Classroom based resources, such as toys, books and games, can be used and shared within that group/bubble if necessary. These items are cleaned regularly. (Easily cleanable toys are best where possible.)Soft furnishings which can be cleaned can be used.Marigold or similar gloves are suitable for cleaning resources. Each member of staff who does this task should have their own dedicated pair of gloves and they should not share them with others.Pupils and teachers can take books and other shared resources home, although unnecessary sharing is avoided, especially where this does not contribute to pupil education and development.Resources that are shared between classes or bubbles, such as sports, art and science equipment are cleaned frequently and meticulously and always between bubbles, or rotated to allow them to be left unused and out of reach for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) between use by different bubbles. (See also the sports row of this risk assessment.)Use of the Library - the following controls are in place for the library to reduce the potential for virus transmission:All books that are returned by children are stored in a specific area for 48 hours before they are then put back onto the shelves as available to take out by other pupils from other groups.Sanitising wipes are provided for areas where pupils or staff are using keyboards and mice.ICT Rooms - keyboards and mice are cleaned before they are used by a different group.Sharing of computers and Ipads is avoided where possible.The school considers how external play equipment is used, ensuring it is appropriately cleaned between groups of children using it, and that multiple groups do not use it simultaneously.Playground play equipment:children can play on play equipment if it can be appropriately managed from a transmission perspective. For example, only one group of children can play on an area of equipment at a time and if a different group was to play on it later that day, this could only happen if the play equipment was thoroughly cleaned and dried and left after its clean and drying for a good half hour or so in the sun before the next group came to play on it. The clean would need to be very thorough and not all types of surface can be easily cleaned. If a school has surfaces that cannot be easily cleaned (e.g. wood), then one approach could be to have one group of children use that play area for four days one week (i.e Monday to Thursday inclusive), clean and leave the equipment unused for three days, so that the next group could use the area on the Monday.Administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)Administering medicationCardiopulmonary ResuscitationGovernment Advice to First Aiders including ResuscitationResuscitation Council AdviceThe above links advise on the differences between performing CPR on adults and children.“If you are required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), you should conduct a risk assessment (in the Police this would be a “dynamic risk assessment”) and adopt appropriate precautions for infection control.For adults, during COVID-19, it is recommended you do not perform rescue breaths or mouth-to-mouth ventilation; perform chest compressions only. Compression-only CPR may be as effective as combined ventilation and compression in the first few minutes after non-asphyxial arrest (cardiac arrest not due to lack of oxygen).Cardiac arrest in children is more likely to be caused by a respiratory problem (asphyxial arrest), therefore chest compressions alone are unlikely to be effective.If a decision is made to perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation in asphyxial arrest, use a resuscitation face shield where available.”If schools do not already have a resuscitation shield in their first aid kits, then it is advisable for them to purchase these. Should staff have given mouth-to-mouth ventilation there are no additional actions to be taken other than to monitor themselves for symptoms of possible COVID-19 over the following 14 days. Should they develop such symptoms they should follow the advice on what to do on the NHS website.MedicationThe school has a medication policy in place that is followedStaff dispensing medication to students should minimise contact.Wash hands before and after dispensing the medicationWhere appropriate, students should take the medication out of the blister packs/bottles then place the unused ones back in the cupboard, etc.If required, gloves will be worn by staff when giving medication.Additional ConsiderationsFEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- The Federation of St Elphege’s Catholic Schools4. HRConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVAre all staff clear on the absence reporting system linked to COVID-19? How do leaders know?Staff call in through office or to member of SLT, as previously.All SLT informed so can make changes to rota where necessary.Staff followed up on through telephone/email regarding test results, isolation and health & well-being.As previous PhaseAs previous PhaseStaff reminded of reporting system during virtual staff meetingAs previous PhaseHow are leaders ensuring there is a communication link with staff who are shielding so they are supported and their situation is monitored to ensure their well-being?All members of SLT informed as to who is shielding and why.Contact kept through virtual staff meetings, telephone calls and update emails.As previous PhaseIn the event of schools returning to full capacity by end of June – staff shielding will be contacted to review their circumstances and discuss options.All staff including those shielding to be called during the summer to ensure they feel supported, to answer any questions and to discuss the return of whole schoolSupport staff to be asked if they are available to cover bubble when necessaryWhen looking at staffing and the changes being made, are there staff that could potentially be redeployed to support the school working effectively? Rotas currently being put together with one teacher and one member of support staff per group of vulnerable/key worker pupils.Staff continuing in job role but might be deployed to different year group/key stage.As previous PhaseDue to increased capacity returning and smaller groups. Where necessary 2 TAs will take one group.As per Phase 1 & 2Teaching and support staff assigned to Y5 bubbles to ensure capacity for pupils to return.Experienced Y5 staff will form bubbles to ensure curriculum is appropriate to year group.Next academic years structure shared with staff prior to end of term via staff meeting and emailMembers of support staff are being spoken to regarding potentially deploying them to areas to support the school working more effectivelyIs there a clear system of support through the bereavement policy that ensures staff are clear about the support and systems in place? In line with HR Handbook adopted by FGBA member of SLT would be in contact and offer support based on individual circumstancesFollow process already in placeAs previous PhaseAs previous PhaseAs Phase 1Has the school/member of staff contacted the Employer Assistance Programme if needing emotional support?Every member of staff emailed within Employee Assistance Programme details & passwordsEach member of staff contacted by telephone to discuss returning on next phase and reminded again of support in place to deal with well-being issuesVirtual staff meetings Executive Headteacher signposting staff to EAPSend out another communication highlighting services covered by EAPsSupply all staff with password detailsAs per Phase 2As Phase 1 & 11Are staff aware of the bereavement policy and what this may require following the impact of COVID-19? How are staff supported to follow this within their own situations and that of pupils and colleagues?In line with HR Handbook adopted by FGBA member of SLT would be in contact and offer support based on individual circumstancesFollow process already in placeAs previous PhaseAs previous PhaseAs previous PhasesWhat support is offered to staff through the Federation/ local authority to help staff who are anxious and/or concerned?Every member of staff emailed within Employee Assistance Programme details & passwordsEach member of staff contacted by telephone to discuss returning on next phase and reminded again of support in place to deal with well-being issuesVirtual staff meetings Executive Headteacher signposting staff to EAP, acknowledging every member of staff for the huge effort in keeping the schools openExecutive Headteacher sends out email thanking staff for their ongoing supportSend out another communication highlighting services covered by EAPsSupply all staff with password detailsIdentify members of personnel who are finding it extremely difficult and assign buddy/mentorAs per Phase 2As Phase 1, 11 & 111How are leaders inducting new staff during this period of time? Are the appropriate checks being made and overseen including the SCR checks and records?No new members of staff during this phaseContinue to adhere to Safer Recruitment guidelinesNo new members of staff during this phase however, have had new GovernorsFollowed revised guidance and sent link, received scanned documents.Continue to adhere to Safer Recruitment guidelinesAs per phase 11Induct new members of staff in smaller groups or 1:1As previous PhasesHow will recruitment be managed?Follow schools standard recruitment procedure but adapt following COVID-19Virtual interview Virtual presentationAs per phase IAs per phase IAs Phase 1Check any staff contracts that need to be issued, extended or amended in light of the current situation and for the future.Continuously review contracts as would normallySpecial attention paid to agency staff contracts where applicableReviewing staff contracts for amendment after May half term Following deadlines for payroll regarding starters & leavers.Arrange 1:1 to discuss termination of fixed term contractsFollowing Phase IIAs Phase 1 & 11All amendments to staff contracts have been carried out Check current advice about staff appraisal and pay. If this is paused, what arrangements have been made and how has this been communicated with the staff it involves?No pause in place awaiting settlement from Unions regarding support staffNothing to communicateOnce agreement finalised will process with HR and PayrollSend email to support staff outlining agreementSLT & Staffing Committee to agree timescales for Teaching Staff performance in line with new guidance coming throughAs previous PhasesPrior to the current situation, were there any outstanding HR matters that require appropriate communication within timescales and deadlines, for example, redundancy consultations?No situations outstandingNo situations outstandingNo situations outstandingNo situations outstandingAre there any external staff required to be furloughed? How has this been communicated and what agreements have been made?No staff furloughedNo staff furloughedNo staff furloughedNo staff furloughedHow is the school managing the deployment of staff to lead subject areas?Existing staff are carrying out subject area duties as normalExisting staff are carrying out subject area duties as normalNew subject leaders will be given outline of requirements for their area and handover from previous member of staff for 2020-2021 academic year.As Phase 111What considerations have been given to TLRs?TLR’s are still being paid to existing staff that hold areas of responsibilityTLR’s are still being paid to existing staff that hold areas of responsibilityAs per Phase I & IIAs Phase 1, 11Additional considerations:Require guidance in returning to full capacity around members of staff that may still not wish to returnLook at staff who are clinically vulnerable - identify whether we would be able to redeploy them or homework safely.As Phase 111FEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- St. Elphege’s Infants and Junior School. Regina Coeli Primary School5. GOVERNANCEConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IV1.How are governors involved in the discussion and planning for the school re-opening?Governors updated on all plans the 3 schools had activated in this phase.GB to receive RA and Reintegration Strategy at M&E Committee meeting on 26th May.Risk Assessments for Phase 3 shared with Gb prior to FGB meeting on 25th June 2020.Any questions comment to be raised prioe to meeting.GB – M&E Committee have risk grid shared 16.07.’20 prior to RA being written to ensure all areas the GB require are added to RA.RAs will be completed by SLT by 24.07.’20 and shared with GB / M&E committee in the following week for discussion and approval.2. What are governors able to do to support leaders during the various phases of re-opening? How will they assure themselves of the safety of pupils and staff? What will be their determining factors for making the decisions they need to make?GB – M&E committee will review Risk Assessments alongside GOV.UK guidance for schools; Considering - the robustness of the RAs ; the health safety and welfare of the our pupils and, as the employer, the health safety and welfare of the our staff.As Phase 2.GB will ensure GOV.UK guidance and LA H&S guidance is followed to allow for full opening of schools.GB will review and evaluate the RAsfor whole school.Any individual staff RA will also be reviewed to ensure the safety of all members of staff and pupils.Visitors will be included on RAs following GOV.UK guidance.If there Is a case (or more than 1) of Coronavirus in any of the 3 sschools the SLT will follow GOV.UK guidance and inform the GofG immediately of the action the school is taking.3. How will leaders evaluate what is feasible to do and how will they effectively communicate to reassure parents/other stakeholders and communicate with LA authorities?Parents all given letters about isolation.Pupils invited to ‘google classroom’ and parents given guidance on its use.School website updated to keep parents informed.Phone calls home and SEND and VP in close school/ home communication.Parents will receive the school reintegration strategy based on risk assessments. Parents to be consulted using google forms to quickly assess opinions.EHT to communicate strategy with LA and Diocese.Parents to be consulted using google forms to quickly assess opinions.The newly formed bubbles will have separate reintegration strategies and letters for parents. These will be shared with staff and parents as appropriate to the year munication with identified SEN/D or VP parents/carers ongoing.LA and diocese to receive updated RAs and verbal communication as