Federal Acquisition Service

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order is available through GSA Advantage!™, a menu-driven database system. The INTERNET address for GSA Advantage!™ is: .


Federal Supply Group: 00CORP Class:

Contract Number: GS00F160CA

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules

click on the FSS Schedules button at

Contract Period: June 10, 2015-June 9, 2020

Contractor: Daston Corporation

2010 Corporate Ridge, Suite 165

McLean, VA 22102 2785

Business Size: Small, Woman Owned Business

In accordance with 13 C.F.R. 121.404, the Contractor is ineligible to participate in any RFQ that is set aside for small business where the subject contract’s awarded size status for the preponderance NAICS designated in the RFQ is “other than small”.

Telephone: (703) 962-8086


FAX Number: (703) 288-3315

Web Site:

E-mail: adam.ulan@

Contract Administration: Adam K Ulan


1a. Table of Awarded Special Item Number(s) with appropriate cross-reference to page numbers:

|SIN |Recovery |SIN Description |

|520-11 |520-11RC |Accounting |

|520-12 |520-12RC |Budgeting |

|520-13 |520-13RC |Complementary Financial Management Services |

|874-1 |874-1RC |Integrated Consulting Services |

|874-6 |874-6RC |Acquisition Management Support |

|874-7 |874-7RC |Integrated Business Program Support Services |

1b. Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the contract. This price is the Government price based on a unit of one, exclusive of any quantity/dollar volume, prompt payment, or any other concession affecting price. Those contracts that have unit prices based on the geographic location of the customer, should show the range of the lowest price, and cite the areas to which the prices apply.

1c. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates a description of all corresponding commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services shall be provided. If hourly rates are not applicable, indicate “Not applicable” for this item. SEE LABOR CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS BELOW.

2. Maximum Order: $1,000,000.00

3. Minimum Order: $100.00

4. Geographic Coverage (delivery Area): Domestic and Overseas

5. Point(s) of production (city, county, and state or foreign country): Same as company address

6. Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Government net prices (discounts already deducted). See Attachment.

7. Quantity discounts: None Offered

8. Prompt payment terms: None

9a. Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold: Yes

9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold: will accept over $2,500

10. Foreign items (list items by country of origin): None

11a. Time of Delivery (Contractor insert number of days): Specified on the Task Order

11b. Expedited Delivery. The Contractor will insert the sentence “Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.” under this heading. The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price list that have expedited delivery: Contact Contractor

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery. The Contractor will indicate whether overnight and 2-day delivery are available. Also, the Contractor will indicate that the schedule customer may contact the Contractor for rates for overnight and 2-day delivery: Contact Contractor

11d. Urgent Requirements. The Contractor will note in its price list the “Urgent Requirements” clause of its contract and advise agencies that they can also contact the Contractor’s representative to effect a faster delivery: Contact Contractor

12. F.O.B Points(s): Destination

13a. Ordering Address(es): Same as Contractor

13b. Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s), and a sample BPA can be found at the GSA/FSS Schedule homepage (fss.schedules).

14. Payment address(es): Same as company address

15. Warranty provision.: Contractor’s standard commercial warranty.

16. Export Packing Charges (if applicable): N/A

17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Contact Contractor

18. Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable): N/A

19. Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable): N/A

20. Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable): N/A

20a. Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable): N/A

21. List of service and distribution points (if applicable): N/A

22. List of participating dealers (if applicable): N/A

23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable): N/A

24a. Environmental attributes, e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants: N/A

24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contactor’s website or other location.) The EIT standards can be found at: .

25. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number: 931904486

26. Notification regarding registration in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database: Registered

27. Final Pricing:

NOTE: Daily prices are offered on the MOBIS SINs (C874-1, C874-6, C874-7) only, which are the hourly price times eight (8) hours per day.

The rates shown below include the Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) of 0.75%.

