
Is there any relationship between English level and personal factor? Graduation ThesisPresented tothe Faculty of the Department ofEnglish Language and LiteratureNotre Dame Seishin University In Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirement for the DegreeBachelor of Arts byKana Taguchi2011Contents Abstract1Chapter One: Learner type and personality31.1 Introduction31.2 Learner types41.2.1 Introduction41.2.2 Theories about learner types41.2.3 Solitary learners51.2.4 Detail learners51.2.5 Social learners61.2.6 Communicative learners61.3 Personality61.3.1 Introduction61.3.2 Theories about personality71.3.3 Agreeableness81.3.4 Openness to Experience81.3.5 Extroversion81.3.6 Conscientiousness91.3.7 Neuroticism91.4 Previous research91.5 Research questions91.6 Summary10Chapter Two: Research112.1 Introduction112.2 Questionnaire112.2.1 Introduction to the questionnaire112.2.2 Method11a) Subjects11b) Test design -- the questionnaire12c) Procedure122.3 Results132.3.1 Subjects’ English level132.3.2 Subjects’ attitude toward English classes or learning152.3.3 Subjects’ behavior in dairy life162.3.4 Subjects’ learner type192.3.5 Subjects’ personality192.4 Summary20Chapter Three: Discussion213.1. Introduction213.2. Summary of the result from the questionnaire213.3 Discussion of the results223.3.1 Analysis of the relationships between learner type and English level223.3.2 Analysis of the relationships between personality and English level233.3.3 Analysis of the each learner type’s results253.4 Answering the research questions293.5 Implications313.6 Limitations of the questionnaire313.7 Further research313.8 Conclusion32References33Appendices34AbstractWhen we learn English, we can see some differences about language acquisition among learners. For example, there are differences of English level, even learners learn English from same teacher, and start learning same time. Why the differences of English level are happened? Now, learner’s internal factors are focused on. Therefore, in this thesis, we thought this question from aspects of learner’s internal factor, especially, learner type and personality.The aim of this thesis was to examine relationships among learner type, personality and English level. In Chapter One, we looked at general theory about learner type and personality. Then, in Chapter Two, we looked at questionnaire structure and overall results. The questionnaire consisted of three sections. Section 1 asked students TOEIC score and STEP grade. Section 2 asked 13 questions to know which leaner type students belonged to, and Section 3 asked 36 questions about personality. We classified leaner type into four types; Solitary learners, Detail learners, social learners and communicative learners. Also, we classified personality into five types; Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Extroversion, Conscientious, and Neuroticism. The questionnaire results from 55 subjects at Notre Dame Seishin University students who belong to English department. Subjects are all Japanese female. Finally, we discussed and analyzed about relationships among learner type, personality, and English level. From the questionnaire results we could find learner type, personality type and English level relate with each other. The result of questionnaire showed us that the generosity toward making mistakes is important for English learner. Therefore, English learner shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. Also, we could be expected that English learner needed to flexible thinking such as receiving irregular form of English. Chapter 1: Learner type and personalityIntroductionToday, the world is becoming more globalized. We can easily go other countries, communicate with foreign people, watch foreign TV drama or movies, and see tourists from other countries. As Japan becomes more international, Japanese people have become interested in English and have felt importance of learning English to communicate with foreign people. Now, many people go to English conversation school for their business or overseas travel, and many parents make their children study English before their children enter junior high school. However, there are two types of learner. One is learners who can learn English easily and quickly, and the other one is learners who have some difficulties in English learning. What factor makes these differences?These days, personal factors like motivation, personality, learning strategies, feelings, gender and age are focused on, because people think they are closely connected with English acquisition. Oxford and Ehrman (1993) suggest that teachers of a second language need to identify and comprehend significant individual differences in their learners if they are to provide the most effective instruction possible. What is effective learning? Probably, effective learning depends on people, so we will research the character and learning strategies in this thesis. One important question is whether there is any relationship between personality and learning strategies? Moreover, is there any influence on the English level from learner’s personality or learning strategies? In this chapter, we will look at general ideas of learner types and learner personality.Learner typesIntroductionToday, there are lots of studies about learner type. We can divide learners into some types from various points of views. For example, learners can be divided from the perspectives of English level, age, cognitive styles, and so on. Of course, learning style are different depend on learners. If we can understand our learner type, we can easily know our tendencies of learning, and it makes us easier to learning languages. Now, we will look at some studies and theories about learner types.1.2.2 Theories about learner typesThere are various theories about how to divide learners into types. For example, learners can be divided by their English level, such as Beginner, Intermediate learner, and Advanced learner. Oxford and Erhman (1993) divided learners into two types by learners’ learning styles. One is the people who use a global learning style and the other is the people who use an analytic learning style. The