
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy - Classroom_228_Video_23Wed, 11/18 9:19AM ? 1:00:56SUMMARY KEYWORDSsoulmate, person, soul, chakra, life, relationship, woman, hear, people, walk, twin flame, connection, body, manifesting, client, feel, walk ins, met, talk, vibrating00:01Boys and girls last section of the day, and we are on we did page 58. That's a brief review. When someone is in the afterlife, you can definitely ask them.00:15Why did you choose like, okay, we're planning your next life we're looking at your next life. Why? Or did you choose your parents? Why did you choose any limitations in your body? Why did you choose that kind of body? Why did you choose the Incarnation type of incarnation you would have, and then start to explore the process of your incarnation.00:40Next page 59. Let's talk about soulmates and soul groups. This is actually a really important topic, my experience of people's understanding of soulmates can cause them a lot of pain. And depending on where they're at, you want to ask what is the best modality to help to manifest this soulmate? So why don't we talk about some of the themes and theories of soulmates? And then if a client practically came in and said, I really want to find my soulmate? What would you do? And does past life regression actually help this process? Can it actually help you to find your soulmate? Or does it actually harm the person more, and I'm going to actually say, it's not the right modality for finding or manifesting soulmates. So the concept of soulmate would basically be one soul that is special to you, as opposed to any other soul. Personally, I don't buy it. In a course, in miracles, there's two types of relationships. Okay, Kevin,01:57how to find it, we'll get to that for sure. Now, there's definitely the dharmic li harmonious person for you to be with, or karmically harmonious person for you to be with there is the person, if you're single, you're looking to pull someone into your life. I'm not negating that at all, I will support you in that and help you to do that. And it works. And it works very fast and very effectively. And I've seen it many times, we had a student in a recent graduating class and she was like, I want to I want to find my soulmate. And I taught her exactly what to do. And sure enough, she's with him now. And I know they're gonna be moving in together soon. So it works all the time. If you follow the formula that I'm going to teach to pull the person in, so I'll get to the how to find the person or how to manifest them. First I just want to talk about is there such a thing is the one soulmate who will be with you for eternity, as a special being so and of course, in miracles, there's called special relationships, and holy relationships. We'll talk about twin flames, that's part of this lecture. This special relationship is of the ego. It's an idea that we make up it's not created by God. And it's the idea that one person is more special than another person or one soul is more special than another soul implied in this teaching. And this is the ego is I am incomplete until I find my soulmate. And this person, we will have a very unique special relationship different from all the others. Now the ego considers this very sacred and very important and very holy, and it's gonna work to get it. But the deeper truth and of course, in miracles is, you know, holy relationship. We are letting God be the one who tells us who his children are, we're not telling him who has children are. So when you say this person is my special person, as opposed to all other people. It doesn't work over the lifetimes model, what you'll see is you've incarnated with many souls over many lifetimes. And yes, and you're going to see this next week I'll show you the couples past life regression video. And the two people in our Tom and gore Priya, they are absolutely meant for each other. They're an amazing couple. And you can see and you can feel, and I know them very well the energy, and they've had lifetimes together. But it does. And so you might say, okay, they're soulmates. Yeah, I think they would both agree, but not necessarily were they together before they started meeting up? Because you do. Here's what happens. We do past life regressions. For when you first met your husband, like you know, when you first met your wife the first time that you ever encountered that soul. Meaning you even though we're all one in the highest level, but that's really what I'm getting to is that we're all one On the highest level, at some point you two, maybe 5000 years ago, started interacting, you now have some serious connections, a lot of karma. And then it could even become quite dharmic for you to be together. And together through lifetimes, eventually, you get to a point where you say, I believe we've learned enough from each other, I believe we've attained the most growth we can from each other. And then you move on and interact with other souls, it's kind of nice to think that you're gonna interact with more than just one soul. In a certain type of relationship. For instance, in one life, you might be the daughter of this soul. And then she'd be the mother, the next life regression you're gonna hear in our time and gore Priya, this is the first lifetime they met. And he is now Thomas, an older, relatively older guy, maybe this 20s. And gore Priya, who's the woman. She's a boy in that lifetime. And she was an infant, when they met, there was a major rating of the city, the older guy goes and rescues the baby, takes the baby care for the baby raised the bay raised the boy, they developed this very close, strong bond, he helps him to go through schooling and you know, they have this really strong connection eventually goes into spiritual levels of connectedness. And then in the inter life, they make the choice. We want, we love each other so much. But as men know, we want to experience a man woman relationship. So we're going to choose to incarnate as man and woman, and then we explore that lifetime. So you can imagine that they've had three lifetimes or two lifetimes together that we know for sure that I know.06:51in this lifetime, you can imagine that when they weren't together, they would feel like something's missing, especially because in the inter life, they chose to become husband and wife. But it's not an eternal, that that type of choice is not the eternal level of it, because they're playing different roles in different lifetimes. And eventually, they could very well choose to play roles with other people and say, okay, we've had the most growth and learning experience we're going to have together, I think, I'd like to go explore what that soul is like, now, I like to be the, the husband or the wife, or the daughter or the whatever, of that soul. So that's one level of it holding relationships are not that seen as individual, they're not special, I see a special relationship, like a laser beam from one person's heart to another, it's like just us just the two of us. And that's it. A holy relationship is when you let your heart be fully open 360 degrees, it's more