Item |SIN |Awarded Labor Category |Site |6/10/2015 to 6/9/2016Year 1 |6/10/2016 to 6/9/2017Year 2 |6/10/2017 to 6/9/2018Year 3 |6/10/2018 to 6/9/2019Year 4 |6/10/2019 to 6/9/2020Year 5 | |1 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Manager Level II |Both |$174.56 |$178.05 |$181.61 |$185.24 |$188.95 | |2 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Manager Level I |Both |$124.69 |$127.18 |$129.73 |$132.32 |$134.97 | |3 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Subject Matter Expert II |Both |$179.55 |$183.14 |$186.80 |$190.54 |$194.35 | |

4 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Subject Matter Expert I |Both |$99.75 |$101.75 |$103.78 |$105.86 |$107.97 | |5 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Business Process Reengineering Specialist II |Both |$149.63 |$152.62 |$155.68 |$158.79 |$161.96 | |6 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Business Process Reengineering Specialist I |Both |$94.76 |$96.66 |$98.59 |$100.56 |$102.57 | |7 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Project Engineer II |Both |$159.60 |$162.79 |$166.05 |$169.37 |$172.76 | |8 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Project Engineer I |Both |$84.79 |$86.49 |$88.22 |$89.98 |$91.78 | |9 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Analyst III |Both |$139.65 |$142.44 |$145.29 |$148.20 |$151.16 | |10 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Analyst II |Both |$99.75 |$101.75 |$103.78 |$105.86 |$107.97 | |11 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Analyst I |Both |$74.81 |$76.31 |$77.83 |$79.39 |$80.98 | |12 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Quality Process Analyst II |Both |$119.70 |$122.09 |$124.54 |$127.03 |$129.57 | |13 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Quality Process Analyst I |Both |$79.80 |$81.40 |$83.02 |$84.68 |$86.38 | |14 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Technical Writer |Both |$64.84 |$66.14 |$67.46 |$68.81 |$70.18 | |15 |874-1, 874-6, 874-7 |Administrative Support Specialist |Both |$44.89 |$45.79 |$46.70 |$47.64 |$48.59 | |16 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Administrative Assistant |Both |$51.71 |$52.74 |$53.80 |$54.88 |$55.97 | |17 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Consultant |Both |$110.83 |$113.05 |$115.31 |$117.61 |$119.97 | |18 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Financial Analyst |Both |$162.55 |$165.80 |$169.12 |$172.50 |$175.95 | |19 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Junior Accountant |Both |$57.62 |$58.77 |$59.95 |$61.15 |$62.37 | |20 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Junior Financial Analyst |Both |$59.11 |$60.29 |$61.50 |$62.73 |$63.98 | |21 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Principal Consultant |Both |$184.70 |$188.39 |$192.16 |$196.01 |$199.93 | |22 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Project Manager |Both |$258.60 |$263.77 |$269.05 |$274.43 |$279.92 | |23 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Senior Accountant |Both |$140.39 |$143.20 |$146.06 |$148.98 |$151.96 | |24 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Senior Consultant |Both |$169.94 |$173.34 |$176.81 |$180.34 |$183.95 | |25 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Senior Financial Analyst |Both |$221.65 |$226.08 |$230.60 |$235.22 |$239.92 | |26 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Senior Subject Matter Expert |Both |$265.98 |$271.30 |$276.73 |$282.26 |$287.91 | |27 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Subject Matter Expert |Both |$140.39 |$143.20 |$146.06 |$148.98 |$151.96 | |28 |520-11, 520-12, 520-13 |Technical Writer |Both |$66.50 |$67.83 |$69.19 |$70.57 |$71.98 | |

Service Contract Act: The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract as it applies to the entire Consolidated Schedule and all services provided. While no specific labor categories have been identified as being subject to SCA due to exemptions for professional employees (FAR 22.1101, 22.1102 and 29 CRF 541.300), this contract still maintains the provisions and protections for SCA eligible labor categories. If and / or when the contractor adds SCA labor categories / employees to the contract through the modification process, the contractor must inform the Contracting Officer and establish a SCA matrix identifying the GSA labor category titles, the occupational code, SCA labor category titles and the applicable WD number. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the contract.

