

1744 W Pryor Avenue Chicago, IL 60643 773-535-2550

8th Grade Music SYLLABUS


Instructor: Carol McDaniel

Office and/or Cellular Phone: 773-535-2550



Link to Student/Parent Portal: or

Dear Parents,

I am looking forward to teaching your child this year. At this time, I would like to share some important information regarding the General Music course that your son/daughter is enrolled in this year. The following describes the course, what is taught, what a student is expected to learn, classroom rules and an explanation of the grading standards. Please read and discuss the course information with your child. Then complete the attached form and return to Mrs. McDaniel no later than ______________________.

Vita of Teacher/Credentials: Bachelor of Music Education, grades K-12 (1980; Bradley University) and Master of Arts in Special Education, Learning Disabilities grades K-12 (1981; Bradley University). I am certified and highly qualified to teach this course. I am also certified to teach AP Music Theory. (2006; Beloit College)

Course Description:

• This course provides varied musical activities to suit the interests and abilities of all students. It is a course in functional theory, with units exploring instruments, correlated music history, multicultural music, careers and performance.

• The objectives of this course include assisting the student in understanding and possessing aural and analytical skills through listening, performance, written, creative, and analytical exercises.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course is include assisting the student in understanding the

• Sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities in music

• Similarities, distinctions and connections in and among the arts

• Desired behavior of a performer and/or audience member

• Using a multi-sensory approach, students in this course will learn to listen to music and communicate ideas using appropriate terminology.

• This course satisfies requirements for music instruction and 8th grade graduation

Attendance Policy:

• Students are expected to attend class daily and on time!

• If ABSENT, students must present a reinstatement upon return in order to be considered EXCUSED.

• UNEXCUSED absences will result in a grade of zero (0%) for all assignments missed on day of absence.

• Students must follow school policy for TARDIES including hall sweeps (counting as a class cut or UNEXCUSED absence).

• Make up work assignments and tests will be given in the event of and EXCUSED absence or School Function and due at the discretion of the instructor.


|Grade Categories |Grade Scale |

|30% |Assignments/Performances |90-100 |A |

|15% |Homework |80-89 |B |

|15% |Quiz |70-79 |C |

|15% |Test |60-69 |D |

|15% |Projects (Compositional) |00-59 |F |

|10% |Final Exam |Take Notes Daily! |

• Homework assignments are to be completed and returned on the due date. Students with a valid/excused absence may turn in assignment the day after returning to class. Most assignments are written, however, projects and performance-based activities may require research or group collaboration. Class time will be given for group collaboration. Students will not be allowed to make up assignments with an unexcused absence on the day the activity was assigned.

• Parent or student conferences for discussing student grades/progress may be scheduled by appointment. Please contact the school office 773-535-2550 or by email

Required Materials/Fees:

• The textbook used in this class may not be removed from the classroom. Therefore, students will be required to take daily and accurate notes. For more comprehensive information and to facilitate time, students will be given handouts, which will also be posted on Morgan Park’s website: .

• Each student must have a folder with pockets, paper, pencils with erasers and ink pens, in order to be prepared for daily class periods. Internet access and/or a keyboard (either acoustic or electronic) would be extremely beneficial for maximum exposure to music composition and will allow additional practice experience.

• Students are asked to bring a box of tissue to be stored in the classroom until needed. The instructor will provide hand sanitizer for classroom use.

Behavioral Expectations:

Rules & regulations as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct (SCC) will be strictly enforced for each student. Students should follow the general guidelines:

• Each student should wear a valid ID that is visible at all times throughout the school day.

• Students should report to class daily with required supplies, books and materials for instruction.

• Respect the rights and property of all teachers and classmates.

• Students should arrive to class on time and in appropriate school attire (addressed in the SCC).

• Cheating, fighting, profanity, and eating will not be allowed in the classroom.

• Cellular phones should not be audible or visible or they will be confiscated.

• Students will not be issued passes for the washrooms unless it is an emergency. Exceptions will include students with passes issued by the school nurse.

• Students may be required to work in collaborative groups and independently. In either case, student effort is most important in factoring grades for achievement.

• Students are expected to contribute to class discussions, complete and submit all assignments on time.

• The instructor will be available after school by appointment to assist students when needed provided the student regularly attends class, completes assigned work and is on-task during class instruction.

Outline of Content: (See Attachment)



(A Rubric will be used to score portfolios)

• Class notes

• Graded Worksheets

• Class Handouts

• (Bell Ringers) Student Journals or Reflection/Response Logs

• Graded quizzes/tests

• Graded Projects


(A Rubric will be used to score all projects)


• Composer Research

• Careers In Music Research

• Musical Performers (The Artists)

• Diorama Projects


• Vocal & Instrumental demonstrations/performances

• Chalkboard Activities

• BINGO Games/Activities (Music Symbol, Instrument and Rhythm)

• Reading/Vocabulary Development (CRI Activities, Graphic Organizers, Puzzles)

• List & Categorize Instruments and Voices

• Listening Activities (instruments, voices, musical styles & periods)

• Compare/Contrast musical style characteristics from 2-8 styles periods)

• View videos of various style periods and music-related careers.

