Parent handbook 96-97 -

Benjamin T. Bullock

Elementary School

Parent/Student Handbook


1410 McNeill Rd.

Sanford, NC 27330



We are leaders on TRACK!

Table of Contents

Topic Page

Welcome 3-5

Attendance 6-7


Awards 7

Behavioral Improvement Program 8

Communication 8

Daily Class Schedules 9

Daily Checkout Procedures 9

Dress Code 9-10

Early Dismissal, Delays, Emergency Contact 10-11

Field Trips 11

Fire Drills 12

Flowers/Gifts/Invitations/Celebrations/Food 12

Leader in Me 13

Medication/Health Issues 13-14

Parent Assistant Module 15

Parent/Teacher Organization 15

Parent Volunteers 15

Permission to Print Photograph 16

Permission to Publish Student Work 16

Personal Property 16

Puberty Talk (5th grade) 16-17

School Behavior Goals 18

Student Code of Conduct-Student Discipline 18

School Pictures 19

Student Insurance 19

Student Meals 19-20

Student Progress 20-21

Textbooks and Library Books 21

Title 1: Parent Involvement 21

Tornado Drills 21

Transportation 21-25

Unexcused Tardy/Early Pick Up Policy 25

Visiting our School 26

Withdrawal From School 26


School Employees and the Use of 27

Personal Web Sites/Social Networking

Appendix: Teacher lunch schedules


Dear Bullock Families:

The B.T. Bullock staff would like to welcome you to an exciting year of learning and growing. Our staff is dedicated to living our mission--To love. To learn. To lead.--every day for all children in our care.

B.T. Bullock Elementary is proud to be a Leader in Me school where we model and teach students leadership skills through a culture of student empowerment. B.T. Bullock, and all Leader in Me schools, utilize and teach the timeless principals of personal and interpersonal effectiveness that are outlined by Dr. Stephen Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We are also proud to have AVID—Advancement Via Individual Determination—in our 4th and 5th grade classrooms as we prepare our students for success in college and their careers through research-based instructional practices, personal organization and planning. These innovative programs help us to “begin with the end in mind” as we prepare our students for life in the 21st century while maintaining high academic standards.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with some useful information about our school. Feel free to contact our administrative team, Stefanie Clarke-Principal and Wendy Perrell-Assistant Principal, if you have further questions. We encourage open communication between home and school.

We are proud and delighted to serve you and your child(ren). Welcome to B. T. Bullock Elementary School!


Stefanie Clarke, Principal

Wendy Perrell, Assistant Principal


Why all the trains at B.T. Bullock Elementary?

The town of Sanford exists because two major rail lines—the Western and Chatham lines—met directly behind the historical Sanford rail house. Charles Sanford, a railroad engineer, was a leader in the development of these two railroads that helped put Sanford on the map. Sanford and its residents prospered because they were able to ship such products as bricks, brownstone, and coal around the country.

At B.T. Bullock we are proud of the history of Sanford and the hard-working citizens who built rail lines and trains, grew crops, mined coal, and made bricks to build this great town. The founders of Sanford have provided us with living examples of how to “be proactive, “put first things first, and “think win-win.” At Bullock we want to celebrate the legacy these men and women left behind while cultivating Sanford’s future leaders.

Each day at Bullock, we are becoming LEADERS ON TRACK.

Parent/Student Handbook

Benjamin T. Bullock Elementary School


Stefanie Clarke, Principal

Wendy Perrell, Assistant Principal

Alexandra Dowdy, Treasurer/Secretary

Jennifer Babb, Data Manager

Jennifer Welch, Receptionist

Megan O’Shaughnessy, Counselor

Brenda Phillips, School Nurse

Lee County School Administration

Dr. Andy Bryan, Superintendent

Dr. Jim Atkinson, Sr., Assistant Superintendent, Auxiliary Services

Kelly Jones, Chief Financial Officer

John Conway, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources and Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Carol Chappell, Executive Director of Instruction for Performance

Lee County Board of Education

Mark Akinosho, chair

Sandra Bowen

Dr. Stephen Coble

Patrick Kelly

Dr. Ophelia Livingston

Dr. Lynn Smith

Sherry Lynn Womack

School Board Attorney

Jimmy Love, Sr.

Attendance (Policy Code: 4400 Attendance)

Attendance in school and participation in class are an integral part of academic achievement. Regular and punctual attendance is expected of each student enrolled in the Lee County Public Schools. The State of North Carolina requires that every child in the State between the ages of seven (or younger, once enrolled) and 16 years of age attend school. In addition to other requirement, to receive credit for any course or grades, students must attend each class for a minimum of 164 of 180 days per year. These absences include excused, unexcused, and out of school suspensions.

In order to be counted as present, a student must be at school or at an activity approved by the school, such as field trips. A student must be present at least one-half of the day. If a student does not arrive at school by 11:30, he/she is considered absent even though they may stay the rest of the day. If a student leaves before 11:30 and does not come back to school that day, he/she is counted as absent.

A written excuse signed by the parent or guardian must be presented to the teacher within three days after an absence. Failure to provide a note results in an unlawful (unexcused) absence.

The note should contain the following:

1. The student’s first and last name.

2. The dates that the student was absent.

3. The specific reason why the student was absent.

4. The signature of the parent or guardian.

The superintendent, principal, or teacher may excuse a child temporarily for the following reasons;

• personal illness or injury which makes the student physically unable to attend school;

• isolation ordered by the State Board of Health;

• death in the immediate family;

• emergency medical or dental appointment or such an appointment which has been approved in advance by the principal;

• participation under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding;

• observance of an event required or suggested by the religion of the student or the student’s parent(s) with prior approval of the principal;

• participation in a valid educational opportunity such as travel or service as a legislative or Governor’s page, with prior approval from the principal*; or

• an immediate personal or family emergency, if approved by the principal and if the student has been in attendance for at least one-half of the school day.