MOBIS Labor Category Descriptions

Commercial Job Title: Manager, Level II

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of ten years of experience providing management of the delivery of organizational or business improvement services. Able to direct and manage large or complex project groups or provide consultation type services. Must be able to interact and effectively communicate with executive-level management as well as individuals outside the organization.

Functional Responsibilities: Perform day-to-day management of overall task order support operation. Provide technical management for project. Formulate and enforce work standards. Provide technical leadership and manage specific task orders. Ensure implementation and check progress of technical solutions and schedules. Perform formal and informal review of work products for precision, adherence to design concepts, and adherence to user standards. Monitor standards and procedures. Review project documentation. Prepare milestone status reports. Transition existing project teams. Coordinate operation and maintenance support for post-installation activities. Establish and maintain processes for evaluating systems and associated documentation. Determine resources required for quality control. Responsible for maintaining quality throughout the project life cycle. Communicate task assignments effectively to varied personnel. Responsible for overall task performance. Assemble, organize, and staffs highly skilled teams. Conducts formal workshops and seminars. Interpret policies, procedures, and goals. Interacts with all levels of management.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Manager, Level I

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five years of experience providing management of the delivery of organizational or business improvement services. Able to direct and manage complex project groups or provide individual consultation type services. Must be able to interact and effectively communicate with high-level management as well as individuals outside the organization.

Functional Responsibilities: Perform day-to-day management of overall task order support operation. Provide technical management for project. Formulate and enforce work standards. Provide technical leadership and manage specific task orders. Ensure implementation and check progress of technical solutions and schedules. Perform formal and informal review of work products for precision, adherence to design concepts, and adherence to user standards. Monitor standards and procedures. Review project documentation. Prepare milestone status reports. Transition existing project teams. Coordinate operation and maintenance support for post-installation activities. Establish and maintain processes for evaluating systems and associated documentation. Determine resources required for quality control. Responsible for maintaining quality throughout the project life cycle. Communicate task assignments effectively to varied personnel. Responsible for overall task performance. Assemble, organize, and staffs highly skilled teams. Conducts formal workshops and seminars. Interpret policies, procedures, and goals. Interacts with all levels of management.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Subject Matter Expert II

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of ten years experience in organizational behavior and organizational development providing consulting to senior managers or executives on company wide strategy implementation..

Functional Responsibilities: Identify best practices and develop and evaluate methodologies for change management and process reengineering. Promote organizational development and improved business management techniques. Create process activity, and data models for information engineering. Develop improved information systems processes, methods, and practices. Define security requirement and architectures and evaluate approved security product capabilities. Contribute to process modernization projects. Perform risk analyses and assessments. Research applicable standards for client/server and other technologies. Perform reverse engineering and requirements analyses for the development of functional requirements for complex systems. Analyze business practices and functions to support enterprise-wide strategic systems planning. Ensure compliance with industry standards and legislative and regulatory requirements. Analyze, evaluate, verify, and validate existing information systems. Develop specifications for various systems, including voice, data, and COTS products. Facilitate Joint Application development (JAD) sessions and other group training. Prepare functional requirements and specifications for hardware acquisitions. Translate technical information. Develop migration strategies and ensure that all integration issues, including cross functional and security are addressed.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Subject Matter Expert I

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five years experience in organizational behavior and organizational development providing consulting to senior managers or executives on enterprise strategy implementation..