global learning style is a learning style which learns whole things at first, on the other hand, analytic learning style is a learning style which learns details at first. The methodologist Wright (1987) described four different learner styles; the Enthusiast, the Oracular, the Participator, and the Rebel. Both of the Enthusiast and the Oracular learners focus on the teacher, however, the Enthusiast learners focus on goals of the learning group, on the other hand, the Oracular learners focus on personal goals. The Participator learners make a point of the group goals and group solidarity. On the other hand, the Rebel learners focus on their own goals.Keith Willing (1987) suggested four learner types; Convergers, Conformists, Concrete learners, and Communicative learners. Convergers avoid groups, they like alone, and they have confidence in their own abilities. Conformists are students who like learning about language without using language actually. They like non-communicative classes. Concrete learners like learning from direct experience. They are interested in language use or language as communication. They enjoy games and group works. Communicative learners make an importance of communication with others. They don’t like teacher centered classes. In this thesis, we would like to divide learners into four types; Solitary learners, Detail learners, Social learners and Communicative learners which are divided by learners learning strategy. Now, we look at each learner type individually.1.2.3 Solitary learners Solitary learners like studying alone, so they don’t like group works. They prefer learning from books to learning from experience, so they don’t like presentation or discussion. They like a teacher centered class because they can study alone in teacher centered class.1.2.4 Detail learnersDetail learners like thinking complicated problem and puzzles. They like finding rules, so they like learning detailed things like grammar. They don’t like not understanding. They always want to be a perfect. Detail learners similar to solitary learners in some points. Detail learners like teacher centered class and learning from books. 1.2.5 Social learnersSocial learners like studying with their friends, so they like group work. Basically, they prefer learning from experience to learning from books, so they don’t like a teacher centered class. 1.2.6 Communicative learnersCommunicative learners like communicating with foreign people. They make a point of English use, so they like practical work like group work, discussion and presentation. They like learning from experience. They aren’t care about making mistakes.PersonalityIntroductionRecently, as the study of language learning makes progress, internal factors have become focused on. Internal factors are such as motivation, personality, intelligence, and so on. Now, there are many studies about relationships between language learning and internal factors. However, there are very few studies which focused on personality, so in this thesis, we would like to focus on learners’ personality. Theories about personalityThere are various theories about how to divide personality into types. Guilford, invented the personality test which was made by basing on 13 characteristic factors, and then, Yatabe (1954) made new test which was made by basing on Guilford’s study. Yatabe said people have common 12 characteristics; depression, cyclic tendency, inferiority feelings, nervousness, lack of objectivity, lack of cooperativeness, lack of agreeableness, general activity, rhathymia, thinking extroversion, ascendance, and social extroversion. Yatabe used these 12 characteristics to divide people into five types; Average type, Black list type, Calm type, Director type and Eccentric type. Yatabe defined each personality types like the below.?Average type people are very normal people.?Black list type people are unstable people and they often become delinquent when they can’t be blessed by life environment.?Calm type people have stable emotion and also they can easily adapt their feelings to environment around them. However they are negative.?Director type people are apt to show their good aspects of characteristic. This type is regarded as a pleasant characteristic type. ?Eccentric type people tend to neurosis.Eysenck (1965) tried to analyze personality by people’s amount of a person’s extroversion-introversion and neuroticism which are known by focusing on people’s physiological basis of difference among individuals. Today, the big five is a powerful theory to analyze personality. Big five theory is a theory which describe personality through five factors; neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. In this thesis, subjects are divided by into five types by their personality type. The way of dividing them is based on the big five theory. The five types are Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Extroversion, Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism. 1.3.3 AgreeablenessPeople with Agreeableness place stress on atmosphere and they don’t like quarrels with others. They are good at doing group work. They are very kind for their friends. However, they don’t like taking action alone.1.3.4 Openness to ExperiencePeople with Openness to Experience want to do new things or get new knowledge. They don’t fear trying new things or go new circumstances. They always want stimulus things. However, they act emotionally without thinking the consequences. 