* Requests for educational leave should be submitted to the principal at least 1 week prior to the requested absence. All requests for educational leave must be approved by the principal prior to the absence. Students will be required to create a written/oral report covering the objectives of the approval educational opportunity. Please check with your child’s teacher regarding test schedules prior to taking your child out of school for a family trip.

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| | |Excessive Absences | | |

| | |The principal shall notify parents and take all other steps required by G.S. 115C-378 for excessive absences. Students may be suspended for up| | |

| | |to two days for truancy. | | |

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| | |The principal or designee will notify the parent, guardian, or custodian of his or her child's excessive absences after the child has accumulated| | |

| | |three unexcused absences in a school year. After not more than six unexcused absences, the principal will notify the parent, guardian or | | |

| | |custodian by mail that he or she may be in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law and may be prosecuted if the absences cannot be justified | | |

| | |under the established attendance policies of the Board and the State Board of Education. Once the parents, guardians or custodians are notified, | | |

| | |the social worker will work with the child and his or her family to analyze the causes of the absences and determine steps to eliminate the | | |

| | |problem, including adjustment of the school program or obtaining supplemental services. Please see policy 4400 on attendance for further | | |

| | |details. | | |

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| | |AVID | | |

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| | |Bullock 4th and 5th grade students utilize AVID. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. The AVID System | | |

| | |provides training and methodologies that develop students’ critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas. | | |

| | |AVID… | | |

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| | |Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success | | |

| | |Provides intensive support with tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships | | |

| | |Creates a positive peer group for students | | |

| | |Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination | | |

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We love celebrating the success of our students! Students will be recognized each quarter. To be eligible for the A/B Honor roll, the student must have a combination of “A”s and “B”s (at grade level) on report card, with no grade being lower than a “B”. The President’s Award is given in the spring to all students in grades 3-5 with a grade point average of 90 or above for the school year.

1st Quarter Award Celebrations:  November 9th (in class/grade level)

2nd Quarter Awards Celebrations:   February 2nd (in class/grade level)

3rd Quarter Awards Celebrations:  April 13th (in class/grade level)

4th Quarter Award Celebrations: Group awards June 4th K, 1st and 4th grade, June 5th for 2nd grade, June 6th 5th grade graduation and 3rd grade awards.

Please note that dates are subject to change.

Behavioral Improvement Plan

We “put first things first” with academics remaining a priority each and every day. The Behavioral Improvement Program (BIP) is designed to protect the learning environment at B.T. Bullock. Our staff utilize a de-escalation model by Dr. Terry Alderman which focuses on prevention, positive intervention and problem solving prior to referral. Students can be assigned to an alternative setting—called Behavior Junction—when there is a violation of school rules or the Lee County Schools Code of Student Conduct. The program provides a quiet environment where students continue the learning process. It is the intent that these efforts will improve classroom performance, conduct and will improve the student’s academics. We want every student to remain in class if at all possible. Only the principal and the assistant principal can assign a student in-school suspension (ISS) based upon input from the classroom teacher or other school personnel. Whenever a student is assigned ISS, parents will be notified of the reason and the length of time to be served in writing and via a phone call home (see “student discipline” section). Students are permitted opportunities to reflect and get “back on track” for minor offenses through Reflection Stations in homerooms and buddy classrooms prior to being assigned ISS/OSS for chronic disruptions.

Step 1: Classroom redirection (warning)

Step 2: Reflection station in the classroom

Step 3: Reflection station in the buddy classroom

Step 4: Reflection in behavior junction (should not last more than 30 minutes)


If you need to speak to your child's teacher, please try to call between 2:45 and 3:30 PM after instructional hours. At other times, we will take a message or leave a message on the teacher’s voice mail. In the event of an emergency, we will contact your child’s teacher directly.

The YMCA has an office located next to the gym. This office opens at approximately 2:00 each school day. The main YMCA office number is 777-9622.

Daily Class Schedule

7:30 until 7:50 AM Building opens for students and parents Breakfast is served for interested students until 7:50.

Children should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m.

No one is on duty to provide supervision until 7:30.

7:30-8:00 AM Students report to class.

8:00 AM Instructional day begins. PLEASE BE ON TIME!

2:30 PM Instructional day ends

2:30 until 3:00 PM Planning time for teachers.

If you must pick your child up early from school, please do so no later than

2:10 p.m. at the front office due to security issues.

Daily Check In/Out Procedures (Policy Code: 4210 Release of students from School)

The safety of students is a paramount concern of the board and school district. Students are expected to remain at school for the entire time of the regular school day and shall not be released early except for extraordinary reasons and under those circumstances set out in this policy. All requests to leave the building while school is in session must be approved by the principal’s office.

Students should arrive on campus on time to be in the classroom no later than 8:00. Students who arrive after 8:00 are tardy and must report to the school office to check in with their parents. Please see the tardy policy under “attendance.”

Requests to leave school during the day because of illness or other reasons will be routinely checked with the parent or guardian. All students to be excused from school during the school day are to bring a properly written request from home. The parent or guardian should come to the school office to pick up the student. Students will not be released to anyone other than the child’s parent or guardian without the parent or guardian’s prior written consent on the Parent Contact List that is kept on file at the front office. This is also applicable for family and friends who will be eating lunch with a student. Any parent, guardian, or person picking up a student from school must have a current picture ID. Student pick up must take place before 2:10 p.m.