Functional Responsibilities: Identify best practices and develop and evaluate methodologies for change management and process reengineering. Promote organizational development and improved business management techniques. Implement process activity, and data models for information engineering. Assist in development of improved information systems processes, methods, and practices. Define security requirement and architectures and evaluate approved security product capabilities. Contribute to process modernization projects. Perform risk analyses and assessments. Perform reverse engineering and requirements analyses for the development of functional requirements for complex systems. Analyze business practices and functions to support enterprise-wide strategic systems planning. Monitor compliance with industry standards and legislative and regulatory requirements. Analyze, evaluate, verify, and validate existing information systems. Facilitate Joint Application development (JAD) sessions and other group training. Prepare functional requirements and specifications for hardware acquisitions. Translate technical information. Develop migration strategies and ensure that all integration issues, including cross functional and security are addressed.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Business Process Reengineering Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of eight years of organizational behavior and/or organizational development experience providing consulting to senior managers or executives on company-wide strategy implementation; significant project-related analytical experience.

Functional Responsibilities: Provide technical leadership for Business Process Reengineering projects and overall management for specific task orders. Develop specifications. Identify best practices and develop methodologies for change management and process reengineering. Promote improved business management techniques. Create process, activity, and data models. Develop improved information systems processes, methods, and practices. Contribute to process modernization projects. Perform requirements analyses and reverse engineering. Refine and implement information-engineering projects using CASE and IE tools and methods. Analyze business practices and functions to support enterprise-wide strategic systems planning. Apply reengineering disciplines to the development of migration strategies. Study, analyze, and evaluate information systems. Facilitate Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and conducts formal workshops.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Business Process Reengineering Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five years of organizational behavior and/or organizational development experience providing consulting to senior managers or executives on company-wide strategy implementation; significant project-related analytical experience.

Functional Responsibilities: Provide technical leadership for Business Process Reengineering projects and overall management for specific task orders. Develop specifications. Identify best practices and develop methodologies for change management and process reengineering. Promote improved business management techniques. Create process, activity, and data models. Develop improved information systems processes, methods, and practices. Contribute to process modernization projects. Perform requirements analyses and reverse engineering. Refine and implement information-engineering projects using CASE and IE tools and methods. Analyze business practices and functions to support enterprise-wide strategic systems planning. Apply reengineering disciplines to the development of migration strategies. Study, analyze, and evaluate information systems. Facilitate Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and conducts formal workshops.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Project Engineer II

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of ten years of experience specifying, designing and implementing process improvement hardware/software solution platforms

Functional Responsibilities: Provides independent information gathering, reliability assessments and objective analysis. Uses proven survey and statistical techniques. Process the data, performs analysis and completes survey reports to provide detailed feed back. Designs and develops technical and procedural approaches and solutions based upon specific customer process needs, complexity of the environment and outcome required, considering sample size and methodology. Designs, develops and implements solutions following appropriate life cycle management tools and processes. Conforms with appropriate ISO 9000 and CMM Level X processes.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Project Engineer I

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five years of experience specifying, designing and implementing process improvement hardware/software solution platforms

Functional Responsibilities: Provides independent information gathering, reliability assessments and objective analysis. Uses proven survey and statistical techniques. Process the data, performs analysis and completes survey reports to provide detailed feedback. Designs and develops technical and procedural approaches and solutions based upon specific customer process needs, complexity of the environment and outcome required, considering sample size and methodology. Designs, develops and implements solutions following appropriate life cycle management tools and processes. Conforms with appropriate ISO 9000 and CMM Level X processes.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Analyst III

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of ten years of experience providing business process and function analysis support to senior and executive level management of client organizations..

Functional Responsibilities: Provides independent and objective analysis and consulting services including: organizational assessments; program audits and evaluations; performance measure/indicators; process and productivity improvement. Planning includes near-term concerns and issues as well as long-range goals. Validates existing strengths, and makes recommendations. Provides findings with reports and briefings. Performs interview and analysis of past business improvement actions. Performs independent analysis of existing organizational effectiveness, general management, and identifies problems and potential enhancements to business organizations design an business improvement efforts addresses long range strategic planning to gain improvements in management, operational and business areas. Assists groups in establishing clear goals to achieve new levels of problem solving, decision-making. Identifies and clarifies mutual goals and interests.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Analyst II

Minimum/General Experience: Over five years of experience providing business process and function analysis support to senior and executive level management of client organizations..