necessary from EX HT and Heads of SchoolSLT will share RAs (after GB endorsement) with staff and canvas their opinions through consultation survey.Once agredd by all stakeholders parents will be informed by email and ‘Google Classroom@ of the integration stategy for their child’s class. RAs will be sharedwith LA, Diocese and posted on schools’ websites.4. What are leaders doing to ensure governors are aware of what is happening and what input are governors having in the decision-making process?Written update to GB Meeting GB M&E Committee on 26th May 2020 to review and agree plans.Health, Safety and Well-Being meeting 16th June updated GB re RA and reintegration of Y5, Y1 and academically vulnerable pupils.Prior to FGB 25th June all RAs to be circulated to GB for scrutiny of Phase 3. Phase 3 to be agredd by GB at FGB mittee meetings are planned throughout the academic year to ensure H,S&W-B, M&E, Staffing, Finance/Premises and GB Committees are fully conversant with RAs and school ernors are given opportunities to review, question and make suggestions in regard to RAs and strategies.5. How do leaders decide what governors need to know and how frequently they receive information? How might this be being determined?Ongoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GBOngoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GBAs Phase 1 and 2Ongoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GB6. How involved are governors in communicating with parents and the school’s community?All communication with parents and school community will be through EHT with governor support and input as required.As Phase 2All communication with parents and school community will be through EHT with governor support and input as required.7.Are governors able to work with leaders to review what is happening on a regular basis? What might this look like for the school?Ongoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GBOngoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GBOngoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GBOngoing liaison with GB.GB regular meetings held virtually.Contact with Chair of GBVirtual meetings with the GB/M&E Committee during holidays to ensure RAs are agreed by the GB.8. How will governors know that the plans they have participated in are being followed and adhered to?Reports to GB at end of Phase 1 and Phase 2.Review and reports by those governors who are recipients of the plans outputs (I.e governors with children who are pupils at the school and governors who are staff members)Report to Gb at FGB re Phase 3.Reports to GB at end of Phases 1, 2, 3 and now 4.GB will meet regularly to have an overview that the strategy adheres to the current RA. 9. How will governors evaluate the impact of their work to re-open the school? What ways can this be achieved that would not cause additional work?UpdatesRisk Assessments and Reintegration Strategy (RS) shared with GB by SLT.SLT review Reintegration Strategy weekly .As Phase 2 but with Phase 3 updates.Reports by EHT to the Chair of Governors weekly.HoS to give fortnightly written reports to GB.GB to view schools’ websites to ensure parents are kept informed though weekly newsletters from HoS and also important information is posted on websites by ExHT. 10. What agencies are governors working with to ensure they are aware of the staffing situation? What can be planned? And how are staff used effectively as the school moves through the phases of re-opening fully?Staffing is complete and there are no vacancies in St. Elphege’s Schools.The schools are including in the RAsStaffing cover if a member of staff is ill or isolated.Staff for Phase 3 are being utilised to maximise face to face teching of bubbles as well as allow for preparation of work on google classroom.Staffing in St. Elphege’s Infants and St. Elphege’s Junior is at full capacity for September 2020.Regina Coeli is still in the recruitment stagefor maternity cover staff for September ernors will have fortnightly written reports regarding staffing from DoFO and SBM.GB Staffing Chair will have viewed anonymised RAs for individual staff (where necessary). These wioll be updated if circumstances oif the individual change.11. What aspects of governance are being put to one side to deal with the immediate situation? When do leaders envisage these to be reviewed as being or not being required?NONEGB business to be carried out through virtual meetings, as usual but with agenda items first reviewed by Chair and Clerk and deferred to future meetings if possible.GB business to be carried out through virtual meetings, as usual but with agenda items first reviewed by Chair and Clerk and deferred to future meetings if possible.GB business to be carried out through virtual meetings, as usual but with agenda items first reviewed by Chair and Clerk and deferred to future meetings if possible.Fortnightly reports to CoG and any extraordinary business will be conducted through specially called meetings.12. How are governors ensuring they are providing support to leaders in this current situation?Chair of Governors availability.Clerk circulating papers and setting meetings up virtually.Chair of Governors availability.Clerk circulating papers and setting meetings up virtually.As Phase and ernors support has been very helpful.CoG shares ideas and suggestions with ExHT which help the SLT reflect on current issues and ways of working.Chair of Governors availability to discuss change, difficulties or to discuss any matters arising due to implementation of strategies or day to day running of school.Clerk circulating papers and setting meetings up virtually.CoG shares ideas and suggestions with ExHT which help the SLT reflect on current issues and ways of working.13. How do governors ensure meeting are held in a timely manner and fulfil their statutory responsibilities?Virtual Meetings.Clerk in contact with chairs of committees to ensure minutes and agenda are appropriate and correct.Existing schedule of Governance meetings continues but held as Virtual Meetings.Clerk in contact with chairs of committees to ensure minutes and agenda are appropriate and correct.As Phase 1 and 2 – this is working smoothly.New governors given access to meetings.Virtual training events are sign posted by clerk.Existing schedule of Governance meetings continues but held as Virtual Meetings.Clerk in contact with chairs of committees to ensure minutes and agenda are appropriate and correct.Extrordinary meetings set up where and when necessary.Additional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool: The Federation of St Elphege’s Catholic Schools6. STAFFING and WELL-BEINGConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVHow are leaders going to communicate and consult over the re-opening plan for their school?Virtual staff meeting for all schools to discuss strategy around re-opening.Further communication by email once strategy is ready shareAs per Phase I and further emails and virtual meetings to discuss and review re-openingPhase I & IIFollowing and adapting of Phase III risk assessments and discussing amendments and adaptations with personnelAs phases I-IIIFirst day INSET to discuss strategy and provide trainingHow will staff keep themselves safe and be kept safe? What proportion of your staff are BAME and/ or shielding?What measures are in place to protect staff shielding?Rota system, smaller groups, increased hygiene and cleaning.Restricting access to school and communal areas24 teaching staff BAME of which 4 are lunchtime supervisorsAs Phase IAll staff have a phone conversation with the DoFO/SBM to ensure the school knows and understands each person’s different situations in regard to vulnerability or shielding.Conversations to include any concerns in regard to vulnerability of family members who live with the person.SLT and DoFO/SBM to take due regard of each person’s circumstances and ensure that measures are in place if the person comes back to work.If not appropriate to return to work then a regular phone call from DoFO/SBM to enquire about person/family members’ health and well-being.Staff belong to and have access to the Employer Assistance Programme which the school encourages them to use if needed.Measures in place to protect all staff to the best of our abilityEnhanced continuous cleaning throughout the day, hygiene stations, steam cleaning of toys/resources, classrooms to have their own store of hand sanitizer, paper towels, anti-bacterial wipesStaff personally to bring in own cutlery, crockery and take home at end of dayStaff to be vigilant on their own hygiene protocolsStaggered starts for pupils.Different entrance and exit pointsRestricting groups to one bubbleZoning playgroundsStaggered lunches in some areas delivering lunch to bubbleEncourage staff to take up testing optionIf anyone exhibits any of the symptoms for COVID-19 they must go home and self-isolate immediately.if anyone tests positive, Public Health England to be informed and whole group to be sent home to self-isolate. As Phase I & IIEncourage staff to have antibody test as soon as available to allay fears and have reassurance that they may have some immunity.All staff to consider and abide by the government’s social distancing rules in order to keep pupils and staff in the school workplace safe.See Phase IIEncourage staff to have antibody test as soon as available to allay fears and have reassurance that they may have some immunity.All staff to consider and abide by the government’s social distancing rules in order to keep pupils and staff in the school workplace safe.All BAME staff have a phone conversation with the DoFO/SBM to ensure the school knows and understands each person’s different situations in regard to vulnerability or shielding.Conversations to include any concerns in regard to vulnerability of family members who live with the person.SLT and DoFO/SBM to take due regard of each person’s circumstances and ensure that measures are in place if the person comes back to work.If not appropriate to return to work then a regular phone call from DoFO/SBM to enquire about person/family members’ health and well-being.Staff belong to and have access to the Employer Assistance Programme which the school encourages them to use if needed.Measures in place to protect all staff to the best of our abilityEnhanced continuous cleaning throughout the day, hygiene stations, steam cleaning of toys/resources, classrooms to have their own store of hand sanitizer, paper towels, anti-bacterial wipesStaff personally to bring in own cutlery, crockery and take home at end of daySee Infection Control RAAs all students will be back at school it is even more important to be aware of peoples’ medical conditions. Staff / parents of pupils have been asked to let their Manager/the school know if any of the medical conditions listed in the NHS link provided below apply to them or their household. Link: NHS list of high risk and moderate risk conditionsShielding advice for all adults and children will pause on 1 August, subject to a continued decline in the rates of community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). This means that even the small number of pupils who will remain on the shielded patient list can also return to school, as can those who have family members who are shielding. Read the current advice on shieldingEmerging evidence suggests that, alongside a previous list of health-related physical conditions, there are three key demographic factors that can affect people’s vulnerability, or ‘risk factor’ in relation to COVID-19 health outcomes: AgeUnderlying health conditionsEthnicityGenderIndividual Risk Assessment for Staff for schools to utilise was created by Croydon. Consultation with Unions took place successfully and the document has been shared with schools. The school has offered the individual staff risk assessment document through the telephone consultation and gone through the form with staff affected by this. As part of this process the arrangements for their return to work have been carefully planned and discussed with each individual.School to seek flu vaccine for staff members as in previous years.What measures are in place to protect BAME staff?All staff have a phone conversation with the DoFO to ensure the school knows and understands each person’s different situations in regard to any vulnerability. Conversations to include any concerns in regard to vulnerability of family members who live with the person.SLT and DoFO to take due regard of each person’s circumstances and ensure that measures are in place if and when the person comes back to work.If not appropriate to return to work then a regular phone call from DoFO to enquire about person/family members’ health and well-being.Staff belong to and have access to the Employer Assistance Programme which the school encourages them to use if needed.Stringent social distancing measures are in place in the school.Hygiene controls and cleaning of the school is well established.Small ‘bubbles’ of children and 2 adults are maintained to limit contact.PPE is available for use if person requires or prefers to use it.The person can support the school agenda but using a remote platform e.g. ‘Google Classroom’.Encourage staff to take up testing optionIf anyone exhibits any of the symptoms for COVID-19 they must go home and self-isolate immediately.The ‘bubble’ in which they work will also be sent home until a test result is returned.If the result is positive the whole bubble will isolate for 14 days. If negative then the ‘bubble’ may return to school.If anyone tests positive, Public Health England to be informed and whole group to be sent home to self-isolate.All staff have a phone conversation with the DoFO to ensure the school knows and understands each person’s different situations in regard to any vulnerability. Conversations to include any concerns in regard to vulnerability of family members who live with the person.SLT and DoFO to take due regard of each person’s circumstances and ensure that measures are in place if and when the person comes back to work.If not appropriate to return to work then a regular phone call from DoFO to enquire about person/family members’ health and well-being. Staff belong to and have access to the Employer Assistance Programme which the school encourages them to use if needed.Stringent social distancing measures are in place in the school.Hygiene controls and cleaning of the school is well established.Small ‘bubbles’ of children and 2 adults are maintained to limit contact.PPE is available for use if person requires or prefers to use it. The person can support the school agenda