like a sun, than it is just an individual point of light. And anyone who's in that space, will experience your love. And to think about like Christ, or Buddha, they never claimed to have a soul mate. For them, the world, like every soul was their mate. And that's how A Course in Miracles works to get us to see that we love all of each other, we love each other equally. That doesn't mean we marry each other have sex with every single person, it just means that the love is fully open. And then the relationships are dharmic. So for instance, my wife, I've known her in past lives, we chose to come together in this lifetime. There is a dharmic and harmonious connection with each other. Yeah, I think we both no one would admit that we're together for a while. And we enjoy each other's company and companionship and love and spirituality and sharing our daughter, you know, sharing the experience of having a daughter. But yeah, neither of us I believe is committed to each other for eternity. And I know, I don't need her to fulfill me, but the relationship is made holy. Because it's been given to God. It's in a space of love, but she's not mine. I don't own her. I'm not with her for eternity. Any matter. You know, it's kind of my point of view. But I'd like you to consider the problem with this when a client comes in at a client just the other day. And he said I'm with a new woman now but the woman I'm not with she was my soulmate. I know she was my soulmate. And I'm in so much pain about this. I'm like, we need to question your understanding of soulmate here. If you feel that she is going to fulfill you and you need to have her back, but she's with some other guy now. Then there's something dharmic about this. This is not dharmic right that, you know, obviously you're in pain because your inner being is telling you something's wrong. When I helped him to let her go, but love her I transformed it from a special relationship to a holy relationship. So you Read about that if you'd like. And of course in miracles, it's a really profound concept understand, it's not that he wasn't meant to be with her for a while. But now it's with this other woman. And if he lets go of the specialness and just loves, then he can put his whole heart into his current relationship. And when that one ends, one way or another, either she's gonna die, he's gonna die. And then even when they leave their bodies, and they're both together again, they could still make a choice and say, Okay, I think we've had the most growth and learning we can have together, or they can say let's incarnate again together. Now obviously, they feel like they want to, in the next lifetime, they are going to feel something's missing until they're together because it was a predetermined choice. So soulmates are basically beings who you feel an incredible connection with, on every chakra level. Now, if you're, you know, open to all your chakras, when you are with the person you would call soulmate, you would know because every single chakra lights up. And you'll feel the connection, you'll feel a connection and every level physically, like wow, we're really compatible together. And that, and I mean sexually yet, just physically, we both complement each other really well, when it comes to food, shelter, clothing, running a household, you know, we mesh well, second, chakra sexuality, you're depending on your stage of life, whatever, you're going to have this really profound connection in that way. third chakra, you're going to feel a sense of personal power, your self esteem is enhanced by being with this person not diminished. You know when it's true, true. There's people who come together have lots of karmic blocks, and they'll find their soulmate, but the self, a lot of issues with them. When it's really clear energy, every chakra will flow the heart, you'll feel so much love just pounding out of your chest, your throat, you'd be able to be fully yourself with this person, you'll share the same vision. And your spirituality would be highly aligned. When I met my wife was like, ah, and it was it was right away instant knowledge that yes, this is perfectly aligned. But again,12:07not well, I finally found my other half. I'm hole incomplete. She's not my other half, she's part of God, and I'm part of God. There's, there's only one hole there's not another half. But we are together. And it's beautiful, yet there's not the attachment. The problem is with special relationships, there's so much attachment because you say that person is the source of my love. They made me whole, the person needs to in this way help my client to do to find wholeness within himself. So that's one concept of soulmate. Now let's talk about twin flame. A twin flame is someone is I understand the term, you know, and we could debate, you know, semantics. But as I understand the term, the twin flame is someone where you have the same connection, every chakra will light up. And you're like, Oh my God, this person is like the one. But they're not the one dharmic Li, you are not meant to be with this person. in this lifetime. Even though the connection is just like what you'd feel with a soulmate. It's important to understand this because people will feel these connections. I believe these are past life, people that we've known that we've had incredible connections with. But then in this lifetime is just not meant to be for whatever reason, maybe because choices were made beforehand to be with other partners, whatever. I was living in the spiritual community once and there is this. I was living in this house. And it wasn't mine. I didn't get to build my own house there. Eventually I did. But I was living in this house when I first got there. And there's this woman I won't use her name. But I just heard about her. And it was like it was her space and some of her clothing and just like her stuff was in there. And I just kind of feel for the energy of this woman. I said, Wow, there's something about her I can if she ever shows up here, I'm here. I'd be great as well love to meet her. She shows up at the community. She's there for only a weekend. We're having this campfire gathering together. And you know, we're all talking and towards the end of the evening, I said, Would you like to stay down here to spend more time together with me? Yeah, I would love to and we kept talking and it turns out that she's gay. She said, we're getting to know each other more just being together. She said, Matthew, I wouldn't be so into if I weren't gay. She said, I think you're adorable. She's I would love to be with you. She said but she said I'm gay. It's like it just wouldn't work. And I said, Okay, well, can we do something that I've done before? with other people? I felt very close with women I feel close with could you Can we sit together? This is you do this in tantric sexuality. Like you sit in my lap, we'll hold each other will line up chakras. And we'll just feel and she was like, Yes. I mean, like, how often does that happen? Right? So to me, this was like twin flame material and we connected on every level. In fact, after I'm sitting