Dress Code (Policy Code: 4301 Student Dress and Appearance)

Students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirement of a safe and beneficial school environment. However, if a student’s dress or lack of cleanliness is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety, the principal or principal’s designee may require the student and the student’s parents or guardians to take appropriate action to remedy the situation. In addition, if a student’s dress or appearance is so unusual, inappropriate, or lacking in cleanliness that it clearly disrupts class and learning activities, the student may be required to change his/her dress or appearance. Individual schools have the discretion to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are appropriate at that school under the terms of this policy.

The Lee County School Board has adopted a Student Dress and Appearance Policy. Individual Schools are given the discretion to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are appropriate under the policy. In all cases, the student will be required to correct the situation before being allowed to return to class. Policy Code: 4301. The following are inappropriate and not permitted:

1. Sagging pants and oversized clothing.

2. Sunglasses and head coverings of any kind are not to be worn inside the buildings.

3. Clothing and accessories, which can be perceived as weapons.

4. Clothing and attire with any symbols or styles frequently associated with intimidation, violence, or violent groups.

5. Clothing and items with messages or illustrations which are lewd, derogatory, indecent, vulgar or advertising any product or service not permitted by law to minors such as drugs, illegal substances, tobacco and alcohol.

6. Clothing, shorts, dresses and skirts which are excessively tight or shorter than mid-thigh.

7. Clothing with excessive holes/rips/tears, see-through materials, strapless, tank and spaghetti tops.

8. Clothing exposing cleavage, midriff and undergarments.

9. Clothing worn inappropriately such as unbuckled belts, inside out or backward, unfastened, pants and skirts not at waistline, rolled-up pants and shoes not tied or secured.

10. Face paint is not allowed unless it is related to school activities or events.

11. Shoes: Students at B. T. Bullock Elementary School will not be allowed to wear any type of shoe with wheels, flip flops, clogs, Crocs, sandals, platform shoes, no heel over ½ inch.

Students must wear closed toe/closed heel shoes and be securely fastened. Tennis shoes are a great choice, because this allows for easy movement and protection. This also allows students to have ideal footwear for the 30 minutes of required physical activity each day.

Early Dismissal, Delays and Emergency Contact

Sometimes we are forced to close school early. Your child's teacher needs to know the arrangements you have made for these occasions.

The teacher needs to know the emergency contact person for those times when you are not available. We need the telephone number(s) of at least one person who knows your child and is willing to be called in an emergency. The emergency contact person should also be someone who can come to school on short notice and in a short amount of time.

Home, work, cellular and emergency telephone numbers should be kept current. This is imperative for the safety of your child! If you move or your telephone number changes, please inform the office personnel and teacher as soon as possible.

When school opening is delayed for more than one hour, breakfast is not served but lunch is served on the regular schedule. If we dismiss early, lunch is still served.

Information concerning closings, delays or early release will be announced on the following stations:

WRAL NBC - Channel 5

WNCN - Channel 17

WLFL – Channel 22

ABC11 WTVD - Channel 11

WWGP 1050AM/WFJA 105.5 FM

WDSG 107.9 FM


Lee County Schools will contact parents/guardians through an automated calling system if school is delayed or cancelled. Bullock parents/guardians may also check our website or subscribe to our Remind text messaging service for up-to-date information about school closings/delays.

Safety is our primary concern. Please use your best judgment when making the decision to bring or send your children to school during inclement weather. If a parent believes it is not safe to send a child to school due to inclement weather, the parent has the right to keep the child at home.

Field Trips

A signed field trip permission form must be returned to the teacher before your child will be able to participate in field trips. The signed permission slips must be returned to school three days prior to the planned activity or your child will not be able to go on the trip. No siblings are allowed on field trips. In most cases, no admission fees or other money for field trips can be refunded. This includes a loss of privileges to attend due to disciplinary action.

Parents who are chaperones for a field trip can sign-out their child from the teacher at the end of the field trip. There is a form for you to document that you have taken your child. You cannot transport or sign-out another child with you.

We believe that some students should be given an alternative educational experience if behavior at school is of such a serious nature that we are concerned about public behavior and safety.

If your child has had any of the following consequences for behavior for the ten school days prior to a field trip, he or she will be given an alternative educational experience on school grounds.

1. Out-of-School suspension (OSS)

2. Bus Suspension for serious behavior such as fighting

3. Two or more days in the Behavioral Intervention Program (BIP/ISS)

Fire Drills

Monthly fire drills are required by law and are important safety precautions. It is essential that when the first signal is given that everyone follows procedures promptly and clears the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. The teacher in the classroom will give the students instructions.

Flowers and Gifts/Invitations/Celebrations and Food

We always enjoy celebrating special events in the life of a child. In order to maintain safety standards, please do not send flowers or gifts to school. Individual gift giving between students is also not allowed at school. Flowers, balloons, and other gifts cannot be transported on the bus and cause a major distraction in the classroom. Students may not be picked up from school in limousines.

Invitations to private parties of any kind will not be distributed at school.

Each teacher may schedule two parties per school year. Birthday parties for individual students are not permitted. Parents may provide light refreshments after 1:05 p.m. on special days with the teacher’s approval in advance. Cupcakes from a bakery or deli and juice boxes are the most popular (and easiest) birthday snack.

Due to federal and state child nutrition guidelines, no food can be brought in to school to be served or sold from 12:01 a.m. until after the last student is served lunch each day (1:05pm). However, each individual student is allowed to bring in a snack to consume for him/herself. Students are encouraged to bring water to school to keep at their desk or in their cubby.

A few years ago, an outbreak of e-coli occurred in a neighboring county from food brought on campus. Therefore, please do not bring home cooked items to be passed out among the students. Items should be store bought. This is important because the food must have been prepared by a source that is inspected regularly by USDA or local health inspectors. Bakery items are the safest.

