Engagement vs. Disaffection with Learning Student-report ...

Engagement vs. Disaffection with Learning Student-report

Behavioral Engagement 1. I try hard to do well in school. 2. In class, I work as hard as I can. 3. When I'm in class, I participate in class discussions. 4. I pay attention in class. 5. When I'm in class, I listen very carefully. 6. When I'm in class, I just act like I'm working. (-) 7. I don't try very hard at school. (-) 8. In class, I do just enough to get by. (-) 9. When I'm in class, I think about other things. (-) 10. When I'm in class, my mind wanders. (-)

Emotional Engagement 1. When I'm in class, I feel good. 2. When we work on something in class, I feel interested. 3. Class is fun. 4. I enjoy learning new things in class. 5. When we work on something in class, I get involved. 6. When we work on something in class, I feel bored. (-) 7. When I'm in class, I feel worried. (-) 8. When we work on something in class, I feel discouraged. (-) 9. Class is not all that fun for me. (-) 10. When I'm in class, I feel bad. (-)

References Furrer, C., & Skinner, E. (in press). Sense of relatedness as a factor in children's academic engagement and performance. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Patrick, B. C., Skinner, E. A., & Connell, J. P. (1993). What motivates children's behavior and emotion? The joint effects of perceived control and autonomy in the academic domain. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 65 (4), 781-791.

Skinner, E. A., & Belmont, M. J. (1993). Motivation in the classroom: Reciprocal effects of teacher behavior and student engagement across the school year. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 571-581.

How I Feel About School

1. I try hard to do well in school.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

2. I enjoy learning new things in class.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

3. When we work on something in class, I feel discouraged.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

4. In class, I do just enough to get by.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

5. Class is fun. A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

6. In class, I work as hard as I can.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

7. When I'm in class, I feel bad.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

8. When I'm in class, I listen very carefully.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

9. When I'm in class, I feel worried.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

10. When we work on something in class, I get involved.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

11..When I'm in class, I think about other things.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true

12. When we work on something in class, I feel interested.

D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

13. Class is not all that fun for me.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

14. When I'm in class, I just act like I'm working.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

15. When I'm in class, I feel good.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

16. When I'm in class, my mind wanders.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

17. When I'm in class, I participate in class discussions.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

18. When we work on something in class, I feel bored.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

19. I don't try very hard at school.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

20. I pay attention in class.

A) Not at all true

B) Not very true

C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true C) Sort of true

D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true D) Very true


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