down there, we went back up into a house and we laid in bed together and we held each other as if we had known each other for ever. And then the next day, she was gone. And that was it. Because I'm relatively holding complete within myself, it was perfectly okay. But it was just beautiful. And someday, I'm sure I'll encounter her again some other level in some other world that probably known our past lives that never looked into it. But to me, that's twin flame The problem is, person is not holding complete in themselves goes nuts trying to get this relationship again. And the problem with past life is it will only strengthen their feelings that they're meant to be with this person. Because I could go back to the past life with her. And of course, we were connected. There's like no doubt. But if I don't change the belief that I need her, then I'm obviously going to suffer a lot. So I sensed that that was a twin flame experience. Every chakra lined up credible connection, but we were not meant to be together in this lifetime for sure. With my wife who I would call more of a I use the term life mate I don't actually like the word soulmate. I would say she's definitely my life mate. everything lines up all the chakras all good. But yeah, no no attachment either way. Go ahead Alex. And um, so that's kind of some of my talk and soulmate. We'll talk about how to manifest the person who is your life mate, because you know, a lot of people want that. Okay, go ahead if Alex something want to share. But before we do that, we do want to talk about soul groups.16:35So go ahead. But we'll definitely talk about you know, when some people come into your practice, they're alone they want some in their life. Nothing wrong with that.16:51It's just you know, when they have this pain about it, you know, I'm not going to complete I find my soulmate, they should heal the belief that they're incomplete first, and then find their soulmate. So that's part of what we'll talk about that they got it backwards, it's not find your soulmate, then you'll be complete, get complete, and then manifest a soul who that is, is highly compatible with you. With the when flame fit into the oversold model, the twin flame with the twin flame fit into the oversold model. Yeah, you know, I never really thought of it that way. So it only be a theoretical guess. But I'm sure if you're part of the same over soul and you come together, sparks are probably gonna fly. Or if there's negative karma, you know, you might find you don't quite Connect, we have strong charge. Think either way, if they're strong charge, you might say they're kind of part of the same. You could say oversold ties into our about talk about soul group, that there's a bunch of you beings that have a very strong connection. You have incarnated and some of you have incarnated in the same life, you know, the same lifetime, the same time, and that you will come together and meet each other. So certainly, why couldn't you meet someone as part of your oversoul. Or I would just use the word soul group, which is what we're about to get into. So that certainly sounds reasonable. About multiple life mates presented at the same time. Sure, I'm, well again, in some of the past life work, it seems that you meet someone for the first time. And but you attracted that person because of law of attraction, not because of past karma, but because you share a similar vibration. And of course, because obviously I don't believe there's only one person for you for eternity, that you can meet multiple people throughout a lifetime. And you do it based on law of attraction, you pull people into your life who are like vibration, you feel very good with them for a while. But you'll also probably share similar karmas and you'll learn and grow and heal those commas. And then there's a good chance when that growth is done that the two of you apart and no manifesting someone else who vibrate at the same level. A big problem we see sometimes in the school, or in these type of things, not only the school, is let's say a woman comes into the school and she wakes up spiritually starts growing at this incredibly high rate. But the husband is still doing the beer and football thing they just see staying at this very low vibration rate. And she's now talking to angels and you know, having out of body experiences and opening to light and love and peace and she wants to share that with him so bad. But he doesn't she make that change. When union Yang don't harmonize, then union Yang separate and you know, it's basically universal law that Law of Attraction says like vibrations will stay together. So I see that as far as multiple life mates, oh, but20:07I'm sorry, he said presented at the same time. Again, I would relate it to law of attraction I don't see because again, I don't believe that there are20:16multiple life mates as far as, like God design this, you did it. You may have karma with these two people, and you pulled them into your life because of law of attraction. And the theme is there's something for you to work out here. It's actually I would say, a result of probably a conflict in your mind, because the gentleman I just worked with, he had these two women in his life at the same time. One woman is the motherly, nurturing, loving home caregiver. And the other one is where the passion and the romance and all that is. And he's not holding complete within themselves. So he has like, kind of half here and a half there. His work really is to become whole and complete within himself. But law of attractions is he will pull both into his life, because he has that vibration of passion and that vibration, but he's conflicted. So trapped. x, the outside is a reflection of the inside. So if you have a conflict conflict in your relationships, it would show a conflict inside of you. That's at least one thing to look at. Okay, and then yeah, a twin flame isn't an exact and opposite sex copy of your soul. Now, I don't believe that. Personally, I don't believe the soul is gendered. No, I do. I believe the soul is any sexuality, I believe you can choose to be male or female, you can choose to be straight or gay. Now, I do have to say because I know what's coming from certain people. Once you've made the choice, it's not a choice anymore. So he said, I didn't choose to be gay. You know, once you I didn't choose to be Mal. But now I am. And there's really well, I guess there's ways to change it. You know, I'm not conflicted about that. So I'm okay. With being male. The choice was made beforehand, the same as somebody who would find themselves homosexual. I don't believe the soul is homosexual. But, and not there's anything wrong with that, right? And Seinfeld. But before incarnating, the soul said, if I take Now this could be conscious or unconscious, it could be a very unconscious level choice. Or very consciously, if I choose to have this way of being, I'm going to have a lot I've many gay friends down my life. And they're very, because they tend to be very conscious, they tend they got they went through a kind of rough childhood in different ways about having