The following food items are not permitted for students to bring for lunch or snack:

• Soft drinks

• Gum

• Candy

• Fast food items

Leader in Me

The Leader In Me is a model infusing the 7 Habits, leadership skills, and quality tools to create leaders of self by teaching the skills of self-discipline, self-reliance, and self-confidence. Children need to be able to communicate clearly, to work as a team, and to be self motivated and analytical thinkers. You will see and hear The Leader in Me infused in all that we do as we celebrate the leader in every child and teach timeless habits to develop personal effectiveness.

Find out more by reading The Leader in Me Parent Guide



Medication/Health Issues

The Health and Student Information Card (PE card) is required for all students. Students shall not participate in physical education until the card is completed and returned. This includes recess with the classroom.

Medications should be taken at home rather than at school UNLESS a purple “Request for Medication to be Given During School Hours” form is completed and returned to the school nurse. The school district is not required to administer any medication that could be taken at home. The school district shall not be responsible for students who self-medicate. The use of nonprescription medication of any kind on the school grounds is forbidden without following proper procedures as outlined below.

When it is necessary for school personnel to give medications at school, we need the following three things:

Short Term Medications – antibiotics, pain medicine, etc.

1. Note from the doctor on a prescription pad or office stationary which gives the student’s name, date-of-birth, the medication, dose, time and length of time to give the medication.

2. Written request from the parent or guardian.

3. All medications must be in the original, appropriately labeled bottles.

Long Term Medications – asthma inhaler, Ritalin, etc.

1. Doctor and parent must fill out a Request for Medication to be Given During School Hours Form (available at school).

2. School personnel must have this paperwork before giving your child medication at school.

3. All medicines must be in appropriately labeled bottles (from the pharmacy).

Remember that an adult must bring the medication to school. Students are not allowed to carry medications of any type.

When children who are subject to unusual health hazards (such as allergy to bee stings or specific foods) attend school, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that the school administration is aware of the situation and is prepared to implement emergency measures. This information should be included in an individualized written emergency care plan developed for the student and approved by the parent/guardian, physician and appropriate school personnel on an annual basis.

In the event that your child is seriously hurt at school, we will first try to contact you. If you are not available, we will render any first aid necessary to protect your child. School personnel will not medicate or treat beyond their training.

Parents will be informed as soon as possible of any sudden or serious illness or injuries. When parents cannot be reached, the principal will make judgment after consulting with the nursing staff, regarding the need for medical intervention. If it is decided that your child needs to go to the doctor or emergency room, a staff member will accompany him or her and stay with the child until the parent or guardian arrives.

Sick students: If a student becomes sick at school, parents will be notified to pick up the child. Please make sure you have listed phone numbers as to where you can be located for emergency situations. Please do not ask us to keep an ill child at school due to the health and well-being of your child as well as consideration to other children and staff members.

School personnel will call you to come get your child at school if your child has:

o Fever (temperature over 100 degrees)

o Vomiting or diarrhea

o A rash, especially if accompanied by a fever or sore throat

o Generally does not feel well enough to be at school

o Live lice

If your child has a fever (temperature of 100 or above) he/she will be sent home from school. If your child is running a fever please do not send him/her to school. If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea he/she will be sent home. Likewise, if they are vomiting or have diarrhea before coming to school please keep them at home. If your child has been sick, please do not send them back to school until they have been without fever for 24 hours or on prescribed medications or antibiotics for 24 hours for contagious sickness such as strep throat or pink eye. It is very important to keep your child home so that other children will not become sick.

Please send a change of clothes in large plastic bag for your child to keep in their classroom to use in the event that a student becomes sick at school and soils his/her clothing. The guidance office has a limited amount of clothing to loan in these emergency situations. If your child uses clothing from the guidance office, please launder and return it promptly to school.

Parent Portal

The Home Base parent portal is an easy-to-use and powerful tool for parents to use to keep up with their child's grades, assignments and other information. Information in regards to gaining access to parent portal will be available at Open House and in the front office.

Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

All parents are encouraged to be actively involved in our PTO. The PTO provides an opportunity for parents to contribute to the overall success of our school. We would like for each classroom to have a room representative to assist the teacher and work with the PTO. The PTO Thrift Shop is one of the projects sponsored by the parents. We need each parent to volunteer hours to help make the store profitable.

Parents also serve on our School Improvement Team (SIT). The School Improvement Team is responsible for revising the School Improvement Plan and making decisions regarding the school’s programs and activities. Please contact Mrs. Clarke at if you are interested in serving as a SIT member or joining PTO.

PTO Officers for the 2016-17 School Year:

President: Elizabeth Stone

Vice President: Lindsay Tipton

Secretary: Erin Borrell

Treasurer: Gina Bycura

Volunteer Coordinator: Open (please contact Elizabeth Stone at 919-499-7263)

A schedule of the PTO meetings for the school year will be provided at Open House. Please contact Elizabeth Stone at 919-499-7263 if you are interested in volunteering or serving on the PTO board.

Parent Volunteers

Parents are extremely important in the education of our children. When you arrive at the school to volunteer, please sign-in and -out in our volunteer book in the main office. When you check in, you will receive a badge to wear while in the building. Please be reminded that time in the classroom is to assist with tutoring or other tasks to improve the educational environment. This is not the time to conference with the teacher about your child’s performance or to sit and observe.

As a parent, you can assist us by encouraging your child(ren) to always do his/her best in everything he/she does. We want every child to be a leader. Praise your child(ren) for even the small achievements. Let them know that you care by sharing some quiet time with them to discuss their day at school and share an enjoyable reading activity. It is important for all parents to remember…”HOME IS WHERE THE START IS.”