but using a remote platform e.g. ‘Google Classroom’.Encourage staff to take up testing optionIf anyone exhibits any of the symptoms for COVID-19 they must go home and self-isolate immediately.The ‘bubble’ in which they work will also be sent home until a test result is returned.If the result is positive the whole bubble will isolate for 14 days. If negative then the ‘bubble’ may return to school.If anyone tests positive, Public Health England to be informed and whole group to be sent home to self-isolate.Ensure the school SLT is fully aware of individual circumstances or concerns.As aboveAll staff have a phone conversation with the DoFO/SBM to ensure the school knows and understands each person’s different situations in regard to any vulnerability. Conversations to include any concerns in regard to vulnerability of family members who live with the person.SLT and DoFO/SBM to take due regard of each person’s circumstances and ensure that measures are in place if and when the person comes back to work.If not appropriate to return to work then a regular phone call from DoFO/SBM to enquire about person/family members’ health and well-being. Staff belong to and have access to the Employer Assistance Programme which the school encourages them to use if needed.Stringent social distancing measures are in place in the school.Hygiene controls and cleaning of the school is well established.Class ‘bubbles’ of children and 2 adults are maintained to limit contact.PPE is available for use if person requires or prefers to use it. The person can support the school agenda but using a remote platform e.g. ‘Google Classroom’.Encourage staff to take up testing optionIf anyone exhibits any of the symptoms for COVID-19 they must go home and self-isolate immediately.If the result is positive the whole bubble will isolate for 14 days. If negative, individuals should be vigilant of developing symptoms.If anyone tests positive, Public Health England to be informed and whole group to be sent home to self-isolate.Ensure the school SLT is fully aware of individual circumstances or concerns.How will leaders evaluate the well-being and personal and emotional needs of staff who are dealing with anxiety, loss, fear and upset?Currently contacted by telephone each member of staff to ask about health & well-beingFollow-up calls to be made to monitor identified staff in need of support.All staff have been sign posted to EAP Continuation of Phase IContinuation of Phase ISLT to be mindful of staff members’ lived experience during school closures and continue to support staff members with compassion and empathy.Signpost staff members to EAPWhat minimum staffing will you require on a daily basis with the model of phases of pupil entry leaders choose?Rota for staff to manage vulnerable and key worker pupils on siteAll other staff to manager virtual learning platformTo revisit rota to ensure that each bubble is managed by the same member/s of staff for returning years Early Years, Year 1 and Year 6That virtual learning platforms are being maintained To revisit procedures on reintegration of full capacityThat virtual learning platforms are being maintained for those pupils who still are not attendingAll staff are required to return to school, with the exception of those with the most serious medical conditionsWhat models of staffing are required for the school to be able to operate feasibly? Models of staffing are continuously reviewed, amended and adapted given the changes in Guidance given from Government.Models of staffing are continuously reviewed, amended and adapted given the changes in Guidance given from Government. Models of staffing reviewed to expand the Y1 , Reception and Nursery offer for extra identified children.Staff contacted and all who are able to return are assigned bubble groups.In phase 3 all staff will be asked to come back unless they are ‘shielding’ (this is due to those who have been advised by medical professionals) and also anyone with a doctors certificate as unfit for work.All staff are required to return to school, with the exception of those with the most serious medical conditionsWhat are the variables that will need to be considered to staff the school and what are the options if this changes from day-to-day?Rota for staff for key worker children. Direct contact is limited through the rota systems.Staff are appointed to a constant bubbleStaff who cannot be face to face will be responsible for virtual learning.Staff are appointed to a constant bubbleStaff who cannot be face to face will be responsible for virtual learning.Part time staff will work in constant bubble.A teacher and teaching assistant will be allocated per class. There will be no movement of these individuals between classes.PPA will take place on Friday afternoons. School will close to pupils from 12:30pm.Where it is necessary to find a cover teacher for staff sickness, the TA will be used in the first instance. Where the demands of the class require another member of staff, every effort will be made to limit the subsequent contact of the cover teacher to preserve the integrity of the bubbles.Senior leaders will be used to cover classes, where appropriate. The school acknowledge that in its endeavours to cover classes, bubbles may need to be hypothetically bridged as they have the same cover teacher within less than a week.Where this is the case, the cover teacher must remain 2 metres from pupils at all times, within the designated ‘teacher zone’ mapped in the classroom. What support will staff require to effectively manage the return of pupils to school?Rota systemDfE and School Guidancesmaller phased groupssocial distancing rules adhered to.Risk assessments and strategy shared with all staffindividual questions answeredsmaller class sizeplanning time away from pupilssocial distancing in classroomsconsideration of BAME and shielded groupsAs per Phase 1 and 2Risk assessments and strategy shared with all staffDfE & PHE guidanceindividual questions answeredplanning time away from pupilssocial distancing in classroomsconsideration of BAME and shielded groupsHow will the return be managed with staff changing regularly? How will staff be informed of this information?rotation of staff3 days onstaff and pupil groups kept the sameconstant member of staff with same children in bubbleif Covid-19 test is positive, Public Health England will be informed and bubble sent home to self-isolateIf anyone in a bubble shows symptoms that could be COVID-19 - the whole bubble group will be asked to isolate until that person has received their test results. If negative, bubble group can return to school.There will not be regular changes of staff.Staff assigned to constant bubble group.A small bank of staff will be available for cover if a bubble staff member falls sick (not COVID 19)If anyone in a bubble shows symptoms that could be COVID-19 - the whole bubble group will be asked to isolate until that person has received their test results. If negative, bubble group can return to school.Staff changes within classes will be very limited. Where staff changes are a necessity, the above measure will be adhered to.How will staff working arrangements be different and how will you involve them in this process?Process for supporting student teachers.Staff consulted on final day before isolation.Rota sharedVulnerable groups advised to shield and isolate.Virtual staff meetings to share GOV.UK guidance and inform staff of SLT decisions.Question and answer sessions in virtual meeting.Risk assessments shared with staff.Reintegration strategy shared with staff through consultation and staff thoughts considered.Principles for staff shared and signed to keep staff staff.New Risk assessments shared.Reintegration strategies and letters for new group bubbles shared.Ongoing virtual staff meetings.Student Leader to keep virtual contact with ITT providers and ensure final assessments are completed and signed off by providers.Staff will be informed of the Phase IV strategy by email and virtual meeting. They will have the opportunity to provide feedback.Whole staff training on the strategy will take place at the September INSET.What cover plans have been thought of should leaders/teachers have significant absence? (all staff)Staff rota system has considered absence and enabled rota to continue.A ‘bank’ of staff will be ‘kept back’ to cover if staff absence due to anything other than COVID19.Isolation measures for bubble for suspected COVID infected.A ‘bank’ of staff will be ‘kept back’ to cover if staff absence due to anything other than COVID19.Isolation measures for bubble for suspected COVID infected.SLT to be used if necessary to cover classes in staff member absence.A teacher and teaching assistant will be allocated per class. There will be no movement of these individuals between classes.PPA will take place on Friday afternoons. School will close to pupils from (12:10pm-1pm).Where it is necessary to find a cover teacher for staff sickness, the TA will be used in the first instance. Where the demands of the class require another member of staff, every effort will be made to limit the subsequent contact of the cover teacher to preserve the integrity of the bubbles.Senior leaders will be used to cover classes, where appropriate. The school acknowledge that in its endeavours to cover classes, bubbles may need to be hypothetically bridged as they have the same cover teacher within less than a week.Where this is the case, the cover teacher must remain 2 metres from pupils at all times, within the designated ‘teacher zone’ mapped in the classroom. How could leaders redeploy staff whose roles are outside the reduced provision (e.g. catering staff or after school play leaders?)N/ARedeployment of Pastoral Support team to bubbles. CT and TA assigned to bubbles of returning year groups as per strategy.Lunch time supervisors assigned to bubblesSome redeployment of pastoral support team and TAs to cover lunch times where necessary.NAWhat is the staffing capacity to support while increasing numbers of pupils attend school – consider how this will led/overseen?Fully considered and managed in Phase 1 as sufficient staff to manage key workers and home learning.All staff consulted by DoFO to ensure the SLT know capacity.Arrangements for deployment carefully considered depending on experience and expertise of staff.Those who are vulnerable appointed to non face to face jobs.All staff consulted by DoFO to ensure the SLT know capacity.Arrangements for deployment carefully considered depending on experience and expertise of staff.Those who are vulnerable appointed to non face to face jobs.Staff who are shielding assigned to Google classroom.PPA time is assigned to all staff to prepare for face to face and virtual teaching. NAHow will the school manage the induction of new staff and NQTs?NQT virtual meetings with mentors. Reports written and shared with NQT leader and sent to LA approving board.Targets set for teaching standards.NQT virtual meetings with mentors. Reports written and shared with NQT leader and sent to LA approving board.Teaching standards addressed to ensure NQTs are fully trained.Final NQT mentor reports seen by DHT for NQTs and sent to approving body for sign off.Staff induction will take place on the 1st September for new members of staff joining Regina CoeliRC NQT program to be extended to include additional training.NQTs have fulfilled questionnaire based on missed training in 2019-20. DHT Inclusion has shared opportunities with specific staff.SENDCo working with LA to find SEND courses.Has the school appointed mentors for NQts and a leader to oversee the NQT programme?Mentors already appointed.NQT reports completed for Term 2Continue to monitor NQT progressions.Reports to be signed off by mentors at end of Term 3.NQT lead to agree reports and send to approving body for pass or repetition of Term 3.Looking forward to September 2020 the 4 new NQTs will be assigned an appropriate mentor.Present NQT will have completed year by December 2020 and will remain with present mentor.Present NQT will have completed year by December. New NQTs will be assigned mentors from the SLT.Additional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli7. PHASED RETURN OF PUPILSConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required/additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVWhat is leaders’ rationale as to which year groups/pupils are considering as a priority to have in school first?Year 6: Wc June 1st-To support pupil transition to High SchoolReception YR: Wc 8th JuneThe youngest pupils require firm foundations to their school career.Extend this offer to year 1 if capacity suggests viability.Audit of staffing capacity- year 1 parents called and pupil numbers determined.Following government guidance all year groups will be back in school. There has been consideration in the planning for the timetable of return based on the pupils that have already been attending school and for those which reintegration will be a new experience. What are leaders’ thoughts and rationale about the phased return for all pupils? Could this phased return itself be phased?YR:(possibly part-time for first day/week)If this can be extended we will look at Year 1Year 6 return June 1st and Reception June 8thYear 1 two bubbles back 24th June and one further bubble 29th June M7th St A & St T Group A (15 pupils each)9:30-11:30St A & St T Group B (15 pupils each) 12:30 – 14:30T8th St A & St T Group A (15 pupils each)9:30-11:30St A & St T Group B (15 pupils each) 12:30 – 14:30W2ndYR Stay and Play (4-5pm)Y2 & Y6 start9th All YR 9:30 – 13:00– unless pupils require further opps for settling in.T3rd YR Stay and Play (4-5pm)Y1 & Y4start10th All YR 9:30 – 13:00– unless pupils require further opps for settling in.F4th YR Stay and Play (4-5pm)Y3 & Y5start11th All YR 9:30 – 13:00– unless pupils require further opps for settling in.By the end of this week all pupils will be back in.How could you adapt the timetable to allow for more socially distant activities (e.g. outdoor learning/use of hall?)Explore timetableCreate a timetable that allows safe use of the outside area and HallAs phase 2Mile a day to be timetabled for Y1 – 6. Reception to have an Orchard slot for outdoor PD opportunities (movement and agility travelling).Orchard timetabled slots for each class – carousel of activities, including reading, gardening, sketching, scientific investigation.Forest school curriculum opportunities to be explored by the Sustainability Coordinator.How will leaders manage siblings/what will be the offer to families with siblings?No offerAs phase 1As phase 2To be considered on an individual family basis to accommodate sibling staggered entrance and exit times.SLT to contact those families to agree offer.Do you have a full up-to-date list of all eligible key workers, including those who have not taken up the offer yet, but do qualify?YES- all eligible pupils called and new list created- this will be kept under frequent review as more parents return to work.As phase 1N/A in the full returnHow will the school continue to manage the key worker children? Will any be integrated with the pupils returning to school?This group will become self-contained bubble. 