to adapt and fit in with society. And it caused them to grow tremendously. One of my very good friends is gay, and he is with his partner. And they're both very spiritual, both very aware. And he and I talked about this, and he actually said, Matthew, you know, you're like, my being gay actually made me far more conscious, because I had to give a lot of thought to Who am I. And I think on a soul level, he made that choice, although I don't believe that his soul is, you know, one or the other. So, not only of the soul is an opposite sex copy. But I do believe you can encounter twin flame with anybody, whether it's a male or female body. The point is, you're going to feel that for whatever reason, all of your chakras just light up and you're, you know, it feels incredible to be with each other. You know, regardless of gender or sexuality, because the chakras transcend that, yet, you feel that incredible connection. Okay, so um, yeah, not the soul. But well, this is where we go into if you're not saying the soul, you talk more about the mind or the astral body. I have definitely. So that actually was where the conversation gets a little bit more complex, when we start talking about the soul, taking on a female body, a female astral body, but somehow manifesting a physical male body. And this would explain gender confusion, where they say, I feel like I'm a woman trapped inside a man's body, or vice versa. I've seen this before in my out of body experiences I have seen and I don't know, it doesn't make sense to me, but I've seen it that you could have a female astral body in a male physical body. So, yeah, it's not the soul that's gendered. Yet the astral body itself takes on gender and could take on sexuality. And somehow, and I don't know how and it's, you know, it's not the majority, but obviously, there's people out there who would say, I completely feel like I am a man in a woman's body. And then you know, like, sometimes even want to go for the sex change operation because it's such as Feeling why and how that happens? I don't think we'll go into today. I think it's more important talk about how do you manifest your soulmate for those of you who want to, and for you to help your clients to do that. But when we get to the last weekend of training, whenever I start talking about astral projection, I'll tell you more about mine about experiences. And one very specific case where I was like, Wow, that is clearly a little girl's astral body. In a boy's physical body. There's no doubt about that experience for me. And it explained to me gender confusion right away.25:33Okay, so what's the difference between soulmate and twin flame? soulmate by definition, as I understand the way most people use the term is, it's the person you are meant to be with in this lifetime. I would say my wife if you want to use the word, even though again, you know, I don't really like the term so much would be soulmate. I waited 36 years I think America to us, 36 years old, I was waiting for that person who has complete full chakra perfect alignment. Anyone divorce, I didn't want to waste my time, I was willing to be celibate for years. I wasn't against sex and marriage. But I wasn't. And not I didn't have sex before my wife. But I wasn't going to make any commitment unless you have a soulmate material. So yeah, I waited 36 years before I got married. To me that soulmate twin flame was that woman I met at that spiritual community. And it was, you know, and it was just totally not meant to be. There's other women before my wife who definitely were incredible connections, you know, and I was almost pretty much engaged at one time. But yeah, we just ended up, you know, for whatever reasons, relationships don't always work out. So so I can play the field a little bit. But, you know, the full commitment really, you know, being with this person for life. To me, something is taken very seriously. And to me, there's kind of a sanctity in marriage in that sense. So yeah, soulmate, ideally, you can be with this person for a long time, twin flame, it seems to be when you meet them, you're just not directly meant to be together. And your client should understand something you need to like, go off. It's like if I try to figure out how I can be with that woman I met in that spiritual community, it's just not going to happen. All right, so let's talk about how to manifest your soul mate. The quote that you want to focus on first and foremost is you have to be the right person to attract the right person. You have to be the right person to attract the right person. The person is longing for their soulmate, their soulmate is out there ready? Just the fact that you have the longing says, that person is there. However, why are they not in your life yet, the first thing is you need to clear your own blocks. You're trying to manifest someone, but obviously they're not there. The first thing to look at is where are the blockages, you're not being the right person to attract the right person. And your life mate is probably needing to work through some of their own issues as well. So when your client comes in, you want to actually just start doing hypnotherapy with them start clearing so you know, how do you feel not being with without your soulmate I feel empty, alone, lonely, sad, depressed? Well, you should clear that before you pull in your life mate, you want to be filled with love, and have love to share, not empty of love. And then cling to that other person for your happiness. So for a client or for you guys, you know, if you're wanting to do that, heal yourself first, the woman I mentioned in a past class, she didn't know that many issues. She's actually very clear as a soul. You know. And I will say that that often actually, she's has very healthy parents very healthy being just, you know, really wonderful person in every way. But she came in she was a client of mine. We did about three sessions, we cleared some layers. And then she said, Now I'm ready. I want to manifest my soulmate. I taught her what we're going to do. Now, she learned in class, of course, but she went to work way before as a client of mine, on manifesting her soulmate. And then, in a very short period of time, she pulled this person into her reality. So step one, you have to be the right person to attract the right person. So you need to clear your own blocks First, if you're sad and lonely and upset without your soulmate, you need to clear sad and lonely and upset this. So that's one is clearly on issues. Two is you want to write down very clearly a list of probably about 100 qualities that you would want and the other person because the next step is to use the creating and manifesting formula to pull them into your life. But you have to be very careful what you ask for in that formula. Or you just might get it. When I was about 23 I dated this woman. She was wonderful. I just saw my wife and I were watching the show last night and there's a woman on the show who looked like this person and I love this look. It's like the short blond hair blue eye and when I was dating this woman at 23, it was a great