Permission to Print Photograph

The Lee County School System reserves the right to photograph your child at school for use in district publications including, but not limited to, calendars, brochures, district website, promotional materials, advertisements, instructional materials and flyers, unless contacted in writing. Parents should complete the Student Enrollment Information and indicate their wishes in the “media release” section. Written objections to using a child’s voice, name, or image should include the student’s name, school, grade, teacher, date, and the printed name and signature of the parent or legal guardian and filed with the principal within ten (10) days of the receipt of the handbook.

Permission to Publish Student Work

The Lee County School System reserves the right to promote academic work of students for use in district publications including, but not limited to, calendars, brochures, district website, promotional materials, advertisements, instructional materials and flyers, unless contacted in writing. Written objections to printing a student’s work should include the student’s name, school, grade, teacher, date, and the printed name and signature of the parent or legal guardian and filed with the principal within ten (10) days of the receipt of the handbook.

Personal Property

Students are not allowed to trade or exchange any items for money on the B.T Bullock campus including Le County County school buses. This rule is in place to protect student’s personal property and prevent the spread of germs and diseases. Items that should not be traded include, but are not limited to: shoes, clothing, toys, electronics, food and drinks. Students who are caught trading and/or buying or selling items from one another with be subject to disciplinary action.

Fidget spinners and other distracting toys that disrupt the learning environment are not permitted on our campus. If your child has been “prescribed” the use of fidget spinner, please contact the school nurse and provide documentation in writing from a medical professional.

Puberty Talk for (5th grade students only)

Health education is a required component of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Common Core. As part of the curriculum, students are provided instruction relating to their growth and development, including change during puberty. Please see the following parent permission form. If you do not wish for your child to participate in this instructional activity, please sign the form and return it immediately to your child’s teacher.


School Behavior Goals

The teachers and the administration at B. T. Bullock Elementary School believe that a safe and orderly environment is essential for learning to take place. All students at our school are expected to contribute to a scholarly and peaceful learning environment.

Students at B. T. Bullock are expected to adhere to the following school-wide rules:

• T – Teamwork (work together)

• R – Be respectful and responsible

• A – Put academics first

• C – Control self

• K – Keep safe

Students will start their day each day reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the Bullock pledge:

“At B.T. Bullock, we are leaders on TRACK. We use teamwork, are respectful and responsible, put academics first, control ourselves and keep safe.”

Students are reminded of those rules by checking their 4 Hs—their heads, heart, hands and heels. The school expectations are posted throughout the school.

Consequences for minor infractions are determined by the classroom teacher and may include time out, silent lunch, and loss of privilege. Any severe behavior problems such as a fight will result in an immediate referral to the administration. Students causing school disruptions will be subject to disciplinary action. Disruptive students will be removed from class. The behavior policy is based upon the Lee County Code of Conduct.

Student Code of Conduct—Student Discipline

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the Student Code of Conduct. Each school year a current copy of the Student Code of Conduct is made available to students and parents/legal guardians setting forth the disciplinary rules and policies of the Lee County Schools. A full text of the Code of Conduct and board policies is published on the Lee County Schools website

The administration at B. T. Bullock will enforce all rules and guidelines in the Lee County Student Code of Conduct consistently with all students. Please be aware that consequences, including in-school-suspension (ISS) and out-of-school-suspension (OSS) may be assigned to students by both the principal and the assistant principal.

Students cannot bring electronic items to school including cell phones, portable video games, music players, digital cameras, etc. On rare occasions, the teachers will plan a game day. If you decide to send a board game or other item, we cannot assume responsibility for the items. Also, students should not bring items such as perfume to school that may be harmful to others who are allergic when sprayed.

School Pictures

School pictures will be taken twice yearly. The dates are scheduled as follows:

Fall Pictures: September 21st, 2017—Individual Student Pictures

Make-Up for Fall Pictures: November 1st, 2017

Spring Pictures: TBD—Individual Student Pictures/ Class Pictures

Student Insurance

The Lee County School System provides insurance for students at no cost to the parents. The insurance provides a limited benefit accident insurance plan for all students in grades Pre-K through 12; and student athletic participants in grades 7 through 12. Details regarding coverage and enrollment can be found at. .

The insurance group is the QBE Insurance Corporation (1-888-574-6288).

Student Meals

B. T. Bullock Elementary School cafeteria will serve breakfast and lunch daily. The menus appear in the newspaper and a monthly copy will be sent home. You can also access the menu at .

Letters and forms to apply for free and reduced meals are given to every student at the beginning of the year at Open House or when new students enroll. A new form must be completed each year. A child’s status will remain the same for the first 30 days. If a form is not completed,they will be charged full price for their meals. The parent or guardian is notified of the decision regarding lunch status as soon as possible after receiving the application.

We encourage you to prepay for your meals. Parents can learn more about prepayment options at and prepay at . Checks should be made payable to: B.T. BULLOCK CAFETERIA. Pre-payment can be accepted for lunches, not breakfast or supplemental sales (extra milk, extra juice, ice cream, etc). Money for meals and supplemental sales can be taken at anytime. We must have a written, signed letter from parents giving permission to purchase extra items.

We will allow your child to charge his/her lunch on a few occasions, but we do not expect this to be a regular practice. If you have extenuating circumstances, we will work with you. Students cannot charge lunches during the last two weeks of school.

Breakfast is served daily between 7:30 am and 7:50 am. Students are encouraged to bring fruit or other healthy snacks for break time. Carbonated drinks and fast food items are not allowed for breakfast or for lunch in the school cafeteria. Ice cream is sold at lunch according to the individual teacher’s discretion.