1 teacher 1 TAYear 3 blockEach year group has a key worker bubble to avoid crossover of pupilsN/A in the full returnWhat areas of the school will accommodate the different year groups and key worker children?See floor planAnd playground zonesConsider siblings sitting closer in the key worker group to accommodate all the children.See phase 1Zoning of the communal spaces will continue and will be timetabled.Infant PlaygroundJunior PlaygroundHallReception Outside AreaOrchardTable Tennis tables relocatedTrim trail & Outdoor exercise equipmentclosed for autumn 1What has worked well from being currently open to key workers that you would wish to continue?Parents not in the schoolLimiting pinch pointsHaving a team for lunches/breakTeams that do not mix to limit adult interactionTwo adults in ‘bubble’ organise breaks and lunchtime to avoid further interaction with additional adults.As phase 22 adults in bubbles to organise breaksStaggered entrance and exitTable service at lunch time and an extension of this to delivery of lunch to the classroomsCommunication with vulnerable familiesZoned areasSplit staffroomTeam review, feedback and response meetings with staff each weekWhat will need changing to accommodate more pupils than the key worker groups?Classroom layoutsAmount of staff at work each dayBuilding flow- use of corridorsTimings and staggered startUse of toiletsMore frequent cleaningAdditional staffroom to avoid pinch-points with staffReview of classrooms and layout. Followed DfE guidance to combine bubble groups in Reception from four smaller groups to three groups- this will ensure additional pupils can access education.Two year 6 bubbles and one Reception group relocated to different classrooms to allow Year 1 groups to be located in the same part of the building. Classroom layout – forward facingPupil toilet allocation - maintain hygiene protocolsTimetabling of playtimes, lunchtimes & communal areas Curriculum adaptationsWho are the children that will need continued shielding and what will be the provision for them?Continued Home LearningCalls home by CTContinued Home LearningCalls home by CTContinued Home LearningCalls home by CTGovernment guidance changes on the 01.08.20 All those who are shielding should receive a letter to support their return to school/work.Individual pupils and staff should follow the advice given by their GP or consultantWhat do leaders think will be more difficult or not possible to do in school due to social distancing rules? What is the rationale behind this decision? Are there alternatives that could be considered for now and/or in the future?We cannot accommodate all year groups suggested by guidance.Audit of staff suggested we could only accommodate two year groups safely.Dependent on take-up of the offer to YR and Y6 we could extend to Y1.We can now accommodate pupils from Year R, 1 and 6First aid administration Larger number of pupils so increased PPE supplies in classrooms for administration of first aidYear group first aiders – more training to increase the number of first aidersMaintaining the original school timetable, including the 60 minute lunch time break30 minute lunch, 30 minute breakSingingAssembly and LiturgiesVirtual assembliesAutumn 1 in-class liturgiesVirtual class liturgies (autumn 2)Have leaders looked at the weekly model of attendance based upon smaller class sizes? How could this work?We have looked at part-time timetable with parents having only two days- however federation decision was to provide consistency in the one year group at a time.Continue with the Mon-Thur model as this is working well.We plan for all children to return in SeptemberAdditional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli8. VULNERABLE PUPILS (FSM/SEND/LAC/Identified groups)Consider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase VIWhat is the current level of knowledge leaders have about the vulnerable groups of pupils? How will this inform future planning for their provision?Vulnerable pupil logVulnerable pupil logAs phase 1&2SLT to maintain the vulnerable log to support updates on attendance and reintegration.SLT to ensure new teachers are fully aware of vulnerable children within their classes through:SEN/Wellbeing surgery held with Inclusion DHTInformation about children shared with CTs at their transition meetings to make new teacher fully aware of circumstances within families.Staff reminded on the Inset Day to pass any new information given to them when children return to DSL/Inclusion lead as appropriate.While schools have been closed, how have leaders ensured vulnerable pupils are safe, attend school and/or are accessing learning? Is this effective for all? Where it is, how can this be continued while re-opening? If it is not, what can be done to improve this aspect?SLT and staff phone calls - class teachers and SLT are contacting families to ensure they have access to the Google learning platform if they are not attending schoolOpen and frequent lines of communication with our familiesAs phase 1&2Printed packs available for those families that request it and these can be delivered to homes if necessary following social distancingSLT to maintain the vulnerable log to support updates on attendance and reintegration. 1st day of absence calls home to be reinstated for all children. TA to call after register.Office to call then text.DSL to visit family home if no contact.SLT to maintain the supportive model for families that may still be experiencing difficulties as an impact of Covid-19. These families may be new to the list due to job loss, bereavement or change in situation. While schools are closed, have families accessed support for pupils – free meals; food banks; support from social workers etc? How will these services be continued and maintained?Vouchers set up with EdenredFood parcels prepared for families who require such support (based on calls home)Vouchers systemAs phase 1&2Free school meals will be accessed.If any pupils are currently shielded how are they being supported? What will this look like while working through the phases of re-opening?Ensure staff on site have appropriate knowledge (including medical) to support individual needs.Ensure staff on site have appropriate knowledge (including medical) to support individual needs.As phase 1&2Shielding ends 1st AugustIHCPs reviewed for all pupils.What support will families require as the school re-opens? Can this be from the school, or are external agencies required?ConsultationStaff available to answer any questions that parents may have.Y1 – 5 Google Drive/Classroom used as an online learning platform for children who are not able to attend school to enable daily lesson content planned by the teachers against the medium term plans.Class teachers to highlight which families have required support during the first phase and this to be continued by the administration staff.ELSA to continue to routinely make phone calls home.As phase 2School to share each year group’s individual strategy with parents via email and Google Classroom.Inclusion DHT will contact the families of children with EHCPs individually to discuss their reintegration plans. These may include a phased return and part-time hours.A virtual coffee morning/SEN surgery to be offered to parents by the Inclusion DHT. Appointments made for those parents who express an interest.CTs to update Inclusion DHT on any families they have concerns about that may require adding to the vulnerable log.How are leaders making sure vulnerable pupils are safe and accounted for? What systems are in place to the report this to the LA safeguarding and CSC teams?From the 11.05.20 the LA are collecting pupil level data to liaise with social care where necessary to ensure families are supported.LA continue to collect pupil level data about this group of pupilsLA have an allocated WHO who the school can access support from.What additional support measures will require consideration for pupils with SEND to understand social distancing?(thinking about the younger pupils/varying independence levels)Coronovirus Social Stories and Child friendly themed stories posted on the Home Learning area for SEND children to access.SENCo to share social stories with teachers who will user with their classes on the first day. These to be made available for teachers to return to as and when necessary.As phase 2Virtual ‘Meet the Teacher’ uploaded onto Google Classroom to support their transition with a new adult.Social story about returning to school provided via the SEND section of the website.Individual Risk Assessments to be updated for children with EHCPs to plan for reintegration considering a phased or part time return as appropriate. How will leaders manage the reintegration of EHCP pupils especially those with allocated 1:1 support?SENCo in regular contact with all EHCP families to continue assessing the best setting for them.Year R:No EHCP in YR1 pupil with individual healthcare plan (IHCP) who has a 1:11 IHCP pendingYear 6:If 3 EHCP pupils attend the school, these pupils will be with known adults1 IHCP pupil - ensure staff on site have appropriate knowledge (including medical) to support individual needs.Diabetic training updated to ensure staff on site can support pupils appropriatelySENco continues regular contact and risk assessments completed where necessary for individual pupilsShare Croydon’s ‘Going back to School’ leaflet with parents via the website.Year R1 child with SEN support will have phased start as per EYFS plan.Year 11 child with IHCP already attended in Key Worker bubble.1 Child with EHCP has been shielding with family since March. 1:1 support in place and contact with family via Inclusion DHT and 1:1 has continued through lockdown. Planned return through communication with parents and the individual RA.Year 21 child with EHCP to have a zoned area within the classroom to provide a personal space. 1:1 support. Planned return through communication with parents and the individual RA.Year 41 child with EHCP attended part time during the phased reopening. 1:1 support will be reintroduced.1 child with EHCP will return with a new 1:1. Return planned with all children but monitoring of pupil wellbeing by staff.Year 51 child with EHCP to have continued 1:1 adult to support reintegration. Child from BAME background so considerations made of social distancing. Return planned with all children but monitoring of pupil wellbeing by staff.Year 61 child with new EHCP. 1:1 support is familiar adult from previous year group. Return planned with all children but monitoring of pupil wellbeing by staff. Child at risk of disengagement.Space provided for all children who require time away from the classroom. ELSA/Inclusion DHT available for children.What arrangements have been made with the local authority to ensure the EHCPs are picked up and continue?SENCo had managed to maintain liaison throughout this period.Planned virtual Annual Reviews and Transition meetings.As phase 1&22 EHCPs awarded during lockdown will be shared with class teachers to ensure the provision.Annual Reviews to continue either virtually or face to face socially distanced as appropriate. 3 to be held in Autumn term1 appeal to be made regarding an EHCP.EHCPs planned for 2 children after Inclusion DHT meets with EP.Have leaders considered what transition will be required for pupils to access the EHCP arrangements?Virtual SALT Virtual review and transition meetingsVirtual SALT Virtual review and transition meetingsAs phase 1&2Inclusion DHT to liaise with external agencies regarding their provision for Autumn term.Autumn Term Annual ReviewsHow will the phased return be organised for pupils who may have difficulty returning to school?Year 6 breakout room Possibility for breakout space in the libraryMovement breaks where necessaryAs phase 1&2Where necessary ELSA to have 1:1 sessions in the conference room to allow for social distancingAll children are to return in September.Inclusion DHT to consider phased return for 2 infant children with EHCPs in discussion with parents.How are resources being adapted for vulnerable pupils?By class teacher according to pupil need and in discussion with the SENCoBy class teacher according to pupil need and in discussion with the SENCoBy class teacher according to pupil need and in discussion with the SENCo.Have the processes for transition been carried out for CP pupils? DSL to liaise with Croydon Social Care (Y6)Y3 JB continue contact with familyDSL to liaise with Croydon Social Care (Y6)Y3 JB continue contact with familyDSL to liase with Croydon Social Care.Vulnerable Log.Transition forms completed by CTs and shared with new teacher at handover meetings.Additional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli9. CURRICULUM – HOME/SCHOOLConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVWhat has the curriculum for pupils at home looked like since the school closed? How are leaders ensuring this is working effectively?Google Drive/Classroom used as an online learning platform where children can access daily lesson content planed by the teachers against the medium term munication with staff in regards to pupil access and useEmail support desk Class teacher regular contact with parents and communicated to the SLT Paper copy of packs made available to those families who are unable to access the online platformAs phase 1&2Concepts planned for the summer term have been in-line with school’s MTPs and LTPs.Regular reviews of planning and lesson content by the SLT and subject leaders.Planning meetings to review curriculum coverage and its impact.Is there parity in provision in year groups and across the school?YesYesYes.The actions detailed above will be the same for all of our returning pupils (Y1-6).There will be some specific considerations made for some year groups, i.e. phonics teaching and planning for Y1 and 2 What school routines could be transferred remotely – assemblies in small groups; group discussions etc?Liturgies made available via the virtual classroomLiturgies made available via the virtual classroomAssembly