• List and categorize Music-Related Careers (Education, Performance, Business, Law, Retail, Medical, Vocational & Technical fields)

Use IMPACT’S PARENT PORTAL to monitor student progress 24/7


Mrs. Carol McDaniel, Instructor


Please Note: Weeks of instruction are approximate and subject to change.

|Week # |Instructional Unit |

|1-2 |Basic Music Theory & Notation |

| |Basic Music terminology and symbols for notation. |

|3-4 |Beat and Meter; Notation & Rhythm; Pitch; |

| |Tonality and Key Signature; & Harmony |

| |Review: 5th-Week Exam & Progress Report |

|5-6 |Instruments |

| |PROJECT: “Instrument Collage” |

| |Families of Instruments |

| |String; Woodwind; Brass; Percussion; |

|7 |Keyboards and the Human Voice |

| |Identify student’s vocal classification (Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Baritone) |

|8-9 |Careers In Music |

| |Careers; Avocations; Educational Requirements; Job Availability; and Profiles of notable professionals in |

| |music-related fields. |

| | |


|10-11 |Music of Our Generation |

| |PROJECT: “Musical Artist Collage” |

| |Culture As More Visual, Urban and Global |

|12-13 |Commercials or Teacher-selected Project |

| |Students will write commercial scripts and “jingles” (short tunes written to promote a product). |

| |Commercials will be performed in class. |

|14-18 |Vocal Music Instruction |

| |The student will receive instruction in the following areas: |

| |Demonstrating and executing good vocal skills |

| |Performing A’cappella style in individual and small groups |

| |Analyzing and performing multi-cultural styles of music |

| |The student will exhibit an appreciation for the self-discipline required to become an effective vocalist. |

|19 |Semester Review & Exam |

| | |

|I am looking forward to working with your child and am especially looking forward to meeting you on the “Parent |Thursday, 11/03/11 |

|Grade Card Pick-Up” day 12:45 p.m.-6:00 p.m. | |


MORGAN PARK HIGH SCHOOL 1744 West Pryor Chicago, Illinois 60643 773-535-2550


Instructor: MRS. CAROL MCDANIEL Room: #152 Period: ___

We have read and understand the grading policy, supplies required, and behavior expectations for participation in the Music Appreciation Program.

Student Signature ____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email ___________________________________ or ____________________________________

I can be reached at ( ) ___________________ or ( ) ___________________ during the school day.

Sign, detach and return to Mrs. C. McDaniel no later than _________________________.


Mrs. Carol McDaniel, Instructor


|Week # |Instructional Unit |

|20-21 |Basic Music Theory & Notation |

| |Basic Music terminology and symbols for notation. |

|22-23 |Beat and Meter; Notation & Rhythm; Pitch; |

| |Tonality and Key Signature; & Harmony |

| |Review: 5th-Week Exam & Progress Report |

|24-25 |Instruments |

| |PROJECT: “Instrument Collage” |

| |Families of Instruments String; Woodwind; Brass; Percussion; |

|26 |Keyboards and the Human Voice |

| |Identify student’s vocal classification (Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Baritone) |

|27-28 |Careers In Music |

| |Careers; Avocations; Educational Requirements; Job Availability; and Profiles of notable professionals in music-related |

| |fields. |

| | |


|29-30 |Music of Our Generation |

| |PROJECT: “Musical Artist Collage” |

| |Culture As More Visual, Urban and Global |

|31-32 |Commercials or Teacher-selected Project |

| |Students will write commercial scripts and “jingles” (short tunes written to promote a product). |

| |Commercials will be performed in class. |

|33-37 |Vocal Music Instruction |

| |The student will receive instruction in the following areas: |

| |Demonstrating and executing good vocal skills |

| |Performing A’cappella style in individual and small groups |

| |Analyzing and performing multi-cultural styles of music |

| |The student will exhibit an appreciation for the self-discipline required to become an effective vocalist. |

| |Semester Review & Exam |


| |June 11, 2012 (Tentative) |

Please Note: Weeks of instruction are approximate and subject to change.

|I am looking forward to working with your child and am especially looking forward to meeting you on the “Report |Thursday, 04/19/12 |

|Card Pick-Up” day 12:45 p.m.-6:00 p.m. | |


MORGAN PARK HIGH SCHOOL 1744 West Pryor Chicago, Illinois 60643 773-535-2550


Instructor: MRS. CAROL MCDANIEL Room: #152 Period: _________

We have read and understand the grading policy, supplies required, and behavior expectations for participation in the Music Appreciation Program.

Student Signature ____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email ___________________________________ or ____________________________________

I can be reached at ( ) ___________________ or ( ) ___________________ during the school day.

Sign, detach and return to Mrs. C. McDaniel no later than _________________________.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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