1.3.5 ExtroversionPeople with Extroversion are good at communicating with others. They are very positive to communicate with people. They are very active people. They like varieties and they lose interests soon.1.3.6 ConscientiousnessPeople with Conscientiousness are diligent people. They don’t like halfway. Sometimes they feel stress easily. They are afraid of making mistakes, they want to be always perfect, and they are proud of themselves.1.3.7 NeuroticismPeople with Neuroticism are unstable people. They are easily annoyed and depressed. Also, they don’t have confidence about themselves. They tend to be afraid of making mistakes and they tend to give up soon. Previous researchGenerally, people think the extroverted people are cut out for learning second language, because they are not afraid of making mistakes and they try to use English actively. However, according to Busch’s research (1982), the introverted people had better skill at aspects of reading, grammar and pronunciation than the extroverted people. Busch said there was no difference in the result of oral examination between the extroverted people and the introverted people.Research questionsAs I mentioned earlier, there were many kinds of learner types and personality types. From now, in Chapter Two we will research about the relationships between learner types and personality types by questionnaire.The research questions are:Is there any relationship between learner types and English levels?Is there any relationship between personality types and English levels?Does the learner type depend on the personality type?SummaryIn this chapter, we looked at general opinion and previous research about learner type and personality types. However, there are many opinions about learner types and personality, moreover, there seems to be no research to research about relationships between leaner type and personality. In Chapter Two, we will look at the results of questionnaire about this, and in Chapter Three, we will discuss about there are any relationships between leaner types and personality.Chapter 2: Research2.1 IntroductionIn Chapter One, we looked at what learner type was and the features of each learner type. We also discussed about how personality was built up, and advantages and disadvantages of each personalities. In this chapter, we will see if there is relationship between learner type and personality by looking at the results from a questionnaire. 2.2 Questionnaire2.2.1 Introduction to the questionnaireThe main aim of this questionnaire was to find if there was a connection between subjects’ learner type and personality. This questionnaire was mainly divided into three sections. In Section1, there were questions to ask the subjects’ TOEIC score and STEP grade to know subjects’ English level, in Section 2, there were 13 questions to ask about subjects’ learning styles to know subjects’ learner type and in Section 3, there were 36 questions to ask about subjects’ personality. At first, we will look at the result of each section. Then, we will compare with their result to find out any relationships between them. 2.2.2 Methoda) Subject58 subjects answered this questionnaire, however three people didn’t answer it perfectly, so the results of 55 subjects were used to find out the relationships between learner type and personality. They were third and fourth year students and belonged to Notre Dame Seishin University, Department of English language and Literature. All of them were female.b) Test design -- the questionnaireThis questionnaire consisted of three sections. This questionnaire was made for this thesis, and questions of section 2 were shared with two seminar members. Section 1 asked students TOEIC score and STEP grade. Section 2 asked 13 questions to know which leaner type students belonged to, and Section 3 asked 36 questions about personality. We classified leaner type into four types; Solitary learners, Detail learners, social learners and communicative learners. Also, we classified personality into five types; Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Extroversion, Conscientious, and Neuroticism. The subjects chose their best answer for each question. The Japanese and English versions of the questionnaire are in the Appendix. The reason why these questions were chosen was to know that if personality effect English ability and bring some differences in learning styles. c) ProcedureAt first, we limited subjects to only third and fourth year students who belonged to the English department at Notre Dame Seishin University. There was no time limitation to complete this questionnaire. The subjects could answer this questionnaire anytime, anywhere. The subjects were all Japanese and they answered the Japanese versions of the questionnaire, so they could understand my questions well. The data were put in excel and analyzed.2.3 ResultsIn this section, we will look at the results of the questionnaire. First, we will look at Section 1 to know subjects’ English level. Secondly, we would like to see the subjects’ attitude toward English learning in order to find out subjects’ learner type from the result of Section 2 of the questionnaire. Third, we will look at Section 3 to see students’ personality. 2.3.1 Subjects’ English levelTable 1 shows the number of subjects who have taken TOEIC.Table 1: Data for the number of subjects who have taken TOEIC.YesNoHave you ever taken TOEIC?3124We asked the subjects whether they have taken they have taken TOEIC or not, and these results were shown in Table 1. According this table, 31 subjects have taken TOEIC and 24 subjects haven’t taken TOEIC. Table 2 showed that which grade the subjects have.Table 2a: Data for the number of subjects who have STEP grade.YesNoDo you have STEP grade?3421Table 2b: Data for the subjects’ STEP grade.STEP gradePre-12Pre-23Which grade do you have?22561According to Table 2, 34 subjects have had STEP grade and 21 subjects didn’t have STEP grade. Two subjects in 34 subjects who have had STEP test had grade pre-1, 25 subjects had grade 2, six subjects had grade pre-2, and one subject had grade 3.Table 3 shows the subjects’ English level.Table 3: Data for the subjects’ English level.TOEIC score899~800799~700699~600599~500499~400399~30021191331In Table 3, the data for the subjects’ English TOEIC level was shown. According to the TOEIC Official Website, the average TOEIC score was like below. Grade pre-1 persons’ average score was 732, grade 2 people were 517, grade pre-2 people were 392, and grade 3 people were 365. In this thesis, we used TOEIC score to know subjects’ English level, however in the case that the subject have taken only STEP test, we converted STEP grade into TOEIC average score. According to Table 3, two subjects had an 899~800 TOEIC score, 11 subjects had a 799~700 TOEIC score, nine subjects had a 699~600 TOEIC score, 13 subjects had a 