and LiturgiesVirtual assembliesAutumn 1 in-class liturgiesVirtual class liturgies (autumn 2)Homework for pupilsStaff meetingsTeam meetings with the staffWhat changes are being made/is being kept the same to secure a consistent approach to home-school learning?Google drive moved to Google classroom.All CTs to follow MTPsSuccessful migration from Google drive to Google classroom.All CTs to follow MTPsN/ATeachers will prepare a 2 week core skills curriculum package that can be given to pupils if they are asked to isolate for 14 days.Online homework to be considered by subject leaders and DHT for Curriculum What does learning currently look like for those pupils at home and at school?At school, pupils are offered a core curriculum supplemented by a series of enrichment activities. All learning for their year group is made available to them in the same way as other pupils – via the platform.Google Drive/Classroom used as an online learning platform where children can access daily lesson content planed by the teachers against the medium term plans.Paper copy of packs made available to those families who are unable to access the online platformAs phase 1As phase 1&2N/AAt home: Teachers will prepare a 2 week core skills curriculum package that can be given to pupils if they are asked to isolate for 14 days.At school: full curriculum offer as per recovery curriculum plansHow will the school displays be adapted for the phased approaches to the curriculum? Working walls created (use of flipchart paper) as requiredWorking walls created (use of flipchart paper) as requiredDisplays in classrooms will be teacher-led (CT writes pupils’ ideas) to limit transmission of the virus.Family Value displays will be in communal areas to celebrate the return to school and promote the school ethos as the pupils come back together as a community. Pupil wellbeing board to replace junior playground corridor display board (currently art). How will learning be developed so it improves virtually for all? Audio to enhance lesson presentations delivered by class teachersTutorials for class teachers providedGoogle classroom CPDAudio to enhance lesson presentations delivered by class teachersTutorials for class teachers providedGoogle classroom CPDEvaluation of the successes from Google Classroom used to shape some parts of the Recovery Curriculum.Homework provided on Google Classroom.What might learning look like for pupils at the different levels of phased return? Consider rationale for decision about who returns first/last based upon leaders’ priorities for the gradual implementation of the curriculum.All pupils in and out of school will follow summer term curriculum according to the MTPs.Y6 – catch up Writing and consolidation of Maths, daily Reading, PSHEYR – twice a day phonics and reading, PSHEAll pupils in and out of school will follow summer term curriculum according to the MTPs.Y6 – catch up Writing and consolidation of Maths, daily Reading, PSHEYR &Y1 twice a day phonics and reading, PSHEFollowing government guidance all year groups will be back in school. There has been consideration in the planning for the timetable of return based on the pupils that have already been attending school and for those which reintegration will be a new experience. Y1 – 6 will be back in school by Friday 5th Reception pupils will all be in school by 9th and on a full timetable by 14th.How will pupils’ behaviour be managed – break with school routines and expectations – how is this being re-addressed while home schooling so impact upon return is minimised?Class teachers provide a weekly timetable to support home learning routines.In school, shorter teaching inputs, increased access to the outside area/orchardLGFL posters displayed for pupils in central areas and classrooms, e.g. social distancing, Julia DonaldsonClass teachers provide a weekly timetable to support home learning routines.In school, shorter teaching inputs, increased access to the outside area/orchardLGFL posters displayed for pupils in central areas and classrooms, e.g. social distancing, Julia DonaldsonShorter lessons to build pupils’ stamina for the curriculum timetable. The curriculum in September will be adjusted to ensure pupils have a half term (8 weeks) consolidation of threshold concepts to prepare them for their next academic year programme of study. Regular opportunity for physical exercise, including The Daily Mile and 30 minutes PE.Break out spaces signposted to CTs by Inclusion Lead for pupils who may require such provision. Inclusion Lead to run a session during the INSET on pupil wellbeing to support staff in managing behaviour and addressing pupils’ needs. Have pupils been disadvantaged by accessing learning from home? Evaluate to what extent for your school (from this plans/actions to look at what actions to be taken from this)Printed packs limit interactions with pupils by CT-this has been mitigated by follow up calls from class teachers to speak with parents and pupils to determine engagement and follow up work necessaryAs phase 2Interventions timetabled and structured within class bubbles using the implementation principles from the EEF.Increased discussion based activities in light of the deficit of social interactions. More reading and writing opportunities across the curriculum.How will the curriculum address the impact upon learning for pupils linked to well-being – loss/stress/concern?PSHE lesson/enquiry lesson every day/opportunities to talkAs phase 1&2PSHE lessons taught twice weekly: one taught lessons mapped out by the PSHE leads and DHT Curriculum & one circle time session to provide space for pupils to share their experiences. Social skills will be taught through circle time. CTs to use the SEAL materials to support them in delivering small group activities/class discussion based activities. How will pupils’ learning be balanced appropriately with their personal experiences and well-being? How will this inform their curriculum?Year group weekly reviews to feedback experiences and adapt plans – staff meetingsYear group weekly reviews to feedback experiences and adapt plans – staff meetingsPlease see above.Opportunities for pupils to discuss their experiences through the themes presented in texts.Explore the prospect of wellbeing club for staff and/or pupils suggested by SdV.Physical wellbeing to be addressed through additional timetabled outdoor activities. What adaptations are being made to the curriculum to take account of the home/school learning and the full time/part time schooling pupils have received?Y6:For September DHT Curriculum to review Reading, Writing and Maths essential components to be taught support transition for next academic yearStreamline foundation subject curriculumYR: Increase adult directed play at the beginning and as independence develops so will child initiated playAs phase 1Content received at school was the same as content uploaded to Google Classrooms during the school closure. While levels of independence and access is variable, content should be similar for pupils who did use the virtual platform versus those who attended school.Gap analysis through NTS standardised assessments will highlight any particular curriculum deficit so that teachers can plan accordingly. Interventions will be put in place for specific groups of children, including Wellcomm screener, phonics assessments, Fresh Start, Time 2 Talk, HfL reading fleuncy.The curriculum in September will be adjusted to ensure pupils have a half term (8 weeks) consolidation of threshold concepts to prepare them for their next academic year programme of study.Autumn MTPs will be streamlined to enable teachers to be able to engage in this part of the process. Baseline assessments will be carried out to ensure that planning is tailored to address the gaps that the analysis brings to light.Teachers will prepare a 2 week core skills curriculum package that can be given to pupils if they are asked to isolate for 14 days.What are reasonable expectations for the curriculum in the current circumstances and how will these be developed as the school moves through the phases of re-opening?Y2, 3, 4 & 5 Federation planning model to support teachers who are providing face-to-face teaching in managing their own virtual classrooms YR & Y6 Friday planning review facilitated by the SLTYR, Y1, Y6 and Key workers planning review on Thursday facilitated by the SLTThe curriculum coverage will be reviewed at autumn half term.RRR Meetings to be held regularly. Have leaders reviewed the school’s typical annual calendar of events to decide when decisions will be taken about cancelling or going ahead with them; summer initially; autumn as planning ahead, ‘leaving’ events, residential visits, parent evenings, sporting events. How can these aspects be achieved differently?Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly as opposed to a production, social distance/stagger PAF breakfastLeavers’ Year 6 Mass reviewed along with Government guidance for collective worship.Not possible:Isle of WightYear 6 ProductionYear 6 Leavers’ PartyCompetitive SportsAs phase 1Autumn term calendar eventsMassParents Evening – virtualCarol serviceChristmas Nativity – recorded as individual bubblePlayletsSports Events e.g. matchesPGL in November School day tripsRecovery Curriculum. How are leaders looking at the development of the curriculum for 2020/2021? Will it need to be rethought as a transition to ensure the re-opening phases can be accommodated safely and so pupils are able to cope academically, personally, socially and emotionally?Review in phase 2SLT attended the Recovery curriculum training provided through the Diocese with a view to updating for SeptemberFurther training for staff to be provided to ensure that they understand the principles of the Recovery Curriculum.The 5 Levers will be considered as the recovery curriculum is written to enable further opportunities for pupils’ personal, social and emotional needs to be met.Year 1 transition curriculum in the autumn term to include continuous provision based on the foundation subjects where possible. Ensure opportunities for speaking and listening are woven through the subjects. Good models for spoken sentences. Sentence structure work to be planned through the curriculum – golden sentences. How will the curriculum change and what is the rationale for this as you move through the phases of re-opening? Based on evaluation of children’s wellbeing and readiness to learn, the curriculum will be reviewed regularly. Consolidation and catch up of skills based on the evaluation.As phase 1Core subjects to be streamlinedFoundation subject themes to be considered so subjects can be streamlinedIncreased PSHE and PEIncreased opportunities for social interactions within bubbles, drama and oracy based activities. Year 1 and 2 teaching phonics twice a day in the autumn term.What will the whole school approach to teaching be during the phases? How will this be developed and how will leaders and staff ensure there are opportunities for pupils to share their home and school experiences as a key part of their current education?DHT Curriculum to review Reading, Writing and Maths essential components to be taught support transition for next academic yearStreamline foundation subject curriculumAge appropriate texts chosen with relevant topics which enable pupils to explore their experiences using distancing techniques. Autumn 1 (up to half term): Texts with themes read during story timeBaselining and gap analysisThreshold concepts taught in core subjectsFoundation subjects streamlinedIncreased PSHE and PEShorter lessons. CTs to work with the SLT about timetabling to enable this.Autumn 2 (up to Christmas):Texts with themes read during story timeStreamlined autumn term curriculumIncreased PSHE and PEHow will leaders consider what the expectations for the quality of education will be during all phases, considering realistically what the phases of admitting pupils will be?Weekly review meetings facilitated by SLTPlanning reviews by subject leaders and SLTSLT to consider the form that monitoring and evaluation will take, i.e. lesson observations and learning walks.How will leaders work towards meeting pupils’ entitlement to a curriculum through the phases so pupils are prepared and emotionally ‘ready’ to learn again?Time for re-establishing class routines (particularly for social distancing and movement around the school).Curriculum review by DHT should provide space for emotional support where necessary (Apple’s Friends, P4C)Time for re-establishing class routines (particularly for social distancing and movement around the school).Curriculum review by DHT should provide space for emotional support where necessary (Apple’s Friends, P4C)Time for re-establishing class routines (particularly for social distancing and movement around the school).Shorter lessons. CTs to work with the SLT about timetabling to enable this. Shorter days with the same curriculum time offered.How will the curriculum be adapted and communicated to parents to meet the needs of pupils – emotionally and personally following long periods of time not in school, gaps in being able to access home schooling and differing attitudes between being at home and at school?Comments on reports will acknowledge pupil success in using the online platform.The home learning timetable aims to mirror what pupils will receive in their transition school period –this may change according to the transition phaseComments on reports will acknowledge pupil success in using the online platform.The home learning timetable aims to mirror what pupils will receive in their transition school period –this may change according to the transition phaseEnd of year reports shared with parentsLTPs available on the school websiteCurriculum meetings for parents to made available on the school website. CTs to post their Powerpoint on the school website. CTs to make phone calls home/meet parents of any pupils who they have concerns about regarding their transition back to school in week 4. The Inclusion Lead may join them for a conference call if necessary.How are leaders/staff evaluating pupils’ preparation and response to return to school – what will happen if that is not positive? What will be in place to support and give additional home support to alleviate this?Communication Plan shared with Year 6 pupils via their classroom. Parent questionnaire and consultation CTs encourage children to ask questions around their return.For some pupils who struggle with the school’s proposed reopening a part time timetable could be considered in conjunction with parentsStrategy shared with selected Year 