Functional Responsibilities: Provides independent and objective analysis and consulting services including: organizational assessments; program audits and evaluations; performance measure/indicators; process and productivity improvement. Planning includes near-term concerns and issues as well as long-range goals. Validates existing strengths, and makes recommendations. Provides findings with reports and briefings. Performs interview and analysis of past business improvement actions. Performs independent analysis of existing organizational effectiveness, general management, and identifies problems and potential enhancements to business organizations design an business improvement efforts addresses long range strategic planning to gain improvements in management, operational and business areas. Assists groups in establishing clear goals to achieve new levels of problem solving, decision-making. Identifies and clarifies mutual goals and interests.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Analyst I

Minimum/General Experience: Over three years of experience providing business process and function analysis support to senior level management of client organizations.

Functional Responsibilities: Provides independent and objective analysis and consulting services including: organizational assessments; program audits and evaluations; performance measure/indicators; process and productivity improvement. Planning includes near-term concerns and issues as well as long-range goals. Assists in validation of existing strengths, and makes recommendations. Provides findings with reports and briefings. Performs interview and analysis of past business improvement actions. Performs analysis of existing organizational effectiveness, general management, and identifies problems and potential enhancements to business organizations design an business improvement efforts addresses long range strategic planning to gain improvements in management, operational and business areas. Assists groups in establishing clear goals to achieve new levels of problem solving, decision-making. Assists in identifying and clarifying mutual goals and interests.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Quality Process Analyst II

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of ten years providing in-depth analyst support for quality assurance/control processes

Functional Responsibilities: Supports and enhances quality services and business process improvements through development and/or refinement of quality processes. Uses ISO 9000 quality management, or configuration management techniques as appropriate. Identifies and documents organizational processes utilizing best business practices and applicable regulatory standards. Tailors processes to meet organizational requirements for business improvement and overall organizational performance enhancement. Provide technical leadership for quality review and development projects.. Verify and validate the integration and configuration management of systems and products. Perform quality assurance and quality control oversight and review functions. Apply quality control methodologies to formal and informal reviews. Evaluate systems for acceptance. Determine required resources to facilitate quality control processes.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Quality Process Analyst I

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five years providing in-depth analyst support for quality assurance/control processes

Functional Responsibilities: Supports and enhances quality services and business process improvements through development and/or refinement of quality processes. Uses ISO 9000 quality management, or configuration management techniques as appropriate. Provide technical leadership for quality review and development projects.. Verify and validate the integration and configuration management of systems and products. Perform quality assurance and quality control oversight and review functions. Apply quality control methodologies to formal and informal reviews. Evaluate systems for acceptance. Determine required resources to facilitate quality control processes.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Technical Writer

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five years of designing and developing methods of measurement and collection of data, obtaining and recording technical and programmatic data during meetings and facilitations.

Functional Responsibilities: Assists in the gathering of data to be used in developing process models and measurements of business processes of client organizations. Assists in the presentation of workshops, seminars and training sessions. Responsible for knowledge capture and meeting facilitation. Develop specifications, data and process models, and standardized objects. Design, formats, write, and produce technical documentation using commercial word processing and desktop publishing software. Support configuration management activities. Maintain up-to-date internal documentation library. Translate technical information for users.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Business Administration, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Engineering or other related scientific or technical discipline.

Commercial Job Title: Administrative Support Specialist

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of four years of experience in office administration, and developing graphic/artistic presentations for publications and documents (preferably technical documentation). In addition, practical experience using automated word processing, graphics systems, and desktop publishing systems, events planning and travel arrangements..

Functional Responsibilities: Assist in the preparation of management plans and various customer reports. Coordinate schedules to facilitate the contract deliverables, task order review, briefing and presentation. Perform clerical and administrative tasks.

Minimum Education: High school Diploma or one (1) additional year of specialized service experience.

FABS Labor Category Descriptions

Following is a description of all commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services under this contract.


