Re. use of Jupyter notebookDownload / install software downloads select appropriate choicewhich contains python programming language, a number of python packages, and juypter notebook, a python IDE (interactive development environment).open Jupyter Notebook by clicking on its icon (or Acanaconda Navigator, then select Juptyer notebook or another IDE) in the Windows start menu. It will open in a web browser; select: New (in drop down menu) Python 3 (in the upper right corner)will open a new tab in your web browserdevelop code; save when done. The Windows command prompt must be open / active during your Python code development; if you close it, the IDE won’t run your code. The ribbonis located near the top of the content in your web browser and the first cell for content is below the ribbon. Hovering your cursor near an icon in the ribbon will provide a brief description of its function. For simplicity, the cells will either contain (Python) code or text, where selecting the appropriate choice, Code or Markdown, in the drop-down menu in the ribbon, respectively will determine the content in the cell. To add a new cell, select the “+” icon in the ribbon and to move this cell up or down, select the corresponding arrow icon in the ribbon. Click on the “Run” icon in the ribbon to run any code in your Code (i.e. Python code) or Markdown (e.g. html code; LaTex code) cell. While the notebook has a periodic autosave feature, recommend manually intermittently saving your file (by clicking on the save icon, a floppy disk, in the ribbon) and saving your file prior to ending your Juypter notebook session to ensure that the most recent version of your work is saved. To print, simply use your web browser’s print feature.Re. use of Google colab Down load *.ipynb file temporarily save onto your desktop (for ease of finding it) open your google account goto Google colab websiteFile Upload notebook chose file select file on your desktop open, which should lead to the google colab website and generate a folder with your *.ipynb file on your google drive. 137160016637000 File New Python 3 notebook2133599210629400which should open a new tab in your web browser. File Rename select new name of file. Now, there should be two tabs – one with the original file with the extra credit assignment and your new empty file.Read content in the assignment select, copy 1st assignment prompt paste into new file’s empty cell select the “+cell” icon in the ribbon, which generates a new cell, where you will enter your response to the prompt. Toggle between both tabs to read the content in the tutorial and enter your response in your “answer sheet”. . Optional: rename new file with a more descriptive name.1333500930275output will be shown in the adjacent right panel. Adjust your response accordingly. When done, select “+text” icon in the ribbon to begin 2nd prompt select, copy 2nd prompt paste into new file’s empty cell … select “+text” for 3rd prompt . . . paste its content in the cell when done, select “+code” icon in the ribbon (since will use Python code for 3rd prompt) enter code select “Run” icon adjacent to the cell to run the code and get its output; revise code, as needed. Go onto the remaining prompts, where you are using the “+text” and “+code” icons to enter the prompt and Python code, respectively.File Save a copy in Drive …, then intermittently, File Save; i.e. don’t depend on autosave feature.For some of the prompts, it would be more efficient to “select, copy, paste, and revise” the code. To print, simply use your web browser’s print feature. ................

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