Cowtown Map


Drinking Fountains

Diaper Changing Stations


Picnic Area

Wichita's Beginnings Residential District Industrial District

Old Town District Business DIstrict Agricultural District

1. J.R. Mead Trading Post ? Heller Cabin 2. Nomadic Indigenous Trading Camp 3. Cowboy Cattle Drive Camp 4. Orientation Building 5. Trapper's Cabin 6. Munger House 7. Finlay Ross Furniture Shop 8. Harness and Saddlery 9. Baldwin Photographic Gallery & Library 10. Klentz Dressmaking and Millinery 11. First Arkansas Valley Bank 12. Jail 13. General Store 14. Thomas Shaw Music Store 15. Blood Family Homestead 16. 1880 DeVore Farm 17. Empire House Theatre 18. Zimmerly Hardwares ? Exterior Only 19. G.A. Millar Blacksmith Shop 20. Marshal's Office 21. Meat Market 22. Arkansas Valley Scale House 23. Grain Elevator 24. Wichita and Southwestern Depot 25. Wolf House and Herb Area ?

Maintained by K-State Master Gardeners 26. Livery Stable and Veterinarian's Office 27. Eagle Cornice Works 28. Wichita Carriage Works Repository 29. Masonic Lodge 30. Turnverein Hall 31. Southern Hotel 32. Fritz Snitzler's Saloon 33. J.P. Allen Drug Store, Doctor and Dentist 34. Land Office 35. O'Hara's Barber Shop 36. Fechheimer's Dry Goods and Clothing 37. Wichita City Eagle Print Shop 38. Gill Mortuary 39. Carpenter Shop 40. One-Room School 41. McKenzie House 42. Story-and-a-Half House 43. Murdock House 44. Hodge House 45. First Presbyterian Church

Please do not cross barriers in our buildings! Cowtown maintains artifacts for posterity and

improper handling can cause irreversible damage.


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