1 Project Manager

2 Senior Subject Matter Expert

3 Subject Matter Expert

4 Senior Financial Analyst

5 Financial Analyst

6 Junior Financial Analyst

7 Principal Consultant

8 Senior Consultant

9 Consultant

10 Senior Accountant

11 Junior Accountant

12 Administrative Assistant

13 Technical Writer

Daston Corporation offers only the personnel who meet or exceed the minimum qualification requirements stated in the Labor Category Descriptions provided herein. Daston does allow experience to substitute for education requirements. Daston criterion for minimum experience substitution by educational degree is as follows:

Undergraduate: Minimum of one (1) year additional relevant project and/or language experience may substitute for undergraduate degree.

Graduate or Above: Minimum of two (2) years additional and relevant project and/or language experience may substitute for graduate degree.

GSA and/or the ordering activities may have access to any Daston Corporation employee resume

(by request) before, during, or after assignment to any GSA order. If for some extenuating

reason a person assigned to an order must be replaced or substituted, the ordering activity will be notified in advance, in writing, and the substituting personnel will have equal or greater qualifications than specified in the labor category description of the departing employee.

Labor Category Title: Project Manager

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s and master s degrees in related discipline.

Minimum/General Experience: In addition to general experience and knowledge of project management, must have fifteen (15) years of progressive experience in the specific financial and business areas.

Functional Responsibilities: Oversees multiple functions within FMS with specialized expertise in several SIN areas and a working knowledge of others. Typically, has experience in the scenario/environment, and provides expert, independent assessments and conceptual solutions/approaches to complex, integrated problems or problem areas when specialization is required. Interacts with government program manager and with peer Project Managers assigned to the client engagements, assisting as required to assure technical accuracy, proof of concept, and overall effectiveness.

Labor Category Title: Senior Subject Matter Expert

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s and master s degrees in computer sciences, information systems, engineering or other related technical or scientific discipline related to the task to be supported.

Minimum/General Experience: In addition to general experience and knowledge of the particular area involved, must have fifteen (15) years of progressive experience in the specific area to be supported.

Functional Responsibilities: Plans, conducts, directs research, development and/or implementation work on specialized and/or moderately complex tasks necessitating the organization and application of innovative approaches. Provides management and/or technical direction to support personnel. Provides consulting services. Develops solutions to specific technical problems. Develops analytical techniques to problem solving.

Labor Category Title: Subject Matter Expert

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in business, operations research, management, computer science, engineering, or related discipline.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of ten (10) years of specialized technical experience in a functional area of expertise.

Functional Responsibilities: Plans, conducts, directs research, development and/or implementation work on specialized and/or moderately complex tasks necessitating the organization and application of innovative approaches. Provides management and/or technical direction to support personnel. Provides consulting services. Develops solutions to specific technical problems. Develops analytical techniques to problem solving. Consults with Senior Subject Matter Expert as required.

Labor Category Title: Senior Financial Analyst

Minimum Education: M.A./M.S. in Finance or Accounting.

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) or more years of experience providing financial consulting to senior managers or executive on agency-wide strategic and operational financial management strategy implementation.

Functional Responsibilities: Identifies best practices and develops and evaluates methodologies for change management and financial process reengineering. Promotes organizational development and improved financial and business management techniques. Provides guidance and direction for project specific tasks that require experience in performing financial analysis.

Labor Category Title: Financial Analyst

Minimum Education: B.A./B.S. in Finance or Accounting.

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) or more years of experience providing financial consulting to senior managers or executives on agency-wide strategic and operational financial management strategy implementation.

Functional Responsibilities: Reviews, develops and monitors financial models, financial analysis reports, data reasonableness checks, and due diligence quality control. Analyzes

existing financial effectiveness and identifies strategies for improvements in operational financial and business areas. Provides guidance and direction for project specific tasks that require experience in performing financial analysis.

Labor Category Title: Junior Financial Analyst

Minimum Education: B.A. or B.S. degree.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of three (3) years of financial management experience.