1 pupils via Google classroom. Parent questionnaire and consultation CTs encourage children to ask questions around their return.ELSA timetabled for those pupils already on caseload. Consider the use of the Nurture room for group work – ELSA and class TA to facilitate.Reception pupils phased return to be phased further if requiredInclusion Lead to consider EHCP pupils phased return alongside the child’s parentsWhat provision will be made to ensure pupils are working toward their predicted targets based on spring data?SLT to quality assure spring teacher assessmentsConsider LA guidancePupil work evaluated via face to face teaching and online learning platform. Personalised tasks provided to bridge gaps in learningThreshold concepts to be taught in autumn 1 to be a platform to enable access to their age-related curriculum.Assessment surgeries with SLT in first week to share pupil characteristic and assessment information.Pupil progress meetings at the end of autumn 1 to review findings from baselining and outcomes of consolidation half term. What impact has the phased return made on pupil progress?To be evaluatedFormative assessments carried out by the CTs indicate that those children who have returned to school have benefitted from phonics taught twice a day, targeted support has been effective in developing core skills and pupils have regained their stamina for writing through daily writing tasks. To be evaluated in week 8What provision is planned for pupils falling behind?Personalised tasks planned by CTs for specific groups to address prior knowledge gapsCT phone calls to parents to encourage pupil use of the resourcesRecovery curriculum DHT Curriculum to review Reading, Writing and Maths essential components to be taught support transition for next academic yearStreamline foundation subject curriculumAs phase 1Homework tasks on Google Classroom.Ensuring every class has a full time TA to support the delivery of quality first teaching (one-to-one or small group teaching).Inclusion DHT to support CTs in timetabling and planning interventions.By autumn 2:Class TA delivering tailored interventions that are planned by the CT or the TA teaches the class and the CT will deliver interventions. Additional ConsiderationsFEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE'S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli 10. COMMUNICATION - PUPILSConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVWhat contact will staff have with pupils to share expectations for return to school? Google Classroom Google Classroom - teachers have daily contact with their pupils and share information pertinent to them.As phase 2CTs have posted a video on Google Classroom to welcome pupils to their new class in place of their ‘meet the teacher’ day.FAITH value virtual assembliesClass charter and golden rulesBehaviour section on the INSET dayAre there additional ways to communicate with pupils to prepare them, perhaps integrating this into their learning as groups of pupils have school-based learning extended?n/aTransition lessons for Year 6 pupils with activities to help children to start thinking about change and working with new groups. As phase 2Face-to-face teaching and communication for pupils that have returnedN/AFace to face teachingIf a pupil is isolating at home:Day 1 – protocol shared with family, provide home learningDay 3/4 – CT wellbeing phone call and feedback to SLT who will log itDay 6 – CT/TA second phone callDay 10 – Office staff establish and discuss pupil’s return to schoolHow are staff going to gauge how pupils are feeling about returning to school and link this to their learning throughout the transition through the phases of the re-opening of the school?Google Forms to parents asking for additional information with regard to lockdown experiences, anxiety and if the family has been directly affected by COVID-19.Google Forms to parents asking for additional information with regard to lockdown experiences, anxiety and if the family has been directly affected by COVID-19.Direct calls to known vulnerable familiesSEND pupil parents contacted SLT communicating with families regularly As phase 2Reports feedback response form from parents. SLT to collate any parents who have concerns about their child’s return in a log.Maintained phone calls to known vulnerable families throughout this transition. Inclusion Lead to oversee the vulnerable log. How will leaders communicate with pupils returning to school? WebsiteGoogle ClassroomNewsletter on websiteVirtual assembliesGoogle Classroom for those who are not in the returned classesGoogle Classroom for those who have not returned to the school setting.As phase 2Virtual assembliesMeet and greet on the gatesNewsletter on websiteWhat opportunities will pupils have to be able to share the experiences they have had with COVID-19 sensitively and how will this shape how staff support pupils to communicate and provide alternative ways for pupils to share and express their thoughts?PSHE lessons in school for key worker pupils and lessons on GC.Teachers are keeping in touch with their pupils.PSHE/ Apple’s Friends / P4C lessonsCircle timeVirtual ELSA support / social storiesBreakout spaces for children to use as required.Discussions with teacher then shared with SLT for supportAs phase 2PSHE lessons taught twice weekly: one taught lessons mapped out by the PSHE leads and DHT Curriculum & one circle time session to provide space for pupils to share their experiences.Distancing techniques to be incorporated into PSHE conversations. In introducing the class rules and charter, explicit reference is made about to encourage others to share their feelings and how to respond to others.ELSA to support CT/TA in using the breakout spaces for pupils who may need this.How will pupils be included in the consultation process at their level so they understand the expectations and the reasons for the differences in their daily school life?Rosary sessionsPSHE lessonsCircle timeUnderstanding safetyhow to keep oneself clean and follow social distancing ruleshow to move around the schoolwho pupils will be socialising with sharing school strategy with parents and pupils prior to school re-openingAs phase 2Social distancing posters made by the children and displayed around the schoolParliamentary group meetings with the Inclusion DHTCTs sharing zones as a ‘walk through’ before playtimeReturning to school COVID storyStories of Hope compilation What part will the ELSA and SLT have in the communication with pupils?Regular phone calls and updates to vulnerable pupils and families.continue virtual support for vulnerable pupilsafter return to school and gauging of pupils’ experiences, more SMSC support will be necessary for those pupils not previously thought to be vulnerableAs phase 2ELSA to continue calls as part of her consultation with familiesELSA and CTs to liaise with Inclusion Lead about pupils they are concerned about. Inclusion Lead to signpost staff to external agency support. Additional ConsiderationsFEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli 11. COMMUNICATION - PARENTS/CARERSConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVHow will leaders communicate with parents during the various phases of re-opening? Could this be through video link/email/school social media/newsletter?Phone callsEmailsWebsiteGoogle ClassroomGoogle FormsFace-to-Face (2m) at hometimePhone callsEmailsWebsiteGoogle ClassroomGoogle FormsAs phase 2Strategy email to every parent.Summary of the RA on the school website (LA summary)Phone callsEmailsWebsiteGoogle ClassroomGoogle FormsFace-to-Face (2m) at hometimeHow will leaders manage the different perspectives of parents feeling fearful of sending their child to school and those who are worried about their child falling behind?Share Phase 1 strategy. Parents to make decision if whether they want to send children into school.Share Phase 2 strategy. Parents to make decision if whether they want to send children into school.As phase 2School to utilise materials from Public Health Croydon and Croydon SEN to share with parents.School to articulate the statutory requirement for all children to return in September.What will leaders do to effectively communicate the balance of thought between pupils’ learning and their well-being and safety with parents so parents’ views are considered and a phased approach with an emphasis on safety and well-being is established based on trusting leaders to keep their children safe?Regular contact with the key worker and vulnerable children’s parents.Google FormsShare strategy, behaviour policy and social distancing strategy with parents on Google Forms.Parents to read strategy and fully understand how safety and social distancing will be adhered to (to the best of our ability).Parents to select an ‘I have understood and agree’ button on Google Forms (virtual signature)Google Form will include questions on well-being, safety and lockdown experience to ensure best provision for pupils upon return to school. collect emails to enable As phase 2Strategy email to every parent.Summary of the RA on the school website (LA summary)Face-to-Face (2m) at hometimeWhat on-going weekly/regular communication could be used to ensure parents are kept well-informed?Google ClassroomGoogle ClassroomNewsletter on websitephone calls (where/when appropriate)emails collected from Google Form will enable for further ease of communicationAs phase 2Weekly Newsletter on websitePhone calls home when appropriate i.e. following Test and Trace.How could a parent group support the school’s work with communication?Parents are choosing to contact one another through class/year group WhatsApp groups with updates from the school. This is something some have decided to do of their own accord. PTA could help to share informationAs phase 2New staff member appointed as a school representative on the PAF and attend virtual meetings.Have leaders considered their current means of communication and the strengths of these to use as the school plans and implements re-opening over phases?Google DriveGoogle ClassroomGoogle FormsGoogle Drive was rolled out on 23rd March 2020 and pupils and parents having some teething problems but an IT support email and telephone contact set up. Gradual transition to Google Classroom has been smooth again with IT support. Communication is good between teachers, pupils and parents. Continue to share information on Google Classroom with parents during Phase 2As phase 2The school has obtained email contact information for each family and this has been added to each child’s SIMs munication on a number of platforms i.e. letter on the website together with a text.The office directing parents to the school website for further information. Have leaders considered reasonable expectations of parents sending their children to school?Key Worker and vulnerable children have been attending during ‘school closures’Parents will have the opportunity to see full strategy before sending children back to school. The Government has outlined that it is parental choice whether to send their children to school.As phase 2Parents will have the opportunity to see full strategy before sending children back to school. The Government has outlined that it is now statutory for all children to return.How will leaders communicate the messages about safety for children and manage the anxiety parents will have?Regular communication with parents of key worker children and vulnerable groups.Through initial Google Form which will collect email addresses and then individual emails to parents.As phase 2Strategy email to every parent.Summary of the RA on the school website (LA summary)Face-to-Face (2m) at hometimeHave leaders considered parental choice re sending their children into school – what might this guidance and advice look like and be for parents?All key worker and vulnerable children selected and given a place. Only a small percentage of parents wanted to send their children in.School leaders will share entire strategy with parents and understand it is the parents’ right to decide whether to send their child back to school. As phase 2N/AHow will communication alleviate the anxiety parents have?Honest, open discussionPutting minds at easeanswering individual questionsAs phase 2SLT will call any parents who require further information regarding the strategies in attempt to alleviate their anxieties.How will leaders manage attendance with parents considering the various phases of attendance as the re-opening extends further and more pupils are regularly attending school?How can the attendance of pupils be supported during the early stages to alleviate parental anxiety and still share expectations for the future?Speak to key worker and vulnerable groups parents.Parents have outlined when provision will be needed. Attendance will be managed whereby parents who choose to return their child to school, will do so fulltime. As phase 21st day of absence calls home to be reinstated for all children. TA to call after register.Office to call then text.DSL to visit family home if no contact.Home visits by SLT for pupils who do not return to school.Follow Croydon LA guidance for CMEHow will leaders share expectations of home learning which will not pressurise parents but equally reiterate set expectations that are realistic, doable and can be transferred seamlessly when pupils attend school more regularly?Home learning is shared with pupils through Google Classroom - work is set daily Mon-Fri.Homework will be uploaded to Google Classroom.Daily lessons will be uploaded to Google Classroom for children who have not come back to school in key year groups.One member of staff from each year group will be responsible for ensuring home learning continues by uploading each day to the GCAs phase 2Children isolating due to Test and Trace.Day 1 – protocol shared with family, provide home learningDay 3/4 – CT wellbeing phone call and feedback to SLT who will log itDay 6 – CT/TA second phone callDay 10 – Office staff establish and discuss pupil’s return to schoolReports to parents for the academic year 2019-2020 to be completed and include home learning access.End of Spring PAR forms completed with extended General CommentsTeachers are completing the Annual Report including how children have engaged with online learning from home. Reports will not cover the whole curriculum as some areas have not been taught due to school closures. Reports will assess attainment for Autumn and Spring.Summer Virtual learning will be judged on engagementCompleted July 2020Information for new parents to EYFS.How will this be communicated, by whom, when