Student Lunch Prices

Lunch (full-price) $2.10

Lunch (reduced) free

Breakfast (full-price) $1.50

Breakfast (reduced) free

Student Progress

Report cards are issued four times a year. Progress reports are sent home at mid-quarter. Please review and sign the report cards and progress reports. Parents may request conferences at any time during the school year. Parents and teachers should have a conference no less than two times per year (fall and spring) to discuss academic progress. School wide student led conferences will occur on February 1st, 2017 (dates are subject to change). Third-fifth grade report cards will be distributed at the February 1st conference. Report cards will not be sent home on January 31st. If you cannot attend the conference, please contact your child’s teacher.

Academic grades shall not be lowered because of poor conduct. Behavior problems on the part of the student shall be reflected in his/her conduct grade.

Homework is an integral part of the curriculum at B.T. Bullock Elementary School. Parent participation in going over their child’s homework each night is essential.

Report Card Dates: Mid-Term Progress Reports:

November 8th , 2017 September 26th, 2017

January 31st, 2018* November 30th, 2017

March 29th, 2018 February 22 th, 2018

June 7th, 2018 May 2nd, 2018

* Please note that third-fifth grade report cards will not be sent home on January 31st. They will be distributed during student-led conferences on February 1st.

The progress rating scale/numeric grades for kindergarten through fifth grade are:


E = Excellent Progress-On or above grade level

S = Satisfactory Progress-On grade level

N = Needs Improvement

U = Unsatisfactory

First-Fifth Grade

A = 90-100 (Outstanding)

B = 80-90 (Above Average)

C = 70-80 (Average)

D = 60-70 (Below Average)

F = Below 60 (Failing)

End of Grade Test Levels: 1 or 2 = Fail

3 = Pass (proficient)

4 and 5 = Pass (college and career ready)

Students who do not earn a score of a 3, 4 or 5 on their EOGs should attend summer school. Student promotion to the next grade will be pending completion of summer school and successful completion of the end of grade exam as well as other academic measures.

Textbooks and Library Books

Books are given to students for use from the classrooms and from the media center. Students are allowed to check-out and carry home books from the media center. Open circulation will occur for students during the school day. It is the student’s responsibility to care for and return all books on or before the due date. Fines will be assessed for damaged and lost library books and textbooks. When books are lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to pay fees. Fees are charged based on the original cost of the book and the age of the book.

Laptops will be used daily by students in grades 3-5. Fines will be assessed for damages to the laptops due to student misuse or neglect.

Students may be prohibited from participating in special school events such as field days, field trips, etc. if they owe fees for textbooks, library books, or laptop damages.

Title 1 – Parent Involvement

B.T. Bullock has a strong online presence and tries to send communication through various mediums about upcoming events.  The school Facebook page is updated 3-5 times a week.  It can be found @btbullockbengals. The school utilizes the Blackboard phone communication system as well as email on a frequent basis. You will be able to connect with these systems at Open House or at any time throughout the year. We will hold parent information night in the fall in regards to curriculum and instruction as well as fun community events such as Leadership Day and Fall Festival.  We have parents serving on advisory boards for the county and various committees including the school improvement team. We also have an active PTO board and encourage our parents to become involved in PTO events.


Tornado Drills

The signal for a tornado drill will be an announcement on the school paging system. Students are to follow the instructions of their teacher, report to a designated area and get into a curled position so as to protect their eyes and head. Orderly evacuation to key areas is the safest policy for all concerned. Students are not to return to the classroom until notified by a school official.

Bullock Student Transportation

Car Pool Procedures

The following procedures have been developed to ensure safety on our campus.

1. NEW FOR 2017-18 All parents who intend to pick-up and/or drop-off their child in car pool, will need to get a car pool tag during Opening House or at the beginning of the year. Each family will be provided two car pool tags for free. Additional car pool tags can be purchased in the front office. Cars without a car pool tag will have to sign-out their child from the front office.

2. Students should not be dropped-off prior to 7:30am.

3. Parents and guests should enter and exit the campus using the main entrance closest to Burns Drive, directly beside US 1. The entrance closest to Hawkins Avenue is reserved for staff and buses only.

4. Your children should be ready to exit your car when you arrive on campus in the morning for drop off. Book bags and materials should already be packed.

5. Pull to the cones or close to the car in front of you. We need five or six cars to drop off students at the same time.

6. Your child should exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle to ensure safety. Do not get out of your car and walk around to open the door. Our staff will assist.

7. If you park in the morning, you must escort your child across the crosswalk in front of the building.

8. The tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. If you arrive after 8:00 a.m., a parent must escort the student(s) into the building after you park in the parking lot and sign in at the front office

9. The Bullock staff members on the car rider line are there to ensure student safety. Please follow all directions given by staff members at the car line.

10. Do not pass cars while waiting in line to drop off. Do not pass cars when coming up the driveway. Please be patient in the car rider line as children safety disembark from their vehicles.

11. We request that you please refrain from talking on the cell phone while in the car rider line.

12. When you exit after dropping off your child, circle the entire parking lot to exit. This is the same as the afternoon pickup. Do not exit using the bus driveway. Do not exit by cutting through the parking lot.

13. In the afternoon, we follow the same routes as the morning. We have personnel on duty to supervise. Numbered cones are placed on the sidewalk and the students report to the cone as their names are called. Pull as close to the car in front of you as possible. We load six cars at a time.

14. In order to ensure an orderly and safe dismissal, parents should not park and wait for their student outside the building or take them from the car line at dismissal. All carline students should be picked up from the carline using the procedures listed above. Please remember that it takes more time at the beginning of the year for carline dismissal as students, parents and staff members learn new procedures.