connection didn't work out, okay. But at a certain point, I said, I'm gonna manifest30:11a relationship again. And I visualized the short blonde hair blue eyed woman. I'm teaching a yoga class two weeks later, I'm teaching a yoga class, it's the end of class, the room is dark, and I was teaching is called yummy and delicious spiritual yoga. So we're just, you know, blissing out doing yoga, the room is dark, about an hour, you know, like 15 minutes left or something, some The door opens, somebody walks in, I can barely even see here and I say, I'm sorry, you know, it's the end of class. You can stay if you want to, but you know, you did miss the whole class. She just had this really, I was walking by I didn't really want to stay. Okay. can't even see her room is totally dark. At the end, I don't even really think about her again, we conclude class, I go and I start putting the yoga mats and everything away. And I turned around, and there she is standing there right behind beside behind me and I. And it was her. It was like, not the one from the it was the exact look of what I was manifesting. The problem was, while I pulled her into my life, within two weeks of asking for it, all I pulled in was the look, I definitely realized careful what you ask for Could you just might get it. She was wrong for me in every other way. Energetically, sexually, financially, spiritually, personality, everything was wrong. But she had short blonde hair and blue eyes. So I obviously attracted her, there's no way that someone would just come at the end of a yoga class, insist on staying, and then walk up to talk to me without even knowing me. I mean, it's like, I clearly manifested that. But I didn't do it based on the principles that I now understand. So when my wife and I met, the amazing thing was, we started talking and we said, he said, Yeah, you know, I use a dream board. I manifest what I want in my life. I'm like, that's pretty cool, right? You're into that stuff. You said, Yeah, I lived at a Zen monastery. I'm like, get out. Because you know, as you know, so to die. I'm like, Well, come on. And then we started talking, as Sue said, Yeah, my favorite movie. I like my favorite movies are Woody Allen movies and like, get out. And I'm like, which one? Should I fall in love and death? I'm like, no way. Oh, which is like, probably one of my favorite movies and my favorite Woody Allen movie. So as we're making these connections, then she says, I have to tell you, I don't remember when I heard this. But at some point, she said she made a list of 100 qualities that she wanted in a person. At some point, she told me I was 99 of those qualities. When I said, What are the two that I'm missing? One was that I didn't want children at the time. I have to be honest, I'm sorry if my daughter ever sees these videos, but that is true. That I wasn't into having children. Now if you ever watching Abby, I love you with all my heart, I'm happy to have a job. But I didn't want a child and and i'm not again, I don't dance. I tried. I really tried. But I don't have that point. So then Maya, if you look into her dream board, she put up its we have these pictures of these amazing, she put pictures of being married, having the ring, having Tiffany jewelry in coach bags, and you know, all the things she wanted. She has sure there's nothing on there about working. She's not working. She doesn't have to work. She doesn't want to work. But what is on all over the dream board and I didn't really realize are babies. There are married couples with babies all over the dream board, and everything else on there she has in her life, and including the baby. And now now that I have completely I've accepted having a child now she has her 99 points. The point is, she was conscious enough to know how to do creating manifesting, right. And she one there was like no way I could have avoided meeting her or, or having a child with her. She was so she's stubborn if she wants and she's gonna get it in her life. So here's the three steps, clear your own blocks, for sure. Do some hypnotherapy before manifesting a life mate or law of attraction says you're gonna pull some in with your same stuff. And it won't be the harmony that you're looking for. You guys have to work through your issues together. It might as well do some hypnotherapy and within six hours total work clear a lot of your issues. And the person you'll attract will be at a much higher vibration. That's step one. Step two, write down a list of the 100 qualities you want in this person. In every range, not just attractive, right? Not just sexually compatible. spiritually, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, philosophically. You know, and then of course, physically, sexually, food, you know, to eat the same type of food before my I was dating someone and This amazing connection, but not everything lined up. And eventually, and it was good. But eventually I just had to say, you know, we had to say,35:10we're not meant to be together, it's just not 100% aligned. And the love was incredible. And every level was incredible. But it wasn't a line. And that was when I realized I do want to be in relationship. So I just went into my creating manifesting formula. It was really clear enough, I did not go and clear blockages. But what I here's what I personally did, I made the list of 100. What I said was I and this is similar to what I'm Alex wrote about, like the opposite sex copy of your soul. What I said exactly when I before, like a week before manifesting my into my life was, I want the female version of Matthew Brownstein. And then point point, the point of that is, if you love yourself, if you truly love yourself, you would want to spend time with you. And you'd want to spend time with you, perhaps, you know, if you are heterosexual, you would want to spend time with you in the opposite sex body. And that's what I felt I did with Maya, I, she made a list of 100. I just said, I want someone who is at the same vibration length wavelength as me in a female body. And very quickly pulled that into my life. But I did with the creating manifesting formula. So clarity of intent, make the list of 100 if you need to, or, or just yeah, put it into the credit manifesting formula. Okay, so that's the general talk on soulmates soul groups, twin flames. that not everyone you meet, you have this incredible connection with that are you meant to be with your whole life. And even if you do have this incredible connection, it may mean you're only meant to be together for a short period of time, I manifested a woman into my life is incredible. Actually, she, here's the the truth of it. She came in, she saw one of my ads, she felt really pulled to come in to be a client. And we sat down, we started talking, and I said, I have to stop right now. I said, I can't You can't be my client. And she's like, why not? I said,37:22I'm emotionally involved already. Like, you know, you know, I'll refer you out or find someone else. But there's just, I'm just feeling something way too strong. I've never felt this before with the client. So I'm just