599~500 TOEIC score, three subjects had a 499~400 TOEIC score, and one subject had a 399~300 TOEIC score.2.3.2 Subjects’ attitude toward English classes or learningTable 4 shows the data for the subjects’ attitude toward English learning by percentage for each question.Table 4: Data for the subjects’ attitude toward English learning.Section 2Strongly agree AgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeI prefer studying alone in class.19.0%39.7%20.7%20.7%0.0%I like studying the details of language. (e.g. grammar)19.0%19.0%17.2%31.0%13.8%I’d rather keeping quiet than saying the wrong answer or making mistake.19.0%20.7%17.2%36.2%6.9%I like to find language rules when I study.24.1%31.0%12.1%22.4%10.3%When I read English books, I try to understand the grammar and meaning perfectly. (I don’t like not understanding.)12.1%24.1%24.1%25.9%13.8%It’s hard to ask someone to help me when I’m in difficulty.0.0%8.6%8.6%48.3%34.5%I don’t care about mistakes when I speak English.13.8%29.3%25.9%19.0%12.1%I prefer learning from books to learning from experience.0.0%13.8%29.3%39.7%17.2%I get tense when I speak in public.43.1%29.3%8.6%12.1%6.9%I prefer a teacher centered class.8.6%22.4%37.9%27.6%3.4%I care about grammar more than the content when I read English.1.7%6.9%17.2%48.3%25.9%I like Oral communication class because I can talk with friend.22.4%37.9%25.9%10.3%3.4%I like Oral communication class because it is useful for communicating with foreigners. 34.5%44.8%13.8%6.9%0.0%In Table 4, the data for the subjects’ attitude toward English learning was shown. In Question 2, 31.0% and 13.8% of the subjects answered that they hated learning details of English like grammar, and question 8 showed 39.7% and 17.2% of the subjects prefer learning from experience to learning from books. Question 13 showed 34.5% and 44.8% of the subjects like oral communication because it was useful for communicating with foreigners. These result showed the subjects wanted to learn English in reality or they wanted to learn not only knowledge but also useful English skill. On the other hand, Question 3 showed 19.0 % and 20.7% subjects were afraid of making mistakes.2.3.3 Subjects’ behavior in dairy lifeTable 5 shows the data for the subjects’ personality by percentage.Table 5: Data for the subjects’ personalitySection 3Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeI often guide or help my friend who is in trouble. 41.4%50.0%8.6%0.0%0.0%I can apologize soon when I make mistake.24.1%56.9%10.3%8.6%0.0%I tend to show my feelings on my face.36.2%22.4%24.1%15.5%1.7%I’m good at talking with people who meet first time.24.1%43.1%10.3%20.7%1.7%I usually want to divide right or wrong clearly.15.5%25.9%27.6%27.6%3.4%I think I’m inferior to others.10.3%32.8%43.1%10.3%3.4%I often boast about things I do well.13.8%34.5%19.0%27.6%5.2%I tend to lose myself in my favorite things.60.3%34.5%1.7%3.4%0.0%Section 3Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeI like to think logically.12.1%19.0%25.9%29.3%13.8%I usually give up the seat to elderly people in train or bus.12.1%41.4%27.6%13.8%5.2%I can easily ask help to someone when I’m in difficulty.25.9%27.6%22.4%24.1%0.0%I often cry when I see the emotional movie or TV program.46.6%29.3%6.9%10.3%6.9%I can make friend easily.15.5%43.1%20.7%19.0%1.7%I usually obey the rules.31.0%41.4%17.2%8.6%1.7%I take action carefully to avoid making mistakes.12.1%36.2%19.0%27.6%5.2%I think my judgment is always fair.1.7%6.9%27.6%44.8%19.0%I’m curious about new things.41.4%37.9%12.1%6.9%1.7%I like solving difficult questions and puzzles.12.1%20.7%32.8%20.7%13.8%I often raise money.5.2%10.3%25.9%29.3%29.9%I sometimes hide my annoying or anger to not break atmosphere.29.3%46.6%15.5%8.6%0.0%I say whatever I want to say clearly.15.5%32.8%19.0%24.1%8.6%I can manage some trouble or difficulty.12.1%29.3%32.8%25.9%0.0%I scold people when other people make mistake.8.6%25.9%29.3%27.6%8.6%I fear what other people say.31.0%48.3%10.3%10.3%0.0%People like me.0.0%25.9%50.0%22.4%1.7%I feel excited when I meet new things.32.8%48.3%13.8%5.2%0.0%I like doing detailed work.29.3%27.6%17.2%19.0%6.9%I often undertake things that people ask me.39.7%50.0%6.9%3.4%0.0%I care about what other people think about me.41.8%40.0%12.7%1.8%3.6%Section 3Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeWhen I talk with friends, I tend to speak than listening.3.6%29.1%30.9%25.5%10.9%I can get along with people I hate.9.1%32.7%32.7%25.5%0.0%I can’t allow any injustice even if the injustice is very small.0.0%30.9%25.5%34.5%9.1%I can’t say “No” even if you don’t want to do.18.2%41.8%20.0%12.7%7.3%I keep doing the things I think it is right, even if I am criticized.10.9%38.2%27.3%23.6%0.0%I have many hobbies.14.5%30.9%18.2%25.5%10.9%I always try to do things perfectly.20.0%38.2%16.4%18.2%7.3%Table 5 showed the data for the subjects’ personality. In Question 1, 41.4% and 50.0% of the subjects answered that they often guide or help their friend who is in trouble. In Question 10, 12.1% and 41.4% of the subjects answered that they usually give up the seat to elderly people in train or bus. Question 28 showed 39.7% and 50.0% of the subjects often undertake things people ask them. The results of these three questions showed that many people have consideration for other people. However, in Question 33 shows 18.2% and 41.8% of the subjects can’t say “No” even if they don’t want to do. This result showed a lot of people can’t say their true feelings because they care about other people too much. In this table shows many people have consideration, on the other hand, it is hard for them to refuse. In Question 3 and 12, many people agree. This result shows they are very obedient and honest in their feelings. 