15. Any changes in the normal way a student gets home in the afternoons must be requested in writing to the student’s teacher. There is a transportation change form found on the school website or you can pick one up from the school office. Telephone calls will not be accepted except in the case of a real emergency. Emergency changes must be approved by the principal.

16. Students must be picked up from school no later than 2:50 PM in car pool.

Bus Riders

Eight buses serve B. T. Bullock Elementary School. Your patience and cooperation will be appreciated during the first few days of school as routes and times are adjusted to meet the needs of our students.

The assistant principal will supervise our transportation system. Questions concerning operation should be directed to her. If you need to talk to Mrs. Perrell, please contact the school office at 919-718-0160.

Students shall comply with all appropriate school and county rules while boarding, riding, or leaving the bus. School bus transportation is a privilege, and students may lose this privilege through failure to follow the regulations for student conduct while riding the school bus. School personnel will describe proper bus conduct and safety and give the Student Bus Conduct, Discipline, and Incident sheet to each child during the first week of school. Parents should review and discuss this sheet with their children.

1. Bus riders must comply with the directions of the bus driver at all times, without argument. Safety is the #1 concern of our bus drivers; therefore, all directions given to bus riders by bus drivers are given for safety reasons.

2. Bus riders must sit in their assigned seat, on their bottom, facing the front of the bus when the bus is in motion.

3. Bus riders may not eat, drink, or use writing instruments while on the school bus. Riders may read while on the bus; reading material must not be passed from student to student. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted at school or on the school bus. They will be confiscated and returned only to a parent upon their request.

4. Bus riders should remain quiet while riding the bus. Bus riders that are regularly too loud on the bus will lose their bus riding privilege.

5. Students must respect each other while riding the school bus. Physical altercations (pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, etc.) will result in a suspension of bus riding privileges. Retaliation (“because they pushed me”, etc.) is not an acceptable excuse for physical aggression. Bullying on the school bus, or at school, will not be tolerated.

6. Bus riders must be waiting at their designated bus stop for the bus to arrive in the mornings. Drivers will not blow horns or wait for students to come out of houses in the mornings. Students should dress appropriately for awaiting the bus in inclement weather. Drivers are not required to stop at a bus stop where there are no students in sight waiting. Students that miss the school bus must be brought to school, not taken to another bus stop.

7. Our school buses fill quickly. Riding priority will be given to those students being picked-up and dropped-off at their residence. We try to accommodate pick-up and drop-off at daycares based on bus capacity. Students cannot be picked-up or dropped-off at a business.

8. Parents of K-2 and EC students have the option to decide whether or not there must be an adult present at the bus stop in order for their child to be let off the bus in the afternoons. The adult must be clearly visible to the bus driver for those that choose to require an adult to be present in order for their child to be let off the bus. If no adult is clearly visible to the driver, the student will be brought back to Bullock or taken to Lee Senior or Southern Lee High School, where they must be picked up by a parent immediately. The principal will contact a parent the first time this occurs to discuss the situation. The second occurrence will result in a 2 days bus suspension. A third occurrence will result in a longer bus suspension and reporting of the situation to the Lee County Department of Social Services as required by LCSS transportation policy.

Examples of behavior that are unacceptable on the school bus are:

1. Fighting on the bus

2. Smoking on the bus

3. Using profanity

4. Unauthorized leaving of the bus

5. Talking too loudly, yelling, etc.

6. Standing without permission when bus is moving

7. Throwing paper, trash, or other objects

8. Failure to observe established safety rules and regulations

9. Tampering with bus (damaging, defacing, etc.)

10. Playing on the bus

11. Failure to obey driver’s instructions

12. Delaying the bus schedule

13. Refusing to meet bus at designated stop

14. Not taking assigned seat

15. Eating on the bus

16. Other behavior relating to safety, well being, and respect for others

Consequences for failure to follow bus transportation procedures

The Lee County Board of Education and our school have adopted the following procedures as policy for elementary bus riders. In addition, the principal and the assistant principal have the authority to remove any student from the bus or assign a bus suspension for minor misconduct.

Discipline: 1st offense—Counsel with student; parent notification and maximum 3 days off the bus.

2nd offense—5 days off the bus

3rd offense—10 days off and may be suspended from bus for the remainder of the school year.

4th offense—Student will be suspended from bus for the remainder of the school year.

Administration will provide a written warning to students prior to disciplinary action for minor bus offenses. Warnings will not be given for a major first offense, such as physical aggression, failure to comply with bus driver’s directions, verbal abuse directed towards the driver, throwing items out of or towards a school bus, etc. The first offense for such behavior will result in 3 days off the bus, assigned at the discretion of the principal and assistant principal.

Transportation Changes

The bus routes are established routes with definite stops. The bus drivers do not have the authority to change routes. If you are concerned with any aspect of transportation, please call the school at 919-718-0160. Buses can travel only on state roads and are routed on main or primary roads. Stops must be 2/10 of a mile apart unless there are safety problems.

Due to capacity issues, students are not permitted to make temporary bus changes. If an emergency situation occurs in your home beyond your control and it becomes necessary for your child to be dropped off or picked up at a location other than one previously approved, a written request must be provided to the assistant principal. She will review the request and respond via phone in regards to availability of services.

Transportation changes should not occur frequently. New or revised bus changes may take up to three days to complete. It becomes a safety concern if transportation is changed so often that the teacher and bus driver are unsure how the child will be transported home. Therefore, Bullock administration reserves the right to restrict excessive transportation changes on a case-by-case basis.

Changes to transportation will not be permitted by telephone. If emergencies occur, they will be handled on a case-by-case basis by administration.