telling you, I'm not gonna be able to work with you. And, you know, it's like, we keep talking. But I'm not taking on as a client. And we kept talking. And I found out she needed a place to live. She was going to pass them through. And I was like, Oh, I have a big home. I live by myself. Like, you can move in if you want. She's like, really, like, we just met her. We might have like real, you know, connection. And I said, honestly, if we get married, great. If we don't, I'm okay with feeling my emotions, you know, so if you break my heart, it's okay. You know, I, I'll be honored to have the experience as well. So when she she came by to visit the house, and we still she's very spiritually aware. So I said, Could we sit down, hold each other, you line up our chakras. And let's see if we connect. And if we connect, stay, if it doesn't line up, move out. everything lined up incredible connection on every level. Really, I can everywhere. I've everything inside of me said yes. We'll talk. I don't know if we'll get to it today. But making decisions. This is one of the ways that I teach about how to make decisions. You listen to every chakra. If everyone opens, then there's something right about this. Now, two weeks later, after living with this woman, I was like, Oh my god, I can't believe she's in my house and she was making me so angry. But um, I needed her in my life to clear that layer of anger. I needed her to help me to clear those anger blockages. So she was a perfect patient person to push those buttons. Then when I did the opening the heart work and it cleared that anger. She couldn't make me angry. And I told her Honestly, this is where the assertiveness comes in. I said, you know, honestly, I we were just we're not this isn't working. I'm not kicking you out of my house. But this is my house. I'm just gonna tell you, you know, this isn't working. She said, okay, you don't give me two weeks and I'll, I'll be out. But because I healed the my issue. And I hope she healed from hers. We became great friends. I realized she was meant to be in my life, but she wasn't meant to be in my life as a life mate. We had a business connection that we didn't realize. I made thousands of dollars because of our interaction together through us sharing briefly, you know, for a period of time and a shared business venture. And it was very harmonious and very peaceful. And we became good friends. We don't talk anymore. But you know, the point is like all the chakras lit up and we're alive. And I mean, tested not just like I felt that in me, we literally sat on, she sat in my lap and I held her. I was like, well, all of our choppers are lined up. So we can get to that when talking about making decisions. But you know, like, how would you know if Is this your soulmate? Every chakra should feel that you can really, you can do what I'm saying you can sit with this person if you want at some time, or just any decision you're going to make when we get to this page and talk about this concept of making decisions. If you're being doesn't line up completely, if these chakras are locking up, you probably don't want to be with that person or at least you need to listen to what is that trucker trying to tell you. Okay, so that's page. We have one more other page before we jump back. Go ahead, Alex and anybody else has any sharing? What is the process called? Good. Typically, if you go and do some studies in tantric sexuality, you would know about that immediately. So I learned Tantra, basically, the Taoist teachings or Taoist teachings of love and sex that relate but if even Google gotta go right now, a Google image, I've never done it, but I'm sure I know what would pop up. And it won't be risky. Probably just go to google images and type in Tantra or tantric sexuality. And you'll see images of Gods and Goddesses actually holding each other and you'll see that position. And you see this all throughout the tantric literature. tantric sexuality is a way where the sexual sexual energy in the sexual experience is brought into the relationship. But then it's spiritualized. The sexual energy is when you hold each other like that, you cultivate sexual energy, but then you pull it up the chakra system to the heart. So you start cultivating a lot of love at the heart, you pull it up to the head and start cultivating spirit. And then you start circulating it through each other and amplifying it over and over again, it's a way that men can have multiple body or get full body orgasms, and the relationship is taken to a whole whole whole nother level. And it does deal with semen retention. So women will love you42:14for your ability to be able to function at these levels. So Tantra, basically, thank you for helping me understand why things feel so out of sync with my current situation. Sure. I hope that helps. Again, I never like when I hear about relationships, not. So I hope you can heal anything, because I never liked hearing the you know, somebody went through the school and then they go through this horrible breakup process, because they're here now and this person's here. Did I ever show you my tuning forks? No. These were a $30 investment just for this one simple little teaching. These two, both are the note a, this is just law of attraction, resonance teaching. So a probably hear put it near my mic. And a resonate if you touch him, this one is now vibrating, it'd be hard to hear. But they resonate, they vibrate together, they don't even have to touch, you just put them near each other. And the one that was struck, the one of my left hand is now moving. they resonate, they vibrate at the same exact wavelength. That's the law of attraction. So when you attract someone into your life, it's because you have the same wavelength. But now you start vibrating at a higher wavelength. Let's say he, this is the note he I don't know much about music. But let's say he is a higher vibration. There's the E, AMD cancel out. There's no resonance, this one is vibrating. Now, this is about that yin yang concept that when yin and yang are harmonizing at the same wavelength, they will stay together. If in in is the female energy, if he in starts vibrating at a much higher wavelength, one of two things need to happen. Either Yang will harmonize with it, it will catch up, or yin and yang will separate there's no two ways about it. I mean, you can still stay with this harmonious, you know two completely different energies for a certain period of time. But eventually you won't even be able to hold it together even if you tried. Now I'm all for again, healing and raising the vibration of both people. Because I never want people to say, Oh, you know, these things happen because of the school. Um, yeah, I'm not for the squatting reputation of ruining relationships. But I can say that quite often people enter into trainings like this, not only this training, you see this at trauma and spiritual communities and other type of places where radical profound transformation occurs in very short periods of time. And then the woman goes home and she's like, you know, I'm not going to tolerate your anger