2.3.4 Subjects’ learner typeTable 6 shows students’ learner type.Table 6: Students’ learner typeSolitaryDetailSocialCommunicative616627Table 6 showed how many students belonged to which learner type. The subjects were divided into four learner types according to the results of Table 3. According to this table, 27 people belonged to the Communicative learners, 16 people belonged to the Detail learners, six people belonged to the Social learners and six people belonged to the Solitary learners.2.3.5 Subjects’ personality typeTable 7 shows the students’ personality type.Table 7: Students’ personality typeAgreeablenessOpenness to ExperienceExtroversionConscientiousNeuroticism1426548Table 7 showed how many students belonged to which personality type. The subjects were divided into five personality types based on the results of Table 4. Two subjects belonged to two personality types, so the numbers of total subjects were 57. According to Table 7, 14 people belonged to the Agreeableness type, 26 people belonged to the Openness to Experience type, five people belonged to the Extroversion type, four people belonged to the Conscientious type and eight people belonged to the Neuroticism type,2.4. Summary We have looked at the results from the questionnaire which was divided into three sections. The first section was for looking at students’ English level. The second one was for finding out students’ attitude toward English learning to find students’ learner type. The final section was to find out the students’ personality. In Chapter Three, we will discuss about what these results mean.Chapter 3: Discussion 3.1 IntroductionIn Chapter One, we looked at some kinds of learner types and personality types. We could understand that learners are divided into some types by various viewpoints, such as cognitive style, learning strategies, English levels, age, and gender. In Chapter Two, we looked procedure of questionnaire and overall data. Now, we will discuss the results from questionnaire and find answers of research questions.3.2 Summary of the result from the questionnaireThe questionnaire was composed of three sections. Section 1 was questions about English level, section 2 was questions about learner type, and section 3 was questionnaire about personality. We could divide subjects into four learner types from the data of section 2, and we could divide subjects into five personality types from the data of section 3. By comparing each section’s data, we could find the answer of the three research questions. Research Question 1 was “Is there any relationship between learner type and English level?” The result showed that there were some relationships between learner type and English level. Research Question 2 was “Is there any relationship between personality type and English level?” The result showed there were few relationships between them. Research Question 3 was “Does the learner type depend on the personality type?” The result showed that we could find some differences which learner type the person is by personality types.3.3 Discussion of the results3.3.1 Analysis of the relationships between learner type and English levelWe looked the results of all subjects in Chapter Two and we would like to look at each type’s results individually.Table 8: The data for distribution of English level at each learner typeLearner typeEnglish levelSolitaryDetailSocialCommunicative899~8000(0.0%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)2(9.5%)799~7002(40.0%)0(0.0%)3(75.0%)6(28.6%)699~6000(0.0%)4(44.4%)0(0.0%)5(23.8%)599~5002(40.0%)4(44.4%)0(0.0%)7(33.3%)499~4001(20.0%)1(11.1%)1(25.0%)0(0.0%)399~3000(0.0%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)1(4.8%)Totals5(100.0%)9(100.0%)4(100.0%)21(100.0%)According to Table 8, 40.0% of the Solitary learners answered that they had a 799-700 TOEIC score, 40.0% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score, and 20.0% of them had a 499-400 TOEIC score. 44.4% of the Detail learners answered that they had a 699-600 TOEIC score, 44.4% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score, and 11.1% of them had a 499-400 TOEIC score. 75.0% of the Social learners answered that they had a 799-700 TOEIC score, and 25.0% of them had a 499-400 TOEIC score. 9.5% of the Communicative learners answered that they had an 890-800 TOEIC score, 28.6% of them had a 799-700 TOEIC score, 23.8% of them had a 699-600 TOEIC score, 33.3% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score, and 4.8% of them had a 399-300 TOEIC score. According to Table 8, only Communicative learners had an 899-800 TOEIC score. However, there was no fact that only Communicative learners had remarkably high score than the other learner type. However, Detail learners had slightly lower score than the other learner type peoples’ score. For example, 40.0% of the Solitary learners, 75.0% of the Social learners and 38.1% of the Communicative learners had an over 700 TOEIC score. On the other hand, there were no people who had an over 700 TOEIC score in Detail learners. Basically, Detail learners tend to want to find rules or patterns when they study. However, English doesn’t always have regular form. When we learn English, sometimes we need flexible thinking. Also Detail learners tend to want to be always perfect, so they tend to hate making mistakes. However, other learner types’ people, especially Communicative learners are not afraid of making mistakes than Detail learners, so it can be expected that Detail learners had lower score than people who belong to the other learner type.3.3.2 Analysis of the relationships between personality and English levelWe would like to look at distribution of English level at each personality type.Table 9: The data for distribution of English level at each personality typePersonalityTOEIC scoreAgreeablenessOpenness to ExperienceExtroversionConscientiousnessNeuroticism899~8001(11.1%)2(9.5%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)799~7003(33.3%)5(23.8%)2(50.0%)0(0.0%)1(20.0%)699~6003(33.3%)3(14.3%)1(25.0%)1(50.0%)1(20.0%)599~5001(11.1%)9(42.9%)1(25.0%)1(50.0%)2(40.0%)499~4001(11.1%)1(4.8%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)1(20.0%)399~3000(0.0%)1(4.8%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)Totals9(100.0%)21(100.0%)4(100.0%)2(100.0%)5(100.0%)According to Table 9, 11.1% of the Agreeableness people had an 899-800 TOEIC score, 33.3% of them had a 799-700 TOEIC score, 33.3% of them had a 699-600 TOEIC score, 11.1% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score, and 11.1% of them had a 499-400 TOEIC score. 