Our bus drivers do their best to adhere to their schedule as closely as possible. However, at times unavoidable situations occur that result in delays. The school will notify parents as quickly as possible using the phone notification system when possible.

Bus Safety

The tips listed below will help ensure your child’s safety:

• A primary danger zone is the 10 feet surrounding the bus. When a child is in this area, the driver cannot see them.

• Drivers are instructed to stop 15 feet before a stop and let children walk to the bus.

• Always walk on the sidewalk to the bus stop, never run. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left facing traffic.

• Go to the bus stop about five to ten minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Wait quietly in a safe place well away from the road. The driver will not stop if you are not at the bus stop.

• Wait for the driver to stop completely. Always look left, right, and then left again if you cross the street.

• Enter the bus, in line, with the younger students in front. Hold the handrail while going up and down the stairs.

• If you leave something on the bus, never return to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you return and may begin moving the bus.

• Always cross the street in front of the bus. Never go behind the bus.

• The driver will not allow students to ride on the bus without proper authorization from the school administration.

• Go directly home as soon as you are dropped off by the bus.

Unexcused Tardy/Early Pick Up Policy

Lee County Schools Student Code of Conduct Rule 23

Student attendance is imperative. No student shall be tardy in his/her arrival for school or class, without permission or excuse by school officials. No student who attends school during any portion of any school day shall thereafter leave the school grounds prior to the end of the school day without permission or excuse from school personnel.

The following are recognized as excused tardies/early pick up:

• Personal illness

• Quarantine

• Death in the immediate family

• Medical or dental appointment

• Court or administrative procedure

• Religious observance

• Absences that in the judgment of the principal have an educational value at least as great as that received during an equal amount of time in the classroom and permitted only if a comparable opportunity shall not be available at a time other than during school hours.

• Miscellaneous causes of an emergency nature approved by the principal or assistant principal.

Students who have accrued more than five unexcused tardies/early check-outs during the quarter will be required to stay after school for a Learning Lab to make-up for lost academic time. The after school Learning Lab will be held from 2:30-3:15pm three days a week. Students will be assigned an after school Learning Lab date and time after the 6th tardy is recorded. Parents should make arrangements to pick-up their child at 3:15pm on the assigned date. Late pick-ups could result in in-school suspension (ISS). Parents will be contacted by the principal and/or guidance counselor when 3 tardies/early-check-outs have been accrued to work on a plan to arrive at school on time and remain through the instructional day.

Visiting our School

Parents and other visitors are always welcome at our school. Please report to the office for the appropriate badge as soon as you come on campus. If you do not have a badge, the staff has been instructed to ask you to return to the office.

If you want to observe in your child’s classroom, you must notify us a day in advance. We will suggest times that will meet your needs.

You are welcome to come to school and eat lunch with your child any day without prior notice. Please stop by the front office to get a lunch visitor badge and meet your child in the cafeteria during his/her designated lunch time. Please do not go to the classroom either before or after your child’s lunch in order to protect instructional time.

You may request a parent/teacher conference at any time during the school year. Please call your child’s teacher to make an appointment. In order to meet the instructional needs of students, teachers will not be able to conference with parents before or after school without a prior appointment or on a “drop-in” basis at any time during the school day.

When you visit our school, please park in the front row of parking spaces. They have been designated for you.

Withdrawal From School

Please notify your child’s teacher and the school office at least two days prior to withdrawing your child from B. T. Bullock. The withdrawal procedure is as follows

1. Notify the school in person.

2. A withdrawal form will be given to your teacher by the office.

3. The withdrawal form will be given to the student or parent at the end of the student’s last day of attendance.

4. Please return all textbooks, library books and other classroom books before leaving.

5. Please pay all outstanding charges for the cafeteria, media center, etc.


YMCA after school care is available. Before care may be possible if the YMCA received enough interest from parents. Please call the main YMCA office at 919-777-9622 for detailed information.

School Employees and the Use of Personal Web Sites and Social Networks

All employees must use the school system network when communicating with students including Class DoJo. Employees may not use personal web sites or on-line networking profiles to post information in an attempt to communicate with students.

Employees are to maintain an appropriate relationship with students at all times. Employees should block students from viewing personal information on employee personal web sties or on-line networking profiles. If an employee creates and/or posts inappropriate content on a web site or profile and it has a negative impact on the employee’s ability to perform his or her job as it relates to working with students, the employee will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. This section applies to all employees, volunteers and student teachers working in the school system.

Appendix A: Teacher Lunch Schedules


10:52-11:18 Parker

10:52-11:18 Battle

10:57-11:22 Hamel

10:57-11:22 __________

11:02-11:27 Holt

11:02-11:27 Brauns

First Grade

11:12-11:37 Boggs

11:15-11:40 Stec

11:18-11:43 Slate

11:18-11:43 Velasco

11:21-11:46 Horner

11:21-11:46 Harrington

Second Grade

11:50-12:15 Yarborough

11:50-12:15 Brockhoff

11:53-12:18 Spaulding

11:53-12:18 Roberts

11:56-12:21 Shepard

11:56-12:21 Oldham

Third Grade

12:29-12:54 Townsend

12:29-12:54 Milo

12:32-12:57 Carter

12:32-12:57 Hall

12:35-1:00 Lloyd

12:35-1:00 Johnson

Fourth Grade

12:20-12:45 Waters


12:23-12:48 Sarpong

12:23-12:48 Hovis

12:26-12:51 Mabry

12:26-12:51 Rockwell

Fifth Grade

11:30-11:55 Dean

11:30-11:55 Stone

11:33-11:58 Register

11:33-11:58 __________

11:33-11:58 Ballard


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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