anymore. I'm not gonna put up with eight hours of TV a day. And I'm not gonna put up with this and this and this. And then he's like, well, then I'm out of here. He's like, I'm not gonna change, you know, now you're all spiritual, you're all into that stuff. So they don't harmonize. So again, I it's my intention that people harmonized. But hopefully it helps to hypnosis inherent building, there you go. grateful to where I am and what I am learning. Good. Okay, excellent. And I wish you all the best in your relationship success. Okay, so let's take while we have some time, go ahead, Alex. And then I want to just cover the page 60, before we're done for the day, remaining common conflicts tends to make people even more upset. Yeah, it can do that. However, remember marrying and matching? Not that you? Yeah, not that you get into all the same stuff. But you can reflect back, I hear that you're really upset. We need to stay so calm, like, you know, almost like cold. Well, you don't have to be so upset. I'm not upset. Yeah, pisses him off. But it doesn't create the harmony that you're actually both looking for? Yeah, well, for your sake, too. Because46:29when you do reflective listening, you don't lose your center. Remember, the more conscious force is the controlling element of a situation. So if I'm in a conflict with someone, I don't just choose to be so calm and separate, that they get more pissed off. It doesn't benefit me to have somebody more mad at me. I'm going to reflectively and passively Listen, I hear you really upset. I hear you upset because of me. But I'm not taking responsibility in that statement. I'm agreeing and probability, not in actuality, I'm saying, Yeah, I can see that if what you're saying what I did really upset you that you'd be angry, I hear that you're angry. But I'm not getting upset or losing my center. I'm reflectively listening, it's going to help them to chill out. I'm going to build rapport again. And then they will part ways peacefully. But I'd much rather part ways peacefully, then if somebody be upset with me because I didn't validate and listen to them. Agreeing in probability, it's in your farm, your advanced training manual. If you go back to advanced hypnotism, self esteem section, there is a section on how to about like conflict resolution and dealing with mistakes. I forget the exact section but like if somebody accuses you of something, you can agree in probability, I can see that if you felt that I was abandoning you that you would be upset. But you never said yeah, you're right. I abandoned you. I hear you saying I bend in you. And I would agree that that would be a very that's a very upsetting thing to feel abandoned. Yeah, it works great. Yeah, I can't remember everything in the training manual. But just to remember where it is. Let's cover one more topic. Before we run out of time for today. This is a fun one. You may never have heard about this before page 60 walk ins. Does anybody know about this topic? What is a walk in? It's not someone who walks in off the street for a session that came up one of our classes like, does that mean? Like how do you know when somebody comes in? You know, they just saw your ad and they walk in they don't have an appointment? So anybody familiar with this topic? Okay, let's see any yeses? No. Okay. This is very interesting. And you do need to know about this in case it comes up and it does come up. It's a bit more of a new age concept. I haven't heard of it in other places. But the concept is, and it's only a concept I don't even fully buy into and I think you need to be cautious of this concept. Go ahead Alex's typing, so Okay. Go ahead if you'd like a picnic. Okay. The concept is a soul who's having a human experience starts feeling like I don't want to be here anymore. Almost suicidal, but not committing suicide, just saying I want to I want to check out I don't want to be here in many ways or even leaving their body. Maybe there's so much trauma and they just couldn't handle this situation, wasn't it the life It wasn't a good fit for them. And they say this is wrong. You know, I keep my family. The way I'm being treated is horrible. I just want out now it's not a highly evolved thing at all.50:00But they are checking out at the same time, the concept is another soul says, Well, I'll take that body, like that's a perfectly good body, then don't kill that body, I'll take over. And what happens supposedly, is soul a, who doesn't want to be here starts leaving a bit. So b comes in a little bit gets used to the body, the soul has to keep coming back in and eventually they keep shifting until soul a is gone and sold the takes over. That is what a walk in is a walk in is somebody who would say that they did not come into the body at the time of conception or birth or whatever they came in when the body was 20 years old. No, it's not possession. I had a woman because that's entity attachment. And we'll talk about that I had a woman in class, I said to me, I've only heard of this in New Age philosophies. And she said, No, no, there's Judah, Judaic terms for this. And I said, well, please, you know, tell me about these terms, because I've never heard of this in any ancient literature. And she sent me the terms. And I was like, Oh, good, maybe, you know, this is something that I've that's back in, you know, Old Testament materials. And the term shoe scent, or for possessing entities, not for changing souls. So, so far, I haven't heard anything about this in any other place. But no, it's not possession, that's a different category of experience. Possession is the soul is still here. But another soul is latched on. So A is here, but soul B is here. And so B is not always that nice, in this sense. So a was kind of an evolved and didn't really function while here. So it left gone, not here at all. So b usually claims to be more evolved, and came in. Now that so that's the concept. The kind of the problem, though, is what happens when you have a client who claims to be a walking. And I've had this multiple times. So you know, it's not completely uncommon. And there are people who are relatively popular in the New Age fields, you know, not like Deepak Chopra, famous, but I don't wanna say the name you associate with walking, but other people if you know, you read or do you start reading the literature, of kind of New Age stuff that claimed to be walkins. And they're relatively functional, published people. So what happens when your client comes in and says, I'm a walk in? Now at least you'll know what it means. First of all, you can say, Oh, I learned about that in class, you're one of those. They're, they usually definitely still have issues. But here's the real question. Walk ins still have issues? Because why would they be a client if they didn't have issues? I've regressed walk ins to the cause of their problems. And they remember the childhood. So now the question comes up. And I asked and like, if you know, like, you know, with all due respect, if you53:07walked in, if you came into this body when the body was 20, how come we were able to regress you back to