Functional Responsibilities: Serves as a junior member of a group of analysts who are working in concert to systematically integrate business, cost estimating and financial management processes to ensure the efficient stewardship of public funds. Possesses an understanding of the budget allocation, execution, and administration process. Under supervision, must be able to assess products and procedures for compliance with government standards, accounting principles and multi-tiered system application standards. May be familiar with activity based costing, business case analysis and outsourcing requirements.

Labor Category Title: Principal Consultant

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Management, Business, Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Engineering, or Math.

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) years of experience. Must be able to plan, manage and execute complex tasks and lead subordinate level positions.

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for interpreting, organizing, executing and coordinating assignments. Plans and conducts research in problem areas of considerable scope and complexity. Serves as the technical specialist for the organization in the application of advanced theories, concepts, principles and processes. Keeps abreast of new methods and developments affecting the organization.

Labor Category Title: Senior Consultant

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of eight (8) years of financial experience working with United States corporate and/or government clients.

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for interpreting, organizing, executing and coordinating assignments. Plans and conducts research in problem areas of considerable scope and complexity. Serves as a mid-level specialist in the application of advanced theories, concepts, principles and processes. Keeps abreast of new methods and developments affecting the organization. Must be able to plan, manage and execute complex tasks.

Labor Category Title: Consultant

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of five (5) years of experience

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for interpreting, organizing, executing and coordinating assignments. Conducts research in problem areas of moderate scope and complexity. Supports the organization in the application of advanced theories, concepts, principles and processes. Keeps abreast of new methods and developments affecting the organization.

Labor Category Title: Senior Accountant

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Business, Management, Finance, Economics, Public Administration, or related field. At least one professional certification required, e.g., Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) or Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of six (6) years of experience applying generally accepted accounting principles and standards, Government-wide accounting policy and practices, or financial management at the Federal Level.

Functional Responsibilities: Leads tasks and supervises staff in conducting audits to determine program compliance with generally accepted accounting practices. Reviews chart of accounts and transaction flows. Performs operational assessments of general ledger subsystems and the

supporting managerial/cost accounting procedures; assists with implementing internal accounting systems control improvements. Reconciles trial balances and prepares pro forma financial statements. Analyzes indirect costs and computes adjusted overhead rate structures. Documents status of funds and accounts in accordance with applicable Federal reporting requirements.

Proficient in resolving audit findings and implementing audit recommendations.

Labor Category Title: Junior Accountant

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Business Management, Finance, Economics, Public Administration, or related field.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of two (2) years of experience in generally accepted accounting principles and standards, Government-wide accounting policy and practices, or financial management at the Federal Level.

Functional Responsibilities: Participates in audits to determine program compliance with generally accepted accounting practices. Reviews chart of accounts and transaction flows. Supports operational assessments of general ledger subsystems and the supporting managerial/cost accounting procedures; assists with implementing internal accounting systems control improvements. Reconciles trial balances and prepares pro forma financial statements. Participates in analyzing indirect costs and computes adjusted overhead rate structures. Documents status of funds and accounts in accordance with applicable Federal reporting requirements. Assists in resolving audit findings and implementing audit recommendations.

Labor Category Title: Administrative Assistant

Minimum Education: High School Diploma or equivalent. Some college preferred but not required.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of two (2) years experience. Extensive computer experience. Strong communication skills. Excellent proofreading and editing skills. Organizational skills.

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for assisting consulting project team with completing work products. Works closely with all members of project team in producing work products. Provides administrative support as needed to prepare client presentations and proposals.

Prepares documentation for work products. Prepares materials for client presentations and meetings. Assists with travel and client meeting arrangements. Prepares documentation for billing.

Labor Category Title: Technical Writer

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience.

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of three (3) years of technical experience in the preparation of original text based on technical data, review of graphic design, and organization of text and graphic elements.

Functional Responsibilities: Writes, rewrites, and edits technical materials, including operations manuals and other business and technical publications.


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