9.5% of the Openness to Experience people had an 899-800 TOEIC score, 23.8% of them had a 799-700 TOEIC score, 14.3% of them had a 699-600 TOEIC score, 42.9% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score, 4.8% of them had a 499-400 TOEIC score, and 4.8% of them had a 399-300 TOEIC score. 50.0% of the Extroversion people had a 799-700 TOEIC score, 25.0% of them had a 699-600 TOEIC score, and 25.0% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score. 50.0% of the Conscientiousness people had a 699-600 TOEIC score, and 50.0% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score. 20.0% of the Neuroticism people had a 799-700 TOEIC score, 20.0% of them had a 699-600 TOEIC score, 40.0% of them had a 599-500 TOEIC score, and 20.0% of them had a 499-400 TOEIC score.According to Table 9, a lot of people were distributed between 699-500 TOEIC score through each learner type. However, only Conscientiousness type didn’t have person who had more than 700 TOEIC score. Conscientiousness people are the people who like thinking logically and they are perfection. Therefore, they want to be divide things into right or wrong. However, sometimes English is not logical, and it’s not clear if English is right or wrong, so we can expect that Conscientiousness people had lower score than the other personality type people. Besides, it is a very interesting thing that the percentage of people who have taken TOEIC or STEP test in the Openness to Experience and the Extroversion type was higher when we compared with that of the other type. Actually, the percentage of people who have taken TOEIC or STEP test in the Openness to Experience and the Extroversion was over 80.0%, however the percentage was only around 50.0% in the other personality types. Openness to Experience people like new things and they want to be use them at once, and Extroversion people are good at adopting new circumstances and they like communicating with others. It can be expected that the people who have motivation that they want to try new language and communicate with others tend to try TOEIC or STEP test more than people who have other motivation.3.3.3 Analysis of the each learner type’s resultsWe looked the overall results of questionnaire in Chapter Two, and we would like to look at each learner type’s results individually to research about the relationships among learner type, personality type and English level. In Chapter Two, subjects were divided into each learner type and each personality type. Table 10 is the table which shows which learner type people belong to which personality type. Table 10: The data for which learner type person belongs to which personality type.Learner type Personality typeSolitaryDetailSocialCommunicativeAgreeableness2(33.3%)4(25.0%)2(33.3%)6(20.7%)Openness to Experience1(16.7%)5(31.3%)3(50.0%)17(58.6%)Extroversion2(33.3%)1(6.3%)0(0.0%)2(6.9%)Conscientiousness0(0.0%)3(18.8%)0(0.0%)1(3.4%)Neuroticism1(16.7%)3(18.8%)1(16.7%)3(10.3%)Totals6(100.0%)16(100.0%)6(100.0%)29(100.0%)According to Table 10, 33.3% of the Solitary learners belonged to Agreeableness type, and also the other 33.3% of them belonged to the Extroversion type. Only 16.7% of them belonged to the Openness to Experience type and the Neuroticism type. 31.3% of the Detail learners belonged to the Openness to Experience type, it was the highest percentage in personality type which was chosen by Detail learners. 25.0% of the Detail learners belonged to the Agreeableness type, and 18.8% of them belong to the Neuroticism and the Conscientiousness type. Only 6.3% of the Detail learners belonged to the Extroversion type. 50.0% of the Social learners belonged to the Openness to Experience type, and 33.3% of them belonged to the Agreeableness type. 16.7% of the Social learners belonged to the Neuroticism type. There were no people who belonged to the Extroversion and the Conscientiousness type. There were two people of the Communicative learners who belonged to two personality types, so total number was 29 in this category. 58.6% of the Communicative learners belonged to the Openness to Experience type. 20.7% of the Communicative learners belonged to the Agreeableness type, 10.3% of the Communicative learners belonged to the Neuroticism type, 6.9% of them belonged to the Extroversion type, and only 3.4% of them belonged to the Conscientiousness type. According Table 10, Detail, Social and Communicative learners showed the highest percentages in the Openness to Experience type among all personality types. Especially, over half of Social and Communicative learners belonged to the Openness to Experience type. English is new language for Japanese people, so the students who are learning English have high curiosity without relating with learner type. Besides, Social and Communicative learners like learning from experience, so they like trying new things more than other learner type. The most interesting thing is that 18.8% of people who belonged to the Conscientiousness type in Detail learners. 18.8% was a higher percentage than other learner types’ percentages. Conscientiousness type is nervous and perfectionist, that is why Detail learners were highest percentage in Conscientiousness. Below table is the table which shows which personality type is the lowest numerical value by each learner type. Table 11: The data for number of the most remote personality type.Learner typePersonality typeSolitaryDetailSocialCommunicativeNot Agreeableness2(33.3%)2(12.5%)0(0.0%)1(3.7%)Not Openness to Experience0(0.0%)2(12.5%)0(0.0%)0(0.0%)Not Extroversion2(33.3%)4(25.0%)1(16.7%)5(18.5%)Not Conscientiousness1(16.7%)3(18.8%)2(33.3%)14(51.9%)Not Neuroticism1(16.7%)5(31.3%)3(50.0%)7(25.9%)Totals6(100.0%)16(100.0%)6(100.0%)27(100.0%)According to Table 11, 33.3% of the Solitary learners showed the lowest numerical value in the Agreeableness type. It meant they were the remotest from the Agreeableness type. 33.3% of the Solitary learners were the remotest from the Extroversion, 16.7% of them were the remotest from the Conscientiousness type, and 16.7% of them were the remotest from the Neuroticism type. 12.5% of Detail learners were the remotest from the Agreeableness type, 12.5% of them were the remotest from