your childhood? When you are five? Why would you remember the childhood? And the answer given is the body houses the memories, and so the soul who came in has access to those memories. As you know, I don't believe memory is part of the body, I believe memory is part of soul. So I have a philosophical problem with that I also have a philosophical problem with that and because your body is such reflection of you, like what you're seeing is this thing called Matthew Brownstein is very much reflection of my mind, and my astral body and my emotional body. And that's why we all look so much different and sounds so much different acts so much different because our mind our mental body, our emotional body, or etheric body are so much different. So I couldn't just slip into your body and function in that body. Now what the walk and say is, there's a learning and a gradual and it could be multiple years of adjustment for a soul be to take over where soul a was. It's a maybe if it's done over the years, it's possible. The, the thing I would caution you about is to find some I like this is I would do as much as we're qualified to do a scope of practice assessment about the possibility of this person being dissociative personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, multiple personality, I would be cautious that this person has dissociated into this spiritual walk in self. Now, I might be totally wrong. This phenomena could be real. You know, I pretty much believe in everything else. But I'm kind of warning you that it's possible that if you were to start to regress this person back to their childhood, they could have Seriously dissociated personality that is still there, it hasn't left, they just completely shut it off. Now that's okay, as hypnotherapist we can heal that really well. But um this to me might just might be one step removed from dissociative identity. So it's called di D dissociative identity disorder, and we're not qualified to deal with that. So I would just encourage you to feel it out. Like I'm the best you can maybe ask questions like, okay, so with being a walk in, do you ever have moments of lost time? You know, dissociative personality disorder, the person will come back to their consciousness and go, Oh, how did I get here? You know, where was I? Because the other personality was taken over that moment. Do you ever have periods of time where there's lost time? Now, if they say yes, because I'm an alien abductee? No, you really gotta, you know, watch, I did have a person who claimed to be a walk in who could see entities who is an alien abductee. Now, you know, with again, with all due respect, this person wasn't the most self actualized being that I would say I've ever met, she actually had issues and many, many levels. And was really pretty much in the realm of dysfunctional cuz I remember that she needed, somebody drove her and she was paying for her session, and she lived with them. There's like, I think our father, but you know, she was fully fully grown adult. So I would just caution you with the walking concept, like respect the person treat it as if it might very well be a real phenomena and anything is possible. But depending on what their issue is, if you're going to start doing deeper hypnotherapy, that might be outside the scope of your training, actually, once you find out, they might actually be multiple personality. Now, just like the ID, multiple personality disorder, is very rare, much more rare, I think, than people think. So is the walk in concept. So I don't know, I've seen like three walk ins that have 16 years of experience. But uh, and I don't know if I've ever seen true multiple personality disorder. So I don't know for what it's worth, I put in the training manual because most people don't know what it is. And there's a chance you're going to encounter somebody someday, who says they're walking, at least you'll, you won't be ignorant of the topic. Okay. Any questions you're sharing at this point? All right. That's a good stopping point. We didn't cover a few pages that we can do later on. We got our answer Tony's question that, um, yeah, there's a few pages we skipped in the training manual, come back to next week, but as part of a lecture, so I'm trying to intersperse the57:44techniques would definitely come back to past life regression. Be sure you fully get our protocol. There are at least two more videos to watch. Be sure you really, really, really understand all that. I don't think you gave us the third step of sole manifestation, the creating and manifesting process itself. So yeah, clear your blocks got to be the right person to attract the right person. Yeah, write down the list of 100 and use the creating a manifesting formula. Yeah. And literally, give yourself two weeks. Because if you clear your blocks and you made the list, that person is pretty well going to be ready to come into your life. I've seen it work so many times. It's amazing. Awesome. Okay, so Kevin is can go to work. Sleep Walker? In what sense? You're talking about walk ins, dissociative personality, some empty list? sleepwalking? are you just saying like, what is that all about? I don't really know if I know I have a good answer to that. I don't have a metaphysical, spiritual answer to that.59:00I mean, I worked with a client who is doing nighttime eating, that there's a diagnosis for it where he know walking equals the walk. Okay, not sure quite what you're saying. But tell me if this is totally off of what you're saying. So I had a gentleman he was eating at night, but he didn't know he was doing it. He would go into the kitchen, he would wake up and there would be cookies and deli meats in the bed. And he had no idea that he was eating at night. So the question is what would be motivating the sleepwalking? I think it's a suppressed even repressed part of the psyche that is moving him to do this but I don't think all sleep walkers are the result my sister used to see Bach when she was that on she's not a suppressed you know repressed type of psyche at all. She's, you know, very whole functional person. Not necessarily into the spiritual stuff like this. But you know, perfectly functional human being and she stepped walk. So I don't know if I have a good answer for that. is walking equal sleep walk? Again, I don't fully get you feel free to send me more elaborate email if you really want an answer. If anybody else understands, okay, yeah. Yeah, definitely gotcha. Okay, great. Well, let's wrap it up for today. Remember to keep it around a copy and paste within the note pod, so that you can use that protocol much easier when you're here for practicals. Remember, Saturday and Sunday when, when you are here. That's when we're practicing past life. I'm sorry, Friday and Saturday when you hear that's where I'm practicing past life regression. So you want to get really good at that protocol because it's the primary thing we're going to do. But again, we'll cover it more later. Okay, so have a wonderful evening. I will see you guys next week. ................

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