DeKalb School of the Arts

DeKalb School of the Arts

School Council

October 7, 2014

4:00 pm


1. Welcome and Introduction: Vice-Chair Pillow called meeting to order at 4:03. Johnson, Seufert, Pillow, McCauley, Williams and Gevertz present. Haley arrived at 4:28.

a. Members provided brief introductions

1a. School Council Training Video: McCauley played training video accessed through PDSTV-24.

2. Approval of Minutes: May 2014 Motion by Gevertz, 2nd by Williams to accept. Unanimous to accept.

3. Review of By-laws and possible membership term amendment: Due to off year resignation of parent member, a couple of years ago, necessary to allow one member to serve 3 years. McCauley motion, 2nd Pillow, motion passed unanimously. Discussion followed regarding the practice of asking the SGA president and Junior Class president to serve as ad hoc council members (non-voting). Unanimously agreed to continue practice.

4. Election of Officers for 2014-2015:

a. Chair: Gevertz

b. Vice-Chair: Pillow

c. Secretary: McCauley

5. Student Achievement#

*CCPRI – New measure of school

*SAT - To be released Oct 7 – see Attachment #1

Composite: 1581 to 1645


Composite: 21.7 to 23.1

6. Student Attendance data #


Grade |8/12-10/10 |10/11-12/5 |1st Semester |1/7-3/28 |3/31-5/15 |2nd Semester |YTD | |8 |98.82 |98.23 |98.54 |98.31 |99.01 |98.57 |98.61 | |9 |98.08 |98.26 |98.28 |98.22 |98.33 |98.27 |98.35 | |10 |98.40 |97.51 |98.03 |97.09 |98.33 |97.54 |97.89 | |11 |96.78 |97.36 |97.18 |97.71 |97.74 |97.73 |97.51 | |12 |97.19 |96.59 |97.07 |96.31 |96.24 |96.25 |96.80 | |Total |97.91 |97.64 |97.87 |97.57 |98.00 |97.73 |97.88 | |


Grade |8/11-10/3 | |1st Semester | | |2nd Semester |YTD | |8 |98.80 | | | | | |98.80 | |9 |98.39 | | | | | |98.39 | |10 |97.53 | | | | | |97.53 | |11 |98.33 | | | | | |98.33 | |12 |96.90 | | | | | |96.90 | |Total |98.05 | | | | | |98.05 | |

Pillow asked about being to compile data for class (particular content) absences and/or tardies. McCauley believes this can probably be pulled from Infinite Campus.

Gevertz commented on the upgrade in communication and parent access to information from the start of the year.

7. Teacher Attendance# 97.9 for the year 2013-2014

8. New Business

a. Focus for 2014-2015

b. Suggested topics:

i. District feasibility study: McCauley discussed possible upcoming discussions of programming, curriculum, and facilities with district personnel and alignment with K-7 program.

ii. Charter district: As a member of district advisement committee (task force), Gevertz discussed and answer questions regarding the upcoming DCSD BOE vote on Charter System status.

1. Districts have to pick one form

2. Working to give more autonomy to local school for staffing, budgets, curriculum and peripherals

3. Public input/feedback has not been very positive as there has been such a short time for review since the release of the Charter District application.

4. Still questions regarding what it will look like for each school or district if the charter status is approved

5. District seeming to stress that application must be filed by Nov. 1 to take action for 2015-2016 school year.

iii. New assessment system: Georgia Milestones McCauley provided information regarding changes and comparisons of new End of Grade and End of Course assessments.

c. Other discussion:

i. Johnson – question about advisement process. McCauley explained that 9th grade parents and students would meet with counselor later this semester or January at the latest.

ii. Gevertz – seems that more cars picking up students in the afternoon. Orderly, but just more cars.

9. Next Meeting:

December 2, 2014 4 pm

10. Adjourn

#District and State Law required items


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