the Openness to Experience type, 25.0% of them were the remotest from the Extroversion type, 18.8% of them were the remotest from the Conscientiousness type, and 31.3% of them are the remotest from Neuroticism type. 16.7% of the Social learners were the remotest from the Extroversion type, 33.3% of them were the remotest from the Conscientiousness type, and 50.0% of them were the remotest from the Neuroticism type. 3.7% of the Communicative learners were the remotest from the Agreeableness type, 18.5% of them were the remotest from the Extroversion type, 51.9% of them were the remotest from the Conscientiousness type, and 25.9% of them were the remotest from the Neuroticism type, According to Table 11, over 50.0% of the Communicative learners were the remotest from the Conscientiousness type. It meant that Communicative learners were generous to making mistakes, besides, there was no person who was the remotest from the Openness to Experience type in the Communicative learners. Basically, Communicative learners like communicating with other people, and they make a point of English use, so they tend to try to use things that they learn in dairy life. Therefore, it can be said that Communicative learners tend to not afraid of making mistakes and they are very curious about new things. Also, about Social learner, there were no people who were the remotest from the Agreeableness type. Social learners tend to take action with their friends, and they like group work when they study, so we can guess that they are good at cooperating with others. On the other hand, 33.3% of the Solitary learners were the remotest from the Agreeableness type. Solitary learners like studying alone, so we can guess that they are not good at cooperating with other people.3.4 Answering the research questionsIs there any relationship between learner type and English level?We could find Detail learners had lower TOEIC score than other learner types’ people. Detail learners always want to be a perfect, so they are not generous about making mistakes. Also, Detail learners are good at finding rule or pattern when they study. However, English is not always regular. Moreover, Detail learners like looking at language structure or grammar very carefully than looking at whole meaning of sentences at once, so it is expected that Detail learners are not good at solving questions in short time like TOEIC test or STEP test. From these points, we can guess that Detail learners have lower score than the other types’ people. 2. Is there any relationship between personality type and English level?There were not clear relationships between personality types and English level, however Conscientiousness persons’ English level was slightly low comparing with other personality type persons’ English level. It can be expected that the Conscientiousness people have some disadvantages in English learning, because they like thinking logically, and they want to divide things into right or wrong.3. Does the learner type depend on the personality type?We could find that many people belonged to the Openness to Experience type from each learner types. It is guessed that English are new language for Japanese people, so people who study English are curious about new things without relating with learner types. However, the people who are good at cooperating with others tend to belong to the Social learners, and the people who belong to the Conscientious type tend to belong to the Detail learner. On the other hand, the remotest person from Conscientious type tends to belong to the Communicative learners. It can be expected that when we are communicating with others, if we are afraid of making mistakes, we couldn’t utter anything.3.5 ImplicationsWe have looked at the result of questionnaire in Chapter Two and discussed about the result in this chapter. It could be expected that many personality factors relate with learner type, especially generosity toward making mistakes has close relationship between subjects’ English levels and learner types. Therefore, understanding learner’s personality is important for both of teacher and learners. Also, teacher shouldn’t always point out leaner’s errors to reduce fear of making mistakes and it is important to give learners chances to use English.3.6 Limitations of the questionnaireThere were several limitations in the questionnaire which we should refer to in this thesis. Firstly, all subjects were female who major in English at Notre Dame Seishin University, because there were some differences between male’s brain and female’s brain, so we could easily predict that the result was apt to be influenced by gender, if male took the questionnaire. Also, if the subjects were from various majors, probably we couldn’t get appropriate data. Secondly, the subjects were all Japanese. If subjects were other countries, the results reflected the differences of culture. However, this thesis propose was finding out relationships between learner types and personality types. Thirdly, some people have never taken both TOEIC and STEP test, so we couldn’t know all subjects’ English level. 3.7 Further researchIn this thesis, we asked 55 subjects questionnaires, and divided them into four learner types and five personality types. However, the number of subjects varied widely, for example, there were 27 people who belonged to the Communicative type, however on the other hand, there were only six people who belonged to the Solitary type. Therefore, it was difficult to analyze correctly, so next time, we should have the same number of subjects at each group. Moreover, English level related with not only personality and learner type, but also the length of studying English, motivation and so on. Therefore, we should ask subjects their backgrounds of English learning more carefully.3.8 ConclusionWe looked at results of questionnaires in Chapter Two, and we discussed and analyzed about the relationships among learner type, personality type and English level in this chapter. Of course there are many other factors which is relating with learner type, personality type and English level. However, we could know learner type, personality type and English level relate with each other. The result of questionnaire shows us that flexible thinking to receive irregular form of English and the generosity toward making mistakes is important for English learner. Therefore, English learner shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. Also, it is a very important thing that we know our personality and learner type correctly, because understanding our personality and learner type tells us our tendencies when we study, and our strength and weak points. ReferencesBrunas-Wagstaff, J. 1998. Personality : a cognitive approach. London: Rourledge Harmer. J. 2009. The Practice of English Language Teaching, Forth Edition. England: Longman.Harmer, J. 2004. How to Teach English. England: Longman.Hurd. S. and Lewis. T. 2008. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings, First Edition. UK: Multilingual Matters.Jones, Mari C. and Esch. E. 2002. Language change: the interplay of internal,external, and extra-linguistic factors. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.Schiefelbusch, Richard L. Copeland, Ross H. and Smith, James O. 1967. Language and mental retardation empirical and conceptual considerations. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.TOEIC(R)公式ホームページ. 8 September 2010. < ;学習者論 学習者の個人差と第2言語学習. 8 September 2010. < 1実用英語検定やTOEICを受けたことがあれば、スコアを教えてください。実用英語検定:           TOEIC:     これはあなたの学習スタイルに関する質問です。次の番号からもっともあなたに近いものを選んで、その番号を丸で囲んでください。12345よく当てはまる当てはまるどちらとも言えない当てはまらない全く当てはまらない 授業中は一人で勉強する方が好きだ。1?2?3?4?5言語の細かいことを勉強するのが好きだ。(例:文法など)1?2?3?4?5間違った答えを言うくらいなら、発表しない方だ。1?2?3?4?5言語の規則やルールを見つけて勉強するのが好きだ。1?2?3?4?5英語の本を読んでいる時、文法や単語の意味を完璧に理解しようとする。(理解できないことがあるとイライラする。) 1?2?3?4?5授業中に困ったことがあった時、人に助けを求めるのは苦手である。1?2?3?4?5英語で話している時、間違っても気にしない方だ。1?2?3?4?5英語を聞いたり話したり、経験的に勉強するよりも、本から勉強する方が好きだ。1?2?3?4?5大勢の前で話すのは緊張する。1?2?3?4?5生徒同士で話し合ったり考えたりするのではなく、先生が中心となって進める講義形式の授業の方が好きだ。1?2?3?4?5英語を読んでいる時、内容よりも文法を理解しようとする。1?2?3?4?5友達と話すことが出来るので、オーラルコミュニケーションが好きだ。1?2?3?4?5外国人とコミュニケーションするのに役立つので、オーラルコミュニケーションが好きだ。1?2?3?4?5ここからはあなたの性格に関する質問です。次の番号からもっともあなたに近いものを選んでその番号を丸で囲んでください。12345よく当てはまる当てはまるどちらとも言えない当てはまらない全く当てはまらない困っている友達がいたら、相談に乗ったり助けたりする方だ。1?2?3?4?5間違ったり失敗した時には、すぐに謝ることができる。1?2?3?4?5感情が顔に出やすい方だ。1?2?3?4?5初対面の人とでも気軽に話すことができる。1?2?3?4?5良い悪いの区別ははっきりつけないと気が済まない方だ。1?2?3?4?5自分は他人より劣っていると思う。1?2?3?4?5上手くいったことを自慢したがる方だ。1?2?3?4?5好きなことには夢中になる方だ。1?2?3?4?5論理的に考えるのが好きだ。1?2?3?4?5バスや電車で高齢者に席を譲る。1?2?3?4?5困ったことがあれば、抵抗なく周りに助けを求めることができる。1?2?3?4?5涙もろい方だ。1?2?3?4?5誰とでもすぐに友達になることができる。1?2?3?4?5規則はよく守る方だ。1?2?3?4?5失敗をしないためによく考えてから行動する。1?2?3?4?5自分の判断はいつも正しいと思う。1?2?3?4?5好奇心旺盛である。1?2?3?4?5難しい問題や、なぞなぞを解くのが好きである。1?2?3?4?5よく募金する。1?2?3?4?5場の雰囲気を壊さないために、怒りを表に出さないことがある。1?2?3?4?5思ったことははっきり言う方だ。1?2?3?4?5トラブルや困難を上手く処理できるほうだ。1?2?3?4?5他人がミスをするとイライラする。1?2?3?4?5他人の意見が気になる。1?2?3?4?5私は周りの人から好かれていると思う。1?2?3?4?5新しいことを始める時、わくわくする。1?2?3?4?5細かい作業が好きだ。1?2?3?4?5人から頼まれたことは大抵引き受ける。1?2?3?4?5他人が自分のことを何と思っているか気にする方だ。1?2?3?4?5友達と話している時、聞き役というよりは話す方だ。1?2?3?4?5苦手な人とでも上手く付き合える方だ。1?2?3?4?5どんな小さな不正でも見逃すことはできない方だ。1?2?3?4?5嫌なことを嫌だと言えず、断れないことがよくある。1?2?3?4?5例え他人に非難されても、自分が正しいと思ったことはやる。1?2?3?4?5趣味が多い方だ。1?2?3?4?5何でも完璧にやりたがる方だ。1?2?3?4?5Appendix 2If you have taken these tests please write down the score.STEP TEST TOEIC   This questionnaire is about your learner type. Please circle one.12345Strongly agreeagreeNeither agree nor disagreedisagreeStrongly disagree I prefer studying alone in class.1?2?3?4?5I like studying the details of language.(e.g. grammar )1?2?3?4?5I’d rather keeping quiet than saying the wrong answer or making mistake.1?2?3?4?5I like to find language rules when I study.1?2?3?4?5When I read English books, I try to understand the grammar and meaning perfectly. (I don’t like not understanding.)1?2?3?4?5It’s hard to ask someone to help me when I’m in difficulty.1?2?3?4?5I don’t care about mistakes when I speak English.1?2?3?4?5I prefer learning from books to learning from experience.1?2?3?4?5I get tense when I speak in public.1?2?3?4?5I prefer a teacher centered class.1?2?3?4?5I care about grammar more than the content when I read English.1?2?3?4?5I like Oral communication class because I can talk with friends.1?2?3?4?5I like Oral communication class because it is useful for communicating with foreigners.1?2?3?4?5In this section please think of your personality. Please circle one.12345Strongly agreeagreeNeither agree nor disagreedisagreeStrongly disagreeI often guide or help my friend who is in trouble. 1?2?3?4?5I can apologize soon when I make mistake.1?2?3?4?5I tend to show my feelings on my face.1?2?3?4?5I’m good at talking with people who meet first time.1?2?3?4?5I usually want to divide right or wrong clearly.1?2?3?4?5I think I’m inferior to others.1?2?3?4?5I often boast about things I do well.1?2?3?4?5I tend to lose myself in my favorite things.1?2?3?4?5I like to think logically.1?2?3?4?5I usually give up the seat to elderly people in train or bus.1?2?3?4?5I can easily ask help to someone when I’m in difficulty.1?2?3?4?5I often cry when I see the emotional movie or TV program.1?2?3?4?5I can make friend easily.1?2?3?4?5I usually obey the rules.1?2?3?4?5I take action carefully to avoid making mistakes.1?2?3?4?5I think my judgment is always fair.1?2?3?4?5I’m curious about new things.1?2?3?4?5I like solving difficult questions and puzzles.1?2?3?4?5I often raise money.1?2?3?4?5I sometimes hide my annoying or anger to not break atmosphere.1?2?3?4?5I say whatever I want to say clearly.1?2?3?4?5I can manage some trouble or difficulty.1?2?3?4?5I scold people when other people make mistake.1?2?3?4?5I fear what other people say.1?2?3?4?5People like me.1?2?3?4?5I feel excited when I meet new things.1?2?3?4?5I like doing detailed work.1?2?3?4?5I often undertake things that people ask me.1?2?3?4?5I care about what other people think about me.1?2?3?4?5When I talk with friends, I tend to speak than listening.1?2?3?4?5I can get along with people I hate.1?2?3?4?5I can’t allow any injustice even if the injustice is very small.1?2?3?4?5I can’t say “No” even if you don’t want to do.1?2?3?4?5I keep doing the things I think it is right, even if I am criticized.1?2?3?4?5I have many hobbies.1?2?3?4?5I always try to do things perfectly.1?2?3?4?5 ................

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