and where?n/aTeachers will share a virtual presentation with parents (usually in school hall)Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions through Google Forms which can be answered electronically.As phase 2On the websiteGoogle formVirtual Home visits July 2020Communication with parents for leavers – end of year mass, celebration/other.Google ClassroomGoogle Forms (hoodies)Letters on Google Classroom for cancelled eventsGoogle ClassroomGoogle FormsPhone callsIndividual teachers phoning their pupilsAs phase 2Virtual Liturgy on the websiteSupport parent plans for year group videoAdditional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- St. Elphege’s Infants and Juniors. Regina Coeli Primary12. FEDERATION and LA/DioceseConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase 4Who are the key contacts in the Governing Body/Diocese and Local Authority?GB – Tom Tamplin CofGSimon Hughes DioceseJane Morgan, Hayley Cameron, Kieran Haliday,Fiona PhelpsGB – Tom Tamplin CofGDiocese - Simon Hughes LA - Jane Morgan, Hayley Cameron, Kieran Haliday,Fiona PhelpsGB – Tom Tamplin CofGDiocese - Simon Hughes Sutton LA - Jane Morgan, Hayley Cameron, Kieran Haliday,Fiona PhelpsCroydon LA Anne Longfield, Shelley DavisGB – Tom Tamplin CofGDiocese - Simon Hughes Sutton LA - Jane Morgan, Hayley Cameron, Kieran Haliday,Fiona PhelpsCroydon LA - Anne Longfield, Shelley DavisHave leaders accessed all the information relevant during this time from the LA and Gov.UK?Virtual meetings with LA, HT, EYFS, Diocese and GBSLT have followed Gov. UK guidance and have put together a full document on reintegration guidance and the Toolkit.Virtual meetings with LA, HT, EYFS, Diocese and GBSLT have followed Gov. UK guidance and have put together a full document on reintegration guidance and the Toolkit.Regular virtual meetings with LA, HT, EYFS, Diocese and GB.SLT have followed all Gov.UK guidance and have put together a full document on reintegration guidance and the Toolkit.Regular mailouts from the .UK guidance and appendices are used to inform RAs and strategies for the 3 schools.Sutton and Croydon advice and RAs are used to cross-reference with the Federation’s planning and action.Regular virtual meetings with LA, HT, EYFS, Diocese and GB.SLT have followed all Gov.UK guidance and have put together full documents on ‘SEPTEMBER Reintegration School Phase Strategies’ – Junior, Y1 and Y2 and EYFS .Regular mail outs from the LAs are used to regularly review RAs and strategy.What support will leaders require from LA/ Diocese throughout each phase?Support for SEND and VP.Ongoing LA advice and guidanceSharing of strategies to help school find most effective reintegration.Ongoing LA advice and guidanceDiocesan communications to continue.As phase 2Guidance from LAs regarding any changes in guidance that may impact on schools’ RA and Strategies. Support in regard to confirmed cases of Coronavirus within one of the 3 school settings.Curriculum/SEND/ health, well-being and staffing guidance as appropriate.What additional support can be brokered – working together –within federation?The Federation SBM are working together on premises, finance and HR.SLT share appropriate and relevant strategies as appropriate across the 3 schools.The Federation SBM are working together on premises, finance and HR.As phases 1 & 2RA where practicable and appropriate to each school will be shared.Support for SBM by DoFO.Curriculum and Assessment DHT to work across Federation with appropriate staff to ensure the ‘Recovery Curriculum’ address pupils’ well-being and academic needs and progress. Ex HT to work together with the schools’ SLT to ensure consistency where appropriate to each setting. How will leaders take account and implement the agreed guidance from GB/ LA/ Diocese while sustaining a considered, do-able re-opening of the school to meet DfE statutory guidance?Schools followed LA and Gov.UK guidance on opening for ‘key worker’ children.LA advice is considered.The schools’ risk assessments will inform the re-opening of school to year .UK guidance followed.Lessons learnt from phases 1 & 2Further risk assessment activities, underpinned by LA & Gov.uk guidance, inform the design of an effective strategies.Following GOV. UK guidance for the full reopening of schools the school will implement strategies that ensure the return of pupils from Y1- Y6 in the first week of the term.Reception and Nursery classes will have a short phased return so they have settling in days and also so parents get to know the settings. These days will be managed to abide by social distancing guidance and to allow parents and children to get to know the setting and staff.How will leaders share and communicate their planning for re-opening with the GB/LA/Diocese? Is the rationale clear and demonstrates leaders secure oversight and planning for their school?Update to GBMeeting with LAKeep in touch meeting with Diocese.GB to agree RAs and Reintegration Strategy 26th May.They will have had time to review and comment on both prior to virtual meeting.Regular updates provided to the GB on the implementation of reopening strategies.Diocese are in receipt of RAs which inform strategyLA informed of reopening strategyRegular updates provided to the GB on the full reopening strategies.Fortnightly updates to GB.RAs and strategies shared with Diocese and LAs.Gb informed of reviews and updated strategies through information letters and virtual meeting.Where necessary extraordinary GB meetings will be called.EXHT to take part in LA virtual meetings with heads of services.Have leaders considered sharing of ideas about monitoring of their work to ensure realistic expectations shared and communicated for how the re-opening plan will impact upon the quality of learning and outcomes? Leaders have carried out a suite of risk assessments that address all considerations that need to be made. Including communication with stakeholders and the quality of learning.As phase 2.Leaders have reviewed all risk assessments that address all considerations that need to be made. RAs and School Strategies include communication with stakeholders and the Recovery Curriculum plans.Recovery Curriculum is well planned to ensure there is a ‘gap analysis’ to know the needs of all learners. Plans for recovery are well thought out by C&A DHT and shared with SLT.LTP and MTP adjusted to ensure pupils have a conceptual knowledge.Broad and balanced curriculum planned that address the core skills as well as adding depth to learning.Are leaders ensuring they are communicating with the GB/LA/Diocese about their planning so appropriate support is allocated?GB updatesLiaison with LA and Social CareRA and RS shared with GB.LA informedRegular updates provided to the GB on the implementation of reopening strategies.Diocese are in receipt of RAs which inform strategyLA informed of reopening strategyRegular updates provided to the GB on the implementation of strategies.Diocese and LA are in receipt of RAs which inform strategyRA and strategies and strategies for parents/carers posted on school website and emailed to parents/carers.Have the GB/LA/Diocese guidance and supportive directives been applied and discussed appropriately to ensure consistency and support is used effectively?YesYesYesLA guidance and RAs are used alongside GOV.UK.As new information or guidance becomes available the SLT will review it to decide what will be updated in the federation RAs and September Strategy.While considering the plans to re-open, are there any thoughts about what additional support will be required that is additional to the offer that is usually applied?The school has worked an effective rota system for key worker pupils no support was needed.The RS will depend on the use of all staff in the school to make the strategy operable. This will be a stretch on human resources when keeping the EYFS children into ‘bubbles’ of 10 children.Consideration of staffing in case of staff illness or isolation is built in to the strategy.With the wider opening of schools, staffing will be operating at near capacity. In case of non-covid related sickness, there is a small reserve of staff who will be able to ensure continuity of provision. Once this is exhausted, members of the leadership team will cover sickness.Each school has reviewed it staffing structure to ensure appropriate and safe use in made of all staff.Intervention and release of staff follow each school’s strategy.The integrity of class bubbles, intervention work, NQT and coordinator release will be managed in the safest way possible to ensure the integrity of each bubble.In response to any confirmed case of Covid19 the school will follow NHS England and GOV.UK guidance and advice.Additional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli 13. TRANSITION of PUPILSConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVHow will leaders contact and support transition of new early years children for September 2020 - will leaders consider changing induction arrangements or completing this process online?Online induction from the EYs Coordinator made available for parents on the website.Reception places offered and confirmed via postFlexible deadlines on returns to the schoolAs phase 1Reception induction materials, including curriculum posted on the school’s website in July 2020. Early Year’s prospectus posted to parents with details of class teacher and teaching assistant.Virtual home visits completed – July 2020.Stay and Play plan for September below, 1136651733550010 pupils per class, each day. Parents will be invited to wait in the Reception outdoor area and entry into the classrooms with their children on a rota basis to maintain social distancing for adults. Have leaders ensured that pupils’ transition from primary and secondary provision is considered and how this will be communicated with the appropriate settings?Transfer of documents including CP files, provision maps and SEND documents.Mapping out summer curriculum deficit. Engage secondary school in Annual Review process.Whole school planning for September on anticipated challenges faced by year 7 pupils e.g. shorter lessons with increased break time.Curriculum to include RSEMaintain an open line of communication with the secondary schools to provide information and support about strategies that have worked well for particular children.As phase 2LA transition meeting rescheduled for Year 6 pupils to take place in September.All 3 EHCP pupils transition meetings completed. 2 Year 6 pupils’ annual reviews completed virtually. 1 Year 6 pupil annual review due to be completed in September. The Inclusion Lead has completed handover meetings for SEND pupils and vulnerable pupils.The Inclusion Lead will ensure that CP files and current portfolios are delivered to secondary schools (by hand) by September. Transition map created to ensure effective handover with receiving secondary schools. Inclusion DHT will ring all secondary schools in September as a follow up and to answer any questions that may have arisen.Are there any thoughts about how secondary schools contact/communicate with primary schools to ensure effective transition?Virtual transition meetings in the interimLA SEND and Vulnerable pupil meeting postponed to Sept 2020As phase 2As above.All secondary schools will be given MS (Inlcusion DHT) as a designated contact for transition queries and TC (HoS) as the DSL.What arrangements have been thought of to ensure all important information is shared – verbally/documentary – between schools and between home and school?Y6 Teachers completing transition forms for secondary schoolsSENCo liaising with secondary SENCosVirtual meetings to replace face to face meetings with secondary schools.Borough wide vulnerable transition meeting to be replaced by virtual meeting.Adapt transition interventions planned to support vulnerable pupils, including using an online platform and extending and identifying potential pupil base.As phase 2End of year reports have been emailed to parents and communicated with secondary schools.Page created on school website and notice on Google Classroom of Secondary Transfer Day (Reach Out day 2020) held virtually by Croydon schools. Pupils and parents have direct access to secondary school transition materials via Google Drive. What might the transition from home learning to return-to-school look like at various stages of re-opening?See Curriculum RAIncreased use of Google Classroom to form a part of the curriculum in school.If pupils are asked to isolate as a result of the Track and Trace programme, a 2 week package of online learning will be provided. Have leaders considered what will happen following any guidance about how pupils will move on or transition to their next academic year? Do leaders have an ‘ideal’ that would meet the needs of their own pupils? What might this look like and what are the possible implications and considerations for the future?Awaiting guidanceAs phase 1Secondary school and primary school transition meetings.Handover documents completed for every pupil and shared between class teachers – July 2020. Class teachers to post a video on Google Classroom to introduce themselves and read a story.Held in Autumn 1:SEN and pupil wellbeing surgery meetingsAssessment surgery meetingsSafeguarding briefingsFollow up hand over meetingsHow are leaders thinking about the needs of pupils with SEND and their needs transferring to other settings and/or moving into different year groups with unfamiliar staff members?See above detailAs phase 1Inclusion DHT to update individual RAs for pupils with an EHCP to create a plan of phased return, where necessary. Inclusion DHT to contact all SEND pupils’ parents to communicate their personalised RA and strategy for their return.More details will be found on the SEND RA.What does the transition from home learning to school learning look like in your school, for your pupils? Have leaders considered consistency and expectations that are appropriate for the context of families’ capacity (albeit because they are working; more than one child at home to home school etc) to support at home?See Curriculum RAPrinted packs made available for parents who have limited access to devicesCT maintaining contact with parentsAs phase 1All pupils are expected to return to school in September.If pupils are asked to isolate as a result of the Test and Trace programme, a 2 week package of online learning will be provided. This can be provided in printed form and class teachers/SLT/office staff will remain in contact with the family at particular points during the 14 days. Day 1 – protocol shared with family, provide home learningDay 3/4 – CT wellbeing phone call and feedback to SLT who will log itDay 6 – CT/TA second phone callDay 10 – Office staff establish and discuss pupil’s return to schoolThe school will follow the latest guidance from Croydon LA and amend RAs and strategies accordingly. How will staff be supported to transition between home/school planning and teaching?Various models of PPA provided in part-time school weekSee Curriculum RA for detail Friday closure of the school to pupils ensures CT have appropriate planning timeINSET day – walk through strategies followed by workshops.Supported planning meetings in the summer.Sharing long-term planning ahead of September with teachers, including the core text list. Providing teachers with materials and training for baselining.Must, should, could objectives provided for the core subjectsRRR meetings (virtually) in September with Federation colleagues.Friday PPA from home if requiredAdditional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- The Federation of St Elphege’s and Regina Coeli Catholic Schools14. FINANCEConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVIs there a business continuity plan that can be adapted to reflect the changes and the phases of re-opening?Business Continuity Plan was adapted so that faster payments could be made suppliers.Remote access was made available to necessary staff to enable the monitoring and reporting of FinanceFinance committee meetings set up virtuallyCommunication/handover between Finance personnelVirtual SLT meetings to discuss any financial implicationsDetail of process and financial expenditure in the event of a positive COVID-19 test in respect of deep cleaning, enhanced cleaning materials, staffing and reportingContinuation of Phase 1Communication given in advance to LA regarding end of year and monthly returnsContinuation of Phases I & IIVirtual governors meetings have continued to inform on school expenditure and incomeAll end of year reports have been carried out and uploaded to LA and DfEFinance governors agreed to St Elpheges virement from SICS to cleaning material expenditure code so that we could continue to maintain high stock levels of hygiene materialsContinuations of previous PhasesRegina Coeli cleaning contract extended to provide additional cleaning support during the school day.What additional costs are leaders having to incur that were not planned into the original budget, and how will this impact upon the current budget plan and resources? Can these be reclaimed from government for example, increased premises related costs; additional cleaning; support for FSM?Staffing during holiday periodsIncreased expenditure on cleaning equipment, materials and staff increased hoursHigher expenditure costs which may require virements or reductions from other expenditure areasIncreased cleaning costs have been schools responsibility surrounding mitigating risk, so therefore we are unable to claimNo increased costs for premisesAs phase I If positive COVID-19 test could reclaim for deep cleaning As per Phase I & IIAs previous PhasesIn addition to previous Phases awaiting details on funding for recovery curriculum and how to utilise funding to close the gapHow will leaders of finance ensure invoices etc continue to be paid and authorised when working remotely?Normal processes to ensure invoices are paid either carried out working in school in isolation or remotely. Once invoices ready for authorisation where applicable spreadsheet and scanned copies of invoices sent or batch invoices given to authoriser for physically signingContinuous dual authorisation of all paymentsAll the above is carried out whilst adhering to segregation proceduresAs per Phase IAs per Phase IAs previous PhasesAre leaders aware of the delays and cancellations of some financial returns? Outlined by LA’s that unsigned reports, electronic signature and/or FGB minutes would be acceptableChair of Govenors, Finance Governor and SLT were informed during virtual meeting that all end of year reports were sent in by the deadlines givenWould be reported if the situation arose in planned SLT or half termly Governing Body meetingWould be reported if the situation arose in planned SLT or half termly Governing Body meeting.Awaiting further guidance as schools open to full capacityFinal CFR on Junior side is the only report remaining outstanding this is due to a patch needing to be deployed - this should be ready w/c 20/07/2020.All other reports have been presented to Governing Body and upload to LA and DfEHave the reintroduction of contracts been considered? Cleaning; IT support; catering; financial support services etcAll contracts have remained in place since lock down either on site or remotelyAs per Phase IAs per Phase IAs per Phase 1Are there visits/trips booked previously, for example, residentials whereby monies can be claimed off insurance or refunds applied?Year 6 school journey – half deposit paid returnedYear 5 school journey has been rescheduled for when they go into Year 6 next year academic year.Most companies have not been paid or expected to be paid – have incurred couple of coach cancellation costs which cannot be claimed as under limitClaims are being investigated through LA insurance for lost moniesNot applicable as will not be booking trips as risk is too highNot applicable as will not be booking trips as risk is too highIOW school journey funds are in the process of being refunded to parents.Year 5 schools journey has been rescheduled again from September to March 2021 (St Elpheges) and November (Regina Coeli)St Elpheges parents, who paid for Year 5 school journey, are being contacted to ask if they would like to use this money for Year 6 school journey if it goes aheadNo future trips being booked at presentIs there a plan for a potential COVID-19 repeat that could be included in a crisis management financial plan?The basis of this risk assessment would inform judgements for further Phases of opening or a repeat of COVID-19The basis of this risk assessment would inform judgements for further Phases of opening or a repeat of COVID-19The basis of this risk assessment would inform judgements for further Phases of opening or a repeat of COVID-19The basis of this risk assessment would inform judgements for further Phases of opening or a repeat of COVID-19Have leaders risk reviewed all related safety concerns with financial implications including premises, cleaning, water hygiene, fire safety, gas safety, ventilation etc?As above and shown in more detail in H&S risk assessment.All statutory H&S requirements have been maintainedAs Phase IAs Phase IAs per Phase 1Additional considerations:FEDERATION OF St. ELPHGEGE’S and REGINA COELI CATHOLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENTSchool:- Regina Coeli 15. COVID-19 INFECTION CONTROLConsider:Phase I: Actions needed (if any):Risk/support required /additional considerationsSee Transition Planning DocumentPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVHave leaders considered and voiced their views with stakeholders for discussion the reality of social distancing in the context of their school based upon the size of the school and the care needs of pupils?Discussion with LA and Governors regarding the strategy for applying social distancing in the context of the school.As phase 2RA to be approved by the Governing BodyHoS discussions with the LA, link advisor and attending locality meetingsUse of LA guidance to inform planning and strategiesConsultation with parents directly via emailHow will a school day be managed to ensure social distancing for example, breaks, lunchtime?Rota system, see appendixReintegration strategy for each year groupReintegration strategy for each year group, included staggered entrance and exit, zoned areas, changes to lunchtimesHow will leaders manage the different perspectives of parents – sending pupils into school or deciding not to?Consultation documentAs phase 2Work with parents in regard to individual medical conditionsRAs for SEND pupilsAttendance protocol for all pupils as the expectation is for all pupils to returnSchool to access support from the nominated contact from the LAWhat learning has there been about COVID-19 at home to prepare pupils for return? How can this be supplemented by school information?Child-friendly story explaining the virus in each classroomExplore what is available for schools reopening (June 1st) LGFL storyExplore the use of pictures of the classroom to prepare them for the phased returnAs phase 2Google Classroom – COVID stories made available to pupilsSEND pupils have been given a social story to support children’s understanding Following risk assessment, what PPE is required to ensure staff safety for intimate care?PPE Box in every class, including masks, aprons, sanitiser in the event of a child being unwell.1 IHCP – review cleaning advice for adjustable bedAs phase 2As in phase 2Personal first aid kits in every class to include PPE kitScreens for teachers who are working across bubbles (intervention teachers, supply/cover)Have leaders considered the risk of a pupil/staff member contracting COVID-19? Is a plan considered for communication of this to alleviate fear, appropriate communication with external agencies (e.g. public health), how testing will be gained for staff/pupils in contact and thereafter dealing with the impact of this?In Premises RA –Measures include increased cleaning/sanitisation, social distancing, staggered timing, school zoning and only working with specific teams of children/adults. If any child or member of staff within a group should develop symptoms of Covid-19, that bubble will be asked to isolate until that individual receives their test results. If the results confirm that individual has contracted the virus, that bubble group to follow Government guidance on isolation. If the results are negative for Covid-19, then those within the group who are not symptomatic can return to school.In Communication RA –Share strategy, behaviour policy and social distancing strategy with parents on Google Forms.Parents to read strategy and fully understand how safety and social distancing will be adhered to (to the best of our ability).As phase 2Please see the LA protocol for suspected or confirmed cases - flow chart attached to this RAThese are subject to change and he school’s RA and strategies will be updated accordingly.If pupils are asked to isolate as a result of the Test and Trace programme, a 2 week package of online learning will be provided. This can be provided in printed form and class teachers/SLT/office staff will remain in contact with the family at particular points during the 14 days. Day 1 – protocol shared with family, provide home learningDay 3/4 – CT wellbeing phone call and feedback to SLT who will log itDay 6 – CT/TA second phone callDay 10 – Office staff establish and discuss pupil’s return to schoolThe school will follow the latest guidance from Croydon LA and amend RAs and strategies accordingly.Has the emotional impact upon staff and pupils been evaluated considering what they may have endured through ‘lockdown’ and ‘isolation’ for example, loss, neglect, loneliness. What additional resources can be given to support all staff and pupils to manage and deal with personal circumstances while supporting them through to a form of normality following the trauma? Staff: Regular contact from SLT through virtual team meetings, staff meetings and telephone calls to update on any changes in circumstance.Children: LA bereavement support document shared with staff via Inclusion DHT as appropriate.As phase 2Staff: wellbeing phone callswellbeing questionnairevirtual tea breaktraining for staff (wellbeing and working with children with trauma)explore the training package from Croydon to support staffChildren:PSHE additional sessionsbreakout spacesELSAadditional outdoor sessionsadditional physical activities (daily mile)How will the curriculum offered change to meet the personal, social and emotional needs of pupils giving them a chance to talk, share and ‘off load’ their worries in a way that will support them to move on to a place of feeling more secure and emotionally stable?Measures include breakout areas to be allocated for children who require it, opportunities planned for children to share their experience, use of Apple’s Friends & P4C/PSHE to support emotional needs, shorter lessons with more frequent breaks to allow a period of adjustment.As phase 2 1:1 Sessions with the school ELSA can be arranged for any pupil who requires it.CT ensuring adequate time for pupil talk and social interaction with their peers throughout the school daySee Curriculum RAHow will staff and pupils be supported to deal with the day-to-day living with COVID-19 still being a threat prior to a vaccine?Establishing a ‘new normal’ routineAs phase 2Sharing strategies in small groupsProviding opportunities for staff to ask questionsOpen door policy with SLTExplore supervision segments with groups of staffInformation sharing Staff bulletin created by the SLTWhat will leaders need to consider in order to establish a ‘different’ day-to-day routine and way of schooling while COVID-19 is a threat?In curriculum RA –Staff handbook provided.Time spent with children establishing the new routine which will have staggered timings, small groups, limiting shared resources with regular cleaning, regular handwashing and social distancing built into the day.As phase 2Phase 3 reintegration strategy shared with all staffAll integration strategies and RAs combined into a handbookCan pupils contribute towards what school will need to look like for them to feel safe during the time of COVID-19? How might this be achieved? Co-construct new class charter with pupilsAs phase 2Co-construct new class charter with pupilsOpportunities to explore the FAITH valuesChildren to make posters about social distancingCan parents be consulted about how to alleviate their fears about sending their children to school? Have leaders considered online forums to discuss their ideas?YesParent consultationSchool could explore the use of the PAF to provide this platformProvide an email address link on the strategies sent home to parents as part of the consultation process.Have leaders considered communicating to all that, at this time and for the future until a vaccine is found, schools could think about how they do it differently, rather than ‘getting back to what it was’?New working practice that emphasises safetyAs phase 2Communication to parents and staff with an overarching letter/strategy and rationale.Additional considerations: ................

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